
The efficacy and function of calla lilies, looking at eye-pleasing external application for disease treatment / poison can be used as hand bouquets.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For calla lilies, flower friends should be no stranger, its color is white, plant shape is neat and beautiful, it is a good product of indoor culture. The beauty of calla lilies is more obvious abroad, because it is often held in the hands of brides and has a good meaning. In addition, there are many other functions of calla lilies.

For calla lilies, flower friends should be no stranger, its color is white, plant shape is neat and beautiful, it is a good product of indoor culture. The beauty of calla lilies is more obvious abroad, because it is often held in the hands of brides and has a good meaning. In addition, there are many effects and functions of calla lilies, so let's go with the editor to have a look at it in detail.

1. Calla lilies are poisonous and suitable for indoor cultivation

Before understanding the efficacy and function of calla lilies, it is necessary for the editor to say: calla lilies are poisonous! It is understood that the horseshoe lotus is poisonous and contains a lot of herbal calcium crystals and alkaloids, which can lead to poisoning, mild syncope and death if eaten by mistake. However, as long as you don't eat it, calla lilies are still very suitable for keeping indoors. Not only that, but the efficacy and function of calla lilies are also very powerful.

Second, the efficacy and function of calla lilies

1. Strong ornamental

When it comes to the efficacy and function of calla lilies, the first thing that comes to mind is its ornamental nature. Looking at the picture above, calla lilies are tall and elegant, with emerald green leaves and white buds. They look lovely and innocent. No wonder so many people like them. Buy a pot to keep at home, instantly improve your taste, more importantly, the appreciation is too good, get up in the morning to look at it, the mood will be very good.

2. The bride's bouquet

In fact, even people who do not know flowers should have seen calla lilies, because they often appear in foreign weddings and are held in the hands of the bride, implying that the bride and groom will always tie the knot. So one of the functions and functions of calla lilies is to become the bride's bouquet.

3. Give a good gift

Friends who are familiar with calla lilies should know that there are many colors of calla lilies, including pink, red, purple, etc., in addition to the common white, and different colors have different calla lilies, so giving them away is definitely a good choice. Combining calla lilies with other flowers, sending relatives and friends, can express good wishes.

4. Medicinal value

In addition to ornamental and free gifts, the efficacy and function of calla lilies have medicinal value. It is understood that the whole plant of calla lotus can be used medicinally and has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. Not only that, mashed external application can also cure diseases:

1, treat scald, fresh calla lotus tuber appropriate amount, mash external application. Take an appropriate amount of fresh calla lilies, mash them, and then apply them externally to treat scalds.

2. Prevent tetanus. As above, smash calla lilies and apply them to the wound. It can also prevent tetanus.

5. Taboos on eating

Although the efficacy and effect of calla lilies is amazing, but as mentioned earlier, it is toxic, so it can only be taken externally and forbidden to take it internally. Accidental consumption of calla lilies will lead to poisoning and some sleep symptoms. If you accidentally eat the root of calla lilies, it will also cause sore throat. Flower friends with children at home, you must pay attention!

III. The legend of calla lilies

Knowing the efficacy and function of calla lilies, it is necessary for us to look at the legend of calla lilies. According to legend, a long time ago, there was a girl at home waiting for a boy to go out. In the process of waiting, the girl has been praying that the boy can find his ideal, and come back to find himself, and accompany her to watch the flowers bloom and fall, and pray that their love can last forever.

After a long time, the girl began to envy the horse the boy rode away, because she longed to be the horse to accompany the boy around the world. Later, the girl would rather become a horseshoe, even if she did not speak, to accompany the boy. Finally, the girl's brilliant smile, into stamens, graceful posture into a tall stem, green gauze skirt, into a piece of fresh green leaves, this is calla lilies.

Is calla lily poisonous? can calla lilies be kept indoors (poisonous can be raised indoors)

Calla lilies, friends who have seen them should be impressed. The flowers are shaped like horseshoes, the colors are white, and they look very lovely. They are one of the favorite objects of many flower friends. Calla lilies are supposed to be a good product for indoor farming, but some people say that calla lilies are poisonous and are not suitable for indoor cultivation. Is that true? Is the calla lily poisonous? Can I keep calla lilies indoors? In this regard, it is up to the editor to solve everyone's doubts.

Is calla lily poisonous?

If you are someone who knows flowers, you should be no stranger to calla lilies, which are commonly used by brides in Europe and the United States. But few people know that it is poisonous! It is understood that horseshoe lotus is poisonous, it contains a large number of herbal calcium crystals and alkaloids, accidental eating will cause drowsiness and other toxic symptoms. So back to the question itself, is calla lily poisonous? the answer is yes.

Poisoning symptoms: although adults do not have nothing to eat flowers, it is different to have children at home. The white flowers of calla lilies are very attractive, and it is possible for children to eat them by mistake. Once eaten by mistake, it will cause toxic symptoms such as drowsiness, and chewing tubers can cause swelling and pain in the tongue and throat. Emergency treatment: there is nothing most people can do. Send them to the hospital as soon as possible.

A case of accidental ingestion of Horseshoe Lotus

According to an online inquiry, the editor learned that the media once reported that an 8-year-old girl was poisoned by eating calla lilies by mistake. She was in a coma for 12 hours and did not resume the news until 24 hours later. However, although calla lilies are poisonous, the efficacy and effect of calla lilies are also very obvious. Here are two random points:

1. Give it away

Calla lilies are poisonous, but as long as they don't eat them, calla lilies are important cut flowers at home and abroad, with a wide range of uses, such as holding flowers in the hands of brides. It is worth mentioning that small and white calla lilies are also suitable for sending young friends, but do not send orange-red varieties to ordinary friends of the opposite sex, it is easy to make misunderstandings.

2. Medicinal use

Everything has two sides, horseshoe lotus is poisonous, but it can also be used medicinally, with the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. In addition, calla lotus can also treat scald: fresh calla lotus tuber appropriate amount, mashed external application; can also prevent injury: in the wound, with calla lotus tuber smashed external application. Poisonous and useful to the human body, as such a contradictory existence, can calla lilies be put indoors?

Can you put calla lilies indoors? yes.

As we said above, calla lilies are poisonous. if eaten by mistake, they will faint mildly and may die if they are severe. This makes people have a fear of calla lilies, and become more and more intense, and even abandon the potted plant directly. However, the editor can clearly answer the question of "can calla lilies be kept indoors?" as long as you don't eat it, you can keep it indoors.

The reason why it can be raised indoors is that although the calla lotus is poisonous and cannot be eaten, it does not mean that the calla lilies are poisonous. It is understood that calla lilies themselves will not release toxic gases, not only non-toxic, but also very suitable for indoor viewing!

Moreover, the beauty of horseshoe lotus language symbolizes purity, nobility and unswerving loyalty. Buying a pot of calla lilies indoors can deepen the relationship between husband and wife and contribute to family harmony. Use calla lilies to decorate the head of the bed to add more romantic flavor. Can all calla lilies be kept indoors? you can rest assured to keep them at home.

When will calla lilies blossom? who will calla lilies send? / March blossoms for lovers.

Most of the beauty of calla lilies is reflected in its flowers, which are shaped like horseshoes, pure white, and look very lovely. Flower lovers who keep calla lilies look forward to their beautiful flowers every year. When will calla lilies bloom? Blossom for a long time, we can enjoy more beautiful scenery, how long is the horseshoe lotus blooming? As such a beautiful flower, who should calla lilies be given to? In this regard, it is up to the editor to solve everyone's doubts.

When will calla lilies blossom

Calla lilies have many colors, but pure white is our common one, and it makes people feel particularly holy. As for when calla lilies will bloom, it is understood that calla lilies bloom from November to June of the following year. If it grows naturally, it will basically blossom at the end of the year, but if everyone maintains it properly, calla lilies can blossom in November.

Second, how long is the flowering period of calla lotus, 15 days / 7 months

Most of the beauty of calla lilies is reflected in its flowers, so the flowering time of calla lilies is what many people want to know. How long is the flowering period of calla lotus?

In terms of individual flowers, the flowering period of horseshoe lotus is about 15 days.

On the whole, the horseshoe lotus florescence begins in November and lasts until June of the following year, in which the full bloom is from March to April. So how long is the blooming period of horseshoe lotus, if it is properly maintained, it can be opened for 7 months! Therefore, if you want to enjoy the beautiful scenery for a long time, careful care is very important. Friends who do not know what kind of friends can take a look at the culture methods of calla lilies, which will be helpful to you.

Third, who is good for calla lilies?

In the efficacy and function of calla lilies, we introduce that it is often used as a bouquet for brides. Not only that, it is also a very good gift, and it works better with other flowers. The specific collocation is as follows:

1. Send it to your mother

Match: 7 white calla lilies, 10 red roses, 11 red carnations and Eucalyptus carnation

According to the above collocation, it means that there is a rare moment of peace in busyness, watching the ripples of the water, watching the long flow of water, and enjoying the leisure time. Give it to your mother, you can express your respect and love. Mother's Day is coming, so let's try to send flowers like this.

2. Send your lover

Match: 10 calla lilies, 5 white roses, 1 green Platycodon grandiflorum, right amount of green leaves

According to the above collocation, it means to say love to the one you love at the most beautiful time of the day. So give it to your lover, can let her feel your love, your relationship will be happy.

4. A collection of pictures of calla lilies blooming

Calla lily is a kind of relatively pure flower, the pure white when blooming makes people moved, have you read the above content, are you moved by it? Don't hesitate to buy a pot and take care of it at home. Instead of becoming an appreciator, you might as well become a participant and feel the whole flowering process. This is the editor's introduction about the flowering period and flowering time of calla lilies. I hope I can give you some help.