
How to cultivate Xiaoli flower

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Xiaoli is a perennial herb of Compositae, which belongs to the same genus as Dahlia. The shape is similar to that of dahlia, except that the plant is short, with many branches and many flower heads. Most of them are single small flowers, each plant can have several flowers and open at the same time.

Xiaoli is a perennial herb of Compositae, which belongs to the same genus as Dahlia. The shape is similar to that of dahlia, except that the plant is short, with many branches and many flower heads. Most of them are single small flowers, each plant can have several flowers and bloom at the same time. There are bright red, purple, peach, orange, blue, purple, black, white, yellow and miscellaneous colors. It can blossom continuously for 4-5 months.

Sex likes sunshine. Avoid sticky heavy soil, should be loose, fertile, sandy soil. It has strong adaptability and can grow well under the condition of high temperature in summer.

Sowing, plant division, cutting can be, sowing reproduction in the majority. In order to maintain the excellent characteristics of the variety, it is best to use artificial pollination. In the north, the seeds will be sown from April to May. Colonized after the appearance of two true leaves. It takes about two and a half months from sowing to flowering.

In order to adjust the flowering period, the seeds can be sown in stages, as long as the temperature is right, it can blossom continuously all the year round. If you sow seeds in a warm place indoors in early February, flowers will be seen before and after "May", and live broadcast in early July will open around National Day. The cultivation method of Xiaoli is basically the same as that of potted dahlia. Seedlings should take the original soil when transplanting, so as not to damage the root tuber and affect the survival.

Propagation technique of Xiaoli Flower

The propagation method of Xiaoli flower has higher requirements for temperature. in order to ensure effective reproduction in the following year, the species of Xiaoli flower should be stored scientifically at the end of October and stored in a warm and humid environment. At present, there are mainly two methods of ball propagation and plant propagation. First of all, the bulb propagation of Xiaoli flower is to plant the bulbs or bulbs and tubers of flowers in the soil layer, these bulbs or tubers grow around them after a year, and then dig them out. Secondly, the way of ramet reproduction can be carried out in early spring, first take the mother plant out of the basin, and then disinfect it, and keep the Xiaoli in a shady place.

Sowing seedling is an important work of Xiaoli flower propagation. To propagate Xiaoli flower, it is necessary to control the amount of reproduction, the amount of soil, and the ground temperature properly to ensure that the seed germination temperature is about 25 ℃ and the seedling growth should be between 22-28 ℃. Secondly, scientific seed containers should be used to ensure the ventilation of the seedling room, and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be added according to different growth conditions to ensure proper topdressing at flowering stage.

Xiao Lihua management strategy

For the flowers planted in a large area, only by managing according to the growth characteristics of Xiaoli can we solve the problems in the growth of Xiaoli. Xiaoli likes fertilizer, which can shorten the fertilizer period appropriately, usually fertilizing once every 15 days, mainly applying potassium dihydrogen phosphate. At present, Xiaoli often can not control the amount of fertilizer well when applying fertilizer, and large-scale fertilization fails to fully consider the regional environment, and there is the problem that too much water leads to the perishability of the land.

The basin soil is based on garden soil and fine sand, and the drainage layer should be made at the bottom of the basin. In order to improve the effectiveness of Xiaoli flower pot cultivation, the drainage layer should be added. Usually, the pot should be changed twice when the seedling height is 20cm, and new rotten leaf soil can be added each time.

The beauty of beautiful flowers, but also affect the resistance of Xiaoli flowers to diseases and insect pests. Xiaoli should adopt the principle of "removing the weak and leaving the strong" when pruning, cutting off the lateral buds and leaving the main branches. The pruning season of Xiaoli flower should be pruned in wilting season, it can be trimmed according to the standard of keeping high 20cm, and moisture should be properly controlled during pruning.

There are powdery mildew, virus disease, brown spot disease. First, it is necessary to formulate a plan for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests and earnestly adopt targeted prevention and control measures to comprehensively improve the effectiveness of the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Second, prevention should be given priority to, and prevention and control should be carried out in accordance with the methods of effective prevention and control of germs through the winter and eliminating the environment of breeding bacteria. Third, we should make effective preparations for the prevention of endemic diseases according to the changes of the local environment.

Xiaoli flowers are beautiful like chrysanthemums, which can be used for garden planting, potted plants and so on. They have very good ornamental value. You can plant them according to the cultivation methods shared by the editor.

Propagation and cultivation of Xiaoli

Flower name: Xiao Li Hua

Xiao Lihua alias: Xiao Liju, Xiao Lihua

Scientific name: Dahlia pinnate cv.

English name: Dwarf Dahlia

Families and genera: Compositae, Dahlia

Xiao Li Hua (scientific name: Dahlia pinnate cv.) also known as: Xiao Li Chrysanthemum, Xiao Li Hua, belongs to Compositae, Dahlia belongs to perennial bulb herbaceous plants, with low plants, long flowering period, is an excellent ground cover plant, can also be arranged flower beds, flower borders and other places, but also can be potted ornamental or cut flowers.

Morphological characteristics

Xiaoli flower is similar to Dahlia in shape, it is a dwarf type variety group of Dahlia varieties, but the plant is relatively small, with a height of only 20 to 60 cm, many branches, heads, several flowers can be planted on a total pedicel, and the flower stem is 5 to 7 centimeters. the flower color is dark red, purple, pink, yellow, white and other colors, the flower shape is rich in variety, and there are single and double, in a suitable environment can blossom all the year round. It has low plant and long flowering period.

Xiaoli is a perennial perennial herb of the Dahlia genus of Compositae, its shape is similar to that of Dahlia, but the plant is relatively small, with a height of only 20 to 60 cm, many branches, heads, several flowers on a total pedicel, flower stems 5 to 7 cm, flowers with deep red, purple, pink, yellow, white and other colors, the flower shape is rich in variety, and there are single and double, in a suitable environment can bloom all the year round. It has the characteristics of low plant, long flowering period, bright and rich flowers and so on. It is an excellent ground cover plant. It can also be arranged in flower beds, flower borders, etc., and can be used as potted ornamental plants or cut flowers.

Perennial herbs. In fact, it belongs to the dwarf type variety group of Dahlia varieties. The plant of Xiaoli is low, 20 cm high and 60 cm high. The stem is much branched and the flowers are many but small. The flower diameter is 5cm, the root is also smaller. The change of flower shape is not as rich as that of dahlia; however, the flower color is bright and the flowering period is longer, and the strength of Frosts Descent is very strong from June to June.

Growth habit

The suitable temperature for growth is 10: 25 ℃, which is not only afraid of heat, but also not cold-resistant. when the temperature is 0 ℃, the root is frozen, and the plant growth is stagnant in the area of high temperature and rain in summer, which is in a semi-dormant state, which is not tolerant to drought, more afraid of waterlogging, avoid heavy clay, and rot after soaking. Requires loose, fertile and smooth drainage of the rare loam, low-lying stagnant water is not suitable for planting.

Xiaoli, which is native to Mexico, likes cool, dry and sunny environment, and is afraid of stagnant water. it is suitable to grow in loose and fertile sandy soil with good drainage and permeability, and it is not suitable to grow in low-lying areas. The suitable temperature for growth was 12 ℃ to 25 ℃. When the seedling height was about 15 cm, a head was carried out to promote lateral branches and form a plump plant shape. Mature thin liquid fertilizer was applied every 15 days or so during the growing period. Its cold resistance is slightly poor, and the tubers can be dug out of the soil at the end of October and stored indoors after drying for 2 to 3 days, and the temperature should be maintained at about 5 ℃.

Xiaoli originated in Mexico, 1500 meters above sea level on the plateau, sexual like sunshine, appropriate mild climate, growth temperature to 10 ℃ 25 ℃ is better, both afraid of heat, but also not cold-resistant, temperature O ℃ when the root is frozen, summer high temperature and rainy area plant growth stagnation, in a semi-dormant state, not only do not tolerate drought, more afraid of waterlogging, avoid heavy clay, root rot after soaking. Loose, fertile and well-drained loam is required.

Bulblet reproduction

The underground parts of flowers have bulbs or bulbs, tubers, tubers, roots, and so on. After these bulbs or bulbs, tubers and roots have grown in the ground for a year, small balls will grow around them. Just divide these balls down and plant them, which is easy to operate and easy to manage. Just be careful not to plant the ball too deep: usually the thickness of the cover is not more than twice the diameter of the ball.

Ramet propagation

It is best after the soil is thawed in early spring (February and March). Take the mother plant out of the flowerpot, shake off the excess potted soil, separate the root system as much as possible, and cut it into two or more plants with a sharp knife, each with a considerable root system. and its leaves are properly trimmed to facilitate survival.

Soak the split plants in 1500 times chlorothalonil solution for five minutes before putting on the pot, then take out the cool dry and serve. You can also irrigate the root with chlorothalonil immediately after potting. Put the ramet into the basin and irrigate the root or water once. Because its root system is greatly damaged and its water absorption capacity is very weak, it takes about 3-4 weeks to recover new roots. Therefore, it is necessary to control watering within 3-4 weeks after ramet to avoid rotting roots, but the transpiration of its leaves is not affected. In order to maintain the water balance of leaves, it is necessary to spray the leaf surface one or three times a day (more spraying at high temperature, less spraying at low temperature or no spraying at low temperature). Don't fertilize it these days. After the split, also pay attention to the sun is too strong, can be placed in the shade shed for maintenance.

Cuttage propagation

The terminal bud, axillary bud and foot bud of Xiaoli flower can be cut to root after germination, and the foot bud seedlings grow vigorously and have strong resistance to diseases and insect pests. Generally, the tubers were planted in a plain sand basin in the first ten days of March, kept moist, and germinated at room temperature above 15 ℃. When the foot bud grows 2 true leaves, break it from the root and insert it into the vegetarian sand to promote the root. Spray water 2 or 3 times a day and take root in more than 20 days.

Cultivation and management


When the seedlings are installed in the basin, first put a coarse-grained matrix or ceramsite 2cm thick at the bottom of the basin as a filter layer, sprinkle a layer of fully mature organic fertilizer as base fertilizer with a thickness of about 1cm to 2cm, and then cover it with a layer of matrix, which is about 1cm thick, and then put in the plant to separate the fertilizer from the root system and avoid burning roots. You can choose one of the following substrates for potting. Vegetable garden soil: slag = 3RU 1; or garden soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust = 4RU 1RU 2; or one of paddy soil, pond mud, rotten leaf soil. Or peat + perlite + ceramsite = 2 + 2 + 1; vegetable garden soil + slag = 3 + 1; peat + slag + ceramsite = 2 + 2 + 1; sawdust + vermiculite + medium coarse river sand = 2 + 2 + 1. Pour water once after putting on the basin and keep it in a shady environment for a week. When transplanting the seedlings, first dig the planting hole, sprinkle a layer of organic fertilizer at the bottom of the planting hole as the base fertilizer (base fertilizer), the thickness is about 46.6 cm, and then cover a layer of soil and put it into the seedlings to separate the fertilizer from the roots and avoid burning roots. After putting it into the seedling, backfill the soil, cover the root system, and trample the soil with your feet and water it once.

Fertilizer and water management

Xiao Lihua does not require much fertilizer and water, and is afraid of applying fertilizer indiscriminately, applying concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizer. It is required to follow the fertilization (water) principle of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less and more times, and complete nutrition":

Spring, summer and autumn

The spring and autumn season is its peak growing season, with shorter intervals in sunny days or high temperatures, longer intervals or no watering in rainy days or low temperatures.

Summer is a season of slow growth, so it is necessary to properly control fertilizer and water. Water it in the morning or evening when the temperature is low, and spray the plants frequently. Watering time should be arranged as early as possible when the temperature is low in the morning.

Fertilizer and water management is in accordance with the order of "Huabao"-"Huabao"-clear water-"Huabao"-"Huabao"-clear water (at least twice a week), with an interval of about 1-4 days for outdoor maintenance and 2-6 days for indoor maintenance.


During the dormant period in winter, the main task is to control fertilizer and water. Fertilizer and water management circulates in the order of "Huabao"-clear water-clear water-"Huabao"-clear water-clear water, with an interval of about 7 to 10 days. Watering time is arranged as far as possible when the temperature is high at noon on a sunny day.

Propagation and cultivation

Sow seeds on demand or strip in flowerpots or seedbeds, lightly cover soil with about 0.3 cm, keep humidity and sunshine about 70%, germinate after 6-8 days, and transplant 5-7 leaves. The plant distance is 20-30cm. The quality of cultivated soil is fertile sandy loam, the drainage and sunshine should be good, pot planting should avoid stagnant water, otherwise the bulb root is easy to rot, once a day in summer and once every 3-5 days in winter, compound fertilizer can be applied during the growth period.

Xiaoli flower, short plant shape, rich colors, there are bright red, purple, ink red, yellow, blue, purple, white and miscellaneous colors and other varieties. Flowering period is longer, usually open for 4-5 months, suitable for family potted ornamental. It takes about 60 days from sowing to flowering. Sowing by stages, as long as the temperature is right, there are flowers to enjoy all the year round.

In the northern region, seeds are sown in warm places indoors in early February, flowers can be seen on May Day, seeds are sown on the open ground in early July, and flowers are in full bloom around the National Day. Xiaoli is a flower of the same genus in Dahlia, and its character is similar to that of Dahlia, except that the plant is short, with a height of about 20 cm to 40 cm, many branches and many flower heads, mostly single small and medium-sized flowers. Each plant can have several flowers and bloom at the same time. Xiaoli likes warm and cool climate and sunshine.

Reproduction: multiple sowing methods are used to reproduce, but it is best to control the seeds produced by pollination manually. It can also be propagated by ramet and cutting. Because Xiaoli flowers are pollinated naturally, the seeds are easy to mutate. in order to maintain the excellent characteristics of seeds, it is best to use artificial pollination. In the north, seeds are usually sowed at the beginning of May, seeds are sowed on demand or in a flowerpot or seedbed, lightly covered with soil of about 0.3cm, suitable temperature for germination is 15-20 ℃, humidity and sunshine are maintained at about 70%, and then germinated 6-8 days later, and two leaves are planted. The suitable temperature for growth is 18-25 ℃. When the leaves are 5-7, the seedlings should be transplanted with native soil to avoid damage to the root tuber and to facilitate survival. The plant distance is 20-30cm.

Management: Xiaoli likes warm and cool climate and sunshine. Avoid sticking heavy soil, should be loose and fertile sandy loam. It has strong adaptability and can grow well under the condition of high temperature in summer. The quality of cultivated soil is fertile sandy loam, drainage and sunshine should be good, pot planting should avoid stagnant water, otherwise bulb roots are easy to rot, reasonable watering and fertilization should be given during the growth period, and sufficient light should be given to make it grow healthily and flourish in flowers and leaves. It is watered once a day in summer and every 3-5 days in winter. Compound fertilizer can be applied during the growth period.

Adjust florescence: the florescence varies from place to place, and it can blossom continuously for 4 to 5 months. It is more resistant to heat and is not very sensitive to the length of sunshine. Native to America, it likes warm and cool climate, good sunshine and avoid heavy soil, so it is suitable to be cultivated with loose and fertile sandy loam soil. It has strong adaptability and can grow well under the condition of high temperature in summer. It takes about two and a half months from sowing to flowering in the northern region to sow seeds from April to May and transplant after the emergence of two true leaves. In order to adjust the florescence, the seeds can be sown by stages, so that they can blossom continuously all the year round as long as the temperature is right. If the seeds are sown in the shed in early February, they can blossom before and after May Day. Sow seeds in the open field in early July and blossom around the National Day. If sowing in October, pot sowing or open sowing can be done. When the temperature drops to about 15 ℃, move into the greenhouse, or build a double-layer plastic greenhouse to maintain a growth temperature of about 10 ℃ to 25 ℃, give artificial light for 6 to 10 hours, and maintain a diurnal temperature difference of more than 5 ℃. Attention should be paid to the application of quick-acting liquid fertilizer with balanced nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Keep in mind that nitrogen fertilizer should not be excessive, otherwise it will cause plant lodging. If it is dwarfed, its height can be controlled by head-picking, or when its height is about 15 cm, 0.05% to 0.1% dwarf element is used to spray the leaves once or twice.

Disease prevention and cure

Powdery mildew is harmful to leaves, pedicels and buds, which appears nearly round white powder layer spots, expands into powdery powder layer mottled, leaves twisted and withered. The bacteria spend the winter in the diseased body and spread by airflow, and the disease is serious from September to October. At the initial stage of the disease, 2% antimycin 120 aqueous agent 100% 200 times or 40% polysulfide colloid suspension 800 times can be sprayed once in 10 days for 2 times in a row.

After infected with brown spot, the leaves initially appeared yellowish dots, expanded and sunken, and finally formed near round central gray-white, edge dark brown white disease spots, with wheel lines, 1-5 mm in diameter, and light black mildew on the surface. The pathogen overwinters in the remains of diseased leaves, and the disease is serious from June to August, which can be controlled 600 times with 1% Bordeaux solution or 75% chlorothalonil.

Virus disease shows mosaic, chlorosis, dwarfing and other symptoms. The viruses are Xiaoli mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus, tomato spot wilt virus, tobacco line virus, leafhopper and aphids. Non-toxic breeding materials can be used to control virus-transmitting insects.

Xiaoli flower borer moth larva yellowish or light red, the annual occurrence of 2-3 generations, larvae for the damage period of 6-8 months, can spray 50% fenitrothion 1000 times, such as moth-eaten human stem, can be injected with omethoate 100 times 200 times.

Ornamental value

The flowers and colors are gorgeous, burning and shining, in a variety of states. With a long florescence, it is one of the most famous flowers in the world. The plant type is short, the flowers are colorful, and the full bloom coincides with the National Day, which is most suitable for family potted plants.