
Rural and local creation 07 / "local creation policy" should be legalized and guide national resources to vulnerable areas and people

Published: 2025-03-26 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2025/03/26, Rural and local creation 07 / "local creation policy" should be legalized and guide national resources to vulnerable areas and people

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Xie Zhicheng (Chairman of Rural Development Foundation)

In order to solve the unbalanced development crisis of urban population density and local village population loss, the Japanese government has proposed the "Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team Promotion Outline" by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications since 2009 to attract urbanites to move to the countryside and finally settle down. In December 2012, Abe took office for the second time. In order to save Japan's economic difficulties for many years, he proposed the policy of "stimulating the regeneration of local small economic circles"(Japanese: $>) in his Abenomics, and decided to raise local innovation to the overall national strategic level, aiming at establishing a local innovation relationship in which "regions, talents, and work" are developing in a positive cycle.

Legally, the Town, Talent and Job Creation Law and the Regional Regeneration Law have been passed successively as the legal basis for the promotion of relevant policies. In terms of organizational structure, the "Town, Talent and Work Creation Headquarters" was established in the Cabinet Office, with the Prime Minister personally serving as the head of the department, and a new post of "Local Creation Minister" was established to be responsible for the full promotion of local innovation policies.

In terms of policy, he proposes the so-called "three arrows of local innovation": the arrow of intelligence support (establishing a regional economic analysis system), the arrow of talent support (including regional active missionaries, local innovation gatekeepers, local innovation colleges, local innovation internship systems, talent support local innovation, etc.), and the arrow of financial support.

Chart Source/Urban and Rural Branch

References to Local Creation Bill

According to this principle, the author puts forward a proposal on the legalization of local creation-local creation-regulations (draft), for everyone's reference. Continuing the policy and explanation meetings successively issued by the Executive Yuan since the first "Executive Yuan Local Creation Conference" held in May 2018 and the National Development Conference, the "Local Creation Ordinance (Draft)"(hereinafter referred to as "the Ordinance") is based on policy continuation in terms of structure, and is divided into five chapters and 19 articles. The main points are as follows:

I. Competent Authorities

The competent authorities of these Regulations are: at the central level, the State Development Commission; at municipalities directly under the Central Government, the municipal governments; at counties (cities), the county (city) governments; and at townships (towns, cities), the township (town, city) offices. (Article 2 of the draft)

2. Give priority to promoting the designation of special zones at the regional and local levels

1. The central competent authority shall set standards and designate townships (towns and cities) meeting the standards as priority areas for local innovation promotion. Local innovation priority promotion areas are announced by the Executive Yuan and published in the government gazette. (Article 3 of the draft)

2. The central competent authority shall report to the Executive Yuan for approval as a local creation special zone for priority promotion areas where it is necessary to adopt special measures to revitalize them. The designation and operation of special zones created by local governments shall be prescribed by law. (Article 4 of the draft)

III. Local Originating Organizations

1. The Executive Yuan shall establish the Central Local Creation Committee, whose tasks are: (1) to approve the national strategy for local creation. (2) Supervise and assess matters related to the creation of the central government and municipalities, counties (cities) directly under the Central Government. (3) Other matters prescribed by law. The president and vice-president of the executive yuan shall concurrently serve as conveners and vice-conveners of the central and local innovation meetings; a number of members shall be appointed or employed by the president of the executive yuan on behalf of the administrative committee members, the secretary-general, the heads of relevant departments, business figures, and experts and scholars with local innovation experience. The central and local creative associations have set up central and local creative associations working groups, which are appointed by the central competent authorities to handle the work of local creative associations. (Articles 5 and 6 of the draft)

2. The municipal and county (city) governments within their jurisdiction that have been designated as priority areas for local creation shall set up municipal and county (city) local creation newspapers with the following tasks:

(1) Approve the local innovation strategy of municipalities, counties (cities) directly under the Central Government. (2) Approving local business creation plans of municipalities, counties (cities) directly under the Central Government. (3) Supervise and assess matters related to local creation within the jurisdiction. (4) Other matters stipulated by law. The chief and vice-chief of the municipal or county (city) government shall concurrently serve as conveners and deputy conveners of the municipal or county (city) local innovation association; a number of members shall be appointed or employed by the chief of the municipal or county (city) directly under the Central Government on behalf of the heads of relevant organs and units, enterprise personages and experts and scholars with local innovation experience. The municipality, county (city) shall establish a local creative working group to carry out the affairs of the local creative association of the municipality, county (city) directly under the Central Government; its organization shall be determined by the municipal, county (city) government. (Articles 7 and 8 of the draft)

3. Township (town, city) offices designated as priority areas for local creation shall set up township (town, city) local creation newspapers with the following tasks:

(1) Approve the local creation strategy of townships (towns and cities). (2) Approve township (town, city) local business creation plan. (3) Supervise and assess matters related to local creation within the jurisdiction. (4) Other matters stipulated by law. One convener and one deputy convener of township (town, city) local creation meeting newspaper. The convener shall be concurrently appointed by the township (town or city) chief; a number of committee members shall be appointed or employed concurrently by the township (town or city) chief on behalf of the heads of relevant organs and units, enterprise personages and experts and scholars with local innovation experience. The deputy convener shall be appointed by the convener to serve concurrently as a member. A township (town, city) shall set up a local creation working group to carry out the affairs of the township (town, city) local creation association; its organization shall be determined by the township (town, city) office. (Articles 9 and 10 of the draft)

III. Local Innovation National General Strategy and Local Innovation Strategy of Municipalities, Counties (Cities), Townships (Towns, Cities)

1. The central competent authority shall, with the goal of achieving a balanced Taiwan, formulate a national strategy for local innovation, indicating the following matters, as guidance for formulating local innovation strategies and local innovation business plans for municipalities, counties (cities), townships (towns, cities) directly under the Central Government and as a basis for promoting local innovation:

(1) Vision of local creation. (2) Local creation goals. (3) The strategy of local creation. (4) The basic idea of local creation. (5) The driving principle of local creation. (6) Promotion strategy of local creation. (7) Local creative driving structure. The national strategy for local innovation should be reviewed and revised at least once every four years, and submitted to the Central Local Innovation Conference of the Executive Yuan for approval as the policy basis for promoting local innovation.

2. The municipal, county (city) governments designated as priority areas for local innovation promotion within their jurisdiction and the township (town, city) governments designated as priority areas for local innovation promotion shall formulate local innovation strategies (non-mandatory) of each municipality, county (city), township (town, city) according to the actual conditions of each government. Local innovation strategies of municipalities, counties (cities), townships (towns, cities) shall be reviewed and revised at least once every four years and submitted to the local innovation committees of the municipalities, counties (cities), townships (towns, cities) for approval. Matters to be indicated shall be determined by the central competent authority.

IV. Promotion of Local Initiatives

1. Municipal, county (city) governments and township (town, city) offices shall, in conjunction with relevant competent authorities, enterprises, and non-governmental organizations, take into account the national strategy for local innovation and the local innovation strategy of each municipal, county (city) government, township (town, city) government, and formulate local innovation business plans of each municipal, county (city) government, township (town, city) government according to the actual situation of each government.

The central competent authority shall determine the matters to be indicated in the local business plan of paragraph 1, the proposal method, the application procedure, and the examination and approval procedure.

The central competent authority may verify and grant subsidies to the funds needed for the implementation of the first local business creation plan. The central competent authority may also agree to grant subsidies to recipients in the form of collection and payment. (Article 13 of the draft)

2. Citizens should deeply understand the problems of China's total population reduction, aging and fewer children, as well as the imbalance between urban and rural development, and try their best to cooperate with local innovation policies promoted by governments at all levels. (Article 14 of the draft)

In order to promote local innovation, governments at all levels may request relevant government agencies or non-governmental organizations to provide information and, if necessary, consult their opinions. (Article 15 of the draft)

4. The government should provide preferential measures to guide enterprises to invest in local entrepreneurship. (Article 16 of the draft)

5. The central competent authority shall coordinate and integrate the relevant resources of the ministry and implement the promotion of local innovation. (Article 17 of the draft)

6. Each executive agency may appoint or entrust other agencies (organizations), legal persons or organizations to carry out the matters stipulated in this Act. (Article 18)

(In order to deeply grasp the rural development and local creation in the context of Taiwan's reality,"Upstream and Downstream" cooperated with the "Foundation for Rural Development Foundation" on "Rural Development Special Topic" to explore the current situation in Taiwan and Japan's policy trends in a series of articles. Please click here to read the full series of articles)

Local Creation in Japan Special Topics <$Regional Revitalization Cooperation Team & Migrants

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