
When does the peony blossom and how to prune the peony after it blossoms (cut off the dead leaves and flowers)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peony is a common flower in life, and it is also a famous flower in the world. Any flower or plant has its own florescence, and so is the peony. Many people do not know when the peonies will bloom or how to trim them after they bloom. Peony is a kind of flower that is easy to raise.

Peony is a common flower in life, and it is also a famous flower in the world. Any flower or plant has its own florescence, and so is the peony. Many people do not know when the peonies will bloom or how to trim them after they bloom. Peony is a kind of flower that is easy to raise, but the flower will be ugly if you don't prune it.

When will the peony blossom, April-May

With the progress of pot technology, many people like to grow peonies at home. Earlier, we introduced how to raise peonies, the efficacy and function of peonies and taboos. Now let's take a look at when the peonies bloom and how to trim them after they bloom. Generally speaking, peony flowers bloom from April to May, that is, around Grain Rain. However, in the south of the Yangtze River, it will be about 5-7 days in advance, while in the northeast, it will be less, about 3-5 days later.

However, due to the improvement of science and technology, the technical level of flower culture has also been greatly improved. Through the technology of regulating the florescence, peony can be opened from New Year's Day to around the National Day. Peony is the king of flowers, there are many color categories, including: red, yellow, white, pink and purple, ink, green, blue and so on. The normal florescence of peony is about 10-15 days, of course, the flowering period is relatively long, some varieties are about 20 days.

When it blossoms from April to May every year, you can see that each flower is large and colorful and magnificent. The full flowers do not lose the elegance, and the fragrance of the flowers is refreshing. Apart from Luoyang, the peonies in Shandong Heze Zhao Commune are the most prosperous. When the peonies are in full bloom from April to May, they are colorful and fragrant. Now that we know when the peonies will bloom, let's take a look at how to trim the peonies after they bloom.

Second, how to prune the peony after flowering and cut off the petals of dead leaves

After flowering, peony petals and withered leaves should be removed, which can reduce the consumption of nutrients in the basin and is beneficial to the division of flower buds. When the flower bud differentiation is more obvious, only the buds on both sides of the branches are retained, and all the buds at the top are cut off.

Third, the pruning skills of peony flowers

1. Early spring pruning

In early spring, the peony will wake up from dormancy and gradually transition to the growing period. at this time, check the buds on the branches and keep only 2 or 3 buds at the top to remove the rest. In addition, check whether the rhizome is sprouting and dig it out in time.

2. Pruning before winter

Winter plants just enter the dormant period, when pruning is the best time. All the overlapping branches, cross branches, disease and insect branches on the plant can be cut short for the thin branches, which can promote their rejuvenation. For overgrown branches, cutting short can reduce the consumption of nutrients.

IV. Maintenance methods of peony during flowering period

1. Fangfeng: the peony blossoms are in the wind season in the north. In some areas, 360 strong winds without dead corners are unbearable, let alone flowers. If the peony flowers are hit by strong winds during this period, it is easy to be top-heavy and the branches are broken. Therefore, when blooming, be sure to put the plant in the leeward, and the branches should be fixed to avoid shaking the branches and causing the flowers to fall off.

2. Sufficient light: peony flowers need sufficient sunlight to bloom. If there is not enough light, the branches are easy to grow, causing the leaves to turn yellow, unable to carry out normal photosynthesis, so that the flowers do not get sufficient nutrients, not only the flowers are small, but also the flowers are not bright and fragrant.

3. Watering: peony flowers need more water during flowering. Although the temperature from April to May is not high, the wind is strong and the water evaporates quickly, so it is necessary to have enough water. Usually watering to keep the basin soil slightly wet. Always spray water around on a sunny day, but don't spray it on the flowers to prevent them from withering too early.

The peonies are beautiful, but if you take good care of them, the flowers will be more beautiful. The above is all the answers to when the peonies bloom and how to prune them after they bloom. I hope I can help you.

How to trim the dormant period of peony? Pruning methods of dormant period of peony flowers

How to trim the dormant period of peony? Peony has been cultivated in China for more than a thousand years, and it is a precious flower with Chinese characteristics. Today, the editor is going to popularize the growth habits and dormant pruning methods of peony to all flower growers.

1 present situation of growth and application of tree peony in Beijing area

The cultivation of peony in Beijing has a long history, which flourished day by day after the establishment of the capital of Liao and Jin, and reached its peak in the Ming Dynasty. In order to make better use of peony in garden plant landscape, in addition to cultivating new varieties with excellent quality, attention should also be paid to cultivation and conservation techniques to make peony create more beautiful scenery in a short flowering period, among which, because peony is a perennial shrub with strong root tillering, the removal and retention of new articles and how to prune the old ones have become the most important links in the cultivation and maintenance of peony.

2 the growth habits of tree peony

Peony is a perennial deciduous shrub with a height of 1m to 2m, short branches, thick and brittle stems, green branches and grayish brown old stems, flowers born at the top of branches in the same year, solitary, large and beautiful flowers, with red, pink, purple, white, yellow and green flowers. Have like cool, avoid heat, like light characteristics, slightly resistant to shade, more resistant to cold. Require loose, fertile, well-drained neutral loam or sandy loam, avoid heavy clayey soil or low-lying water planting.

The bud of peony is covered by 6-8 scales, so the bud of peony is also called "scale bud". Tree peony overwinters with scale buds, which can be divided into flower buds, leaf buds, latent buds and adventitious buds according to their function and degree of differentiation.

Among them, the flower bud of peony is a mixed bud, which can branch, grow leaves and blossom. The one born at the top of the branch is called the "terminal flower bud". If the branch blossoms once, the flower stem will dry up and retract 1 section. The flower buds placed in the axils of the lower leaves of the dried flower stems are called "axillary flower buds" or "lateral flower buds".

Leaf buds only draw long leaves, mostly in the axils of the lower leaves of the flower buds, but also at the top of the branches, which are thinner than the flower buds and develop into branches after germination.

The latent bud is born in the lowest part of the new branch and is small in shape. It does not germinate at ordinary times, but can only germinate after the flower bud, leaf bud or branch is injured. Its life span is longer and can last as long as 10-15 years.

Buds born at the root neck are called "adventitious buds". After unearthed, it is produced as a sprouting branch, commonly known as "soil bud". The germination ability of adventitious buds is very strong, and it is the main source of scion, renewal of old branches and addition of new branches. Adventitious buds did not bloom in the same year, and those with prosperous growth could develop and differentiate into flower buds at the top of the year, and bloom the following year.

According to the law of activity, the change of peony cycle can be divided into two different periods, namely, growth and development period (including reproduction) and relative dormancy period. The growth and development period is from the sprouting of scale buds in February to the withered leaves at the end of October, and the relative dormancy period from withered leaves to spring buds.

3 dormant pruning of peony

Some data think that peony pruning is mainly carried out in the growth and development period when peony begins to sprout in spring, but through the biological characteristics of peony, the author finds that peony pruning should focus on the dormancy period after defoliation in autumn. The purpose of plant health and nutrient concentration can be achieved by thinning buds and removing soil buds once in spring.

3.1 the significance of pruning

The most important thing to watch the peony is to highlight the ornamental characteristics of the peony and make the flowers big and colorful as far as possible. However, the nutrition that a tree peony can provide is limited, and the growth of tillers in the new year will consume a lot of plant nutrients, resulting in a lack of nutrition supply of old branches and retraction, but also affect ventilation, light transmission, flowering and so on. Removing the withered branches and leaves of last year can reduce the loss of plant nutrients, ensure perfect plant type and exuberant growth, improve ventilation conditions and prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

3.2 pruning method

Before pruning, the branch type and growth state of tree peony were observed, and the position and type of pruned branches were roughly determined.

Peony has the habit of withered shoots and branches, as the saying goes: "Peony grows one foot and retreats eight inches." that is to say, because there is no Lignification in the axils of the upper leaves of the branches that year, the cold resistance is poor, they die on their own when winter comes, and only half of them survive the winter. this part is the actual growth of peony branches in that year. The growth potential of branches in late October has been determined and needs targeted pruning. Remove dead branches of peony in the process of pruning, especially remove excess dead branches and excess branches (over-dense branches, parallel branches, cross branches, introverted branches, diseases and insect pests, etc.) to create good ventilation conditions to control the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. In addition, all the leaves were cut off, but the petiole of 5cm could be retained to protect the scale bud.

The flower bud differentiation of tree peony begins in the first and middle of June and ends from late September to mid-October. At this time, the number of flower buds and branches can be selected according to ornamental needs. Ornamental peonies require strong plants and large and colorful flowers, so it is necessary to remove too many buds. If there are multiple buds on one branch, nutrients cannot be supplied centrally during flowering, which can not achieve the effect that every flower is colorful. When pruning, follow the principle of "going to the middle every three days". There are three lateral branches on the same branch. when the three lateral branches are relatively dense or cross each other, remove the middle branches. According to the difference of peony varieties, there are 1-3 flower buds on each branch. To ensure that each flower can achieve the desired ornamental effect when it becomes a flower. At the same time, all leaf buds, latent buds and adventitious buds except flower buds should be removed to ensure the nutritional supply of flower branches.

The sprouting strips of the same year can be properly selected according to the needs of plant shape. As the proverb goes, "Peony combs hair, peony washes feet", cleans up excess tillering strips, and removes all roots (flat bifurcation). So as not to waste your nutrients by pruning after sprouting in spring. Be sure to control the number of branches, while ensuring the quality of branches, can retain individual branches for renewal or correction of crown type of branches, but the rest of the branches must be cut off at the root, do not show mercy. After the preliminary pruning, check whether the shape and retention of the branches after pruning are reasonable, and ensure the bud germination and normal flowering on the selected branches, which can further improve the pruning.

The above is the pruning method of peony dormancy period. If you also have the idea of planting peony flowers, you can come to Huinong net to learn more!

Peony pruning techniques (picture and text) Peony usually blossoms best at 4-6 years. In production, generally before sprouting, rejuvenate some old branches or "retract" to keep the plant shape neat; after sprouting, remove overdense branches and lateral buds in time, stay strong and weak, keep ventilated and transparent; from mid-March to early May, remove flower buds and residual flowers of some flowering peonies to reduce nutrient consumption; at the end of autumn, cut off weak branches, diseased branches, withered branches and residual leaves, clear the garden in time and burn them centrally, so as to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

Peony plants or potted plants should be trimmed three times a year.

For the first time in early March, there were 8 branches per plant, 2 flower buds in each branch, and the rest was cut off.

After the flower fade for the second time, cut off the residual flowers in time to reduce the nutrient consumption.

The third time from late October to early November, thinning all kinds of disease and insect branches, withered branches, overlapping branches, introverted branches, cross branches and long branches. For the long branches that have room for development, leave appropriate length for short cut to fill in the blanks. For thin and weak branches and senescent branches, they can be truncated to stimulate the germination of adventitious buds and hidden buds-pruning is to maintain tree balance and exuberant growth.

Some flower friends have summarized two kinds of peony pruning methods, and they are very intimate peony pruning diagrams, which are Heze peony pruning method and Japanese pruning method, which are very worthy of reference for flower friends who like peony.

1. Pruning methods of Heze peony:

It can be regarded as a more common pruning method, when the trunk is established, the peony will continue to grow taller and form beautiful branches. The advantage is that the area is small, and the balcony is suitable for potted plants. The disadvantage is that the flowers are easy to get worse, and it is a bit troublesome. However, the people who are bored with this method are happy. With the knife cut in the Mid-Autumn Festival in September, the potted plants can be as late as possible to concentrate the nutrients of the leaves into the flowering buds, as illustrated in the following figure:

2. Japanese pruning method:

This is the way suggested by the Japanese, planting on the ground, using a large number of foot buds to renew, it is said that this way of pruning is very good. Hot and humid areas can try!

Remove the residual leaves of peony in autumn and winter because peony diseases are spread through leaves. Therefore, the thorough cleaning of the fallen leaves at the base of the peony stem can significantly reduce the air damage in the coming year.

Ornamental peony is based on light transmission and ventilation, with more sunlight, more branches, and pruning under the condition of suitable tree type. Should be cut first and then tie, to bend and stay straight, to weak and stay strong (sparse buds). There are several tree types for reference:

1. Single pole type

When the growth trend of single-pole peony is good, the height can reach 1m, and the top branches such as umbrellas and pavilions can be covered. Pruning should be removed to 1 beat 3 and left to 2 prime 3.

2. Upright type

Generally leave 3-4 branches, remove withered branches, diseased branches, long branches, thinning dense branches, the main stem branch 1 to 5 for sprouting treatment, in order to ensure the robustness of the main branch and promote the formation of flower buds.

3. Open type

The branches stand obliquely, reaching about 1.2-1.3m in height. Generally, more than 10 branches are thin and easy to bend. It should be thinned, thin and thick, and it is appropriate to keep it at about 6-7 branches.

4. Spherical type

The root can be seen, but the top is shaped like a ball. Generally leave about 6 branches, go to the old branches, withered branches, only grow branches, promote the branches to send more new branches.

5. Creeping type

When the branches fall to the ground or close to the ground, it is generally advisable to leave 8 branches. The top side branches are evenly spread out, and the flower buds are full and the branches are strong.

Warm reminder:

During pruning, the wound should be neat, round and flat, should not be cut into a horseshoe shape and ensure that the lateral branch and the main branch do not split, the neatness of the wound can reduce evaporation and promote rapid wound healing, and will not damage the tree. Remove the dry leaves, because the dead leaves still need water and evaporate quickly, so removing the leaves in winter can make the plant fully dormant. The removal of leaves should be from the bottom up to avoid hurting flower buds.