
Potted sweet-scented osmanthus leaves yellowing how to do, sweet-scented osmanthus leaves yellowing reasons (cut withered leaves spray)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Speaking of sweet-scented osmanthus, I believe we are no stranger to it. The unique fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus is deeply loved by people, and it is one of the favorite flowers in the hearts of most people. With the progress of pot technology, sweet-scented osmanthus can also be raised at home. When raising sweet-scented osmanthus at home, the most common problem is that the leaves turn yellow.

Speaking of sweet-scented osmanthus, I believe we are no stranger to it. The unique fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus is deeply loved by people, and it is one of the favorite flowers in the hearts of most people. With the progress of pot technology, sweet-scented osmanthus can also be raised at home. When raising sweet-scented osmanthus at home, the most common problem is that the leaves turn yellow. What if the leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus turn yellow? Let's talk about the reasons and solutions for the yellowing of sweet-scented osmanthus leaves.

First, sweet-scented osmanthus leaves yellowing how to do, to reduce the yellow leaves to prescribe the right medicine

Sweet-scented osmanthus is a kind of good plant flowers. We talked about how to raise sweet-scented osmanthus and the efficacy and function of sweet-scented osmanthus. Now let's take a look at how the leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus turn yellow. There are many reasons for the yellowing of sweet-scented osmanthus leaves. Too much or too little watering may lead to yellowing of leaves. Sun exposure may also lead to yellowing of leaves, which we will analyze one by one below.

Second, the reasons for the yellowing of sweet-scented osmanthus leaves

1. Too much water

The water in the basin soil has been wet for a long time, resulting in a lack of oxygen in the soil, resulting in the decay of some fibrous roots, thus weakening the ability of absorbing water and fertilizer, causing tender leaves to turn yellowish, and flowers and leaves gradually turning dark yellow one after another. What if the leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus turn yellow? Let's take a look at the solution.

Solution: after discovery, we should immediately control watering, stop fertilization, and often loosen the soil, so that the basin soil is well breathable. If the disease is serious, it is necessary to remove the whole land from the basin and place it in the dry soil pile to make the water seep out quickly, and then replant it into the basin after the drooping branches and leaves are restored.

2. Long-term water shortage

Too little watering, or long-term half-cut-off or missed watering, so that the water evaporation of the leaves is greater than the absorption, resulting in water supply falling short of demand, but also causing leaves to yellowing. The "dry yellow" gradually yellowed upward from the lower leaves, withered and scorched off, and when the petiole was serious, the petiole drooped and wilted.

Solution: immediately move the flowerpot to a cool place, spray some water on the leaves, and pour a small amount of water. Later, as the stems and leaves gradually return to straight and straight, and then gradually increase the amount of water, if too much water is suddenly poured at this time, it may cause cell wall separation, protoplast damage, and cause flower death.

3. Exposure to the sun

Flowers that like semi-shade and are afraid of high temperature and heat in summer will be maintained in the place of strong light, which can easily cause tender leaf buds or leaf edge scorched or the whole leaf yellowing. What if the leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus turn yellow? Let's look down.

Solution: immediately move it to a cool place with good ventilation for cultivation.

4. Excessive fertilization

Excessive fertilization, especially too much nitrogen fertilizer and lack of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, is easy to cause the leaves to turn yellow, showing that the new leaves are thick, the leaves are mostly uneven, the old leaves gradually turn yellow and fall off, when the leaf tip is serious, even the whole leaf is scorched yellow. If your sweet-scented osmanthus leaves have this symptom, excessive fertilization must be the reason for the yellowing of sweet-scented osmanthus leaves.

Solution: if you encounter this situation, you should apply fertilizer immediately, increase the amount of water, let the fertilizer flow out from the drain hole, or pour the basin immediately, remove part of the old soil, wash the soil block with water, replace part of the new culture soil, and then plant the plant back into the pot.

5. Diseases and insect pests

When sweet-scented osmanthus is planted in soil, locusts and red spiders are the main pests, as well as grubs. Locusts feed on tender shoots and new leaves in summer and autumn, which simply form a lot of leaves that are incomplete, affecting the appearance and growth of potted flowers.

Solution: spray 4.5% cypermethrin EC 2000 to 3000 times or 40% chlorpyrifos EC 1000 times.

Third, the conservation experience of sweet-scented osmanthus

1, spring, with the gradual rise of the temperature, to gradually open the window of the balcony, so that the temperature inside the balcony slowly adapt to the temperature outside. When the average temperature reaches above 0 ℃, all the windows of the balcony can be opened. Be careful not to open the window too hastily, lest sweet-scented osmanthus get hurt. In summer, preventing drying is an important part of sweet-scented osmanthus management. If the balcony air is hot and dry, ventilation is not smooth, it is very disadvantageous to the growth and development of sweet-scented osmanthus. Members of the public should try their best to open the doors and windows of the balcony to maintain good ventilation.

2. At the same time, to increase the humidity of the air, you can lay a layer of brick or matting on the balcony floor, put the sweet-scented osmanthus on it, and often splash water on the cushion to make it fully absorb water. Rely on the natural evaporation of water to create a humid environment for sweet-scented osmanthus. In addition, in the hot summer, spraying water on the branches and leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus at any time can not only reduce the temperature of sweet-scented osmanthus plants, wash the dust on the leaves of sweet-scented osmanthus, but also meet the moisture requirements of sweet-scented osmanthus. These are the reasons for the yellowing of sweet-scented osmanthus leaves, how to do the yellowing of sweet-scented osmanthus leaves, hope to help you.

What about the yellowing of potted orchid leaves? the reason for the yellowing of orchid leaves / sunburn one, how do orchid leaves turn yellow, cut diseased leaves

Orchids are a kind of flowers that are easy to raise, but if they are not cultured properly, they will cause the leaves to turn yellow and wither. There are many reasons for the yellowing of orchid leaves, such as improper watering, lack of light and so on. What if the orchid leaves turn yellow? No matter which reason is mentioned above, we have to lose the yellowing leaves first.

Second, the causes and solutions of yellowing of orchid leaves.

1. Lighting

Orchids have more strict requirements for light, it likes a more shady growth environment, more afraid of the sun, but can not lack of sunshine. Therefore, the growth of orchids will be affected by insufficient or too strong light. Strong light, prone to sunburn, so that the leaves of orchids injured and yellowed. When the light is weak, the plant nutrients of orchids are not enough, and the leaves are easy to turn yellow, which is the reason why the leaves of most orchids turn yellow.

Solution: orchids like semi-shade, in addition to full sunshine maintenance in early spring and winter, put the plants in a well-ventilated place at other times to avoid direct sunlight.

2. Watering

Orchids like the moist growing environment and have high requirements for air humidity. Underwatering can cause root damage or when the air is too dry, it can cause orchid leaves to turn yellow. On the contrary, if too much watering, stagnant water in the basin and poor drainage, the roots of orchids will rot without oxygen, yellow leaves will appear, and even die.

Solution: watering should master the skills, watering should be carried out according to the drying condition of the basin soil, and the right amount should be watered at the right time. Avoid basin soil being too dry or too wet. Pay attention to the air humidity of the orchid growing environment. If the air is too dry, spray water frequently to maintain humidity.

3. Normal yellowing

The growth of orchids needs to be replaced by the new and old with the growth of the plant. Because of the need to develop new leaves, the old leaves will not continue to grow, but will turn yellow and wither and fall off. What if the orchid leaves turn yellow in this situation? This is the yellowing of leaves caused by metabolism, which is a normal phenomenon. There is no need to worry too much.

4. Diseases and insect pests

If orchids encounter diseases and insect pests, there will also be yellowing of leaves, such as leaf spot, anthrax and so on. Rotten roots will also lead to yellowing of leaves, even more harmful, which is also the reason for the yellowing of leaves of orchids.

Solution: in general, orchids have diseases and insect pests, affecting the leaves will be a gradual process. In the early stage of the onset of diseases and insect pests, if they can be found in time, measures can be taken. According to the symptoms of orchids, to judge what kind of diseases and insect pests orchids encountered, and choose the corresponding treatment measures, spraying pesticides or artificial control, will alleviate the yellowing of orchid leaves.

5. Fertilization

If the orchid leaves are yellow caused by fertilization, it is generally due to excessive fertilization at one time, resulting in orchid rhizome burns and leaves yellow. Because the growth of orchids does not need big fertilizer, fertilizer should be applied thinly.

Solution: in terms of fertilization, orchids need to apply thin fertilizer skillfully, and do not apply thick fertilizer, large fertilizer and unrotten liquid fertilizer. On the second day after fertilization, clear water should be irrigated once to dilute the fertilizer and avoid fertilizer damage. The above is the orchid leaves yellowing how to do, orchid leaves yellowing reasons and solutions, I hope to help you.

What about the yellow and withered leaves of the lotus? what is the reason for the yellow of the lotus (cutting withered leaves and spraying)

Lotus, also known as lotus, is one of the top ten famous flowers in China. In nature, any plant can be "sick". For example, the yellow and withered leaves of the lotus are its symptoms. What if the lotus leaves turn yellow and wither? First of all, we need to find its symptoms, and then prescribe the right medicine. Let's take a look at the cause of lotus yellowing with Xiaobian.

What is the cause of lotus yellowing, light and temperature

The lotus has been loved by people since ancient times. We talked about how to raise the lotus, the function and effect of the lotus. Now we talk about a common question: what to do if the lotus leaves are yellow and withered and what is the reason why the lotus is yellowing. There are many reasons why lotus leaves turn yellow: it may be caused by strong light, improper fertilization, low temperature and so on. Let's talk about the solutions one by one.

Second, what if the lotus leaves turn yellow and dry, and prescribe the right medicine to the case

1. Lack of light

Lotus is a sunny plant, lack of light can lead to excessive growth of lotus branches and leaves, leaves can not normal photosynthesis, chlorophyll synthesis is affected, resulting in leaves yellowing.

Solution: pay attention to basking in the sun, pot appreciation lotus must be placed in the sunny place, not in the shade.

2. The soil or water quality is alkaline.

Alkaline soil or water quality affects the absorption of trace elements by ornamental lotus roots, while the symptoms of deficiency of iron, magnesium, sulfur and other elements are mostly what we usually call watermelon patterns.

Solution: it is a good way to add some ferrous sulfate to the water, which can adjust the pH and supplement iron.

3. Improper fertilization

Hypertrophy or lack of fertilizer will lead to the yellowing of lotus leaves. There are many reasons for lotus hypertrophy in newlyweds. The lack of fat yellow is mainly manifested in the lighter color of tender leaves, yellow or light green, while the old leaves are more normal or gradually turn from green to yellow. The yellowing of leaves caused by lack of nutrient elements mostly occurred in the growing period and later stage.

Solution: apply too much fertilizer to burn roots, if root burning occurs, it is recommended to replant, replace it with plain soil culture, and spray more water to the leaves at the same time. After digging out the lotus root, we can observe the root system and confirm whether the judgment is correct. The root system is blackened, short or rootless.

4. Freeze injury or disease

Sharp cooling or excessive temperature difference can lead to new leaves yellowing, wrinkling, leaves turning inward, pay attention to cold, do not let the lotus pot in the temperature is too low outside. Fungal diseases are generally characterized by macula of different sizes in the leaves, and gradually browning and necrosis, and there are many powders or flocs in the spot, which can be used but do not abuse carbendazim, otherwise it may be counterproductive.

Lotus is a very easy to raise flowers, pay attention to its light and temperature to grow lotus is not a problem. Through the above answers, you know what to do about the yellow and withered leaves of the lotus, and what is the reason for the yellow of the lotus?