
What kind of growth environment is suitable for Baobao flower?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The purse flower is called the lotus flower. The flower shape is peculiar, the Corolla has two lips, resembles two inflated sacs, the upper lip is small, stretches forward like a cover, and the lower lip is shaped like a bract bag. When the flower is in full bloom, the whole branch is covered with clusters of lotus-like flowers, so it is named lotus flower. There are many varieties and bright colors of purse flowers.

The purse flower is called the lotus flower. The flower shape is peculiar, the Corolla has two lips, resembles two inflated sacs, the upper lip is small, stretches forward like a cover, and the lower lip is shaped like a bract bag. When the flower is in full bloom, the whole branch is covered with clusters of lotus-like flowers, so it is named lotus flower. There are many varieties of purse flowers with bright colors, including yellow, light yellow, milky white, purple, orange-red and other colors, and the petals are embedded with orange-red, purple-red, dark brown and other spots.

Suitable growth environment of Prunus bungeanus L.:

The main results are as follows: 1. pot soil requires loose and fertile soil with good air permeability and smooth drainage. It can be prepared with 40% rotten leaf soil, 40% garden soil and 20% river sand, plus a small amount of bone powder as base fertilizer. The cultivated soil should be strictly disinfected at high temperature before use. If some charcoal powder can be mixed into the culture soil, it can enhance the disease resistance of the root system and prevent the pathogen from infecting the plant.

2. Baobao flowers like a cool environment. If the weather is muggy and the basin soil is too wet, it is easy to cause the base leaves to rot, so it is appropriate to move to a ventilated and cool place when the sunshine is strong at noon. The growing period of seedlings, especially after flowering and seed maturity, should pay more attention to ventilation and cover up the strong light at noon, which is beneficial to seed maturation.

3. The suitable temperature for the growth of Baobao flower is 13-15 degrees, and the flowering period can be prolonged if the temperature can be reduced to about 8 degrees during flowering.

Practical Collection of Family Flower cultivation (part I) 13. What kind of water should be used to water the flowers? Water can be divided into hard water and soft water according to the condition of salt. Hard water contains more salt, and it is used to water flowers, which often produces brown spots on the leaves of flowers and affects the ornamental effect, so soft water is suitable for watering flowers. Rain Water (or snow water) is the most ideal in soft water, because Rain Water is a kind of near neutral water, which does not contain minerals and has more air, so it is very suitable to water flowers. If Rain Water can be used to water flowers in rainy days, it is beneficial to promote flower assimilation, prolong cultivation years and improve ornamental value, especially flowers that like acid soil, prefer Rain Water. Therefore, Rain Water should store more of the best part of the rainy season for use. In northeast China, snow water can be used to water flowers, and the effect is also very good, but we should pay attention to put aside the ice and snow until the water temperature is close to room temperature before using it. If there is no Rain Water or snow water, you can use river or pond water. If tap water is used, it must be stored in a bucket (tank) for 1-2 days, so that the chlorine in the water can be volatilized and then used. Do not use washing water containing soap or washing powder or dishwashing water containing oil to water flowers. For mildly alkaline cactus flowers, it is not suitable to use slightly acidic leftover tea. In addition, attention should be paid to the temperature of the water when watering the flowers. Whether watering flowers in summer or winter, the difference between water temperature and air temperature is too big (more than 5 degrees) is easy to harm the root system of flowers. Therefore, watering flowers with water, it is best to put it in a bucket (jar) to dry for a day, and then use it when the water temperature is close to the air temperature.

14. How to control the amount of water for potted flowers? Whether the watering amount of potted flowers can be timely and appropriate is the key to the success or failure of flower cultivation. According to the local experience, the watering amount of potted flowers is determined according to the flower variety, plant size, growth and development period, climate, soil conditions, flowerpot size, placement location and other aspects. In general, wet flowers should be watered more, drought-loving flowers should be watered less; bulb flowers should not be watered too much; herbaceous flowers should have more water content and transpiration, and more water should be watered than woody flowers; flowers with large, soft, smooth and hairless leaves should be watered more than woody flowers; flowers with small leaves with waxy layer, hairy and leathery leaves should be watered less; they should be watered more in the peak growth period and less in the dormant period; the seedlings with large pots should be watered more, and those with small pots should be watered less. Water more in hot days, less in cold days, more in dry days, less in cloudy days, etc. For general flowers, the water supply of the four seasons is: the temperature rises gradually after the beginning of spring every year, flowers enter the peak period of growth, the amount of water is gradually increased. Watering in early spring should be carried out before noon. The summer temperature is high, the flower growth is exuberant, the transpiration is strong, the watering water should be sufficient. Summer watering should be carried out in the morning and evening. After the Beginning of Autumn, the temperature is getting lower and lower, and the flowers grow slowly, so less watering is appropriate. Winter temperature is low, many flowers enter dormancy or semi-dormant period, to control watering, pot soil is not too dry, do not water, so as not to water too much and rotten roots, leaves. Watering in winter should be carried out at 1-2 p.m.

15. What is the effect of spraying water? Spraying water can increase air humidity, lower air temperature, wash off dust from plants and wash away pests, avoid scorching of young leaves and early withering of flowers, and keep plants fresh; especially some flowers that like shade and humidity, such as camellia, rhododendron, orchid, tortoise back bamboo, etc., often spray water on the leaves, which is very beneficial to their growth and development. If it is sunny or muggy after rain in summer, you should pay attention to spraying water to cool down and prevent disease. The amount of water sprayed should be determined according to the needs of flowers. Generally speaking, the water can evaporate soon after spraying water, and the amount of water sprayed is the most suitable. Seedlings and delicate flowers need more water spray, new pots and cuttings that have not yet taken root also need more water spray, tropical orchid flowers, Araceae and pineapple flowers need to be sprayed more often. However, some flowers are very sensitive to moisture, such as Tripterygium przewalskii, Baobao flower, begonia, etc., whose leaves have thick villi, and the leaves are not easy to evaporate after the water falls, so it is not suitable to spray water on the leaves. For blooming flowers, it is not appropriate to spray more water, otherwise it is easy to cause moldy petals or affect fertilization and reduce fruiting and fruiting rate. In addition, the leaf buds at the top of cyclamen tubers, the flower buds in the leaves of African chrysanthemum, and the false bulbs in the middle of the leaves of Cymbidium are all afraid of being wet. These parts are vulnerable after spraying water.

Practical Collection of Family Flower cultivation (part I) 16. How to save flowers after wilting? Potted flowers, due to less water in the basin, forget to water, especially in summer leakage watering, often cause leaf wilting, if not saved in time, the time will often lead to plant wilting. If it is not saved properly, it will sometimes cause plant death. The right thing to do is to immediately move the flowerpot to the shade when you find the leaves wilting, spray some water to the leaves, and pour a small amount of water. Later, as the stems and leaves gradually return to straight and straight, and then gradually increase the amount of water. If too much water is poured at this time, the plant may die. This is because a large number of root hairs of flowers are damaged after wilting, so the water absorption capacity is greatly reduced. Only after giving birth to new root hairs can the original water absorption capacity be restored. At the same time, wilting makes the cells lose water. After meeting the water, the cell wall absorbs water first and expands rapidly, and the protoplast absorbs water after it, and the expansion rate is slow. If a large amount of water is poured suddenly at this time, the plasmolemma will be separated and the protoplast will be damaged. Thus causing the death of flowers.

17. What role does soil play in flower growth and development?

Soil is an important matrix for the cultivation of flowers, the material basis for the survival of flowers, and the main source of water, fertilizer, gas and heat for the growth and development of flowers. This is because soil is made up of minerals, organic matter, soil moisture and soil air. Minerals are the most basic substances that make up the soil, and they can provide a variety of nutrients for flowers. Organic matter can not only supply nutrients for flower growth, but also play an important role in improving soil physical and chemical properties and soil aggregate structure, as well as water conservation, water supply, ventilation, temperature stability and so on. Soil moisture is an indispensable material condition for flower growth. Soil air is not only the source of oxygen needed by flower root absorption and microbial life activities, but also an important condition for soil mineral further weathering and organic matter transformation to release nutrients. Scientific experiments have proved that the soil suitable for plant growth accounts for about 38% of the soil by volume, 12% of organic matter, 15% of soil air and 15% of soil moisture. According to data, the most suitable water content for the growth of general flowers and plants is 25% of the soil volume, and air also accounts for 25%. Because some people do not understand the above truth, when cultivating potted flowers, they do not change pots and soil for a long time, resulting in the deterioration of soil physical and chemical properties, poor ventilation and permeability, and lack of nutrient elements, resulting in poor growth of flowers, yellowing leaves, less flowering, or even no flowering. therefore, in order to raise potted flowers, we should pay attention to changing pots and changing soil at the right time. 18. What kind of soil is good for potted flowers? Potted flowers have more stringent requirements on soil than open-field flowers because their roots can only move in a very small range of soil. On the one hand, nutrients are required to be as comprehensive as possible, and the limited basin soil contains nutrients needed for flower growth; on the other hand, it requires good physical and chemical properties, that is, loose structure, strong water-holding capacity, suitable pH and good fertilizer retention. Because of this, when growing flowers, we should try to choose neutral or slightly acidic soil with good aggregate structure, loose and fertile, good water retention and drainage performance, and rich humus. This kind of soil is light in weight, large in porosity, well ventilated and rich in nutrition, which is beneficial to the root development of flowers and the healthy growth of plants. If flowers are planted in clayey soil with poor ventilation and permeability, or in pure sandy soil with poor nutrition and poor water and fertilizer conservation, or in alkaline soil, for the vast majority of flowers, it is easy to cause growth weakness or even death. But the soil conditions mentioned above are not available in any kind of natural soil. Therefore, it is necessary to choose artificial culture soil for potted flower soil. This kind of culture soil is made by mixing more than two kinds of soil or other matrix materials according to the different growth habits of flowers and plants, in order to meet the needs of different flowers. A practical Collection of Family Flower cultivation (part I)

19. How to prepare culture soil? There are many materials suitable for the preparation of culture soil, and the following are commonly used at present. (1) plain sandy soil. Most of them are taken from the beach. The drainage performance is good, but it has no fertility, so it is often used to mix with other culture materials to facilitate drainage. (2) Garden soil. Soil taken from the surface of a vegetable garden, orchard, etc. It contains certain humus and has good physical properties, so it is often used as the basic material of most cultured soils. (3) rotten leaf soil. It is made of fallen leaves, withered grass, etc. It is one of the main materials for preparing culture soil because of its high content of humus, strong water retention and good permeability. (4) Mud. There are two kinds of black mountain mud and Huangshan mud. It is formed by the long-term accumulation of fallen leaves of trees in the mountains. Black hill mud is acidic and contains more humus, while Huangshan mud is also acidic and contains less humus. (5) Peat soil. It is carbonized from peat moss. Due to the different stages of formation, it can be divided into brown peat and black peat. Brown peat is rich in organic matter and shows acidic reaction, while black peat contains more minerals and less organic matter, showing slightly acidic or neutral reaction. (6) Rice chaff ash. It is ash made from rice husk after combustion, slightly alkaline, containing potassium, good drainage and air permeability. (7) stable fertile soil. It is made of animal faeces, fallen leaves and other substances mixed with garden soil, sewage and other accumulation and retting, which has rich fertility. In addition, there are pond mud, river mud, coniferous soil, turf soil, rotten sawdust, vermiculite, perlite and so on, which are good materials for preparing culture soil. The preparation of culture soil should be flexibly mastered according to the growth habits of flowers, the properties of culture soil materials and local conditions. For general potted flowers, the commonly used proportion of culture soil is rotten leaf soil (or peat soil): garden soil: River sand: bone meal = 35RV 30vet 5, or rotten leaf soil (or peat soil), plain sand soil, rotten organic fertilizer, calcium superphosphate, etc., after sieving according to 5RV 3.5Vue 0.5. Most of the above culture soil is neutral or slightly acidic, which is suitable for most flowers. It is used for cultivating acidic flowers and trees such as camellia and rhododendron, which can be mixed with about 0.2% sulfur powder; flowers such as cactus can be cultivated, and about 10% of the peeling soil from the lime wall can be added. 20. How to make rotten leaf soil? Rotten leaf soil is a commonly used material for cultivating potted flowers. Where there are conditions. The rotten leaf soil which has been weathered for many years can be dug directly under the mountain forest. Self-made rotten leaf soil can also be made. The method is to collect fallen leaves and weeds of broad-leaved or coniferous trees in autumn and pile them into rectangular pits. When stacking, first put a layer of leaves, and then put a layer of garden soil, so repeatedly stack several layers, and then irrigate a small amount of sewage, and finally cover the top with a layer of garden soil about 10 centimeters thick. Open it at the end of spring and the height of summer next year, turn and mash the deposits, and then pile them as they are. In warm climates, most of these deposits can mature in late autumn. At this time, it can be dug up, further mashed and screened for use. When stacking, we should pay attention to two points: first, do not press too tight, in order to facilitate air penetration, create conditions for the activity of aerobic bacteria, so as to accelerate the decomposition of deposits. Second, do not make the accumulation too wet. If it is too wet, the ventilation is not good. Under the condition of anoxia, a large number of anoxic bacteria multiply and move, resulting in serious loss of nutrients and affecting the quality of rotten leaf soil.

21. How to determine and change the acidity and alkalinity of cultured soil?

The pH of culture soil directly affects the physical and chemical properties of culture soil and the growth of flowers. Most flowers grow well in neutral to slightly acidic culture soil (PH value 5.5-7.0). Because within this limit, the nutrients absorbed by flowers from the soil are soluble. Above or below this limit, some nutrient elements become non-absorbable, so it is easy to cause nutritional deficiency in some flowers. Because of this, it is necessary to determine the pH of the cultured soil before planting flowers. The pH of soil is usually expressed by PH value. PH value 7 is neutral, less than 7 is acidic, and more than 7 is alkaline. If the soil is too sour or alkaline, it needs to be improved in order to grow flowers. The easiest way to determine the pH of cultured soil is to buy a box of litmus test paper with a standard colorimetric plate in the chemical reagent store. In a glass in which a small amount of culture soil was put clean, cold boiled water was added according to the ratio of soil to water at 1:2. After fully stirring and precipitating, the litmus test paper was put into the solution. About 1 or 2 seconds, the test paper was taken out and compared with the standard color swatch. The color swatch number similar to it is found, which is the PH value of this kind of culture soil. According to the results, the cultivated soil with unsuitable acidity and alkalinity can be adjusted by the following measures. If the acidity is too high, a small amount of lime powder can be added in the basin soil, and if the alkalinity is too high, a small amount of sulfur powder can be added in the basin soil.

Practical Collection of Family Flower cultivation (part I) 22. What are the advantages of soilless cultivation?

As the name implies, soilless cultivation is the cultivation of flowers without soil, but with a variety of culture substrates and nutrient solutions. Soilless cultivation is also known as nutrient solution cultivation because it uses nutrient solution to directly provide necessary nutrient elements for the growth and development of flowers. It is a new technology of flower cultivation in recent years, which has many advantages: (1) fast growth and good quality. Because the nutrient solution used in soilless cultivation is carefully prepared according to the needs of flower growth and development, which is conducive to the rapid growth of flowers, so there are many flowers, large flowers, colorful flowers, long flowering period, strong aroma and long green leaves. It can not only improve the ornamental value, but also have short flowering cycle and high flower yield per unit area. (2) it is clean and hygienic with few diseases and insect pests. The purpose of growing flowers is to beautify the indoor and outdoor environment and give people spiritual enjoyment. The fertilizer used in soilless cultivation is a nutrient solution prepared with inorganic elements, and the matrix is sterilized, which is not only clean and hygienic, but also can greatly reduce diseases and insect pests. Therefore, at present, many countries have formulated relevant laws to restrict the import of flowers with soil. If our country wants to export a large number of flowers, we must also adopt the new technology of soilless cultivation. (3) save fertilizer and water. Soilless cultivation due to fixed containers. Therefore, the loss of fertilizer and water is very small. About half of the nutrients and most of the water in soil cultivation are lost. (4) low labor intensity, saving labor and time. Soilless flowers do not need to carry heavy flowerpots. The containers used are mainly plastic, and the substrates used, such as vermiculite and perlite, are very light and weigh only one-tenth of the weight of the soil. In the management, as long as regularly replenish the pre-prepared nutrient solution and constantly replenish water, the operation is simple and the effect is very good. (5) it is free from many restrictions and is suitable for indoor use. Soilless cultivation is more flexible, as long as the general site has air and water, light, temperature and other conditions, this method can be used to cultivate flowers. 23. What is the best substrate for soilless cultivation? The function of soilless culture substrate is to replace soil to fix flower plants in containers, and can retain nutrient solution and water for the growth and development of flowers. Therefore, it is appropriate to choose substances with good water retention, good drainage performance, no harmful substances, cleanliness and certain strength. At present, the main soilless culture substrates commonly used in family flower cultivation at home and abroad are sand, gravel, vermiculite, perlite, glass fiber, foam, rock wool and so on. (1) vermiculite. It is a mica mineral with light and porous texture, good air permeability, water absorption and certain water holding capacity, and contains magnesium, potassium and other elements for flowers to absorb and utilize. (2) perlite. It is a siliceous mineral with stable, strong, light texture, clean and aseptic, good drainage and ventilation, but poor water and fertilizer retention, so it should be mixed with vermiculite at 1:1. (3) foam. The texture is very light and can hold a lot of water per unit volume. Generally can not be used alone, often mixed with sand and so on. (4) glass fiber. Clean and hygienic, strong water absorption, can store a lot of air, long-term use does not rot, and can support the roots of plants so that they do not lodge. The long-term use of the substrate of soilless cultivation, especially continuous cropping, is often easy to cause bacterial breeding and harm to flowers and seedlings, so attention should be paid to disinfection after each cultivation. 1% concentration of bleach solution can be used to soak on the substrate for about 30 minutes, and then rinse with clean water to eliminate chlorine, and its germicidal effect is good. After disinfection, the matrix can be reused.

24. How to prepare nutrient solution?

The various elements and dosage used in the preparation of nutrient solution should be determined according to the varieties of cultivated flowers and their different growth periods, different areas and so on. At present, there are many formulations of nutrient solution used at home and abroad. The formula of Hanpu nutrient solution suitable for general potted flowers is introduced as follows: a large number of elements are added to each liter of water: potassium nitrate 0.7 g, calcium nitrate 0.7 g, calcium superphosphate 0.8 g, magnesium sulfate 0.28 g, ferric sulfate 0.12 g, trace element boric acid 0.6 mg, manganese sulfate 0.6 mg, zinc sulfate 0.6 mg, copper sulfate 0.6 mg ammonium molybdate 0.6 mg. The pH value of this formula is 5.5 ml 6.5. When preparing, it is best to dissolve the inorganic salts listed in the above formula with a small amount of warm water of about 50 ℃, then pour them into the water one by one in the order listed in the formula, stir while stirring, and finally add the water to the full amount (1 liter) to become a prepared nutrient solution. In the preparation of the above solution, the type and dosage of elements can also be increased or decreased appropriately according to the different requirements of different flowers. Do not use metal containers when preparing or storing nutrient solutions, but use ceramic, enamel, plastic or glass containers to avoid chemical reactions. When the amount of nutrient solution used in family flower cultivation is small, in order to reduce the trouble of preparing nutrient solution, we can buy long-term flower fertilizer from flower and tree shops, such as plastic compound series flower fertilizer, vermiculite compound flower fertilizer, particle compound flower fertilizer and so on. In northern China, a simple nutrient solution containing 0.22 grams of ammonium phosphate, 1.05 grams of potassium nitrate, 0.16 grams of ammonium sulfate, 0.16 grams of ammonium nitrate and 0.01 grams of ferrous sulfate can also be used in 1 liter of water.

Practical Collection of Family Flower cultivation (part I) 25. How does the family carry out soilless cultivation? Family soilless cultivation can be cultivated in common pots such as plastic pots and plain baking pots. When planting, all kinds of substrates are mixed in proportion or put separately into a plastic basin, and then the seedlings with 3-5 leaves are planted in the center of the pot. Before planting, put the root system with soil in clean water, wash the root mud gently, and then soak the root in a solution 5 times thinner than the normal concentration of nutrient solution for about 10 minutes, so that it can fully absorb nutrients. After planting, cover it with a layer of quartz sand or pebbles to fix the plant, and immediately pour 0.5 times of the nutrient solution from around the container until there is a nutrient solution flowing out of the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin. After that, water was irrigated every 1-3 days, dilute nutrient solution was irrigated once in 7-10 days, and normal concentration of nutrient solution was poured after the plant returned to normal growth. The number of times and number of nutrient solution irrigated depends on the type of flowers, plant size, different growth stages, seasons and placement locations. In general, during the growth of indoor potted flowers, large seedlings are irrigated with nutrient solution every 7 to 15 days, seedlings are watered every 15 to 20 days, and flowers are watered once a month during the dormant period. The number of nutrient solution each time, the general flowerpot inner diameter of about 20 cm of positive flowers, each time about 100 ml, the amount of negative flowers should be reduced. If long-acting flower fertilizer is used, its dosage should refer to the provisions of the product manual. For beginners, pay attention to the right amount when pouring nutrient solution, preferring less than too much. If it is applied too much, it is easy to cause harm such as scorched leaves. Soilless cultivation of flowers, in addition to pay attention to grasp the time and amount of nutrient solution, but also according to the water requirements of different kinds of flowers timely watering, in order to keep the matrix often moist, in order to make flowers grow healthily. In order to avoid the loss of nutrient solution, it is best to choose a watertight container. The container that is more suitable for family use consists of two parts, the top is a flowerpot with a substrate (the bottom is porous), and the seedlings are loaded into it, and the top is a watertight container containing nutrient solution. When planting in this kind of container, the root system of the plant should be watered properly before extending into the nutrient solution, and a small amount of dilute nutrient solution should be irrigated every 5-7 days, and then transferred to normal management after the root system extends into nutrition. According to the growth habits of flowers, add nutrient solution and water regularly, generally change the nutrient solution thoroughly once a month, and wash the container containing the nutrient solution. At ordinary times, the amount of nutrient solution in the container is about 2 to 3 of the depth of the container. If you install too much, do not leave gaps, so that all the roots are soaked in the nutrient solution, the air is insufficient, and it is often easy to cause rotting roots due to hypoxia. The maintenance and management of flowers cultivated in soilless culture is basically the same as that of soil cultivation, and it is also necessary to give suitable environmental conditions such as light, temperature and humidity according to the habits of flowers. 26. What are the commonly used fertilizers? There are two types of fertilizers commonly used: (1) organic fertilizers. It is usually divided into animal organic fertilizer and plant organic fertilizer. Animal organic fertilizer includes human feces and urine, feather hoof horns and bone meal of livestock, wastes of fish, meat, eggs and so on. Plant organic fertilizer includes bean cake and other cake fertilizer, sesame sauce dregs, weeds, leaves, green manure, Chinese herbal medicine dregs, distiller's grains and so on. These two kinds of fertilizers are late-acting fertilizers with complete nutrients and long fertilizer effect, which can only be applied after fermentation and ripening before use. (2) Inorganic fertilizer. It is a fertilizer rich in mineral and nutrient elements, which is made by chemical synthesis or processed by natural ore. For example, nitrogen fertilizer includes urea, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, ammonium nitrate and so on. Phosphate fertilizer includes calcium superphosphate, phosphate rock powder and so on. Potash fertilizer includes potassium chloride, potassium sulfate and so on. The fertilizer effect of chemical fertilizer is fast, but the fertilizer content is simple; the fertilizer is violent, but not long-lasting. Except for phosphate fertilizer, general chemical fertilizer is used as topdressing. 27. How to make your own fertilizer? In daily life, there are many wastes that can be used to make fertilizer. (1) soaking liquid fertilizer. Put waste vegetable leaves, melon peel, chicken and fish into the water, fish scales, waste bones, eggshells and moldy food (peanuts, melon seeds, beans, bean powder *) in a small jar (or small jar). Add water and sprinkle a little trichlorfon and cover it strictly. After high temperature fermentation, it can be used. When in use, the supernatant is diluted with water before it can be applied. The above waste can be mixed with some old culture soil, add some water, put it in a large plastic bag, place it tightly for a period of time, and use it after fermentation. (2) waste composting. Choose a suitable place to dig a pit with a depth of 60 cm ~ 80 cm and cover with 10 cm furnace ash. Put rotten vegetable leaves, livestock offal, fish scales, chicken and duck droppings, eggshells, meat waste and broken bones into the pit, sprinkle some pesticides, and cover it with a layer of garden soil about 10 cm thick. Keep the pit moist to promote fertilizer maturity. It is best to compost it in autumn and winter, and when it is heated and mature without malodorous gas in spring, it can be mixed into culture soil as base fertilizer; 4mm sieve can also be used to sift and rub into pellets while wet, fine as topdressing and coarse as base fertilizer.

A practical Collection of Family Flower cultivation (part I)

28. How to avoid and reduce the stench from composting and fertilization? When there is accumulated fertilizer in retting, it often gives off an unpleasant smell and pollutes the environment, which is very unsanitary and unpleasant. Here is a brief introduction of some experiences to avoid or reduce the stench when retting fertilizer. (1) put a few pieces of orange peel (both dry and fresh) in the retting fertilizer container to reduce the odor. Because orange peel contains a lot of essential oil, the smell can be reduced by constantly volatilizing the fragrance with the fermentation process of fertilizer. When the effect of orange peel decreases, you can continue to put in a few new pieces of orange peel. Orange peel is also a good fertilizer after fermentation, which can increase fertilizer efficiency. (2) use kimchi altar to rett fertilizer. Put household non-staple food waste, such as rotten eggs, animal offal, bad milk, soy milk, etc., into the pickle jar, add an appropriate amount of water, pay attention to fill the jar sink with water, add some insecticidal drugs, and buckle the lid to prevent the stench from spreading. It can mature in about 2-3 months in summer. When it is used, the supernatant is added 10 times to 20 times of water, and a little trichlorfon and other pesticides are added to the fat water to prevent maggots. According to a material introduction, adding an appropriate amount of 500 × 600 times rice vinegar diluent before fertilizer and water application can alleviate the odor of liquid fertilizer. twenty-nine。 How to make fertiliser and water?

Huanling flower growers in Henan Province have used "alum fertilizer water" to irrigate flowers that like acid soil, and the effect is good. Common preparation methods: 20 kg-25 kg of water, 1 kg-1.5 kg of cake fertilizer or hoof slices, 250 g-300 g of ferrous sulfate (black alum), put the above materials into the tank and place them in the sun for about 1 month. The supernatant can be diluted with water. The soil irrigated with this kind of water shows a slightly acidic reaction, and the PH value is about 5.8-6.7.

A practical Collection of Family Flower cultivation (part I)

thirty。 How can we achieve reasonable fertilization? The so-called rational fertilization means that we should pay attention to timely and appropriate amount. The so-called timely, refers to flowers when needed, if found that the color of flower leaves become light, plant growth is weak, fertilization is timely. As for when to apply what fertilizer, it depends on the different growth and development stages of flowers, such as more nitrogen fertilizer can be applied at the seedling stage to promote the rapid and robust growth of seedlings; more phosphate fertilizer can be applied at the bud stage to promote large flowers and seeds; fertilization can be properly controlled at the initial stage of fruit setting to facilitate fruit setting. No matter what period of fertilization should be paid attention to the right amount, if the application of too much nitrogen fertilizer, easy to form overgrowth; too much potassium fertilizer, hinder growth, affect flowering and fruiting. When applying fertilizer, we should pay attention to the following points: (1) We should pay attention to the kinds of flowers when applying fertilizer. Different kinds of flowers have different requirements for fertilizer. For example, sweet-scented osmanthus and camellia like pig manure and avoid human feces and urine; southern flowers such as rhododendron, camellia and gardenia avoid alkaline fertilizers; flowers that need to be re-cut every year need to increase the proportion of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to facilitate the germination of new branches; flowers dominated by foliage can pay more attention to nitrogen fertilizer; flowers with large flowers (such as chrysanthemum and dahlia, etc.) need to apply an appropriate amount of complete fertilizer during flowering in order to make all flowers bloom and look beautiful. For flowers that mainly watch fruit, fertilizer and water should be properly controlled in the flowering period, and sufficient complete fertilizer should be applied in the strong fruit stage in order to achieve the desired effect; bulb flowers, apply more potash fertilizer to enrich the bulb roots; fragrant flowers, enter the flowering stage, apply more phosphorus and potash fertilizer to promote the strong smell of flowers. (2) fertilizing should pay attention to the season. Winter temperature is low, plant growth is slow, most flowers are in a state of stagnant growth, generally do not apply fertilizer; spring and autumn are in the peak period of flower growth, root, stem, leaf growth, flower bud differentiation, young fruit expansion, all need more fertilizer; summer temperature is high, water evaporation is fast, it is also a peak period of flower growth, the concentration of topdressing should be small, the number of times can be more. (3) the application of organic fertilizer must be fully mature, and raw fertilizer should not be used. In addition, there are many valuable opinions on how to fertilize potted flowers. For example, data from Jiangsu and other places point out that fertilization depends on growth, fixed amount, and adhere to the "four more, four less, four no", that is, more application of yellow and thin, more application of pregnant buds before germination, more application of pregnant buds, more application after anthesis, less application of sturdiness, less application of germination, less application of flowering, less application in rainy season, no application of only growth, no application of new planting, no application of summer heat, no application of dormancy. At the same time, it is also pointed out that there are three taboos in potted flower fertilization: first, avoid thick fertilizer, second avoid hot fertilizer (high soil temperature at noon in summer, fertilization is easy to hurt roots), third avoid sitting fertilizer, apply basic fertilizer at the bottom of the pot when planting flowers, and not put the root directly on the fertilizer, but add a layer of soil to the fertilizer. Then plant the flowers in the pot.

Recommended Reading: a practical Collection of Family Flower cultivation (part two)

A practical Collection of Family Flower cultivation (part two)