
What should I pay attention to when planting in the ground or in the pot?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, When cultivating forget-me-not in the open field, the sandy loam with high ventilation and high topography and rich in organic matter should be selected to form a high border, and the mature organic fertilizer should be applied. The seedlings were transplanted once when they had 1 or 2 true leaves, but it was difficult to survive if they were transplanted too late. Colonize when 4 or 6 true leaves grow.

When cultivating forget-me-not in the open field, the sandy loam with high ventilation and high topography and rich in organic matter should be selected to form a high border, and the mature organic fertilizer should be applied. The seedlings were transplanted once when they had 1 or 2 true leaves, but it was difficult to survive if they were transplanted too late. It was colonized when 4 or 6 true leaves were grown. After planting, more water should be irrigated in the early stage of growth, and liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen fertilizer should be applied twice. After pulling out the mullion, water less, in order to improve the hardness of the flower stem, at this time to apply liquid fertilizer mainly based on phosphorus and potash fertilizer for 1 or 2 times, in order to make the flower color bright and the plant strong. When the plant grows to a height of about 20 centimeters, it is necessary to draw a net and set up a support to prevent lodging.

Don't forget that when I plant in a pot, it is appropriate to plant 2-3 plants in each pot. The soil for pot cultivation is the same as that for raising seedlings. Before planting, add cooked bean cake and so on as base fertilizer. After planting, it is cultivated in the sunny place, and the water is watered once a day in spring and autumn, and the temperature is high in summer. Water should be irrigated every morning and evening to maintain the humidity of the basin soil and reduce the temperature of the basin soil. During the growth period, you don't need to apply too much topdressing, just apply thin rotten bean cake water or compound fertilizer once or twice a month. When applying liquid fertilizer, avoid splashing liquid on the leaf surface.

What's the difference between lavender and forget-me-not?

1. Color

Forget-me-not: the flowers are mainly purple, but also pink, purple, orange, yellow and white, the flowers are relatively larger, with five petals.

Lavender: the flower is mainly purple, which is darker than forget-me-not. in addition, there are blue and pink. At present, there are only two kinds of lavender flowers in the shape of rice grains, which are smaller than those of forget-me-not.

2. Odor

Don't forget me: the fragrance of the flowers is so faint that you have to put them close to your nose before you can smell them.

Lavender: the aroma is strong, because it basically has oil glands all over the body, and the oil glands are broken and fragrant after touching. Therefore, lavender is the first aromatherapy plant in the world, and the essential oil extracted from lavender is widely used in beauty, daily chemical and other fields.

3. Growth habits

Forget-me-not: like loose and breathable alkaline soil, dry, dry and avoid dampness. When planting, the distance of each plant is controlled at 30-40 cm, and the depth of planting on the ground is higher than that of the forget-me-not root neck. 2 months after planting, the temperature is controlled below 15 ℃, which ensures that forget-me-not passes through the temperature stage, which is conducive to its normal flowering.

Lavender: like the sun, need all-day sunshine, like warm in winter and cool in summer, not very heat-resistant, afraid of stagnant water. When there is the sun can not be watered, watering can not be watered on the plant, in order to prevent worms and rot.

4. Efficacy

Forget-me-not: can be tied into bouquets to give each other, but also can be used to make scented tea, scented tea has the effect of tonifying blood and kidney, beauty and beauty, good for eyes, deeply loved by the majority of women, but do not drink more, otherwise tonifying the kidney will become a kidney injury.

Lavender: the main efficacy is sleep, bacteriostatic effect, using lavender to do pillows can effectively improve sleep conditions. It can also be made into scented tea, mask, essential oil, etc., in short, its application is much more extensive than forget-me-not.

How to raise potted lavender

1. Watering

The continuous humid environment will cause the lavender root not to breathe enough air and grow poorly, or even suddenly the whole plant dies. When the water is thoroughly watered, the soil should be dried before giving water, with the surface culture medium dry, the internal moisture for the degree, and the leaves wilting slightly. Water in the morning, avoid the sun, do not splash water on leaves and flowers, otherwise it is perishable and breeds the Red Sea.

2. Lighting

Lavender is an all-day plant, which needs plenty of sunshine and humid environment, and the environment that can give full sunshine is better. In summer, lavender should cover at least 50% of the sun and increase ventilation to reduce the ambient temperature. Lavender can grow well on flat land in winter and should be cultivated under full sunshine.

3. Temperature

Lavender is semi-heat-resistant, cool, warm in winter and cool in summer. The suitable temperature for growth is 15-25 ℃, and it can grow at 5-30 ℃. The limited temperature is above 35 ℃ and the top stem and leaf are withered and yellow when it is higher than 38-40 ℃ for a long time. In northern China, dormancy begins when it is below 0 ℃ for a long time in winter, and the seedlings can withstand the low temperature of-20 ℃ to-25 ℃ during dormancy.

4. Pruning

Some small inflorescences in the early stage of cultivation might as well be completely leveled with large scissors, and the new inflorescences are highly consistent, which is conducive to a harvest. Must be pruned after flowering, the plant can be trimmed to the original 2/3, the plant type will be stronger and conducive to growth.

Pruning in the cold season such as spring, autumn 10, generally pruning in spring, pruning in autumn will affect the cold resistance. Be careful not to cut the lignified part when pruning, so as not to weaken the plant and die.

Daquan of lavender varieties

1. "Sidcott" lavender

"Sidcot" lavender is the most popular variety of lavender abroad, with strong fragrance, dark blue-purple flowers, silver-green leaves, flowering from late spring to early summer, short plants and slow growth, so it is the recommended variety for small gardens.

2. "Mengshide" lavender

"Monster" lavender, with large spikes, lavender, gray-green leaves, lace, strong fragrance, compact plant shape, slow growth, florescence from mid-to late spring, and a cool all-day environment, are popular in the United States.

3. "Graf" lavender

"Graf" lavender, long spikes, flowering from late spring to early summer, the plant is higher than other narrow-leaf lavender.

4. "purple bouquet" lavender

"Purple bouquet" lavender, with slender stalk and silver-green leaves, flowering in early summer and bright purple in color, is the first choice for the production of cut and dried flowers. Like other lavender, like the drier environment, need to pay attention to the drainage of the soil.

How long is the flowering period of lavender

Lavender usually blossoms from June to August. But in some cooler summers, lavender flowers will bloom very well, especially if they are well protected, or potted lavender will bloom for longer, but not necessarily.

You must have a deeper understanding of lavender and forget-me-not through the above content. Lavender also has a sedative and hypnotic effect, so flower friends have sleepless relatives and friends, might as well send him a lavender pillow!

Maintenance of potted peach blossoms, when will peach blossoms bloom?

Peach blossom is a plant of Rosaceae, which has the unique characteristics of double petals and clusters of flowers of Rosaceae. Where peach blossoms are in full bloom, colorful butterflies are flying, which is extremely charming and beautiful. The fruit of peach blossom peach is also one of the most common edible fruits in China, the sweet feeling makes people nostalgic.

Maintenance of potted peach blossoms, when will peach blossoms bloom? -

[plant archives]-

English name: peach blossom

Scientific name: Prunus persica

Aliases: green peach, peach, peach plum, Yangchunhua

Family: Rosaceae of Rosaceae

Genus: Prunus

Origin distribution: peach originated in China, can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty, gradually spread to the surrounding areas of Asia, from Persia to the West, the Latin name Persica means Persia.

Morphological features: small deciduous trees; leaves narrowly elliptic to lanceolate, apex growing and thin tip, margin denticulate, dark green glossy, leaf base with nectaries; bark dark gray, cracks with age; flowers solitary, from light to dark pink or red, sometimes white, short stalked, 4cm in diameter, flowering in early spring Subglobose drupe with hairy surface, fleshy edible, orange-yellow and reddish in diameter, 7.5cm in diameter, with deep dots and grooves in stone, containing white seeds.

Conservation of potted peach blossoms-

Peach blossoms like light, should not be shaded, cold-resistant, drought-resistant, afraid of waterlogging, and avoid stagnant water at the root. It is appropriate to choose loose loam with good drainage, not too fertile, otherwise it will grow branches and leaves and blossom less. For potted peach blossoms, more attention should be paid to conservation:

Watering: do not dry do not water, watering the right amount, to prevent stagnant water.

Fertilization: apply liquid fertilizer once or twice a year after flowering and after flowering, but do not apply fertilizer at other times.

Pruning: peach blossoms have the habit of differentiating flower buds in July and blooming in spring the following year. Attention should be paid to pruning. Young peaches mainly develop peach crowns. After flowering, only two or three buds at the base are retained and the rest are cut off. In summer, the overgrown branches are coring to promote the formation of flower buds. For plants that are not growing well, we should avoid too much pruning, restrain the strong and help the weak, and pay attention to the uniform distribution of branches, resulting in a beautiful plant shape.

Change the basin: when the Spring Equinox does it every year. When changing the basin, put some phosphate fertilizer at the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer, cut off the dense roots and fill in the new basin soil.

Pest control: peach blossoms will produce leaf shrinkage disease, which can be prevented by spraying Bordeaux liquid brush and painting tree trunks every half a month at the beginning of the disease. Aphids, moths, longicorn beetles and other pests can be caught manually or killed by spraying pesticides.

When do the peach blossoms blossom? -

Peach blossom florescence in early spring, for the Spring Festival indoor bottle good material, in order to ensure that it blossoms in the Spring Festival, you can carry out flowering treatment. Generally, the pot is moved to a cool place below 7 ℃ after the peach blossom leaves are fallen, and then moved indoors 1-1.5 months before the Spring Festival, giving a temperature of about 10 ℃, and then gradually increasing the room temperature. In the environment of 20-25 ℃, it can blossom after 15-25 days.

Conclusion: through the detailed introduction of this article, do you have a more and deeper understanding of the culture of peach blossoms and the knowledge of when peach blossoms bloom? There are only a few days left for the Spring Festival. Are you ready to plant peach blossoms in your home?

[more Encyclopedia of plants]

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