
When does the sword orchid blossom? what if the potted sword orchid does not blossom (the house is full of four seasons)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sword orchid is a kind of flower plant which is very suitable for indoor culture. Before we introduced the methods and precautions of sword orchid culture and how to cultivate sword orchid in water. Now let's see when the sword orchid blossoms and what to do if the sword orchid does not bloom. If the sword orchid is raised well, the flowers will be more beautiful than the roses.

Sword orchid is a kind of flower plant which is very suitable for indoor culture. Before we introduced the methods and precautions of sword orchid culture and how to cultivate sword orchid in water. Now let's see when the sword orchid blossoms and what to do if the sword orchid does not bloom. If the sword orchid is raised well, the flowers will never be more gorgeous than roses.

When does the sword orchid blossom and bloom all the year round

Sword orchid is a kind of plant that likes light very much. they are afraid of cold, and the low temperature below 0 ℃ is likely to freeze to death, so sunlight and water are indispensable. Many people do not know when the sword orchid will blossom. In fact, potted sword orchids can blossom all the year round. They have different varieties, and the well-raised sword orchids can blossom in 2 months.

Sword orchid florescence: sword orchid can be divided into two varieties: spring flower and summer flower, and the growth cycle of different varieties is different. The early-maturing varieties blossomed at 50,601, 65 and 80 days respectively, and the late-maturing varieties blossomed at 80-120 days. Generally, the flowering period is from May to October, and the flowering is the best from May to June and October. Because the planting season is different, so the flowering season is naturally different.

If it is required to blossom from January to February, it will be planted from October to November. If it is planted in December, it will blossom from March to May. Generally speaking, it takes 100-120 days for the sword orchid to blossom. Some of the natural blossoms are in spring and some are in summer, which are easier to feed. We know when the sword orchid blossoms, and now let's know what to do if the potted sword orchid does not blossom.

2. what if the potted sword orchid does not blossom?

1. Improper breeding

If your sword orchid does not blossom, it must be because of your improper breeding method, either not enough sunshine or insufficient watering. First of all, the bulbs should be disinfected before planting, the method is to remove the skin membrane of the stored bulbs, soak the 15min in clean water, then soak the lOmin with more than 50% Yinling 500 times solution for 30 minutes, take out the accumulation and cover it with plastic film for 1 hour, spread out to dry.

2. Planting

The flower supply in summer can be planted in the open field in spring and in the greenhouse in winter and spring, and the growing period is more than 20-30 days longer than that in summer. In order to prevent lodging and bulb growth, planting should be properly deep, and ropes should be inserted around the planting bed. The planting border has a high 5~1Ocm and a wide lm, and can be used as a flat border in dry areas.

3. Sunshine

Insufficient light during flower bud differentiation will reduce the number of flowers, and after flower bud differentiation, short-day light will contribute to the formation of flower buds and early flowering. Potted sword orchid, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, can be applied with thin fertilizer and more fertilizer.

What to do after the sword orchid blossoms

After flowering in summer, the residual flowers should be cut off in time, and the management of water and fertilizer should be strengthened so that the nutrition of the aboveground part can be transferred to the ground and the underground corm can be expanded. The corms should be harvested and stored in time after maturing in autumn, dig up the bulbs, remove soil debris, cut off the dry stems and leaves, and store the corms in a cool and ventilated room after drying.

Generally, fully dried corms can be stored at 1: 3 ℃ for 1 year, and they can still germinate normally after winter. The above is the analysis of when the sword orchid blossoms and what to do if the potted sword orchid does not blossom. I hope it can help you all.

How to make gladiolus blossom all year round? Gladiolus, alias: ten brocade, sword orchid, calamus orchid, water chestnut lotus, Latin name: Vaniot Houtt, Iridaceae, Gladiolus perennial herbs. The bulb is oblate and spherical, and its original species comes from the Cape of good Hope in South Africa. It has been crossed many times, and its cultivated varieties are widely distributed all over the world. The flower stem is higher than the leaf, and the Corolla tube is in the shape of an expanded funnel, and the flower colors are red, yellow, purple, white, blue and other monochrome or multi-color varieties. It is widely cultivated all over the world. The main producing countries are the United States, the Netherlands, Israel and Japan. Gladiolus is an important fresh cut flower, which can be used as flower basket, bouquet, vase and so on. Flower borders and special flower beds can be arranged. Dwarf varieties can be cultivated in pots. Together with cut rose, carnation and Fulang flower, it is known as the "four cut flowers in the world". Varieties are melancholy gladiolus, Gande gladiolus and so on. Vitamin C can be extracted from stems and leaves.

It has been introduced that Gladiolus can be divided into two categories: spring flowers and summer flowers, while summer flowers can be divided into early flowers, middle flowers and late flowers. If you want to make Gladiolus blossom all the year round, if you choose different varieties and plant them in stages, you can achieve this goal. If a batch is planted every half a month from March to July, it can continue to blossom from mid-June to National Day; from August to September, varieties that are more tolerant to low temperature are selected, and if the room temperature can be kept at 15 degrees after autumn, they can blossom in 11-12; from October to December, a batch is planted in a greenhouse with a room temperature above 15 degrees and 13 hours of light every day, then it can blossom from New Year's Day to May Day. Introduction of the methods and specific methods of letting Gladiolus blossom in all seasons of the year

Maybe many flower lovers don't know much about this kind of flowers of Gladiolus, but when it comes to sword orchids, I believe some people will suddenly realize. Yes, Gladiolus is what we call sword orchid, it is not only a good potted plant, but also can be used as a cut flower. Today, I'll take you to learn about the ways to make gladiolus blossom in four seasons.

Select variety

Gladiolus is divided into two varieties: spring flower and summer flower, and the growth cycle of different varieties is different. The early-maturing varieties blossomed at 50,601, 65 and 80 days respectively, and the late-maturing varieties blossomed at 80-120 days.

Control temperature

Gladiolus likes long sunshine, in a sunny environment (more than 14 hours of light), the temperature is suitable, flowering earlier. Adjusting the light time and temperature can effectively regulate the flowering time of Gladiolus.

Flowering regulation 1. Blossom ahead of time

Gladiolus will have 2-3 months of dormancy every year, when the environment is suitable, it will not grow. If you want it to blossom early, it is necessary to break its dormancy period. The bulbs were stored in 0-4 ℃ for 30-50 days or soaked in 39 ℃ water for 2 weeks to break dormancy. Such methods, as long as let the seed ball dormancy early, after planting the seed ball, it will blossom earlier than the ordinary one.

2. Delayed flowering

Simply delay flowering, let the bulb sleep a little longer, and place it in a dry, cold environment. Before planning the flowering time, heat up and humidify and break dormancy. The rest is the same as the method of promoting flowers, normal maintenance is fine.

Note that repeatedly tossing the seed ball will accelerate the degradation, pay attention to keeping the seed. And promoting flowers and elongating flowers can be used alternately to ensure the robust growth of bulbs.

The above is my way to make gladiolus blossom in four seasons. I hope it can be helpful to the majority of flower friends. Please continue to pay attention to the succulent flower bed and learn more about flower conservation.