
Planting technique of Hedyotis diffusa

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting technique of Hedyotis diffusa

Hedyotis diffusa, also known as Hedyotis diffusa, Hedyotis diffusa, is an annual herb of Rubiaceae, which can be used as medicine and has the effect of clearing heat and detoxification, diuresis and detumescence, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain. In addition, medicine has proved that it has the role of anti-cancer and liver protection, its market demand is soaring, the price is also rising, so the prospect of artificial planting is excellent. So how to grow Hedyotis diffusa? Let's take a look.

1. Land selection and preparation

Hedyotis diffusa is suitable to be planted on the soil with low topography, sufficient light, convenient drainage and irrigation, fertile and loose soil. After selecting the planting land, combined with land preparation, 4000-5000 kg of rotten farm manure and 50 kg of compound fertilizer are applied per mu as base fertilizer. Spread fertilizer evenly on the soil, rake fine and mix well, and then open a ditch to make a border, with a width of 1 meter and a depth of 25 centimeters.

2. Sowing seeds

The sowing time can be divided into spring sowing or autumn sowing, spring sowing is generally commercial, autumn sowing can be commercially available, spring sowing is appropriate from March to May, and autumn sowing is deformed in mid-late August. As the seeds of Hedyotis diffusa are small, in order to increase the germination rate, it is necessary to treat before sowing, remove the wax layer of the pericarp and seed shell, and then use the seeds to mix several times of fine soil before sowing. Sowing can be divided into strip sowing and sowing, the row spacing of strip sowing is about 30 cm, sowing the seeds evenly on the soil, covering a layer of shallow soil after sowing, shading with straw during the day, opening at night, until the emergence and growth of 4 leaves.

3. Field management

After the seedlings are unearthed, the seedlings should be combined with ploughing and weeding, and the weak seedlings should be removed between the seedlings, leaving strong seedlings with consistent growth. when the seedlings grow to 8-10 cm, the seedlings should be fixed according to the plant spacing of 10 cm. From sowing to seedling emergence, the soil should be kept moist and beneficial to seedling emergence, but stagnant water should be avoided, drainage should be done in time after rain, and water can be irrigated in the border ditch to cool down and prevent sunburn in the high temperature season. The growth period of Hedyotis diffusa is relatively short, and it needs to be fertilized in time to maintain nutrients. Generally, farm manure is the main fertilization, according to plant growth.

4. Pest control

Hedyotis diffusa has strong disease resistance, and few diseases occur in the whole growth period, which can be controlled by topdressing and weeding. The main pests are ground tiger and Spodoptera litura, in which Spodoptera litura can be trapped and killed by trapping lamp, while ground tiger can be sprayed with Regent.

The above is the planting technology of Hedyotis diffusa. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.