
Peony flower efficacy and function and taboo, root bark can fight cancer and stop bleeding (heart disease is used cautiously)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Peonies are very common in daily life. Many people plant peonies at home, which can not only look good but also beautify the environment. The role of peony is not only to watch, its flowers can also make tea to drink, the medicinal value of peony is also very wide, its root bark can be used as medicine to fight cancer and stop bleeding. These are the functions and functions of peony flowers.

Peonies are very common in daily life. Many people plant peonies at home, which can not only look good but also beautify the environment. The role of peony is not only to watch, its flowers can also make tea to drink, the medicinal value of peony is also very wide, its root bark can be used as medicine to fight cancer and stop bleeding. These are the effects and functions of peonies. Let's take a look at the efficacy, functions and taboos of peonies.

First, the efficacy and effect of peony flower, root bark can fight cancer and stop bleeding

Peony is a very common potted plant in daily life, and many families have raised peony. Earlier we talked about how to raise peonies. Now let's take a look at the efficacy and function of peonies. When it comes to the role of peonies, there are too many. It not only has medicinal value, but also can beautify the environment, but also edible efficacy, the following we explain the efficacy and function of peony and taboos.

1. Ornamental value

The ornamental value of peony is higher, which can be viewed by a single plant or multiple potted plants. Putting it at home can beautify the environment. Peony always gives a person the feeling of magnificent and generous, put it in the living room, can let the home also appear rich atmosphere, upgrade the household grade.

2. Edible efficacy

In addition to being available for viewing, peony can also be eaten by human beings. as early as in ancient Chinese books, there are records that peony can be eaten. There are many ways to eat peony, which can be eaten with honey. It can also be made into peony wine or steamed. There are a variety of vitamin amino acids in peony, which can play an important role in beauty and blood circulation after eating.

3. Regulating menstruation and activating blood circulation

Peony can be used as medicine not only in root bark, but also in peony flower. There are a lot of astragaloside in this flower, which is a natural ingredient for promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation. It is especially suitable for women to eat, especially for women with irregular menstruation.

4. Anti-cancer and anti-hemostasis

Peony is not only beautiful, its root bark is also a very unique existence, can be used in medicine, is a kind of effective Chinese medicine, can enter the kidney meridian and liver meridian, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and clearing heat and cooling blood is its most important efficacy, usually can be used for the treatment of human traumatic bleeding, in addition, there are natural anticancer substances in peony root bark, human use can significantly reduce the incidence of cancer.

5. Fengshui action

Peony has a good meaning, on behalf of consummation, wealth, put it at home can give a good cultural atmosphere, improve the grade, round full can improve family fengshui. If you feel that there is a strong flavor of ordinary citizens at home, you might as well put a pot of peonies to bring up your temperament.

Second, the taboos of peony flowers

1. Peony scented tea is suitable for people with irregular menstruation, blood deficiency and anemia, but it is best not to take it carefully for pregnant women and women during menstruation. Because the peony tea is cold and has a certain function of promoting blood circulation, it is not recommended for people with spleen deficiency and weakness to take it.

2. Patients with heart disease with too fast heart rate, patients with kidney deficiency, people with weak physique, those with severe hypertension, those with severe constipation, those with neurasthenia, those with anemia and so on should be used appropriately.

3. The physique of the elderly will be relatively poor, and the average adult should be controlled at 5 grams per day.

Through the above answer, do you feel that the peony flower has a wide range of effects and functions? Friends who like peonies can try to raise a pot of peonies at home. The above is a full analysis of the efficacy and function of peony flowers and taboos, hoping to help you.

Efficacy, function and taboo of peony flower

The breadth and depth of traditional Chinese medicine lies in its local use of materials, understanding the performance and efficacy of all animals and plants, so that it can be effective at the right time. As a kind of plant, peony is beautiful and plump, and it is also the rich one of flowers. Like other plants, peony not only has ornamental value, but also should have other functions.

Efficacy, function and taboo of peony flower

First, the efficacy and function of peony.

1. Peony flower has the effect of nourishing blood and liver, dispelling depression and removing blood stasis, which is suitable for facial chloasma, skin aging, and regular drinking can make it full of qi and blood, ruddy appearance and full of spirit.

2. Peony flower can relieve physiological pain and reduce blood pressure, which is helpful to improve anemia and beauty.

3. Peony flower can relieve pain, relieve cough, relieve diarrhea, promote blood circulation, prevent hypertension and so on.

4. Peony flower has the effect of beauty and beauty, which can reduce blood pressure, tonify liver, reduce menstrual pain, smooth blood flow, and reduce anemia in women.

Second, the taboos of peony flowers

1. Heart disease patients with rapid heart rate, patients with kidney deficiency, people with weak physique, people with severe hypertension, people with severe constipation, people with neurasthenia, people with anemia and so on should be used in an appropriate amount.

2. The physique of the elderly will be relatively poor, and the average adult should be controlled at 5 grams per day.

The practice of Peony Flower Diet

Practice 1: peony Tremella soup

Materials: peony flower, Tremella fuciformis, clear soup, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, white pepper noodles.


1. Wash the petals of white peony first, put Tremella into a basin and soak and expand with boiling water, then clean and dry and set aside.

2. Pour the clear soup into a clean pot, add salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate and white pepper noodles, boil and skim off the foam.

3. Put Tremella into a bowl and pour in the mixed clear soup.

4. Steam in the cage until Tremella fuciformis is soft and taste, remove and sprinkle with fresh white peony petals.

Edible value: edible soup is clear and delicious, light and refreshing. It has the effect of clearing lung heat, tonifying spleen and stomach, nourishing yin, invigorating qi and activating blood, moistening intestines and strengthening heart, tonifying brain, tonifying kidney and detoxification.

Practice 2: peony porridge

Materials: peony, japonica rice, brown sugar.


1. Take off the petals and rinse clean. Wash the japonica rice clean.

2. Put the water in the pot and boil the peonies for about 10 minutes. Filter out the petals.

3. Add japonica rice, cook until porridge is ready, then add brown sugar to taste.

Edible value: edible porridge is thick and fragrant, with the effect of promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation.

The method of picking petals of tree peony

1. Before the new shoots of the peony tree germinate, trim the crown of the peony tree into a flat picking surface.

2. Lay the flower picking net on the picking surface of the peony crown.

3. Fertilizing and spraying pesticides according to normal garden management to remove peony petals with diseases and pests.

4. when the new shoot of the peony tree grows to the picking standard, roll up the flower-picking net together with the new shoot of the peony tree extending into the flower-picking net.

5. Open the flower-picking net to collect the new shoots that leave the peony tree, and respread the flower-picking net on the picking surface of the peony crown.

6. the method is simple, through the movement of picking flowers or to produce a certain pulling force up or to the left or right, the petals will be shaken down and then collected, so that the petals will not be destroyed, and the collected petals are suitable to be made into traditional Chinese medicine and improve the collection efficiency.

Grafting technique of Peony Flower

1. Grafting time. Peony can be grafted from late September to early October, and it is suitable for White Dew (September 7-8) to the Autumn Equinox (September 23-24), especially before and after White Dew, the survival rate of grafting is the highest, which may be the response of peony grafting to specific temperature and humidity. Before and after White Dew, the air temperature is 20 ℃ and the deep ground temperature of October is 18 ℃, so the survival rate is high.

2. The selection of rootstocks. The rootstock is usually peony root bean or peony root. Using peony root as rootstock, grafting is not cheap because of its thinner and more hardware. the propagated plant grows slowly at the beginning, but the base of scion is easy to root and sprout more, which is beneficial to later ramet and longer life. The root of Paeonia lactiflora is used as rootstock, because its Lignification is relatively weak, the operation is more convenient, and the survival rate is relatively high. However, the root of the scion has fewer roots, less tillers, and a shorter life span. The rootstock should be dried for 2 days, and then grafted after losing water and softening, so that the incision is not easy to split and easy to operate.

3. Scion. Scion is best to pick soil buds to grow into branches, its tissue is full, vitality is exuberant, the base is easy to produce new roots and sprouting new branches, and the survival rate is high. If there are few sprouting branches, only the annual branches in the upper part of the crown can be used as scions. The length of scion is generally 5-10cm, the thickness is more than 0.5cm, and there are 2-3 full buds.

4. Grafting. After splicing or cutting, bind with hemp instead of plastic film strip, coat it with mud and plant it into a deep and wide basin. The basin soil should be injected with tide, generally without watering and moisturizing with soil.

The peony flower is gorgeous and rich, and the meal made by the peony flower is as strong and energetic as its flowers. The refreshing energy of food can effectively improve your appearance. But it may be too overbearing, so it is not suitable for people with weak physique or loss for a long time, otherwise the loss outweighs the gain.

The efficacy, function and taboo of Cortex moutan must be known when eating Cortex moutan.

Chinese traditional Chinese medicine culture is broad and profound, now the influence of traditional Chinese medicine is not only in China, with its spread, traditional Chinese medicine has a certain impact on the world medicine. Many foreigners began to believe and learn traditional Chinese medicine. In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, many plants can be used as medicine to cure diseases and save lives. There is a kind of medicine called Cortex moutan, it is not a natural product, it is to dig out the roots of peonies and dry them as medicine. Today we will talk about the efficacy and taboos of eating Cortex moutan.

Effects on cardiovascular system

Cortex moutan can increase coronary blood flow, reduce cardiac output and reduce left ventricular work in anesthetized dogs. It has obvious protective effect on experimental myocardial ischemia and lasts for a long time, and reduces myocardial oxygen consumption at the same time. The decoction of Cortex moutan, 1.0-3.0g/kg or 80-120mg/kg after removing paeonol was injected intravenously, which could reduce blood pressure in anesthetized dogs and rats.

Effects on the central nervous system

Paeonol has antipyretic effect on fever induced by oral typhoid and paratyphoid vaccine and reduces the body temperature of normal mice. Oral paeonol could inhibit the writhing reaction and tail tenderness response induced by intraperitoneal injection of acetic acid in mice, antagonize the hyperkinesia induced by caffeine, prolong the sleep time of mice induced by cyclohexobarbital sodium, disappear the righting reflex in mice at high dose, and obviously antagonize the convulsions caused by pentylenetetrazol, strychnine, nicotine and electroshock.

Anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect

Intragastric administration of paeonol could inhibit the plantar edema induced by dextran or acetic acid or carrageenan in rats, and inhibit the increase of capillary permeability in mouse abdominal cavity or guinea pig skin induced by acetic acid or 5-hydroxytryptamine. Inhibit the occurrence of stress ulcer in mice. The in vitro experiment showed that the decoction of Cortex moutan had strong antibacterial activity against Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Typhoid, Paratyphoid, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus haemolyticus, pneumococci, Vibrio cholerae and so on. Peony leaf decoction has significant antibacterial effect on Shigella dysenteriae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus.

Taboos on medication:

(1) Blood deficiency and cold, pregnant women and menorrhagia should be taken with caution.

(2) "Ben Jing Fengyuan": do not use it if you sweat too much, in order to drain the body fluid. Acne rash at the beginning of do not use, for its sexual scattered blood, not without the worry of wide feet.

(3) "must be matched with Materia Medica": stomach qi deficiency and cold, phase fire failure, do not use.

The use of Cortex moutan in medicine can be traced back to a long time ago, and there are many books about medicine. Cortex moutan is a common medicine, which can still be used with many herbs to play different roles and treat different diseases, so it plays an important role for us. Peony bark is made of peony flowers, the cultivation of peony flowers is difficult, because peony needs a certain growth environment and the cooperation of soil, water and sunlight, so florists should have a certain effort to take care of it.