
Plain sailing can you water beer, smooth watering method / soil does not dry do not water

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the smooth farming methods, we especially talked about the importance of watering. Less watering, smooth sailing is not good, and watering more, the plant will even die, then smooth sailing how to water it? This is actually a discipline, and in this regard, some flower friends laugh and say that they have used beer as water. Is this true?

In the smooth farming methods, we especially talked about the importance of watering. Less watering, smooth sailing is not good, and watering more, the plant will even die, then smooth sailing how to water it? This is actually a discipline, and in this regard, some flower friends laugh and say that they used beer as water. Is this true? Plain sailing. Can I water the beer? The editor will answer all these questions one by one.

Plain sailing. Can you water the beer? not recommended.

In life, it is often said that beer watering flowers, I believe many people have heard, that smooth sailing can water beer? The editor's answer is yes, but beer is not recommended. Because beer water flowers, it is actually smeared with beer foam on the leaves of plants with large leaves, which can promote the growth of leaves. If you pour the beer directly into the basin, the consequences will be very serious.

Second, plain sailing is smooth, how to water, the soil is not dry

Smooth sailing is easy to feed, but if you want it to blossom, there are many things to pay attention to, of which watering is the most important link. As for smooth sailing how to water, the practice is very simple, only need to grasp one principle, that is, do not dry do not water, water thoroughly.

Do not dry do not water: see whether the soil in the basin is dry, if it is too dry, you can choose to water it. If the soil inside is moist, it is best not to water, because too much watering will only cause stagnant water in the basin, which will directly lead to the rotting roots of the plants in the basin. So when you want to water it, water it thoroughly at one time.

How often is plain sailing watered, once a week

In the plain sailing maintenance method, we know that it is very high for water, and the wettability of the basin soil must be kept constantly, and the watering must not be excessive, usually only once a week, otherwise it will directly affect its normal growth. Of course, how often does it take to water smoothly, depending on the season? let's take a look at the smooth watering methods of the four seasons.

Fourth, the smooth watering method of the four seasons

Because plain sailing flowers have very high requirements for water, if you want to water properly, you have to challenge it according to the changes of the seasons. Plain sailing all year round how to water, the details are as follows:

1. Plain sailing. A few days of watering in spring, 7 days.

The temperature rises in spring, but the air humidity is larger, this period is smooth growth peak season, in the process of frequent fertilization should also pay attention to watering. Watering can be done regularly at this time: water every 7 days.

2. Smooth watering once / 3 days in summer

As the temperature is high and the water evaporation is large in summer, you should often use a fine-eye sprayer to spray water on the leaf surface and sprinkle water on the ground around the plant. At the same time, the frequency of watering in the basin should be increased accordingly, preferably every 3 days or so.

3. Plain sailing, watering in autumn, reducing the number of times

The temperature in autumn can reduce the amount of water, keep the basin soil slightly moist, and the watering frequency is about the same as that in spring, because the temperature difference between the two seasons is similar, and the impact on smooth sailing is relatively small, so watering only needs to be reduced.

4. Plain sailing, watering less in winter

Low temperature in winter, basin soil water evaporation less, if too much watering, easy to lead to stagnant water in the basin, causing rotten roots, so watering depends on the actual situation of the basin soil, the best is less watering.

How to tell when to water and touch it with your hands

It is easy to water in spring, summer and autumn, especially in winter, we must pay attention to it. Before watering smooth sailing, be sure to touch the soil with your hands. It is too dry before watering. If the humidity is obvious, you don't have to water it. Keep the basin soil slightly moist.

Whether it is spring or summer or autumn and winter, watering is determined according to the situation, and we should not remember to be so dead. In short, as long as you remember the principle of not watering, watering thoroughly, grasp this degree, your plain sailing will grow up healthily. With regard to the smooth watering method, the editor has introduced this, hoping to give you some help.

These kinds of flowers are too cheap to die no matter how they are raised.

Sun-resistant flowers

Seeing that Lesser Heat is coming, the temperature is rising rapidly everywhere, so Huahua should first take an inventory of those flowers that are not afraid of the sun. The bigger the sun, the more prosperous they will grow.

1 blue snowflake

First of all, Huahua said blue snowflakes. Seeing the color of blue snowflakes, Huahua immediately felt a burst of coolness, which was simply the first choice in summer. Blue snowflakes especially like the sun, the more sufficient the light, the more flowers it blossoms, usually watering thoroughly at one time, to keep the basin soil dry.

(author: rose No. 1 Source: blue Snow Bar)

2 sunflower

Sunflower, almost all flower friends know, it is recognized that they are not afraid of the sun, the more the sun, the more likely to burst the pot; and its reproduction is also very fast, accidentally the whole yard has been occupied by it!

(author: brilliant tear crystal source: sunflower bar)

3 bowl lotus

If you don't grow a bowl of lotus in summer, it's not called summer. The bowl lotus is a representative flower in summer. It likes the sun best. As long as the light shines well, it can blossom. In addition, we should also pay attention to ventilation to prevent water odor caused by poor ventilation.

(author: cqu10211 Source: bowl Lotus Bar)

4 Petunia

When talking about exploding pots, the first thing that comes to mind is Petunia. There are many friends around Huahua who have blown up the petunia. The simplest secret is to bask in the sun. In addition, if you want to make the petunia burst, it would be better to add fertilizer about once a month!

(author: yaqin88310 Source: petunia)

5 Jasmine

Huahua once heard a saying called "immortal jasmine", from which we can see that jasmine is a kind of flower that is not afraid of the sun. So if there is a balcony at home, be sure to put jasmine on the south balcony to bask in the sun, so as to make it blossom more fragrant!

(author: szzz Treasure Source: Jasmine Bar)

Shade-tolerant flower

Corresponding to those flowers that are getting better and better in the sun, some flowers in the family can not be exposed to direct sunlight at all. once they are exposed directly, they can easily cause leaf burns, or even die!

1 Hydrangea

When it comes to shade-resistant flowers, the first thing that comes to mind is the hydrangea that is blooming. If you want hydrangea to blossom well, you must ensure that it has 10 hours of darkness every day, preferably on the north balcony, east balcony, etc., and watering it once a week in summer is enough.

(author: crusadtt Source: Hydrangea Bar)

2 White palm

Many flower friends raise a pot of white palms at home, which means plain sailing. But it can not be directly exposed to the sun, otherwise it will cause yellow leaves; usually watering every 3-5 days is enough, and most people will choose hydroponics to maintain it.

(author: good luck still Source: White Palm)

3. Gentleman's orchid

Gentleman orchid is a flower that most flower friends know like semi-shady flowers, it does not like the direct sun, just put it in the brightly lit living room or north balcony, usually watering it every 5-7 days. In order to ensure that the leaves are bright and shiny, you can choose to wipe the leaves with beer and water.

(author: 793602716 Source: gentleman Orchid)

4 tortoise back bamboo

The leaves of tortoise back bamboo are evergreen all the year round and can absorb formaldehyde, so it is the first choice for growing flowers in many families. Turtle back bamboo shade-resistant, can be maintained in the living room, you can water about 4-6 days, in order to ensure that the leaves are bright, beer can be mixed with water, spray towards the leaves.

(author: a Lesser Snow Xue aa Source: tortoise back Bamboo Bar)

5 asparagus

Two days ago, a friend told Huahua that all the asparagus leaves in her family were yellow. Huahua only knew when asked that it had put asparagus on the south balcony and accepted the direct sun. Asparagus likes semi-shade and is usually kept in the bedroom and living room. It is found that the surface of the potted soil is white and then watered.

(author: home in ww Source: asparagus Bar)

Drought-tolerant flowers

Summer temperature is high, evaporation is large, if not careful, it is easy to die of lack of water. But some flowers are very drought-tolerant, even if they are not watered for months, they can live very well!

1 aloe vera

Huahua remembers the last time I went out to play, I was not at home for about 2 months, and when I came back, aloe was still growing well. Because the leaves of aloe vera itself can store a lot of water, if you irrigate too much, it is easy to rot and die, about once every half a month in summer.

(author: summer Cat 052 Source: aloe bar)

2. Rich tree

During this period of time, many flower friends told Huahua backstage that there were all kinds of problems with the rich tree at home. Huahua still has to emphasize today that the rich tree must be watered less, and once a month in spring and summer is enough. Once a month in winter is enough, but do not water too much, or wait for the rich tree to die!

(author: North North bei Source: fortune Tree)

3 succulent plants

It is said that it is difficult for succulent plants to spend the summer, but Huahua feels that as long as there is less watering and more ventilation, they will be able to get through it safely. Even if the evaporation is large in summer, it is only watered once a week, and only once a week in Spring and Autumn, but it is easy to rot and die.

(author: Lugang Xiaogang Source: succulent Bar)

4 tiger skin orchid

Tiger Pilan is also very drought-tolerant, evaporation is large in summer, watering once a week is enough, spring and autumn is about 2-3 weeks watering, winter time is longer, watering once a month will not die, flower friends should remember!

(author: let you move 9 Source: Tiger Pilan)

5 Desert Rose

As soon as I heard the name of the desert rose, the flower knew that it was very drought-tolerant. In fact, the root system of the desert rose was so thick that it could not die without watering for ten and a half days. You can pinch its root system before watering. If you find that the root system is soft, you can water it once and permeate it.

(author: song blossoms after rain Source: desert Rose Bar)

Waterlogging-resistant flower

Watering in summer is a big problem. In addition to those flowers that do not need to be watered for ten days and a half months, there are some flowers that are not afraid of watering at all, or even soak in water all day!

1 coppergrass

Presumably all flower friends have guessed that the first recommendation of Hua Hua is copper grass! Tongqian grass especially likes water, watering it several times a day will not die, and even many flower friends will throw it into the water to hydroponics, that growth, is also rubbing!

(author: Anastassia Source: copper Grass Bar)

2 loose tail sunflower

Loose tail sunflower leaves are very large, summer is its peak period of growth, water demand is also very large, when it is found that the surface of the basin soil turned white. Loose-tailed sunflower mainly depends on spraying water, spraying water on the leaves once in the morning and evening to maintain high air humidity.

(author: good Beast 8023YQ Source: loose-tailed sunflower bar)

3 Dryopteris Dryopteris

Huahua itself likes ferns very much, because it is easy to raise, as long as it is placed on the north balcony or in the bathroom to ensure ventilation. Usually about 1-2 days watering, lack of water will cause its leaves to wilt.

(author: Qingyi as usual Source: iron fern bar)

40,000 young

When watching "that Killer is not too Cold" at that time, Huahua wondered why the killer wanted to keep evergreen as his friend, and then she understood, because it is so easy to raise, as long as it is ventilated, watering it every 2-3 days can make it thrive!

(author: ZylLele fly Source: evergreen bar)

5 bamboo taro

The leaves of bamboo taro are large and the water evaporates quickly, so more water is needed accordingly. If there is not enough water, the leaves will appear curling and yellowing symptoms. So it is best to water every 2-3 days to keep the soil slightly moist.

(author: do not remember the master source: bamboo taro bar)

Matters needing attention in common flower culture

For those of you who like flowers, don't miss this article on how to grow flowers. I suggest that you collect them for easy reference when planting flowers.

If you raise flowers well, it is indeed a very important problem for friends who like to raise flowers, and everyone has different experiences in raising flowers, so there are good and bad flowers. The process of growing flowers should be a process of learning from each other and communicating happily with each other. Now I would like to share with you the following article on growing flowers.

(1) rhododendron: like cool ventilation, avoid high temperature and heat; like semi-shade, avoid scorching sun; like moist, avoid dryness; like acid soil, avoid alkaline soil; like loose soil with good drainage, avoid stagnant water; if good drainage, water can be larger, foliar should often spray water.

(2) Gentleman orchids: like warmth, afraid of cold; like semi-shady environment, avoid direct sunlight; like rotten leaf soil with good drainage, avoid stagnant water; adjust the temperature difference during the dark day to 10 degrees in 7 Mustol, pour some beer. When the basin soil is dry, the leaves can not be sprayed with water, the leaves are easy to rot, and the leaves can be wiped with wet wipes. Only when the leaf vein of Cymbidium reaches more than 20 can it bloom.

(3) Camellia: Camellia is a negative flower and tree, which requires a shade of about 50%. It grows well in sparse shade and is afraid of sun exposure. if it is exposed to the hot sun, the young leaves are easy to burn, causing growth weakness and affecting flowering. Like cool and humid in summer and warm environment in winter. Generally, the suitable temperature for growth is 25 degrees, and flowers and leaves should be sprayed with water frequently. Fear of drought, avoid stagnant water. Only the slightly acidic sandy soil with good fertile and loose drainage grows well and will gradually die in alkaline or stagnant soil.

(4) poinsettia: like warm and humid environment, not cold-resistant; like sufficient light, not resistant to shade; lax requirements on soil quality, but like fertile, loose and drained micro-acid soil.

(5) Milan: like warm and humid, afraid of dryness, not resistant to cold; like sunshine, not resistant to shade; like fertile and loose slightly acidic sand. A poem praised said: "Guazi leaflet is also elegant, full of trees and rice-shaped flowers, fragrant who can be compared, ushered in distant guests to make fragrant tea."

(6) Hewang orchid: like sunshine, not resistant to hot summer sun exposure in the north; like warm, not cold-resistant; require moderate temperature in winter and cool and humid environment in summer; like humus soil with good drainage and permeability.

(7) Dragon spitting beads: like warm and humid, not cold-resistant; like sufficient sunshine, afraid of direct light; like fertile humus soil with good drainage and ventilation.

(8) June snow: June snow is an evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub, which likes a warm and humid climate, is not cold-resistant, and is not strict with the soil. Like humus soil with good drainage and air permeability. Moderate shading in summer, winter room temperature above 10 degrees can safely survive the winter.

(9) Golden vein bed: like warm and humid, not cold-resistant; resistant to semi-shade, afraid of strong light; like fertile and loose soil.

(10) fragrant dragon blood tree (Brazilian wood): like warm and humid environment, afraid of drought, like light, but also resistant to shade; suitable for indoor culture, like good drainage of rotten leaf soil mixed with peat soil and cake fertilizer.

(11) Ivy: like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, more hardy; like fertile, loose and well-drained soil.

(12) Tiger tail orchid (tiger skin arrow): like warm and sunny environment, resistant to semi-shade, afraid of sun exposure; resistant to dryness, avoid stagnant water; lax requirements on soil quality, usually placed in a well-ventilated sunny place, watering should see wet and dry.

(13) rich bamboo: like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, like scattered light, avoid direct sunlight; like loose and fertile soil, usually put in bright indoor light, avoid direct sunlight in summer, and need to see more sunshine in winter.

(14) Pomegranate: like warm and sunny environment, more cold-resistant; drought-resistant, afraid of waterlogging; like loose and fertile soil, if the light, water, fertilizer, pruning is in place, flowers and fruits will be fruitful.

(15) Crab claw orchid: like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, afraid of direct light; drought-resistant, afraid of waterlogging; not cold-resistant, requiring soil rich in humus, loose and well drained, and stop fertilizing and controlling watering at high temperatures in summer. There is a fairy finger similar to the crab claw orchid, the difference between the two is that the edge of the fairy finger stem has no sharp teeth and is shallow wavy; the edge of the crab claw orchid stem has four sharp teeth on each side to open white or light-colored flowers, and three sharp teeth generally open red flowers. When pregnant buds bloom, do not change the flowerpot, otherwise it is easy to cause falling buds and falling flowers.

(16) Jasmine flowers: like the hot and humid sunny environment, not shady, cold-resistant, and drought-resistant. The temperature grows well under the condition of 25 degrees and 30 degrees, and the temperature below 4 degrees begins to cause freezing damage, leaves withering and even dead tiles dying. Like to loosen, fertile, drain and smooth the soil containing organic matter.

(17) Article 12: like warm and sunny environment, drought-resistant, afraid of waterlogging; like sandy soil with good humus drainage.

(18) Big leaves take root on the ground: like a warm and humid environment, although the sun is also more resistant to shade; avoid extreme heat, resistant to drought; like sandy soil with good drainage, water should be wet and dry; proper shade and ventilation in summer, and watering should be strictly controlled in winter.

(19) Aloe vera: like sunshine and warm and humid environment, not cold-resistant; like thinning; pine fertile and well-drained soil, need adequate watering in summer, often spray water to the leaves, control water in other seasons, and shine directly in spring and autumn. (note: Dragon claws are cultivated according to aloe).

(20) epiphyllum: like warm, humid and semi-shady environment, more resistant to drought but not cold, afraid of direct light, avoid stagnant water, require good drainage, loose and fertile soil. Epiphyllum usually blossoms at 19: 00 in the evening. Each flower has a florescence of about two small hours. If you want epiphyllum to bloom during the day, you can change the light: a few days before the bud is about to open, put it in the dark during the day and illuminate it with light in the dark sky.

(21) Chrysanthemum: belong to positive flowers, like cool characteristics, like plenty of sunshine; cool in autumn, strong cold tolerance (the temperature is the best at 18 Murray, 22 degrees); more resistant to drought, but not resistant to moisture, especially afraid of stagnant water; can tolerate weak alkali, requires sandy soil rich in humus, loose and well drained. Chrysanthemums generally adopt ramet or cuttage, that is, divide the pot in April, start in May, fertilize in June, hit the head again in July, and there is a long flow of water in August and September. According to the growth of the flower, five leaves of 3murmuri will be retained when the heart is removed to the top in mid-late May, and three leaves will be retained when the heart is removed in mid-late July. If the method is properly managed, it can blossom to three, three and nine tripods.

(22) Guangdong evergreen (also known as bright silk grass): like warm, moist, shady and strong, avoid dryness, afraid of direct light, slightly resistant to cold; winter room temperature above 5 degrees can safely survive the winter. Like loose and fertile culture soil, basin soil adhesion will cause rotten roots, so it is easy to use rotten leaf soil plus a small amount of river sand. The compound liquid fertilizer with more nitrogen and potassium should be watered at high temperature in summer, wet and dry in spring and autumn, and controlled watering in winter.

(23) discolored wood (variable leaf wood, also known as Sajin banyan): like high temperature, wet and sunny, not cold-resistant; like loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil, the winter temperature grows well above 15 degrees, and less than 10 degrees will cause death.

(24) smile: like warm and humid, belong to semi-negative flowers, require good ventilation and proper shade. The air humidity is high, the leaf color is thick green and smooth. Not resistant to drought, avoid the scorching sun exposure, otherwise the leaves are easy to turn yellow. Like fertilizer, like water but afraid of waterlogging, not very cold-resistant, like fertile and loose slightly acidic sandy soil. A poem praised said: "the flower does not open its mouth, shy and bowed its head, like a jade person laughing, affectionately secretly flowing."

(25) stone lotus: like warm, dry and adequate light, can also withstand semi-shade, fear of cold, should be fertile sandy loam with good drainage. During the growth period, the leaves will grow and thrive when the light is kept for 6 hours every day, and the leaves are delicious. 7 Mel Mel, spray the leaves once every 10 days with clean water. It doesn't matter if the stone lotus is not watered for 10 days and a half months. If you leave it in the shade for a long time, it will lead to fallen leaves.

(26) Banyan: like warm and hot, not cold-resistant, in the northern winter into the greenhouse to overwinter. Need a humid and sunny environment, but also resistant to semi-overcast. It has a strong adaptability to the loose requirements of the soil, although it likes acidic soil, it can grow normally on slightly alkaline soil.

(27) Gardenia: gardenia is an evergreen shrub or small tree. There are four kinds of gardenia: (1) Gardenia jasminoides, also known as Gardenia jasminoides. Large leaves, long oval, large flowers, mostly double, strong fragrance. (2) Fructus Gardeniae, also known as sparrow tongue flower. The plant type is short, the flower is small, double, fragrance is very strong. (3) Gardenia jasminoides with egg leaves, small leaves, Obovate, single small white flower, light and elegant fragrance. (4) Walnut Gardenia jasminoides, the leaf is large, ovate, the leaf vein is obviously prominent, the flower shape is large, and the fragrance is light.

Gardenia like warm, humid climate, not cold-resistant; in the south of the Yangtze River can be overwintered in the road, the north are potted, winter moved into the indoor winter. Like light, but also resistant to shade; when the summer sunshine is strong, it is appropriate to keep it in a semi-shady place. The leaves should be sprayed with water frequently. If the strong light, high temperature and too much watering, when these three factors are combined, it is most likely to cause yellow leaves, or even cause the death of the whole plant. Gardenia likes fertile, loose and well-drained slightly acidic sandy soil.

(28) plain sailing: plain sailing is a perennial herbaceous flower, divided into large leaves and leaflets, sexual preference for warm and humid, semi-negative flowers, requiring good ventilation and proper shade in summer. Watering should see wet and dry, water is large and easy to rot roots, which requires sandy soil rich in humus, loose and well drained.

(29) Golden Tiger: Golden Tiger belongs to perennial fleshy flowers, likes warm and dry environment, likes sufficient light, is tolerant to semi-shade and drought, and will not die if it is not watered for a long time, but the water will rot and die, requiring sandy soil with good drainage. Note: the habits of fleshy flowers such as mountain shadow, tiger head, keel, measuring ruler and golden tiger are basically the same.

(30) Peacock bamboo taro: also known as blue banana, the plant is small and beautiful, the leaf color is gorgeous, and the leaf pattern is like a lifelike peacock opening screen. Peacock Amorphophallus is a perennial evergreen plant of the family Bambusoideae. It likes high temperature, humid and semi-shady environment, and has strong shade tolerance. It grows well under the condition of bright scattered light indoors, and the suitable temperature for growth is 22 degrees, which requires loose and fertile culture soil. Do not direct strong light in summer, otherwise it is easy to cause scorch on the leaf edge. The ambient air should be ventilated and water is often sprayed to the leaves. Other bamboo taro culture is basically the same.

(32) longevity suspension: also known as Shouxing flower, sexual preference for adequate sunshine, the northern hot summer season, light intensity, easy to make the leaf color yellow, so around noon should be appropriate shade, or put indoor half-light, but should pay attention to ventilation and cooling. The basin soil can be mixed with 40% rotten leaf soil, 40% garden soil and 20% river sand plus a small amount of bone powder, which is loose, fertile and slightly acidic. Avoid using sticky soil, it will lead to poor growth, resulting in rotten roots and fallen leaves. In winter, the room temperature should not be lower than 10 degrees, such as about 7 degrees, the leaves will turn red and the flowering period will be delayed.

(33) freesia: also known as fragrant Xuelan, evening fragrant jade. Its leaves are like small swords inserted on the ground, and there are about 8 ears of flowers lined with golden bells, just like small golden funnels, with bright yellow, pure white, cyan-purple, rose red and other colors. It has the delicate fragrance of orchids and the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus. Put a basin in the room, the aroma is rich and mellow, making people feel fresh and comfortable. Freesia habit is both cold and hot, when it is hot in summer, it goes into dormancy, and when the weather is cool, the bulbs begin to sprout and grow and blossom. The suitable temperature for growth is 18Mui, 20 degrees during the day, 14 at night, 16 degrees at night, and the overwintering temperature is 6 Murray, 7 degrees. Freesia is a light-loving plant, so it requires sufficient light, but it is easy to grow under strong light and high temperature. Its flower bud formation is completed under the condition of short day light, and long sunshine can promote its flowering after flower bud formation. Freesia has strict requirements for moisture, that is, it is afraid of moisture and is not resistant to drought. If the soil water content is too much, it is easy to cause rotten roots; the soil is lack of water, the growth is hindered, and the leaf color is shiny. The flower soil can be mixed with 20% rotten leaf soil, 50% garden soil, 20% compost soil and 10% sandy soil. Freesia has a dormant habit. After blooming in May, the leaves are withered and yellow, the bulbs can be poured out of the basin, the dead leaves can be removed, and the corms can be stored in a cool and ventilated place after being cool and dry.

(34) African violets: also known as African pansy, is a perennial herb. Like enough scattered light to thrive and blossom. Violet pot soil should not be too dry or too wet, and should not be watered on the leaves, otherwise the leaves will be macular or rotten. Like warm, not cold, not resistant to high temperature, summer to avoid direct sunlight, overwintering temperature to maintain above 12 degrees, like fertile, loose and well-drained slightly acidic sandy soil.

(35) Rose: rose is very adaptable to the environment and likes warmth. It is most suitable to grow at an average temperature of 22 / 25 degrees. Rose is not strict with soil, but it grows vigorously in fertile, loose and slightly acidic soil. During the growing period, there must be plenty of sunshine, otherwise the plants are thin and weak, the leaves are yellowed and the flowers are not in the right color. Rose must be pruned, the pruning period is generally carried out before and after flowering in spring and autumn, cutting off diseased and weak branches, and growing branches, introverted branches and withered branches and residual flowers. Hot soil is easy to dry in summer and must be watered at the right time to keep the soil moist, especially in the bud and flowering period, and stagnant water should be eliminated in time in the rainy season. It is best to put it in the cellar to hibernate in winter, and prune it around the middle of March next year.

(36) triangular plum: also known as leaf flower, sexual preference for warm and humid climate, like the sun, not resistant to cold, lack of light, will cause few flowers, leaves fall off. Like fertilizer and water, strong growth, lax requirements on the soil. Pruning is generally carried out before the growth of new shoots after flowering, cutting off overdense, inner chamber, growing branches and paying attention to keeping the tree shape beautiful. The overwintering temperature should be above 12 degrees.

(37) Lingjian River Flowers: tropical plants, like high temperature and humidity, like sunshine, like good ventilation environment, like fertile soil (preferably 20% hair, 20% slag, 30% loam, 30% sand), not resistant to cold. The basin soil maintains 40% humidity, low temperature, no more watering, no fertilization. The best overwintering temperature is above 10 degrees, where the sun can shine directly.

(38) Crane flower: a perennial evergreen herb. Also known as Anzu flower, red crane taro, candle flower and so on. The plant has a height of 30cm and a beautiful flower posture. Sexual preference for warm, humid and semi-overcast environment, avoid bright light, not cold-resistant. Summer morning and evening to give sunshine, around noon to pay attention to shade, often spray water to the leaves, watering should pay attention to the dry and wet phase. It is better to choose rotten leaf soil (or peat soil), moss fresh plus a small amount of garden soil, charcoal and calcium superphosphate.

(39) Cymbidium: Cymbidium is a perennial evergreen herbaceous flower, which is warm, semi-overcast and humid, requiring loose, fertile soil and good drainage. The basin soil should be on the dry side, and water should be sprayed to the leaves frequently. If the indoor temperature is not less than 10 degrees, it can survive the winter safely.

(40) Boston fern: is a drooping fern, sexual preference for warm, humid and semi-shady environment, avoid extreme heat. Can be cultured in bright scattered light indoors, can not be subjected to direct light, otherwise the leaf color is easy to turn yellow or lead to leaf edge dry, but can not be cultured in the dark, otherwise the leaves will fall off after a few weeks. Boston fern has strict requirements for moisture and should not be too wet or too dry. It is better to keep the basin soil moist often. In summer, we should pay attention to spraying 2murmuri 3 times a day. In winter, we should reduce watering when the room temperature is low. If the room temperature is above 8 degrees, we can safely survive the winter.

(41) asparagus: asparagus branches and leaves flat, like thin clouds overlap, branches such as bamboo, also known as cloud bamboo. Sex like warm, moist, semi-overcast, afraid of drought, not cold-resistant, like fertilizer. Soil rich in humus and well drained is required. Asparagus is a shade-loving plant and grows well under the condition of scattered light. It can survive the winter safely when the room temperature is not less than 10 degrees in winter.

(42) Fusang: Fusang flowers like light, like warm, moist and ventilated climate, not cold-resistant, suitable for loose, fertile and deep sandy loam. The lowest temperature in winter should not be lower than 15 degrees, otherwise it is easy to cause fallen leaves, and if the room temperature is kept above 20 degrees, it is expected to continue to blossom in winter. (note: planting wood chrysanthemum is basically the same as supporting mulberry. Fusang generally opens trumpet flowers to replace long buds, while most chrysanthemums are double and double. The color of flowering can be judged by the color of the new branch: the color of the new branch is green, the color of the new branch is green, and the color of the new branch is smoky pink or light flowers. )

(43) potted peaches: like light, warm, moist and ventilated climate, afraid of stagnant water, more resistant to cold. It is not strict with the soil, but it is better to have fertile and loose soil, and it is best to go to the cellar when it is cold. It can also be put in a cool and cool place indoors, less watering, and the basin soil is not dry.

(44) hanging orchids: hanging orchids are perennial herbaceous flowers. They like warm, moist semi-shady environment and require loose, fertile and well-drained soil. Spring and autumn grow vigorously, put in the semi-shade, apply thin liquid fertilizer every half a month, put in the shade in summer, watering should be sufficient, often spray water to the leaves, some light can be seen in winter, and the room temperature is not less than 10 degrees Celsius to survive the winter safely.

(45) Water tower flower: also known as pineapple sex like warm and humid, is a semi-negative flower, requires good ventilation, like humus-rich, well-drained acid sandy loam. You can choose rotten leaf soil, moss fresh and garden soil (sand), mixed with a small amount of bone powder as base fertilizer, apply dilute liquid fertilizer every half month during the growing season, and apply 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate twice before flowering, then the color of flowers will be more eye-catching, and fertilization should be stopped during flowering, after anthesis and dormancy. The suitable temperature for growth is 20m / m / 28 degrees. When the temperature exceeds 30 degrees in hot summer, ventilation should be done to lower the temperature. Keep it above 15 degrees in winter, see more light to grow healthily.