
What if the leaves of longevity flowers turn yellow, bask in the sun more and water less / lose the yellowing leaves?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, As a beautiful and good flower for the human body, longevity flowers are deeply loved by the majority of flower friends. However, in the breeding process, because of improper operation, or carelessness, longevity flowers will get sick, the common symptom is the leaves yellowing, then longevity flower leaves yellowing how to do? Actually, it's very simple.

As a beautiful and good flower for the human body, longevity flowers are deeply loved by the majority of flower friends. However, in the breeding process, because of improper operation, or carelessness, longevity flowers will get sick, the common symptom is the leaves yellowing, then longevity flower leaves yellowing how to do? In fact, it is very simple to find the cause of yellowing, and then solve the problem. The following is by the editor to introduce the yellowing reasons and treatment methods of longevity flower leaves.

What if the leaves of longevity flowers turn yellow? find out the reason.

In the culture methods and main matters of longevity flowers, we know that soil, moisture, light and temperature have a great impact on longevity flowers. Once one of them is not up to standard, there will be symptoms of yellowing leaves. As for the yellowing of the leaves of longevity flowers, find out whether it is caused by soil or something else, and then solve it.

Second, the causes and treatment methods of yellowing of longevity flower leaves.

1. Natural yellowing

When you encounter the yellowing leaves of longevity flowers, don't worry, because this may be a normal phenomenon. It is understood that the leaves at the bottom of longevity flowers are naturally withered and yellow, which usually does not affect the leaves at the top, so it is normal to have some leaves at the bottom.

Solution: this situation is a normal phenomenon, in order to be beautiful, we can cut off the yellowing leaves.

2. Too little light or exposure

Longevity flowers like light, if the light time is not enough, the leaves will wilt and yellowing; but longevity flowers should not be exposed to the sun, if the leaves start to dry from the edge, it may be caused by exposure.

Solution: ① let longevity flowers bask in the sun more than 4 hours a day; ② put longevity flowers in a cool place, water them properly, and cut off the yellow leaves.

3. Overwatering

If the leaves soften first and then turn yellow, it may be waterlogged, that is, it is caused by too much watering. If the watering is too much, the drainage is not smooth, and the basin soil is too wet, it is easy to lead to root rot and yellow leaves.

Solution: you can take the longevity flowers out to bask in the sun, wait for the leaves on the edges to dry, and then cut off the dry parts with scissors. The leftover leaves will heal themselves in a few days, and the new buds will grow slowly.

4. The temperature is low

In the cold winter, such as the indoor temperature is low, or by the cold wind, the leaves will also turn yellow and fall off.

Solution: although the longevity flower can also grow in the semi-shade, the stems and leaves will be relatively delicate, so when the temperature is controlled between 15-25 ℃ and the light is weak in winter, the light can be replenished manually.

5. Improper fertilization

If the fertilization is too much or the concentration is too high, the top of the new leaf appears brown, the old leaf appears dry scorch, yellow and shedding, and the general leaf surface shows that the fat place has luster, but most of them are uneven.

Solution: control fertilization, do not know that easy flower friends can combine fertilization with watering, timely watering after fertilization, not only conducive to the absorption of fertilizer by plants, but also dilute fertilizer, will not cause excessive local fertilizer, and cause fertilizer damage.

6. Diseases and insect pests

The reason for the yellowing of longevity flowers is that, in addition to the above, longevity flowers harmed by diseases and insect pests can also cause yellow leaves to fall off. However, if there are a small number of leaves yellowing and falling off at the bottom of the plant in winter, it belongs to normal metabolism.

Solution: find out what kind of diseases and insect pests are affected, and then solve the problem. As for the pest control of longevity flowers, it has been introduced in detail before, so I won't say much here.

What if the leaves of longevity flowers turn yellow? I believe we all know! In fact, it is very simple, we just need to be more careful at ordinary times, let the longevity flowers bask in the sun more, see that the basin is dry and then water it, and put it back indoors in winter. The most important thing is to encounter longevity flower leaves yellowing, do not worry, carefully find the cause is the key! The above is about the yellowing of the leaves of longevity flowers. I hope it can help you.

How to yellowing the leaves of longevity flowers? causes and solutions of yellowing of leaves of longevity flowers

Longevity flowers have a longer florescence, more colors, easier to breed, and are loved by many flower friends, but in the process of breeding, what about the yellowing leaves of longevity flowers? Let's take a look at the answer.

1. Caused by too much watering

Due to the yellowing of the leaves of longevity flowers caused by long-term watering, we all know that longevity flowers generally do not need to be watered too much, too much watering will make paper, the young leaves are not rigid, and the old leaves have not changed much. The root is relatively small, and if there is too much water, it will affect the respiration of the root of the longevity flower and hinder its absorption of nutrients.

Solution: watering should be controlled, as long as the water is thoroughly watered every 3-4 days to keep the basin soil slightly moist. Watering should be controlled during low temperatures in winter and in the rainy season to avoid rotting roots. Rarefied compound liquid fertilizer can be applied every 2 to 3 weeks in the peak growing season.

2. Caused by drought

If it is because the owner has no time to manage, the drought will also lead to the yellowing of longevity flower leaves. In general, if it is lack of water, the old leaves will wither and fall off from the bottom up, and the new leaves will grow normally.

Solution: diligent management, understand the growth cycle of longevity flowers, watering habits of each period. Appropriately increase the amount of water and times.

3. Caused by fertilization

If the fertilization is too much or the concentration is too high, the top of the new leaf appears brown, the old leaf appears dry scorch, yellow and shedding, and the general leaf surface shows that the fat place has luster, but most of them are uneven.

Solution: fertilization should be controlled. If necessary, you can take out a detector to detect moisture. To understand the water condition of longevity flowers.

By the same token, lack of fertilizer can also cause leaves to turn yellow. if potted flowers are only watered and not fertilized for a long time, it will lead to lack of leaf fertilizer and lack of nutrition. Or do not change the basin for many years, the root must form a ball, the plant can not get fertilizer points, so that the leaves yellow, in addition to changing the basin in time, usually should be thin fertilizer diligent application.

Longevity flowers like fertilizer, and liquid fertilizer dominated by nitrogen can be applied once after flowering to promote its rejuvenation. In the rest of the time, except for stopping application in summer, only nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can be applied. Do not put fertilizer on the leaves when applying fertilizer, otherwise the leaves will rot easily.

4. caused by too much light or too little light.

Longevity flowers like plenty of sunshine, but we know that too much light at noon in summer can also cause longevity flowers to burn and turn yellow.

Longevity flowers lack of light for a long time, the chlorophyll in the leaves decreases, so that the green leaves gradually disappear, showing albinism.

Solution: midsummer noon should be a little shaded, the rest of the time should be placed in the sun, every day to see at least 4 hours of direct light in order to grow healthily. Although the semi-shade can also grow, but the stem thin leaves thin flowers less color, such as overcast easy to drop leaves without flowers, longevity flowers the most suitable temperature for growth is 15 ℃ to 25 ℃, in December can blossom.

Family upbringing should be placed in places with direct sunlight all the year round. But summer noon should be appropriate shading, can be transferred to the indoor, otherwise the light is too strong, easy to make the leaf color yellow. On the contrary, if the light is not enough, not only the branches are thin and slender, the leaves are thin and the plant shape is not beautiful, but also the number of flowering is reduced, the color is not bright, and it will cause a large number of leaves to fall off and lose the ornamental value.

5. Damp-hot yellow

Longevity flowers can not bear high temperature, yellowing caused by hot summer, bad storm, and improper shade avoidance. There is this phenomenon in the muggy and humid environment, we should pay attention to ventilation and cooling, and the basin soil should not be overheated.

6. Low temperature yellow.

In the cold winter, such as low indoor temperature, some flowers that are afraid of the cold, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off. In addition, flowers harmed by diseases and insect pests can also cause yellow leaves to fall off. If a few leaves turn yellow and fall off in the lower part of the plant, it is a normal phenomenon.

What if the leaves of longevity flowers turn yellow? Causes of yellowing of leaves of longevity flowers and its solutions

Longevity flower is a kind of plant with beautiful meaning, which has high ornamental value and blessing significance, and is loved by many flower friends. However, if the longevity flowers are not cultured properly, there may be the phenomenon of yellowing of leaves. Do you know the prevention and control methods of yellowing leaves of longevity flowers? Let's study with the editor.

1. Caused by too much watering

Due to the yellowing of the leaves of longevity flowers caused by long-term watering, we all know that longevity flowers generally do not need to be watered too much, too much watering will make paper, the young leaves are not rigid, and the old leaves have not changed much. The root is relatively small, and if there is too much water, it will affect the respiration of the root of the longevity flower and hinder its absorption of nutrients.

Solution: watering should be controlled, as long as the water is thoroughly watered every 3-4 days to keep the basin soil slightly moist. Longevity flower leaves yellowing how to do, winter low temperature and rainy season to control watering, so as not to rot roots. Rarefied compound liquid fertilizer can be applied every 2 to 3 weeks in the peak growing season.

2. Caused by drought

If it is because the owner has no time to manage, the drought will also lead to the yellowing of longevity flower leaves. In general, if it is lack of water, the old leaves will wither and fall off from the bottom up, and the new leaves will grow normally.

Solution: diligent management, understand the growth cycle of longevity flowers, watering habits of each period. Increase watering appropriately.

3. Caused by too much light or too little light

Longevity flowers like plenty of sunshine, but we know that too much light at noon in summer can also cause longevity flowers to burn and turn yellow. Longevity flowers lack of light for a long time, the chlorophyll in the leaves decreases, so that the green leaves gradually disappear, showing albinism.

Solution: midsummer noon should be a little shaded, the rest of the time should be placed in the sun, every day to see at least 4 hours of direct light in order to grow healthily. Longevity flower leaves yellow how to do, although the half-shade can also grow, but the stem thin leaves thin flowers less color light, such as overcast easy to drop leaves without flowers, the most suitable temperature for longevity flower growth is 15 ℃ to 25 ℃, it can bloom in December. Quantity and number of times.

This is all I know about longevity flowers today. I hope it will be helpful for flower friends to read this article. If you want to know more about longevity flowers, please continue to pay attention to succulent flower beds. We will provide you with more related knowledge!