
Lingxiao flower leaves yellowing how to do, master 4 points to solve easily / too much water and too little fertilizer

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, As a good product of family breeding, the leaves of Lingxiao flowers are green and green, and the flowers are shaped like trumpets after flowering, which is the favorite object of many flower friends. However, in the process of breeding, Lingxiao flowers will encounter a variety of problems, such as yellow leaves, that Lingxiao flower leaves yellow how to do? In fact, we should not be in a hurry at this time, but should calmly look for the cause.

As a good product of family breeding, the leaves of Lingxiao flowers are green and green, and the flowers are shaped like trumpets after flowering, which is the favorite object of many flower friends. However, in the process of breeding, Lingxiao flowers will encounter a variety of problems, such as yellow leaves, that Lingxiao flower leaves yellow how to do? In fact, we should not be in a hurry at this time, but should calmly look for the cause. In this regard, the editor has sorted out several reasons for the yellowing of Lingxiao's leaves. Let's go and have a look!

First, how do the leaves of Lingxiao flowers turn yellow? find the cause.

In the cultivation method of Lingxiao flower, we know that Lingxiao flower is easy to raise, but there are many places that need to pay attention to, such as soil, water, fertilization and so on. Once you don't pay attention to it, the leaves will turn yellow. What should we do at this time? Don't worry, here are some reasons and solutions for the yellowing of the leaves of Lingxiao. We'll know after reading it.

Second, the causes of yellowing of the leaves of Lingxiao flower and its solutions.

1. Fertilizing too little

Lingxiao flower does not have high requirements for soil, so many people think that there is no need to fertilize it, but this is wrong. Although Lingxiao flowers do not like fertilizer, and too much fertilization will affect growth, but if there is no fertilization, the consequences will be more serious, light leaves yellowing, heavy leaves will lead to a large area of leaves, or even death!

Solution: it is absolutely impossible not to apply fertilizer, nor too much or too little fertilization. at this time, flower friends should combine fertilization with watering, and the specific method is to water it the next day after fertilization, which can speed up the absorption of fertilizer. it can also avoid fertilizer damage caused by excessive fertilization.

2. Lack of light

Lingxiao is a light-loving plant, and if there is not enough light, it will affect its growth, resulting in slender branches and yellowing leaves; but too much light will not work, because too much light will lead to wilting and yellowing of its leaves, which is very dangerous.

Solution: lack of ① light, increase the light time of Lingxiao flower, be careful not to shine directly; ② light is too strong, in order to avoid yellowing leaves, flower friends can water more.

3. Overwatering or rain

Lingxiao flower is originally an outdoor plant, many flower friends will keep it in the courtyard or open-air balcony, but some people choose potted plants. At this time, it should be noted that if it is outdoors, Lingxiaohua accepts that the rainforest is good for growth. But in pots, the growth space becomes smaller, and once it is rained or watered too much, it is difficult for the plant to absorb, causing the roots to rot and the leaves to turn yellow.

Solution: ① too much watering, put in a ventilated place, let the water evaporate quickly; ② rain is good, but pay attention to the degree, light rain can be properly accepted, but when it rains cats and dogs, or move to the rain shelter for maintenance. If you want Lingxiao to accept the nourishment of Rain Water, you can use the tools at home to pick up Rain Water, and then water the flowers.

4. Not long after the new purchase

After many flower friends buy Lingxiao flowers online, the leaves are still green at first, but within a few days, the leaves turn yellow. In fact, this is because the newly bought Lingxiao flower, or the seedling stage, at this time the environment changes, it is inevitable that the leaves will not adapt, the yellowing of leaves is a normal phenomenon, at this time to pay attention to let Lingxiao faster through the slow seedling stage!

Solution: put the newly bought Lingxiao flower in a cool and ventilated place, let it slow down slowly, and pay attention to the soil surface condition and water it in time. Other things, such as basking in the sun, topdressing, etc., should be put an end to, do nothing, and just grow flowers extensively. In about a week or so, Lingxiao will grow normally, and then normal maintenance will be fine.

As a novice, when many people first bought it back, they only knew how to raise the flowers, but ignored some details, which led to the yellowing of the leaves. In fact, this is all due to lack of experience, but experience is slowly cultivated, as long as we master the above 4 points, the problem of yellowing of the leaves of the lotus will become very simple!

What to do with the yellowing of the leaves of Lingxiao flower? the culture method of Lingxiao flower

Lingxiao flower is light-loving and warm, and the cold tolerance of seedlings is poor. If the light is not enough, it can grow, but the branches are slender. Rich, deep, well-drained sandy soil is required. What about the yellow leaves of Lingxiao flowers? The following wed114 wedding network editor brings you the breeding methods and daily maintenance of Lingxiao flower, let's take a look at the details.

What if the leaves of Lingxiao flowers turn yellow?

Reason one: not long after changing the basin.

The yellow and withered leaves of Lingxiao are due to the fact that they are not long after changing pots, or because the newly bought plants are slowly growing. At this stage, the plant environment suddenly changes, will inevitably not adapt, fallen leaves is a normal phenomenon, at this time to pay attention to let Lingxiao faster through the slow seedling period!

As a kind of skinny plant-Lingxiao, put it in a cool, ventilated place, let it slowly seedling, pay attention to the soil surface condition and water in time. Others are like basking in the sun. Top dressing should put an end to everything, don't do anything, and just grow flowers extensively. In about a week or so, Lingxiao will grow normally, and then normal maintenance will be fine.

Reason two: malnutrition

Lingxiao flower is very barren, but this does not mean that Lingxiao does not need fertilization. But Lingxiao does not like big fat, fertilizing too much, will affect flowering, many flower friends in order to avoid affecting Lingxiao flowering, rarely apply fertilizer. But the result is more serious, no fertilization, the growth of the lack of nutrients, will not only affect flowering, but also lead to a large area of fallen leaves.

Therefore, in the fertilization, we should pay attention to the suggestion of combining watering with fertilization, watering the next day after fertilization, which can not only speed up the absorption of fertilizer, but also avoid fertilizer damage caused by too much fertilization.

Reason 3: rain

Lingxiao flowers grow outdoors, and many families also put them in the courtyard or open-air balcony for maintenance, in fact, it is similar to its original growth environment, and Rain Water's moisture is more conducive to growth. But you may have overlooked the fact that the soil has changed. Most of the family is potted, in a small space, suffering from rain, it is difficult to fully absorb in a certain period of time, which will lead to root rot and yellow leaves.

Although the rain is good, but we should pay attention to the degree, light rain can be properly accepted, but when it rains cats and dogs, or move to the rain shelter for maintenance. If you want Lingxiao to accept the nourishment of Rain Water, you can use the tools at home to pick up Rain Water, and then water the flowers.

The Culture method of Lingxiao Flower

1. Reproduction

The main results are as follows: (1) striping method: it can be carried out in spring, summer and autumn. If the stem is buried in the soil, the aerial root on the stem can take root in about 50 days.

(2) cutting method: mostly in spring and autumn, select robust plants (pests and other plants should be avoided), cut into 10-15 cm, and then insert into the soil, control humidity and temperature, and take root after 20 days.

2. Watering

Lingxiao flowers like to be moist, so they can be watered once a day, especially during flowering. The pot soil should not be too dry, but it should not be too wet.

3. Fertilization

Lingxiaohua implements extensive management and fertilizes once a month. In order to prolong the flowering period, more fertilizer should be applied.

4. Diseases and insect pests

Compared with other plants, Lingxiao flower has fewer diseases and insect pests, but we should also pay attention to prevention and control. If it is really infected, pesticides should be applied to make it thinner.

Daily maintenance of Lingxiao Flower

①, changing basin and turning basin. Cuttings survive or the seedlings after sowing have to be changed several times from small to medium to large pots. The plant needs to be turned once before sprouting in spring or autumn every year, and the substrate should be cultivated with fertile, loose and well-drained soil. generally, rotten leaf soil and Gaza loam soil can be evenly mixed with rotten organic fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer, and there is no need to apply base fertilizer to avoid rotting roots.

②, fertilization. Because Lingxiao flower grows fast and blossoms many times, it is necessary to apply thin fertilizer frequently during the growth period, applying thin cake fertilizer or compound fertilizer about every 10 days, and applying liquid fertilizer dominated by phosphorus and potassium once a month during flowering, but stop fertilizing in high temperature season. The basin soil should be dry before fertilization; spray water with a fine sprinkler after fertilization to prevent the leaves from getting fat and water and rot.

③, temperature. The temperature for the growth of Lingxiao flower is 10-28 ℃, and the temperature in summer can not exceed 30 ℃, so we should do a good job of cooling in summer. In winter, sufficient sunshine is required, and the culture temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, otherwise it will cause frost injury and heat preservation measures must be taken. In addition, we should pay attention to ventilation in both winter and summer.

④, watering. Watering should be dry and ready-to-use, watering thoroughly, avoid stagnant water. It is better to dry the basin soil in summer, but pay attention to spraying water on the leaf surface and the ground.

⑤, coring and pruning.

⑥, placement aspect. In order to maintain the plump plant type of Lingxiao flower, the position should be changed frequently during the growing period to make the plant receive light evenly, so as not to deviate to one side and destroy the plant type. But it should be moved less during flowering, otherwise it will cause buds and flowers to fall.

Why the Lingxiao flower bought online does not blossom, the reason why the Lingxiao flower does not blossom / lack of light

For Lingxiao flower, we should be no stranger, it is shaped like a trumpet, full-bodied flowers, is a good product of family breeding, deeply loved by flower friends. However, friends who want to raise Lingxiao flowers often encounter some problems, such as why the Lingxiao flowers bought online don't blossom. The beauty of Lingxiao flower is when it blossoms, once it does not blossom, who will raise it? The following is the reason why Lingxiahua doesn't blossom. Let's go and have a look.

Why don't the Lingxiao flowers bought online blossom?

When learning about the efficacy and function of Lingxiao flower, many friends who want to grow flowers will choose Lingxiao flower, but when buying Lingxiao flower online, many people will encounter a symptom, that is, Lingxiao flower does not blossom, what to do at this time? In addition to the plant itself, it may be that you have not maintained it properly! Here are several reasons why Lingxiahua does not blossom and its solutions. Move on.

Second, the reasons for the non-flowering of Lingxiao flower and its solutions

1. Lack of light

If your Lingxiao doesn't blossom, the first thing to think of is the lack of light. Lingxiao flowers are happy, and the more the place is illuminated by the sun, the more beautiful the flowers will be. But once your Lingxiao flower grows in a shady place for a long time, it will be difficult to blossom because of lack of sunlight and sufficient nutrient accumulation.

Solution: in this situation, if it is a potted flower, you want it to blossom and get at least 8-10 hours of sunlight every day; if it has covered the courtyard, there is no way but to transplant it so that it can be touched by the sun.

2. Disease and pest infestation

Although Lingxiao flower is easy to raise, basically let it go, but once it is disturbed by diseases and insect pests, the leaves will be yellow, dry, do not bloom and other phenomena will appear. Therefore, in the process of breeding Lingxiao flowers, maintenance is essential.

Solution: after the discovery of diseases and insect pests, quickly find the cause, see whether it is disease or insect pests, and then solve the problem. The specific prevention and control of Lingxiao flower diseases and insect pests has been introduced in detail on this site, so I won't say much here.

3. Excessive fertilization

In the cultivation method of Lingxiao flower, we introduce that Lingxiao flower is easy to raise and does not have high requirements for soil, so proper fertilization is fine. The reason for this is that once too much fertilizer is applied, it will cause the leaves of Lingxiao flowers to turn yellow, and in serious cases, it will not blossom.

Solution: in fertilization, we should pay attention to the appropriate thickness, in order to promote flowering, can increase the proportion of phosphate fertilizer in fertilizer, can promote Lingxiao flowering. It is best to apply fertilizer the second day, and then water the Lingxiao flower.

4. Improper pruning

In the process of growth, proper pruning is very important, which is not only conducive to plant growth, but also make the flower more beautiful. However, once the pruning time and pruning method is wrong, it will cause Lingxiao flower not to blossom. For example, Lingxiao flower generally blossoms in the branch growth place of that year, if you just cut it here, it will be difficult to blossom!

Solution: has been cut off, naturally there is no way, can only eat a lesson and learn a lesson. The next pruning, you can prune in winter or early spring, early spring pruning, try to avoid new branches. Focus on pruning old branches to enhance light transmittance and promote flowering.

The correct pruning method of Lingxiao flower

Since the failure of Lingxiao flower to bloom may be a problem of pruning, it is necessary for florists to master the correct pruning method. Generally speaking, the pruning of Lingxiao flower is divided into three steps: pre-germination pruning, growing pruning and dormant pruning, as follows:

Pruning ① before germination

Every year, before the Lingxiao flower germinates, it can be pruned. At this time, the flower friends should cut off the dead branches and over-dense branches to make the tree shape reasonable, ventilated and transparent, which is conducive to growth.

② pruning during growing period

In the growing period of Lingxiao flower, it should also be pruned properly. At this time, what flower friends need to do is to pick the heart, in addition, they should also wipe off the axillary buds and adventitious buds from the branches and bases in time, and cut off the residual flowers in time after flower failure, so that they can form buds again.

③ dormant pruning

In the dormant period, Lingxiao flowers should also be pruned properly. At this time, flower friends should remove dead branches, thin and weak branches, over-dense branches, disease and insect branches and branches with poor growth position, shrink the over-long branches, promote them to sprout strong branches, reduce unnecessary nutrient consumption, and prepare for flowering.

5. Seedling status

Many flower friends' Lingxiao flowers are bought online, and these flowers are basically obtained through sowing and cutting, so the plant is still in the seedling stage, at this time Lingxiao flower does not blossom is a normal phenomenon. If your Lingxiao flower grows from seeds, it will be more difficult to blossom, because it takes at least 10 years from planting to flowering.

Lingxiao flowering period is long, once it does not blossom, it is really a pity. However, after reading the above, I believe that in the face of non-flowering situation in the future, we should be able to deal with it calmly. With regard to the content that Lingxiao flower does not blossom, the editor has introduced it here, hoping to give you some help.