
How to graft bitter melon

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to graft bitter melon

In recent years, the grafting technology of balsam pear has been gradually used in production, the survival rate of grafting is very high, can effectively isolate continuous cropping obstacles. Reducing the incidence of diseases and insect pests can also increase the yield of balsam pear and provide very good conditions for pollution-free and continuous and efficient planting of balsam pear. So what the editor is going to introduce to you today is the grafting technology of balsam pear. Let's take a look at it.

1. Seed selection and soaking

First of all, select the seeds according to the main local varieties to avoid the influence of dry seeds, diseases and insect pests. Then break the selected seed shell and be careful not to hurt the seed kernel. Then soak the seeds in warm water of about 58 degrees for 15 minutes, the seed soaking process should be constantly stirred to ensure that the balsam pear seeds are heated evenly. Soak for 9 hours when the water temperature drops to about 30 degrees, then remove and rinse the seed mucus with clean water. Then wrap the seeds in a wet cloth and put them at a temperature of about 30 degrees to accelerate germination. In the process of accelerating germination, the seeds should be washed at least twice to remove mucus and improve the germination rate of seeds. Most of the seeds can be sown.

2. Cultivate rootstocks

Balsam pear grafted rootstocks can be used sad, so it is necessary to use a nutrition bowl to raise pumpkin seedlings before grafting. Pumpkin seeds should be treated in the same way as balsam pear seeds before sowing, and the nutrient soil is mainly soil that has never been in melons and vegetables and mature compost. Then apply sufficient base fertilizer in the nutritious soil, the base fertilizer is mainly farm fertilizer and compound fertilizer, and an appropriate amount of fungicide can be added. After preparation, sealed nutrient soil, stuffy fermentation disinfection, spread out after fermentation for about a week, and then evenly loaded into the nutrition bowl, sowing and raising seedlings. When raising balsam pear seedlings, we should also choose pure land to prevent soil-borne diseases in balsam pear seedling stage.

3. Timely grafting

Grafting can begin when pumpkin seedlings grow into true leaves and balsam pear seedlings grow to a heart leaf. When grafting, you should choose windless, cloudy and humid weather. Pour enough water on the seedling bed before grafting, and the grafting methods are top insertion, needle type and so on. The commonly used grafting method is needle grafting, which first flattens the true leaves of pumpkin seedlings, then removes the hypocotyls of balsam pear, and then uses a grafting needle to insert into the Hypocotyl of balsam pear to connect the top of pumpkin seedlings. Ensure that the hypocotyls of balsam pear are in full contact with pumpkin seedlings, and fix the leaves with a special grafting clip.

4. Management after grafting

Do a good job of shading after grafting, do not let the seedlings be exposed to direct sunlight within 3 days, and do a good job of heat preservation and moisturizing. Then the shading time can be properly controlled according to weather changes, but at least 5-6 hours a day. The temperature after grafting should be controlled at about 31 degrees, and the temperature at night should be kept at 20 degrees as far as possible. The grafted seedlings require more water, so the humidity in the greenhouse should be increased to 90%. A week later, remove the shading measures, carry out ventilation and seedling refinement, appropriately reduce the temperature, and reduce the day and night temperature by about 5-6 degrees. The grafting clip was removed two weeks later, and the new buds of the rootstock should be removed in time after the seedlings survived, and when the seedlings grew to 5 true leaves, they could be transplanted.

The above is a brief introduction to the grafting technology of balsam pear, and the grafted seedlings can be managed according to the management method of balsam pear seedling stage after survival. As long as carefully managed, the survival rate of balsam pear grafting can reach almost 100%, which has a very considerable development prospect in balsam pear planting. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. Thank you for your reading and support.