
What are the benefits of raising cyclamen at home?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cyclamen can not only decorate the environment and beautify the home, but also purify the air. It is a rare indoor potted plant. Moreover, the proportion of cyclamen cultivated in soilless culture has greatly increased in recent years. This kind of cyclamen is clean and beautiful, and is welcomed by the majority of flower lovers. 1. Beautify the environment

Cyclamen can not only decorate the environment, beautify the home, but also purify the air. It is a rare indoor potted plant. Moreover, in recent years, the proportion of soilless cyclamen has increased greatly into the market. Such cyclamen clean, beautiful, but also by the majority of flower lovers welcome.

1. Beautify the environment. Cyclamen for perennial herbs, tuber oblate, leaf heart-shaped, its flower-shaped strange, petals upward roll, similar to rabbit ears, also known as rabbit ears. Its colors are white, red, purple, orange red and red edge white heart, and some also with fragrance. Its flowering period lasts for half a year and is popular with people. Cyclamen suitable for potted viewing, can be placed indoor layout, especially suitable for home decoration in the sun on several shelves, desks.

2. The implication is good. The name cyclamen is easy to associate with "cyclamen flying to", placed in this way-pots of bright colors, meaning good cyclamen in the living room, showing the good quality of the host's hospitality.

3. Eliminate fatigue. Pleasant green in the field of vision if occupied 25%, can eliminate the physiological fatigue of the eyes. Therefore, indoor green plants have not only played a role in the decoration of the room, creating a good indoor environment, pleasing to the eye, satisfying people's psychological requirements, but also enabling people to relax in the tense work. Volatile substances released by aromatic plants to adjust mood have a good regulatory effect on people's mood. Some flowers emit fragrance that can change people's listless state and cheer up, while others have the effect of calming and helping sleep.

4. Purify the environment. Cyclamen has a strong resistance to sulfur oxide, a toxic gas in the air. We all know that indoor air quality is very important to human health, so some air purifiers, adsorbents and humidifiers to adjust indoor air humidity have appeared. In fact, green plants also have similar functions to these advanced equipment, and they also have beautiful shapes, fresh colors and vigorous vitality. Then you may wish to raise a few pots of plants in your room as a natural air purifier. Its leaves can absorb sulfur oxide and convert it into non-toxic or low-toxic sulfate and other substances through oxidation.

What are the benefits of home farming cyclamen

The role of cyclamen viewing

Cyclamen is known as the king of pot flowers, cyclamen beautiful plant type, lush flowers, with floral varieties, very suitable for potted viewing. It can be placed on a sunny stand indoors, on a desk. Cyclamen can also be potted with soilless cultivation methods, the plot is charming, more suitable for home decoration.

purify the air

Cyclamen can absorb harmful gases such as oxygen in the air. Cyclamen absorbs sulfur dioxide through its leaves and converts it into non-toxic or low-toxic sulfates by flower cultivation. Cyclamen, like all plants, absorbs carbon dioxide, releases oxygen, and increases the negative ion content and humidity of the air.

regulate emotions

Cyclamen varieties release a soothing aroma that relaxes people during stressful work. Cyclamen release flowers, can regulate people's mood, let us more full of energy, vitality. Cyclamen also has a calming effect, and cyclamen can regulate indoor humidity, thereby increasing skin moisture.

Fengshui function living room

Cyclamen symbolizes the auspicious meaning of welcoming distinguished guests and praying for good luck. It allows visitors to feel welcome. And keep your family safe and happy.


Cyclamen can inject life and vitality into the restaurant, adding a cheerful atmosphere, will make the restaurant full of vitality, appetizing.


The study is a quiet and elegant place, and the plants have the function of quietness and tranquility.


Cyclamen is not only a good ornamental plant, but also can provide us with a warm, happy. Healthy living environment adds vitality and vitality to the room

Is cyclamen poisonous? Is cyclamen poisonous? What does cyclamen do?

Cyclamen, as its name suggests, is a distant cyclamen. Is cyclamen poisonous? In fact, as soon as I heard the name cyclamen, I knew it must be a good thing. Is it poisonous? Is it beneficial or harmful to the human body? Although roses are beautiful, they also have thorns. Here, please follow Xiaobian to simply understand whether cyclamen is poisonous! Cyclamen poisonous? As the saying goes, the more beautiful things are, the more dangerous they are. Don't look at cyclamen so beautiful. In fact, it has certain toxicity, especially in the rhizome department. If you eat it by mistake, it may lead to diarrhea, vomiting and other symptoms. If you are not careful, skin contact may cause skin redness and itching, but as long as you don't touch or eat its rhizome, it will be fine. If cyclamen is poisonous, how can it be so popular? Isn't it harmful to keep it indoors? In fact, although cyclamen is poisonous, it is only part of the underground roots, flowers and leaves are not poisonous. And as long as it is placed in indoor ventilation will be fine. So cyclamen can be put in the bedroom, but because of photosynthesis it is best to remove cyclamen at night. Indoor and outdoor air quality is now very important to our health, and the most natural and primitive air purifier is a plant, and the fairy guest is one of them. As an ornamental flower, cyclamen has few uses: first, cyclamen purifies the air. Cyclamen has a strong resistance to sulfur dioxide, a toxic gas in the air. Its leaves can absorb sulfur dioxide and convert it into non-toxic or low-toxic sulfates through oxidation. Second: cyclamen suitable for potted viewing, can be placed indoors, especially suitable for home decoration in the sun on several shelves, desks. Because of its beautiful appearance, chic, colorful flowers Sheng, favored by people. Third: the aroma of cyclamen refreshing. Cyclamen is placed in the office, which can relieve eye fatigue of busy people, adjust mood and relieve work fatigue. Pots are the office worker's first choice. Conclusion: Cyclamen, known as the "Queen of Potted Flowers", not only looks beautiful and generous, but also reveals vitality in bright colors. How can people not rise every day? Is it poisonous for cyclamen to answer this question? However, do not be cyclamen toxic to scare, and quickly buy a pot home to let themselves "every day up" it! [Related Links]| When do the flowers bloom?| What does white roses mean?| What about the rotten roots?| Yellowing leaf tips of spider plants|| What does the blue witch represent?| Smooth farming methods| Clivia breeding method| How to raise Chinese plum flowers|| The cultivation method of triangular plum| What does white roses mean?| The breeding method of June snow| Is evening incense poisonous?|