
The maintenance method of Ping an tree and how to raise it.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The name is traced back to this foliage plant called Ping an tree, which is an evergreen small tree of the genus cinnamomum of lauraceae, and its real name is Orchid Cinnamon.

Trace the source of the name

This foliage plant, known as "Ping an Tree", is a small evergreen tree of the genus cinnamomum in the lauraceae family. Its real name is Orchid Cinnamon and its scientific name is cinnamomumkotoensekanehiraetsasaki. The kind of addition is the place name "Hongtou Island", that is, Lanyu Island in Taiwan. It turns out that it is mostly produced in Lanyu Island, and its aliases include Hongtouyu cinnamon, Hongtoushan cinnamon, Fanglan mountain cinnamon, big leaf cinnamon, Taiwan cinnamon and so on.

Morphological characteristics

Orchid Island cinnamon is an evergreen small Qiaodi, dignified tree shape, yellow-brown bark, plant height of up to 10 meters to 15 meters, branchlets yellowish green, smooth without pilose. Leaf blade opposite or subopposite, ovate or ovate-long elliptic, apex acute, thickly leathery. The leaf blade is large, 10 cm to 22 cm long and 5 cm to 8 cm wide, bright green on the surface, metallic luster, gray-green on the back, distinct from the third vein, protruding superior concave and convex, and lateral veins protruding from about 1 cm from the leaf base. sometimes there is a small vein near the leaf margin-side, and the reticulate veins are obvious on both sides, showing a shallow honeycomb shape. Petiole ca. 1.5 cm, reddish brown to brown. Fruit ovoid, about 1.4 cm long and 1 cm in diameter. Fruit receptacle cup-shaped, margin shortly crenate, glabrous. Fruiting pedicel ca. 1 cm, glabrous. It is both a beautiful potted foliage plant and a very beautiful landscaped tree.

III. Ecological habits

The cinnamon of Orchid Island prefers warm, humid, sunny environment, light and shade tolerance, warm heat, no frost and snow, foggy and high temperature, and is not resistant to drought, stagnant water, cold and dry air. It is suitable to use acid sandy soil which is loose and fertile, well drained and rich in organic matter. It is rich in Phalaenopsis in its primary environment, so it is appropriate to create a warm and humid environment for it under the condition of human cultivation. The fruit period is from August to September.

IV. Reproductive techniques

The propagation of cinnamon in Orchid Island is often used to raise seedlings by sowing. In South China, ripe purple-black fruits can be sowed from September to October. After washing the peel and pulp, the empty seeds are floated and spread out in a cool place to dry. If the seeds cannot be sowed immediately because of bad weather or the nursery is not ready, the seeds should be stored in wet sand and placed in a cool place to prevent seed mildew. After the seeds are cracked and □ exposed, sow or bag sowing. For seeds that have not been germinated by sand storage, soak the seeds with 0.3% formalin solution for 30 minutes before sowing, pour out the excess liquid, seal it for 2 hours, rinse with clean water to remove the solution attached to the seed coat, and then soak the seeds with water for 24 hours. The germination rate can be increased. If the seeds are not disinfected, the seeds can be soaked in warm water of about 40 degrees Celsius directly, and the germination rate can also be improved. It is usually ditched and sown on demand, with row spacing of 20 cm to 25 cm, plant spacing of 5 cm to 7 cm, soil thickness of 1.5 cm to 2 cm, moisturizing with straw cover, and germination after 20 to 30 days. Keep the seedbed moist, uncover the grass for 2 to 3 times after the seeds are unearthed for 1 / 3, and then set up a shed to shade. When the seedlings grow 3 to 4 true leaves, liquid fertilizer can be applied once a month, stop after autumn, do a good job of cold prevention, and survive the winter at a greenhouse temperature of not less than 5 degrees Celsius. Because of its few fibrous roots, transplanting should be carried out as soon as possible, or sprouting in sand bed, bud seedling transplanting in bag, and bag sowing or bag planting in the south, the effect is very good. How to raise a safe tree? The Culture method of Ping an Tree

Picture: ping an Tree

[FAQ] how to raise a safe tree? The Culture method of Ping an Tree

[expert answers]

1. Selection of basin soil

The potted soil of Ping an tree is suitable to use acid sandy loam which is loose and fertile, well drained and rich in organic matter, which is also the pot soil requirement of most indoor flower farming. If the soil adhesion is heavy or the acidity is low, it will cause the leaves of aquaculture to yellowing, sprouting and regeneration to decrease, thus affecting the growth life of plants.

2. The suitable temperature for culture.

The optimum temperature for the growth of Ping an tree is 22 ℃ to 30 ℃, and the lowest temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃. In case of freezing or days of frost should do a good job of heat preservation, in order to prevent bark cracking, branches and leaves withered, serious may be frozen to death.

3. Sunlight exposure requirements

All plant farming needs good light to carry out photosynthesis in order to promote its effective growth. As a light-loving plant, Ping an tree has a natural demand for light, but at the same time it is also afraid of strong light exposure, so it should provide effective shading protection for tree plants in the hot summer sun, and potted plants can also be placed in a position with weak indoor sun. it can still grow well, because Ping an tree is relatively able to tolerate shade. In addition, plants that have grown for three or five years should be protected from sunlight, and plants that have grown for six to ten years can also be exposed to more light to promote their effective growth.

4. How to grasp watering

During the growing period of Ping an tree in spring and summer, it is necessary to always keep its basin soil moist, and often spray water to the foliage and culture environment to maintain a good air humidity. In addition, when watering, some vinegar can be added to improve the acidity of the soil, especially in view of the relative lack of acid in the northern soil, vinegar can be added to the watering to adjust the acidity of the soil.

5. Knowledge of farming and fertilization

The potted plant that has just been planted can be applied once a month after teething, but in the process of fertilization, we should pay attention to the sparse and thin application, and do not put too much of it, otherwise it is easy to cause the roots of cultured plants to be burned, thus causing the leaves to wither and yellow until they die. In addition, some potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be applied before winter to enhance the cold resistance of the plant.

6. Loosen the soil and change the basin

In the growing season of potted Ping an trees, it is best to loosen the soil once a month in order to keep their roots in a good state. Small Ping an trees can change pots once a year, while large ones can change pots every 2 or 3 years. Part of the necrotic roots can be cut off in front of the pot to ensure the normal growth of potted plants.

[editor's comments] any plant has its own specific growth habits. Ping an tree likes heat, light and shade. When breeding, special attention should be paid to its demand for temperature, light, water and soil, and measures should be taken to deal with these aspects, so that the safe tree can grow smoothly and healthily.

How to raise Ping an trees? the breeding methods and precautions / lighting of Ping an trees should be fastidious.

The Ping an tree, which originated in Taiwan, China, is very popular with people because of its unique flower language, so more and more people choose to plant it, but many people do not know how to raise it. Today, the editor will bring you detailed breeding methods and precautions for Ping an tree.

How to raise the safe tree

The favorite growing environment of Ping an tree is warm, humid and sunny. At the same time, it also has places where it can endure shade, like warm heat, no frost, snow and fog, and has poor drought resistance and weak ability to resist stagnant water, cold and dryness. Therefore, we must have the breeding methods and precautions of Ping an tree. Below, we will introduce how to raise Ping an tree from five aspects: light, temperature, moisture, soil and fertilizer.

1. Requirements of lighting

Ping an tree likes sunlight, but it is more shady. Its requirements for light will change greatly in different growth stages. For example, it can tolerate shade in young trees, but it needs more light when it grows to 6-10 years. Therefore, for Ping an trees in different periods, we should pay attention to different lighting requirements.

Breeding method: after entering the summer, the potted Ping an tree can be moved to the shade or indoors, if the leaves are yellowed because of the strong light outside. After the end of the summer to move outdoors need to pay attention to the first shaded environment maintenance, and then move to the outside, can not be too impatient.

2. Temperature requirements

The ideal temperature is 20-30 degrees, but it is difficult to meet this requirement in most places, so how to raise the safe tree at this time? First of all, we need to know that young trees are intolerant of low temperature, and it is easy to crack the bark or even freeze to death if they are left outdoors, so it is necessary to ensure that the ambient temperature is higher than 5 degrees in winter. Do not put it in a high temperature environment above 32 degrees in summer.

Breeding method: move the safe tree indoors in winter and maintain it where there is no cold wind, put it in a ventilated and shaded place in summer, and take appropriate cooling measures if the temperature is too high.

3. Requirements for watering

Ping an tree likes a humid environment, so in the cultivation methods and precautions of Ping an tree, we must pay attention to keeping the basin soil moist, but do not let it have stagnant water. 80% humidity is the best.

Breeding method: in the drier period in summer or other seasons, it should be moved indoors, and the foliage and basin soil are often sprayed with water, watering should be controlled after autumn, and less water should be watered in winter. Do not let the basin soil appear stagnant water.

4. Fertilizer requirements

Because the plant of Ping an tree is plump and its leaves are large, so the amount of fertilizer it needs is relatively large, so we need to pay attention to fertilizing it in time, but to avoid fertilization leading to its leaves yellowing and so on.

Breeding methods: from spring to autumn, thin cake fertilizer or alum can be applied once a month, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can be applied twice after autumn, which can promote its plant growth, while fertilizer should be stopped in winter.

5. Soil requirements

Ping an tree has good acid resistance, so when choosing soil, we should try to create a warm and humid environment for it.

Breeding methods: when choosing soil, you should try to choose loose, ventilated and well-drained soil, especially if it is acidic sandy soil rich in organic matter.