
How to raise camellias, the breeding methods and matters needing attention (watering more in the early stage)

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Camellia is very common in daily life, and many people like this kind of flowers and plants. Camellia, also known as camellia, is a traditional Chinese ornamental flower. The flowers of camellia are very beautiful. Many people want to raise camellias, but they don't know how to raise camellias. Let's take a look at the cultivation methods and points for attention of camellias with the editor.

Camellia is very common in daily life, and many people like this kind of flowers and plants. Camellia, also known as camellia, is a traditional Chinese ornamental flower, camellia flowers are very beautiful, many people want to raise camellias, but do not know how to raise camellias, the following with the editor to take a look at the camellia culture methods and points for attention.

How to raise camellias and water more camellias

Camellia is not common in life, it may be seen in a florist, but even if you see it, you may not know it. But when you understand this flower, you will have the urge to keep it. So how to grow camellias? Camellia culture should pay attention to the light and water, camellia does not like strong light, like the humid environment, let's take a detailed look at the camellia culture methods and matters needing attention.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Camellia

1. Soil and basin

According to the growth characteristics of camellia, the mixed soil with slightly acidic, loose, fertile and good drainage should be selected as basin soil. Special attention should be paid to good drainage and do not use calcareous soil. The size of the basin should be moderate, not too big or too small. The general ratio of pot to seedling is: a camellia with a height of 40 cm and a crown of 20 cm should be planted in a purple sand basin or tile basin with a caliber of about 20 cm. Other sizes, and so on.

2. Potting time

The potting time is November in winter and February to March in early spring. At this time, the buds are enlarged and the flowers are in full bloom, which is the most suitable for pots. When the flowers are withering and the new roots are still sprouting, if you want to put them on the pot, you must pay special attention not to hurt the roots. Generally stop potting before and after the sprouting period, because at this time the new shoots are waiting to be sent and the leaves are developed, which requires a lot of water, such as pots, new roots are injured, which can easily affect the growth and development of the year.

3. Watering method

The seedlings newly put on the pot should be watered for the first time until the bottom of the basin is permeated. Keep it moist and water it like other potted seedlings after 2 months. The frequency of watering depends on the climate, based on the principle of keeping the soil moist. Generally, it can be watered more in spring to meet the needs of sprouting and shooting. summer watering should be carried out in the morning and evening; water should be prevented in the Meiyu period, timely watering in autumn drought, and watering in winter should be carried out at noon to prevent the basin soil from freezing, and the soil is dry and frozen more intensely.

4. Fertilization method

Camellia does not like fertilizer very much, so it is not necessary to apply too much fertilizer. Generally, it is fertilized for 2 or 4 times from 10 to 11 months before flowering and 4 to 5 months after flowering. The amount of fertilizer application should be mastered that the strong seedlings should be applied more, and the weak seedlings should be applied less or not. for the seedlings whose growth is too weak, replace the pot soil instead of fertilization, the effect is also very good. How to raise camellias, you should know by now. Let's take a look at the matters needing attention in camellia culture.

Matters needing attention in Camellia Culture

1. Camellia is a multi-flowered tree species, especially on weak plants, if the buds are dense, it will consume too many nutrients, which is disadvantageous to the plant growth. Therefore, bud picking is an important part of cultivation and management, it is appropriate to leave 1 bud and 2 buds on each branch, only 3 buds at most, and keep a certain distance. The sparse buds can be used medicinally.

2. The flowering period of camellia is longer, and the whole flowering period is as long as half a year. Therefore, picking close to withered flowers in time is of great benefit to reduce nutrient consumption and enhance the tree potential.

3. Camellia is not suitable for intensity pruning, its flowers, leaves, buds develop for a long time, and the crown is formed evenly. Basically, there is no need for special pruning, just cut off disease and insect branches, over-dense branches, weak branches and truncated long branches. The above are all the answers to the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of camellias and how to raise camellias. I hope I can help you.

How to raise camellias, culture methods and matters needing attention of camellias

Camellia is a kind of ornamental flowers, which is one of the top ten traditional famous flowers in China, with many varieties, which is loved by the majority of flower lovers. This article will share the breeding methods and matters needing attention of camellia.

Culture methods of Camellia

1. Soil, culture of camellia, soil selection is very important, first of all, to understand the growth habits of camellia, choose slightly acidic soil with high humus content.

two。 Temperature, the most suitable growth temperature of camellia is 18-25 degrees, high temperature in summer or winter is not conducive to the growth of camellia, it is necessary to protect against sunscreen and freezing.

3. Watering, camellia should be grown in a moist environment, watering more in spring and summer and less in winter, so as to keep the soil not too dry or too wet.

4. Fertilization, if you want the camellia flowers to blossom brightly, it is necessary to apply appropriate amount of fertilizer. Adding phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in the growing period can make the camellia flowers bloom luxuriantly, but do not apply too much fertilizer.

5. Pruning, in order to maintain a high ornamental camellia, regular pruning, mainly pruning weak branches and poor growth buds, so that the nutrients of the plant can be absorbed.

6. Diseases and insect pests, camellia in the culture process may appear some diseases, such as black mold, anthracnose and so on, can be properly sprayed with some fungicides to prevent the further spread of the disease.

Matters needing attention of Camellia

Camellia likes the growth environment of half-yin and half-yang, but due to its poor ability to adapt to the environment, it is not possible to change the placement direction at will to avoid leaf shedding; the root system of camellia is fragile and should not be cultivated in alkaline soil. it is best to change the basin soil every two or three years, and some base fertilizer should be added to the newly changed soil; camellia is a fleshy root and should not be watered or fertilized too much to avoid rotting roots.

After understanding the culture methods and matters needing attention of camellias shared above, I believe that there is no problem in raising a pot of camellias. Of course, in the process of planting, it is more the intention of the flower growers.

Extended reading:

How to cultivate camellias, pruning techniques, flower words, culture methods and matters needing attention

How to grow potted camellias? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Camellia

Camellia is a flower plant of the genus Camellia of Theaceae, with green and chic leaves, large and colorful flowers, and very high ornamental value. It is a very good potted ornamental flower and is favored by flower lovers. So, how to grow potted camellias? The culture methods and matters needing attention of camellia are introduced as follows.

Picture: Camellia

I. Culture methods of potted camellias

1. Place: Camellia prefer semi-shade and avoid the scorching sun, so it is suitable to be placed in a warm, moist, ventilated and transparent place. Breed camellia in spring to have sufficient light, summer should pay attention to shade, avoid direct sunlight, if the camellia on the balcony, often accidentally it will be sunburned to death. Camellia in the process of storage and transportation, it is necessary to prevent high temperature and air drying, otherwise buds and flowers are easy to fall off, affecting the quality.

two。 Temperature: Camellia likes warm climate, the suitable growth temperature is between 18-25 ℃, the initial flowering temperature is 2 ℃, it is slightly cold-resistant, the general variety can withstand the low temperature of-10 ℃ and summer heat, but more than 36 ℃ will inhibit its growth. The cultivation of camellia requires a certain temperature difference, and the best environmental humidity is above 60%. It can generally survive the winter naturally in the south of the Huaihe River, while the varieties of Camellia are slightly less resistant to cold.

3. Watering: Camellia bonsai culture to keep the soil moist, but not stagnant water, so as not to affect the growth when dry. In general, more water can be properly watered in spring, which is conducive to sprouting and sprouting; in summer, it is best to spray foliar water, so that the leaves are drenched thoroughly, not hot water should be watered, and the high temperature before and after noon should be avoided; proper amount of water should be watered in autumn; it is appropriate to water around noon in winter and spray water every two or three days.

Picture: Camellia

4. Fertilization: Camellia likes fertilizer, pay attention to put a layer of base fertilizer in the basin soil, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, fertilization is the best mixture of rotten bone powder, hair, chicken feathers, rice chaff ash, poultry dung and calcium superphosphate. Usually should not fertilize too much, generally apply 2-3 times thin fertilizer water between April and May after flowering, and apply a slightly thicker water and fertilizer in autumn November. Camellia fertilizer pay attention to the proportion of phosphate fertilizer should be slightly larger, in order to promote the flowers colorful.

5. Pruning: Camellia growth is relatively slow, should not be over-pruned, generally only long branches and disease and insect branches, weak branches can be cut off. If there are too many buds on each branch, you can sparse the flowers, leaving only 1-2, and keep a certain distance, the rest should be picked as soon as possible, so as not to consume too much nutrients. In addition, it is necessary to pick the withered flowers in time, which can also reduce the consumption of nutrients, so as to facilitate the robust growth of camellia and form new flower buds.

6. Turn the pot: potted camellia had better turn the pot once in 1-2 years, and the new pot must be one size bigger than the old pot, which is beneficial to the root system development of camellia. The best time for turning the pot of camellia is in April in spring, of course, it can also be carried out in autumn. When turning the basin, combined with soil replacement, properly remove part of the hardened old soil, replace it with fertile, loose, breathable new culture soil, and first place a layer of base fertilizer.

Picture: Camellia

Matters needing attention in potted camellia culture

Camellia is not suitable for intensity pruning, its flowers, leaves, buds develop for a long time, and the crown is formed evenly. Basically, there is no need for special pruning, just cut off disease and insect branches, over-dense branches, weak branches and truncated long branches. Camellia is a multi-flowered tree species, especially on weak plants, if the buds are dense, it will consume too many nutrients, which is disadvantageous to the plant growth. Therefore, bud picking is an important part of cultivation and management, it is appropriate to leave 1-2 buds on each branch, only 3 buds at most, and keep a certain distance. The sparse buds can be used medicinally. The flowering period of camellia is longer, and the whole flowering period is as long as half a year. Therefore, picking close to withered flowers in time is of great benefit to reduce nutrient consumption and enhance the tree potential.

[conclusion] Camellia likes warm, moist, well-drained, loose and fertile soil, so more attention should be paid to it in the process of conservation. The above introduces the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of camellia, hoping to be helpful to you!