
Plain sailing how to raise flowers, smooth sailing breeding methods and matters needing attention / diligent fertilization

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, When it comes to plain sailing, we will certainly think that it is an idiom, in fact, in addition to an auspicious idiom, it is also a plant, often used for indoor greening and beautification decoration. Such a meaningful plant, of course, many people want to raise, that plain sailing flowers how to raise? Soil, light, etc. Are essential.

When it comes to plain sailing, we will certainly think that it is an idiom, in fact, in addition to an auspicious idiom, it is also a plant, often used for indoor greening and beautification decoration. Such a meaningful plant, of course, many people want to raise, that plain sailing flowers how to raise? Soil, light, etc., are essential, but fertilization is also critical. The following are plain sailing breeding methods and matters needing attention, very comprehensive, friends who want to raise must have a look.

First, smooth sailing, how to raise flowers, fertilization is the key

Because in indoor farming, there is no superior conditions of nature, if we want to raise plain sailing flowers, we have to create our own conditions. Soil, watering and light are all essential. in addition, attention should also be paid to temperature and fertilization. More specifically, it is introduced in the plain sailing breeding methods and matters needing attention, and we move on.

2. Smooth farming methods and matters needing attention

1. Selection of basin

Although the requirement of the basin is not high, the breeding is smooth, and it is best to choose a basin with a diameter of 18ml / 34cm. Flowerpot quality requirements: can use muddy flowerpots, plastic pots, porcelain pots, pottery pots cultivation.

2. Soil

Plain sailing flowers like humus-rich, loose, well-drained soil. When choosing soil, flower friends can use this formula: garden soil: rotten leaf soil: sand = 4:4:2 or peat soil: rotten leaf soil: sand: perlite = 4RV 3RV 2VR 1.

Note: pot smooth sailing requires loose soil, good drainage and ventilation, do not use heavy soil, generally can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, peat soil and a small amount of perlite to prepare the matrix. The EC value of the prepared matrix is about 0.7mS/cm and the pH value is about 5.5.

3. Lighting

In smooth farming methods, light is necessary. It is understood that plain sailing is more shady, as long as about 60% of the scattered light can meet its growth needs, so it can be kept indoors with bright scattered light for cultivation all the year round.

Note: during the smooth growth period, you should avoid direct sunlight and keep it in the shade or in the shade. After direct sunlight, the leaves are prone to wrinkles and scorched leaves. It is best to increase light in winter to meet the needs of photosynthesis.

4. Watering

Plain sailing likes moist soil and avoids drought and waterlogging. The growing season should keep the basin soil moist and should be sprayed around it several times while watering to increase air humidity. When the temperature is low in winter, the basin soil can be made dry.

Note: smooth sailing like the moist environment, the matrix should always be kept moist, can not wait until the matrix is completely dry before watering, this will increase the chances of root infection, not conducive to growth.

5. Temperature

Smooth sailing is a high temperature-loving species, and the best growth temperature is 20-30 ℃. When the summer temperature exceeds 30 ℃, it needs to be cooled by spraying water, and the growth temperature in winter should be kept above 15 ℃. Long-term low temperature or cold wind will make the leaves green, yellow and scorched.

Note: ① summer spray cooling, must not pour water in the heart of the leaves, otherwise it will cause rot; the maximum ② should not exceed 24 ℃, if the daytime temperature is higher, as compensation, the night temperature can be appropriately reduced.

6. Fertilization

Plain sailing, like fat, fat-resistant. When there is a lack of fertilizer, the new leaves grow slowly, if no new leaves grow out for a long time, and the old leaves age, they will lose their ornamental value. Therefore, in the growing season of young plants, flower friends need to apply 10 times of rotten liquid fertilizer once every 15 days, or 1000 times of "Huaduoduo" general fertilizer twice. The adult plant was treated with compound fertilizer once every 30 days.

Note: ① grows faster when there is plenty of fertilizer and will soon grow from a young plant to a larger one. Indoor layout space is small, at this time water and fertilizer should not be too sufficient; ② application of rotten liquid fertilizer, do not splash on the leaves, otherwise the leaves are easy to burn, should be washed clean with clean water in time.

2. Matters needing attention in smooth sailing and breeding

Although in the above smooth sailing breeding methods, there are many points for attention, but if you want to raise smooth sailing, there are still many places that flower friends need to pay attention to. Generally speaking, there are three other points for attention in plain sailing farming:

1. Change the basin

The basin should be changed every 1-2 years, and the basin should be changed in spring. When changing the basin, put an appropriate amount of cake fertilizer at the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer. Plain sailing is fleshy root, and the root system is well developed. the basin soil should be mixed with 5 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of sandy soil, 2 parts of sawdust and proper amount of organic fertilizer. When planting, 1 plant per pot.

2. The basin soil should not be too wet.

Always keep the basin soil moist, but not too wet. If the basin soil is too wet, it will affect the root development, and even cause rotten root. Watering less in winter, and then watering when the surface of the basin soil is white, it is appropriate to use warm water. In addition to meeting the water requirements of basin soil, water should be often sprayed to the foliar surface to improve air humidity.

3. Appropriate amount of topdressing

Smooth sailing, fast growth, large growth, the need for adequate fertilizer, but the right amount of fertilizer. Summer high temperature and humidity, suitable for smooth sailing growth, is the exuberant period of its growth, once every 7 to 10 days. When the winter temperature exceeds 20 ℃, a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer and appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to cultivate roots. Topdressing should be stopped when the winter temperature is below 20 ℃.

How to raise the potted plant without any trouble? Smooth farming methods and matters needing attention

[FAQ] how to raise potted plants smoothly?

[expert answer] smooth sailing is a perennial herb of Araceae, with green leaves, pure white and elegant flowers, and a beautiful meaning of smooth sailing and everything, so it is very popular and is very suitable for potted plants to decorate the household environment. So, pot planting is smooth, how to raise it? Now the smooth sailing breeding methods and matters needing attention are introduced as follows.

Picture: plain sailing

First, smooth sailing culture method

1. Soil: plain sailing pot planting requires loose soil, good drainage and ventilation, do not use heavy soil, rich loam with rich humus is better, generally can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, peat soil and a small amount of perlite as the substrate, add a small amount of organic fertilizer as base fertilizer.

two。 Lighting: plain sailing is more shady, so it is suitable to grow in a semi-shady environment, avoid direct sunlight, about 60% of the scattered light can meet the needs of smooth sailing growth, so it can be kept indoors with bright scattered light for breeding. If it is exposed to strong light, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow and even directly sunburn.

3. Temperature: plain sailing likes high temperature, especially afraid of cold, the most suitable growth temperature is 20: 28 ℃, once it is put indoors in winter, the lowest temperature it can withstand is 10 degrees, so we should pay attention to it in winter, so relatively speaking, the farming conditions in the north are too poor, put it in low temperature for a long time, it will cause root rot, leaf shedding or scorched yellow, serious even lead to death.

4. Watering: smooth sailing has a high demand for water, so we must always maintain the wettability of the basin soil, but we must avoid watering too much. Once too much water is watered, a large amount of water accumulates in the basin, it is easy to cause rotten roots and plants withered and yellow. In addition, it should be noted that in summer and drought, we should often spray water to the leaves and the ground, in order to improve the air humidity, so as to be conducive to its growth.

5. Fertilization: plain sailing fertilization do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer, and after the application of solid fertilizer water, it is best to use thin fertilizer instead of clear water irrigation, so that generally will not produce fertilizer damage, and taro will grow very luxuriantly.

6. Diseases and pests: plain sailing is the most popular pest during the growth period. Special mites should be sprayed regularly, such as triclofenac, Nisolan, pyridaben and so on. Common bacterial leaf spot, brown spot and anthracnose damage leaves can be sprayed with 50% carbendazim wettable powder 500 times.

7. Changing pots: smooth sailing and strong tillering ability, changing pots every 1-2 years, pay attention to root pruning and withered leaves when changing pots, over-dense plants are planted in pots, part of old roots and over-long roots are removed, old soil is removed, and newly cultivated soil is replaced with newly cultivated soil to facilitate the flowering of taro.

Picture: plain sailing

2. Matters needing attention in smooth sailing culture

1. The basin should be changed every 1-2 years, and the basin should be changed in spring. When changing the basin, put an appropriate amount of cake fertilizer at the bottom of the basin as base fertilizer. Plain sailing is fleshy root, and the root system is well developed. the basin soil should be mixed with 5 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of sandy soil, 2 parts of sawdust and proper amount of organic fertilizer. When planting, 1 plant per pot.

two。 Always keep the basin soil moist, but not too wet. If the basin soil is too wet, it will affect the root development, and even cause rotten root. Watering less in winter, and then watering when the surface of the basin soil is white, it is appropriate to use warm water. In addition to meeting the water requirements of basin soil, water should be often sprayed to the foliar surface to improve air humidity.

3. Smooth sailing, fast growth, large growth, the need for adequate fertilizer, but the right amount of fertilizer. Summer high temperature and humidity, suitable for smooth growth, is the exuberant period of its growth. During this period, 0.1%-0.3% urea water should be applied in combination with watering, once every 7-10 days, and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be sprayed at the same time to make the leaves broad and bright. It can also be applied with 0.2% urea fertilizer and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate fertilizer and water every 7 to 10 days. When the winter temperature exceeds 20 ℃, a small amount of nitrogen fertilizer and appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied to cultivate roots. 0.1% urea water and 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate fertilizer and water can be mixed and applied once every 15 to 20 days. Topdressing should be stopped when the winter temperature is below 20 ℃. To smooth sailing fertilization should not be too much, too much fertilization, leaves yellow wrinkle, serious will cause rotten roots, or even death.

4. The suitable temperature for smooth sailing growth is 20-30 ℃. When the summer temperature exceeds 30 ℃. Need to spray water to cool down, but must not pour water in the heart of the leaves, otherwise it will cause rot; winter growth temperature should be maintained above 15 ℃, long-term low temperature or cold wind will make the leaves green, yellow and scorched.

5. In the smooth growth period, should avoid direct sunlight, can be placed in the shade or shade hook maintenance. After direct sunlight, the leaves are prone to wrinkles and scorched leaves. It is best to increase light in winter to meet the needs of photosynthesis.

Picture: plain sailing

[editor's conclusion] smooth sailing likes the high temperature and humid environment, and special attention should be paid to it in the process of maintenance. Above for you introduced the smooth sailing breeding methods and matters needing attention, I hope it can be helpful to everyone!

Smooth sailing how to raise smooth sailing culture methods and matters needing attention

Plain sailing itself has an auspicious meaning, and because it is easy to breed, it is often raised in the family, how to raise it? Next, let's take a look at the smooth farming methods and points for attention.

Plain sailing farming methods:

1. Lighting

Plain sailing is more shady, so it is suitable to grow in a semi-overcast environment, avoid direct sunlight. According to the experiment, about 60% of the scattered light can meet the needs of smooth sailing growth, so it can be cultured indoors with bright scattered light all the year round. If it is exposed to strong light, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow and even directly sunburn. Greenhouse cultivation in northern winter can not shade or less shade, if the long-term light is too dark, then smooth sailing is not easy to bloom.

2. Temperature

Plain sailing likes high temperature, especially afraid of cold, the most suitable growth temperature is 20 Mel 28 ℃, once it is put indoors in winter, the lowest temperature it can withstand is 10 degrees, so you should pay attention to it in winter, so relatively speaking, the farming conditions in the north are too poor, plain sailing will cause root rot, leaf shedding or scorched yellow, and serious ones may even lead to death.

3. Soil

Soil is the basis of aquaculture. Pot planting requires loose soil, good drainage and ventilation, and can not use clayey soil. Generally, rotten leaf soil, peat soil and a small amount of perlite can be used as substrate, and a small amount of organic fertilizer can be added as base fertilizer when planting.

4. Watering

Plain sailing has a high demand for water, and the wettability of the basin soil must be kept constantly. But can not accumulate water, once too much watering, a large amount of water accumulated in the basin, it is easy to cause rotten roots and plants withered and yellow. In summer and drought, we should often spray water to the leaves and the ground to increase air humidity, so as to be conducive to its growth. Watering should be controlled in winter, and the basin soil should be slightly wet.

5. Fertilization

Due to the smooth growth rate and large amount of fertilizer, liquid fertilizer should be applied every 1-2 weeks in the growing season. Fertilizer should be applied thinly, do not apply thick fertilizer or raw fertilizer, and water once after applying solid fertilizer, it is best to use thin fertilizer instead of clear water, so that it generally does not produce fertilizer damage, and the plant grows luxuriantly.

6. Diseases and insect pests

This is a common problem of domestic plants, as long as proper care can be avoided. If harmful mites are harmful, the leaves show bad symptoms such as wilting, gloss desalination, yellow blight and so on, which can be controlled by spraying special mites, such as triclofenac, Nisolan, pyridaben and so on.

Matters needing attention in plain sailing farming:

1. Smooth sailing requires high growth humidity. If the air is too dry, it will cause the leaves to wilt.

2. To master the appropriate level of light, generally speaking, the degree of shade needed for smooth sailing is at least 73%. In summer, 80% of the shade will be better. If the level of light is too low, the color of the smooth sailing leaves will become lighter and the growth will be blocked.

3. Plain sailing is easy to grow, but the demand for magnesium is much higher than that of many other foliage plants. When magnesium is in short supply, the edges of the old leaves will turn yellow.

4. It is critical to control root rot; if the plant is infected with root rot, the root system will blacken and lead to the withering and withering of the old leaves, and in serious cases, it will lead to plant death.

5. Spraying gibberellic acid to induce plant flowering artificially, the flowering time of different varieties is also different, it should be noted that too high concentration of gibberellic acid will cause plant flower deformation.

6. Choose the appropriate size container according to the variety.

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