
How to propagate the leaves and flowers of Magnolia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In order to make Magnolia blossom luxuriantly, ① potted plants should choose acid soil with loose and fertile soil, good drainage and ventilation. The culture soil can be made of rotten leaf soil or peat soil plus perlite of 1ppm 5, and a small amount of bone powder can be added as base fertilizer. Because Bailan is a fleshy root, it is most afraid of stagnant water.

To make Magnolia blossom and flourish

① potted plants should choose acid soil with loose and fertile soil, good drainage and ventilation. The culture soil can be made of rotten leaf soil or peat soil plus perlite of 1ppm 5, and a small amount of bone powder can be added as base fertilizer. As the Magnolia is fleshy root, it is most afraid of stagnant water, so it is necessary to use 3-4 cm thick granular furnace ash or broken tiles as drainage layer on the basin bottom pad.

After leaving the room in late April or early May, the northern trunk of ② was placed in the leeward and sunny place to prevent the leaves from being damaged by the wind and sand in spring. The sun shines strongly in midsummer, so it should be properly shaded around noon, or moved to sparse shade for maintenance from June to August.

During the peak growing season of ③ (May to September), liquid fertilizer should be applied once every two weeks, and the basin soil should be kept wet at the same time. Do not water too much, do not lack of water, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots or leaf edge scorched. In summer, we also need to pay attention to regularly spraying the foliage and wine to the ground to make the environment moist.

④ white orchid is not cold-resistant, the north usually enters the house in early October, where there is plenty of sunshine, the room temperature in the white sky should be kept at about 12 degrees Celsius, and the lowest at night should not be less than 5 degrees Celsius, otherwise it is easy to lose leaves, or even suffer frost injury, affecting the growth and flowering of the following year. When entering the room, the leaf respiration of the white orchid is still strong, so watering should not be too little. If the potted soil is too dry, the roots and leaves are easy to wither. The Winter Solstice before and after the white orchid entered the dormant period, to control watering, in order to waterproof more rotten roots and leaves. Stop fertilizing in winter and pay attention to proper ventilation. During the overwintering period, branches and leaves should often be sprayed with water close to room temperature to keep the leaves fresh and moist.

In order to maintain its vigorous growth, ⑤ changed its second basin in early spring every 1 ~ 2 years. Do not trim roots when changing pots, but properly cut withered and weak branches and disease and insect branches to facilitate more new branches. When you go out of the room, you should properly pick some old leaves from the lower part of the branches, which is also conducive to promoting new branches and blooming more. Wait for the flowers to fade, and then pick some of the old leaves to promote new shoots, so as to give birth to more buds. Pick some old leaves after late autumn to reduce nutrient consumption and facilitate overwintering.

If ⑥ finds yellow leaves, it should be sprayed with 0.2% ferrous sulfate solution 2 times in time, that is, the leaves can gradually change from yellow to green.

How to raise family potted flowers and plants in summer? What should we pay attention to?

The light is suitable to prevent exposure.

Light is the energy source for flowers to produce nutrients, so many flowers can blossom and flourish only under sufficient light conditions. However, different flowers or different growth stages of the same flower have different requirements for light, so there are flower proverbs such as "Yin camellia, yang peony, half yin and half yang four seasons orchid".

Generally like the flowers with plenty of light, such as rose, pomegranate, sweet-scented osmanthus, Riley, plum blossom, peony, poinsettia, variegated wood, chrysanthemum, Dahlia, Milan, Prynne, Fusang, crape myrtle, kumquat, aquatic flowers, cactus, etc., after leaving the room in spring, they should be kept in a sunny place, but in the middle of summer, they should also be moved to a slightly shaded place to prevent strong light exposure.

Generally negative or strongly negative flowers, such as orchids, tortoise back bamboos, hanging orchids, asparagus, camellias, rhododendrons, ivy, masts, evergreens, begonias, brown bamboos, Phyllostachys pubescens, orchids, ferns and magnolia, etc., should be maintained in an environment with good ventilation and 50-80% shade in summer. if exposed to direct light, it will cause branches and leaves to turn yellow and even die. For this kind of flowers, it is best to put them on the balcony or windowsill facing east or north in summer, or to cultivate them in a well-ventilated place with bright scattered light; you can also use reeds or bamboo curtains to set up a shade shed and put the flowerpot under the shade shed for maintenance. in this way, the light intensity can be reduced to facilitate the robust growth of flowers.

Cooling and humidification pay attention to ventilation

Temperature is a necessary condition for the growth of flowers. Due to the long-term influence of the natural climatic conditions of the place of origin, different flowers have formed the unique optimum, highest and lowest temperature. For most flowers, the suitable temperature for growth is 20-30 ℃. The highest temperature in summer in most areas of China can reach more than 30C. When the temperature exceeds the maximum limit of flower growth, the normal life activity of flowers will be blocked, resulting in short plants, partial burns of leaves, reduction of flower quantity and shortening of florescence. Many kinds of flowers bloom little or not in summer, and the influence of high temperature on their normal growth is an important reason.

Tropical and subtropical flowers, such as Michelia, camellias, rhododendrons, orchids, etc., grow under warm and humid marine climate for a long time, and form special ecological requirements that like air and moisture in the course of their childbearing. It is generally required that the air humidity should not be less than 80%. If it can meet the requirements of air humidity in maintenance, it will give birth well; otherwise, it will be prone to poor growth, leaf margin drying, tender leaves scorching and so on.

Under family conditions, there are four main ways to cool and humidify in summer:

The main results are as follows: (1) during the normal watering in summer, according to the different requirements of air humidity of different flowers, spray water on the branches and leaves 2 or 3 times a day, and spray water on the ground of flowerpots 1 or 2 times at the same time.

(2) spread sand to cool the north or east balcony with a thick layer of coarse sand, then put the flowerpot on the sand surface, sprinkle water on the sand surface 1-2 times a day in the second season, and use the water contained in the sand to absorb heat in the air. the purpose of cooling and humidification can be achieved.

(3) A prefabricated board of hardwood or cement is used to cool the pool, put on the tank containing cold water, and then put the flowerpot on the board or cement board, add water once a day, and the water evaporates continuously after being heated, which can not only increase the air humidity, but also lower the temperature.

(4) put the flowerpot in the well-ventilated place with scattered light, spray clean water 1-2 times a day, and use electric fan to cool down.

Rational watering and proper fertilization

Summer temperature is high, evaporation is fast, plant transpiration is also strong, flowers need more water, so for most flowers, there should be sufficient water supply. As for how to control the amount of water in summer? It should be determined according to the type of flowers, the plant size and the actual dry and wet condition of the basin soil. General grass flowers themselves have more water content, transpiration intensity, watering should be more; general woody flowers can be watered less appropriately. Under normal circumstances, general flowers should be watered 1-2 times a day, never half waist water, otherwise the leaves will often curl and yellowing, for a long time, the whole plant will die.

It is best to use Rain Water to water flowers in summer, or dry tap water for 1 to 2 days first. Watering time is appropriate in the morning and evening, do not pour cold water at noon, because the temperature is very high at this time, the temperature outside can often reach about 40 ℃, not only transpiration is strong, but also water evaporation is fast, suddenly the cold water is excited, the foliar cells turn from tense to wilting, so that the leaves scorch, and when serious, it will cause the whole plant to die. This phenomenon is particularly obvious in some grass flowers. If in the early stage of flower bud gestation, flowering and fruit setting, cold water is watered at noon in summer, it is also easy to cause bud drop, flower drop and fruit drop phenomenon.

What needs to be specially mentioned here is: due to the high soil temperature in hot summer, it must be watered in time after the shower to eliminate the high humidity and muggy heat in the basin soil and reduce the basin soil temperature; the stagnant water in the basin after the rainstorm should be poured out immediately, or the basin soil should be pierced with bamboo sticks (do not hurt the root) to let the water flow out from the drainage hole at the bottom of the basin to avoid rotting the root.

When applying fertilizer to potted flowers in summer, we should grasp the principle of "applying thin fertilizer frequently". Excessive concentration of fertilizer is easy to cause rotten roots, generally exuberant flowers, about every 10-15 days to apply dilute liquid fertilizer. Fertilization should be carried out on sunny days and when the basin soil is dry. Because the root is easy to rot when fertilized in wet soil. The fertilization time should be in the evening after getting cooler. Water should be watered once the day after fertilization. The type of fertilization varies from flower to flower. Flowers that like acidic soil, such as camellias, rhododendrons, magnolia, maizi, Riley, etc., should not apply alkaline fertilizers, but should choose acidic or physiologically acidic fertilizers, such as calcium superphosphate, ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate and ferrous sulfate. When flowers enter the flower bud differentiation and bud stage, it is appropriate to apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to promote more flowering. Flowers dominated by foliage should be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizer in order to promote the green color of leaves. Bulbous flowers, should apply more potash fertilizer, in order to enrich the bulb. For dahlias with large flowers and a long flowering period, it is necessary to apply an appropriate amount of complete fertilizer in the bud flowering stage in order to make all flowers blooming and beautiful. For the flowers that mainly watch the fruit, the fertilizer and water should be properly controlled during flowering, and sufficient complete fertilizer should be applied in the strong fruit stage, the fruit will be large and more.

In the process of pot flower maintenance, if the plant is short and thin, the branch is small and the leaf color is yellowish, which is the manifestation of lack of nitrogen fertilizer, nitrogen fertilizer should be added in time; if the plant grows slowly, the leaf curls, the plant is short, and the root system is underdeveloped, it is mostly caused by phosphorus deficiency. Fertilizer based on phosphate fertilizer should be supplemented. If the leaf tip of the leaf edge turns yellow (first the old leaf then the new leaf) and then turns brown and falls off, the stem is soft and easy to bend, which is mostly caused by lack of potassium, potash fertilizer should be applied.

Dormant flowers spend the summer safely

Some flowers, such as cyclamen, hanging golden bell, begonia, daffodil, geranium, taro, magnolia, freesia, paulownia, tulips, lotus flowers, etc., enter a semi-dormant or dormant state in the summer high temperature season, showing a decline or suspension of growth rate, in order to resist the harm of external adverse environmental conditions. In order to make this kind of flowers safely through the summer dormancy period, it is necessary to take corresponding measures to take meticulous nursing according to the physiological characteristics of their dormancy period. The main measures are:

(1) move dormant flowers to a shady and ventilated place after summer to avoid direct sunlight and rain, otherwise it will easily cause rotting roots or even death.

(2) watering should be strictly controlled. During dormancy, too much watering, basin soil for a long time wet, very easy to rot roots, watering too little, basin soil is too dry, and easy to make the root system atrophy. Therefore, watering is appropriate to keep the basin soil slightly moist. But often spray water on the branches and leaves and sprinkle water on the ground around the flowerpot to form a moist and cool microclimate, which is conducive to dormancy. However, for flowers such as paulownia with dense fluff on the leaf surface and cyclamen whose flower buds are sensitive to moisture, it is not suitable to spray water on the leaf surface or leaf center.

(3) stop applying any fertilizer. Because the physiological activity of flowers is very weak during dormancy, there is no need for fertilizer. If fertilized, it is also easy to cause rotten roots, rotten balls, and even the death of the whole plant.

Pruning and shaping to prevent overgrowth

After many flowers enter the summer, they are often easy to grow in vain, affecting their flowering and fruiting. In order to keep the plant shape beautiful and fruity, it needs to be trimmed and reshaped. Summer pruning is generally based on measures such as coring, wiping buds, removing leaves, thinning buds, thinning fruits and so on.

(1) pick some grass flowers, such as Begonia, Golden Bell, a string of red, chrysanthemum, Dutch chrysanthemum, early chrysanthemum, etc., and pinch off their tops when they reach a certain height to promote them to be more branched and bloom. Some woody flowers, such as kumquat, should also be heart-picked when the branches grow to about 15-20 cm in order to bear more fruit.

(2) in summer, many flowers often sprout adventitious buds from the base of the stem or branches, which should be erased in time so as not to consume nutrients and disturb the plant shape.

(3) to remove leaves, some foliage flowers should properly cut off old leaves and promote new leaves, then the leaf color will be more beautiful.

(4) Bud thinning, fruit thinning for flowers that are mainly ornamental, such as dahlias, chrysanthemums, roses, etc., excessive buds should be removed in time; for ornamental flowers, such as kumquat, pomegranate, bergamot, etc., when the young fruit grows to the size of soybean grains, the excess young fruit should be removed; for some flowers that cannot bear seeds or are not ready to collect seeds, cut off the residual flowers in time.

(5) plastic surgery for poinsettia, plum blossom, green peach, tiger thorn plum and other flowers, often bend each side branch in summer to make the plant shape plump and graceful.

Comprehensive management of disease prevention and pest control

High temperature and humidity in summer are conducive to the occurrence of a large number of diseases and insect pests. We should carry out the policy of "prevention first and comprehensive prevention and control" and do a good job in prevention and control in the spirit of "early treatment, small treatment and cure" to ensure the healthy growth of flowers.

The main results are as follows: (1) the common diseases in summer are powdery mildew, anthracnose, gray mold, leaf spot, nematode, bacterial soft rot and so on. Powdery mildew is mainly harmful to rose, plum blossom, peony, chrysanthemum, dahlia, begonia, melon leaf chrysanthemum, inverted golden bell and so on. After the damage, the plants were short, the tender shoots were curved, and the leaves were uneven or curled. Buds, leaves, shoots and buds, as if covered with a layer of white powder and grow many small black spots, serious leaves withered and withered, or even the whole plant died. Anthrax is mainly harmful to orchids, Magnolia, Milan, plum blossoms, rubber trees, cactus and so on. After most flowers are infected by bacteria, there are nearly round disease spots on the leaf surface, the edges are mostly purplish brown or dark brown, the center is light brown or grayish white, and the disease spots are often arranged with small black spots in the shape of wheels. The leaves withered and died when the disease was serious. Botrytis cinerea is mainly harmful to peony, peony, cyclamen, begonia, inverted Admiralty and so on. The damaged parts such as leaves, stems and flowers are brown or purplish brown rotten, gray mildew grows on the disease spot when the weather is wet, and the whole plant dies in severe cases. To prevent and cure the above three diseases, the following methods can be adopted: ① thoroughly remove dead branches and leaves in early spring, and timely cut off diseased schools, leaves, buds and so on, so as to reduce the source of bacteria; ② strengthens cultivation management, reasonable fertilization and watering, pays attention to ventilation and light, makes plant growth strong, and improves disease resistance; spraying 50% carbendazim or 50% thiophanate 500,800 times in the initial stage of ②.

(2) there are two kinds of common pests in summer: piercing and sucking mouthparts and chewing mouthparts. The former are mainly aphids, red spiders, whitefly, shell insects and so on. These pests often gather in leaves, tender stems, buds, branches and other parts, with needle-like mouthparts into the flowers to suck juice, causing leaves to turn yellow and curl, resulting in leaf yellowing and shedding. The prevention and control method can be sprayed with 1000-1500 times of dichlorvos emulsion. This medicine is easy to cause drug damage to plum blossom, cherry blossom, rhododendron, elm leaf plum and other flowers and trees, so these flowers and trees should be banned. The latter mainly includes moths, butterfly larvae, various beetles and underground pests. These pests nibble away at the leaves, bite the roots and wither the plants. The method of control is to spray 1000-1500 times of dichlorvos emulsion or irrigate the rhizosphere. High temperature in summer, volatile pesticides, coupled with high temperature when the human body's emission function is enhanced, the absorption of the skin increases, so the poison is easy to enter the human body and poisoning, so summer application, it is appropriate to move the flowerpot to the outside, in the morning and evening.

The importance of Light to Flowers and plants


In the vast majority of articles on flower cultivation, the question of whether there is sufficient light is mentioned, because flowers and plants cannot do without light in photosynthesis, and many flowers and plants can flourish only under sufficient light conditions. however, light plays a key role in the healthy growth of flowers and plants, so let's learn more about the importance of light to flowers and plants.

1. Different flowers have different requirements for light.

1. Positive flowers

Most flowers and fruits are positive flowers, such as Magnolia, rose, pomegranate, plum blossom, crape myrtle, citrus and so on. There are also a few positive flowers in foliage flowers, such as cycads, palms, variable-leaf trees and so on. Most aquatic flowers, cacti and succulent plants are also positive flowers. All positive flowers like strong light and are not resistant to shade. If there is not enough sunlight, it is easy to cause the branches and leaves to grow, the tissue is soft and weak, the leaf color becomes pale and yellowish, it is not easy to blossom or is not good, and is vulnerable to diseases and insect pests.

two。 Negative flowers

Grow well in shaded environment, such as asparagus, camellia, rhododendron, hairpin, green pineapple, evergreen, ivy, paulownia, tortoise back bamboo (details), autumn begonia, etc., if exposed to strong light for a long time, the branches and leaves will be withered and yellow, growth stagnant, serious or even death.

3. Neutral flowers

Grow well under the condition of sufficient sunshine, but there is no principle to add shade when the light intensity is strong in summer, such as sweet-scented osmanthus, jasmine, magnolia, eight immortal flowers and so on. To sum up, all kinds of flowers have different requirements for light and light, and even the same flower has different requirements for light at different stages of growth and development. positive chrysanthemums are required to form buds under short-day conditions.

Bauhinia flower

Second, light affects the growth and development of flowers.

1. The intensity of the light determines the time when some flowers bloom. Flowers such as Scutellaria barbata and sorrel only bloom at noon on a sunny day. Evening primrose, jasmine and evening jade only give off fragrance in the evening. And the beautiful flowers of epiphyllum reveal their fragrance at night. Morning glory is the most beautiful at sunrise in the morning.

two。 The intensity of light affects the color of the flower. The color of alpine tropical flowers is more colorful than that of flat flowers. The color of the same variety of flowers is brighter outdoors than indoors.

3. The length and intensity of light also affect the germination of flower seeds. For example, primrose and begonia seeds are called light seeds, they germinate better under exposure (not covered with soil), but taro must be covered with soil after sowing and cannot germinate under light conditions. Light also affects the formation and growth of vegetative organs and dormancy of flowers.

Therefore, the maintenance of any kind of flower and plant must first understand its growth habits, can not blindly give what it thinks it needs, reasonable giving can cultivate flowers and plants with luxuriant flowers and leaves and fragrant smell.