
How to raise potted carnations

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Carnation (carnation) dianthuscaryophyllus nickname: carnation, lion head carnation, Dutch carnation application: for flower beds, potted and container seedlings, cut flower products. Seed weight: popular species, 5OO seeds / g

Carnation (carnation) dianthus caryophyllus

Nicknames: carnation, lion head carnation, musk carnation, Dutch carnation

Application: for flower beds, potted and container seedlings, cut flower products.

Seed weight: popular species, 5OO seeds / g.

Sowing time: from July to August.

Sowing substrate: loose humus soil, slightly applying thin fertilizer (compound fertilizer O.25~O.5 kg / m3, iron, trace elements), excellent drainage (Olympus 20% vermiculite), low EC value (less than 0.75), ph: 6.O~6.5.

Sprouting: when the temperature is 18 degrees Celsius ~ 22 degrees Celsius, 7~l4 days can sprout.

Sprouting premise and management: lower EC value in the matrix, ph5.8~6.5. Fungicides should be used to treat the cultivation substrate before sowing to prevent Fusarium oxysporum. No cage cover is needed after sowing, and light is needed for seed germination. The humidity of the cultivation substrate should be high (the relative humidity is above 95%), and the sprouting is neat. After the cotyledons were opened (developmental ⅱ), the soil humidity decreased and the temperature dropped to 16 degrees Celsius.

Temperature: day temperature L3 degrees Celsius ~ 16 degrees Celsius, night temperature lO degrees Celsius In spring, plants begin to develop at temperatures ranging from 15 degrees Celsius to 18 degrees Celsius for 7-9 weeks. Cultivation will be delayed at a low temperature of lO degrees Celsius ~ 15 degrees Celsius. When growing 8 true leaves, the "Floristan" series underwent vernalization treatment for 6 to 9 weeks at 5 degrees Celsius to promote plant flowering. Avoid the temperature change too much to prevent the calyx from splitting suddenly.

Cultivation reminder: cultivation conditions that need to be dry, sunny and ventilated. The root system is sensitive to the culture medium with high humidity. Avoid watering the top of the plant. When the plant grows 4-6 pairs of true leaves need to be topped after transplantation, which is conducive to plant branching and improve plant quality.

Variety introduction

The plant of floristan is about 70 cm tall with double petals and bright colors, which can be used as cut flowers. The stem is long, erect and strong, with strong resistance. It needs vernalization treatment. The experience is for reference only. If you need to solve specific problems (especially in legal and medical areas), you are advised to consult relevant professionals next.

How to raise potted carnations? is it easy to raise carnations? Friends who have never planted carnations have such worries, so let's cut to the chase and share with you a few tips on how to cultivate carnations: 1. Basin selection skill: choose a high cylinder basin with large inner diameter. two。 Watering principle: water thoroughly, basin table does not dry do not water. 3. Pay attention to the light and avoid drought and flood. 4. The carnation is in a semi-dormant state in midsummer, avoiding the scorching sun. Next, let's learn about the matters needing attention in carnation culture. 1. To prevent carnation leaves from withering, it is necessary to control the light and temperature: some flower friends react to the phenomenon of leaf withering in the process of planting. This problem is mainly caused by uncontrolled temperature and light conditions. It is easy to cause wilt symptoms when the temperature is higher than 30 degrees. The most suitable environmental temperature for the growth of carnations is 13-25 degrees, and the light conditions are controlled at 6-8 hours a day. It can ensure the normal growth of potted Kangnai. A preference for bright lights is an important feature of carnations. Whether indoor, potted over summer or greenhouse to promote cultivation, all need sufficient light, should be placed in the sunny position of direct light. two。 Avoid rotten roots of carnations and master the principle of watering: why do some potted carnations have rotten roots? Potted plants have something in common: they like an environment with good ventilation and drainage. Excessive watering can easily lead to root rot, so it is necessary to grasp the number of watering times. Avoid stagnant water. Pay attention to loosening the soil and drainage in the rainy season. Except for timely watering during the growing and blooming season. Usually can be less watering, in order to keep the soil moist. If there are conditions, it is appropriate to keep the air wettability at about 75%. (children's shoes with air humidifier at home, this should not be difficult to control) remind the principle of watering carnations again: the basin table is not dry, water is thoroughly watered, avoid waterlogging. 3. If you want carnations to grow healthily, pay attention to fertilization: if you choose children's shoes planted with carnations. Attention should be paid to the selection of clayey soil with good drainage, rich humus, good fertilizer retention and slightly alkaline. Before planting, the basin floor should be fully fertilized with basic fertilizer containing potassium, calcium, nitrogen and phosphorus (or with sufficient baking fertilizer and bone meal). Liquid fertilizer should also be applied continuously during the growing period, generally applying mature thin fertilizer and water every 10 days or so, and applying topdressing after flower picking. Fertilization is prohibited during the high temperature period in summer, otherwise it is easy to wither and die. 4. The method of promoting multi-branch and multi-flowering of carnation: in order to promote its branching, remove the top when the plant height is 15-20 cm. Generally retain 6-7 lateral buds in the lower part, then pick the heart again later, and finally make the plant have 12-14 lateral branches. When pregnant buds, only one bud is left at the top of each branch, and all the lower axillary lateral buds and lateral buds should be removed. The second picking must be carried out before the middle of August. Cut off the pedicel in time after the first flowering, leaving only two buds at the base of each branch. After picking the heart again and again, it can make the plant shape beautiful and the flowers colorful. 5. The propagation method of carnation: carnation is the most suitable for cutting propagation. The time of cutting is unlimited, except for the too hot climate, it can reproduce in other seasons. Among them, the survival rate of cuttage in early February was the highest. The efficacy and function of carnations: 1, carnations have the effect of beauty, whitening skin, freckle and wrinkle, and can be used to regulate female endocrine disorders. 2. Carnation contains all kinds of trace elements needed by the human body, which can improve blood circulation, promote the metabolism of the body, strengthen the kidney and tonify the essence, treat fatigue, cough and eliminate thirst. 3. Carnations have the functions of clearing heart and removing dryness, eliminating inflammation and eliminating annoyance. It is effective in the treatment of headache and toothache. 4. Carnation can calm the mind and quench thirst, invigorate the stomach, regulate blood lipids and lose weight. Precautions for carnations: please put them in a cool and dry place indoors to avoid children taking them by themselves. Suitable for brewing carnations: forget-me-not, Violet, Rose King, Peony, Plum Blossom. Introduction to the bubble method and drinking method of carnations: take 3-4 carnations flowers and soak in boiling water for three minutes. How to raise potted carnations, how to cultivate carnations and matters needing attention / 5 points

Carnation, we must be no stranger, it is often given to the mother, is a beautiful flower, rich meaning of flowers, which also attracted a lot of people to raise it. In life, many people want to keep carnations indoors, so how to raise potted carnations? Compared with other flowers, carnations are not easy to raise. The following are the breeding methods and points for attention of carnations arranged by Xiaobian. Friends who want to raise them might as well go and have a look.

First, how to raise potted carnations, light is the key

With the deepening of understanding of the environment, many people will choose to grow plants at home, on the one hand, to purify the air, on the other hand, to be beautiful. And carnations with asparagus and other lining leaves in the vase, set off each other into interest, is a good product in the decoration room, so many new flower-growing friends will choose carnations, then how to grow potted carnations? Soil, watering and fertilization are necessary, but light is the most important!

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of carnations

1. Soil, sandy loam

Although carnations can be hydroponically cultivated, first of all you have to grow in the soil, so it is very important for carnations to create a rhizosphere environment that is loose and breathable, and has a certain ability to preserve fertilizer and water. Carnation is a herbaceous flower with root system, and its roots like to grow in loose, fertile and well-ventilated soil or medium, so the best soil for growing carnations is sandy loam.

Note: soil ventilation gap accounts for about 30% of the most ideal, viscous and silted soil is not conducive to the growth of carnations, it needs to be improved, and its core is to coordinate the relationship between solid, liquid and gas in the soil.

2. Lighting, 6-8 hours per day

In terms of the demand for light, carnations can be said to be the most demanding of all plants. Although other flowers like light, they generally cannot shine directly in strong light. But the carnation is different, it does not need to worry about any strong light except for the seedling or full flowering period. Not only that, the longer the sunshine accumulates, it's best for carnations. It's really tough!

Note: preference for bright lights is an important feature of carnations. No matter indoor, pot or greenhouse, sufficient light is needed, which should be placed in the sunny position of direct light, and the light conditions should be controlled at 6-8 hours a day.

3. Temperature, 13-25 ℃

In the culture method of carnation, the control of temperature is also very important. it not only plays a qualitative and quantitative role in the growth and development of carnation, but also affects its growth speed, the shape and size of flowers, leaves and stems, the yield of cut flowers and the life span of cut flowers. Carnation is a cool plant, the optimum temperature for growth and development is 13-25 ℃, and the temperature difference between day and night should be kept within 10 ℃.

Note: the temperature is too high during the day, the carnation has narrow leaves, small flowers, poor branching and other phenomena. If the temperature is too high at night, there will be abnormal reactions with weak stems, small flowers and good flower color. When the summer temperature is higher than 35 ℃ and the winter temperature is lower than 9 ℃, the growth is slow or abnormal or even stops growing.

4. Watering should not be excessive.

Different from the frequent watering of jasmine, carnations are shallow-rooted flowers, and the planting depth should not exceed 2 cm. They should be watered once after planting, and then watered when the potted soil is dry. Carnation is not resistant to moisture, in addition to increasing the amount of water in the vigorous growth period, flowering period and midsummer, generally watering should not be too much, just keep the soil moist. Avoid too dry and wet soil during flowering.

Note: excessive watering can easily cause rotten roots of carnations, so it is necessary to grasp the watering times to avoid stagnant water, and pay attention to loose soil and drainage in the rainy season. In addition to the growth and flowering season to timely watering, usually less watering, in order to maintain the soil moist. If there are conditions, it is appropriate to keep the air wettability at about 75%.

5. Fertilization, once / 10 days

Carnation has a long growing period and needs to replenish soil and fertilizer constantly. Topdressing is based on the principle of diligent application of thin fertilizer, and topdressing can be applied every 7 to 10 days in potted plants. The times of topdressing can be increased during the two growth peaks of the plant. Fertilizer can be used cake fertilizer water, chicken manure water, can also be used alternately with barnyard manure, compost, bone meal and other organic fertilizer.

Note: pay attention to the selection of clayey soil with good drainage, rich humus, good fertilizer retention and slightly alkaline. Before planting, the basin floor should be fully fertilized with basic fertilizer containing potassium, calcium, nitrogen and phosphorus. During the growth period, liquid fertilizer should be applied continuously, generally applying mature thin fertilizer and water every 10 days or so, and once after a week. Fertilization is prohibited during the high temperature period in summer, otherwise it is easy to wither and die.

Matters needing attention in the planting of carnations

In the planting of carnations, we have mentioned some points for attention, but if you want to make the carnations beautiful, you should also pay attention to the following points:

① should keep the soil moist in the vigorous growth period of spring and autumn to meet the needs of growth and development. When the growth is inhibited during the high temperature period in summer, watering should be controlled to strengthen ventilation in order to keep the basin soil slightly dry.

In general, when Frosts Descent enters the greenhouse before and after October (mid-October), the temperature control is the most suitable for real 10-20 ℃. In order to prolong the florescence, the temperature can be increased or lowered appropriately. Efforts should be made to reduce the humidity in the greenhouse in order to reduce the occurrence of diseases.

③ carnations grow slowly or abnormally or even stop growing when the winter temperature is lower than 9 ℃. So move it indoors and put it in a sunny, well-ventilated place for training. If the temperature is suitable, the florescence can be extended to March of the following year.

The coring of ④ should be carried out twice at seedling stage to promote branching so that each plant has about 10 lateral branches. After picking the heart, the plant is graceful and blossoms. With the growth of branches, brackets should also be set up to prevent lodging. During the growth period, the lateral buds and small flower buds produced on each branch should be removed in time, and only one flower bud at the top of each branch should be retained, so that nutrients can be supplied to the top bud.