
The efficacy, function and taboo of lilies can be used for medical treatment / parturient.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Lily, friends who have seen it must have a deep memory, it is beautiful in shape, rich in color, is a very beautiful flower, has a strong ornamental. Of course, if you only think of it as an ornamental plant, you are too small for lilies. It is understood that lilies have amazing efficacy and function, not only cosmetic effects.

Lily, read the friend must remember deeply, it flowers beautiful, colorful, is a very beautiful flowers, has a strong ornamental. Of course, if you only regard it as an ornamental plant, then you can be too small lily, it is understood that the efficacy and role of lily amazing, not only beauty effect, but also in cancer prevention and anti-cancer magic effect! Let's get to know each other.

1. Lily's efficacy and function, ornamental/beauty/anti-cancer

Lily, one of the most beautiful flowers in China, its appearance is very ornamental, deeply loved by flower friends. However, in addition to ornamental, lily has many functions and functions, such as garden value, beauty effect, anti-cancer effect and so on. As for the specific ones, Xiao Bian summarized the following four points:

1. For people to watch

Lily, one of China's famous flowers, its name can be said that no one does not know, is a beautiful flower shape, colorful flowers. Raising lilies at home, the beauty of their blossoms, ornamental is very strong, really very eye-catching. Therefore, one of the functions and functions of lily is for people to watch.

2. Garden value

Lily color rich, often appear in some garden scenic spots, is the focus of people to watch the object. Every July, when lilies bloom, a large number of people go to the place where lilies are grown to enjoy them. Looking at the beautiful scenery, smelling the flowers, interested friends can try oh ~

3. Medicinal effect

In addition to ornamental and garden value, the medicinal value of lily is also not to be underestimated, it is said that it not only has the effect of beauty and beauty, but also has a miraculous effect on cancer prevention and cancer. In general, in medicine, the efficacy and function of lily have the following four points:

① Beauty

It is understood that lily color white, its body contains mucus and vitamins, beneficial to skin cell metabolism. If in life, commonly used lily products, there is a certain beauty effect. It is worth mentioning that many men have oily skin. If you eat more lily, the effect will be good ~

② Prevention and treatment of cancer

To say the efficacy and role of lily, the most concerned or its role in cancer prevention and cancer. It is said that lily contains a variety of alkaloids, leukopenia has a preventive effect, can increase blood cells, chemotherapy and radiation therapy after the reduction of cells have a therapeutic effect. In addition, lily can also improve human immunity, so lily has a good preventive effect on a variety of cancers.

③ moistening lung and relieving cough

In addition to beauty and obstruction, cough is also one of the functions of lily. Lily containing mucus, there are sedative cough effect, applicable to tuberculosis, cough, hemoptysis and other diseases.

④ Calm the mind and calm the mind

And in the calm mind, lily also has a good effect, it is mostly used for fever after the heat has not disappeared, trance, insomnia and dreams, mood depression and other diseases.

4. Edible value

Lily in the efficacy and role, in addition to ornamental, medicinal, it can also eat! It is understood that lily contains starch, protein, fat and various nutrients, which have good nutritional tonic power. It has a miraculous effect on weakness and neurasthenia after illness.

2. Lily's efficacy, function and contraindications

The above is about the efficacy and role of lily, and then we will talk about taboos. Although lily is good, but not all people can eat, according to Xiaobian know, there are two kinds of people are not suitable for lily:

1. Pregnant women should not eat

Generally speaking, everyone can eat lily, but pregnant women must pay attention, it can not eat lily, because lily has certain toxicity, directly eat may cause vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms. This was fatal for a woman who had just given birth!

2, the baby can not eat

In addition to pregnant women I love, the baby can not eat lilies. It is understood that although lily has the effect of nourishing the heart, calming the lungs and relieving cough, it can replenish qi, but it may also hurt lung qi, which is fatal to the baby who just appeared.

Lily's efficacy and role and eating methods, taboos

Lily is known as "cloud fairy" said, there are heart to heart, a hundred years of good harmony, pure and elegant meaning, ornamental value is high, since ancient times by people love, and even some countries regard it as the national flower.

Do you know what the effects and effects of lily are? What is the eating method of lily? What is the forbidden food of lily?

Lily's efficacy and function

1. Lily is white and delicate, pure and elegant, fragrant and attractive. It is known as "Yunshang Fairy". It is a very expensive cut flower rookie. People often make lily cut flowers for viewing. It is extremely beautiful.

Lily is a traditional export specialty of our country, fresh food and dry use are good choices, its body contains a variety of nutrients, often eat healthy. Lily fresh products are rich in mucus and vitamins, beneficial to skin cell metabolism, lily mask application, beauty, skin whitening smooth.

3. Lily is sweet and flat in taste, contains a variety of nutrients, nourishes and nourishes, has the effects of warming lung and stopping cough, nourishing yin and clearing away heat, clearing heart and tranquilizing mind, benefiting defecation, etc., especially for treating cardiopulmonary diseases, and is very beneficial to weak people after illness.

4. Lily is rich in a variety of alkaloids, which has a preventive effect on leukopenia, can increase blood cells, and has a therapeutic effect on cytopenia after chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Lily can also promote and enhance monocyte system and phagocytic function in vivo, improve the body's humoral immunity, so lily has a good preventive effect on a variety of cancers.

How to eat lily

1. Lily porridge: take 50 grams of lily powder and 60 grams of japonica rice. Will lily and rice respectively wash clean, add water, put into the pot simmer with low heat. Lily and rice cooked rotten, add appropriate amount of sugar can be eaten. In addition, white fungus and mung bean can be added to lily porridge, which has the effect of nourishing yin and moistening lung, clearing away heat and detoxifying.

2. Lily steaming: mix fresh lily petals with honey, chew after steaming, and cure lung heat cough.

3. Lily decoction: take 30g lily powder, 9g dwarf lilyturf tuber, 12g mulberry leaf, 9g almond, 10g honey-roasted loquat leaf, boil with water, which has the effect of nourishing yin and relieving exterior syndrome, moistening lung and relieving cough. Another take fresh lily and lotus seed heart together fry water, daily often drink its juice, can cure mouth sores.

4. Lily soup: remove impurities from lily, add water into the pot, boil it with water to be thoroughly rotten, add proper amount of white sugar, and eat it together with soup. It can be used as a therapeutic food for tuberculosis patients. When eating slightly bitter, but taste carefully bitter sweet, aftertaste; if stored in the refrigerator, it is an excellent chilled drink.

5. Stir-frying lily: Take 50g lily powder and 50g fillet, mix with salt, egg white and wet starch, stir fry them in oil pan until hot, add proper amount of condiments to eat, taste mellow but not greasy, crisp and sweet fragrance, which has the functions of tonifying five internal organs, nourishing yin and clearing heat and stimulating appetite.

6. Lily lotus seed red bean paste: 500 grams of red beans, 25 grams of lily, 60 grams of lotus seeds. Put the red beans and water into the soybean milk machine together and squeeze them into red bean paste. Then soak the lily and lotus seeds in hot water and cook them in an earthenware pot.

7, lily tea: lily 10 grams, white sugar (milk, honey) amount, add 200mL boiling water can drink.

8. Stewed lily with crystal sugar: lily, crystal sugar 60 grams each, coltsfoot flower 15 grams. After washing lily, tear it open, put it into earthen pot together with coltsfoot flower, add water and simmer, add rock sugar when it is cooked quickly, stew until lily is cooked and rotten, and then take it, which has the effect of moistening dryness and clearing fire, clearing heart and nourishing lung.

9. Steamed lily: 500 grams of fresh lily and proper amount of white sugar. Lily will be washed and split into pieces; placed in a plate, steamed with white sugar can be, with lungs cough, Qingxin sedative effect, can treat dry cough, chronic cough, insomnia, upset and other diseases.

10. Lily wax gourd soup: 50 grams of lily, 400 grams of fresh wax gourd, 1 egg. Lily will be washed and torn into pieces, wax gourd cut into thin slices, add water to boil, pour egg white, add appropriate amount of oil, salt and mix well to boil soup, soup is milky white can be eaten. This soup has the effect of cooling, removing heat and relieving summer heat. It is a summer diet dish.

Lily Taboo

Lily is often used in daily soup or cooking, but lily also has food taboos, so what should we pay attention to when eating lily?

Now we buy lily not only for viewing, but for making some delicious and nutritious recipes to eat, it can be made into a variety of delicious recipes, can play a number of health functions.

It not only has external ornamental value, but also has a lot of internal practical value. Lily can be prepared and eaten together with a variety of ingredients. It is very simple to make, but if it is eaten incorrectly or with the wrong ingredients, it will cause some diseases.

Therefore, before eating lily, we should understand how lily can not be eaten, it can not be eaten with what ingredients, that is, lily taboo.

1, cold cough, deficiency cold bleeding, poor spleen and stomach do not eat lily.

2. From the experiments on mice and dogs, it is found that long-term/high-dose consumption will cause damage to lungs and kidneys and affect white blood cells and whole plant platelets of wild lily. Even edible lily has certain toxicity. It is recommended to consult a doctor before use.

3, direct contact with raw bulbs may cause skin itching, swallowing raw bulbs may cause vomiting, diarrhea and other symptoms.

4. When eating lily, pay attention to whether your physique is suitable for it, and whether eating it will conflict with your physique, such as cold cough and deficiency cold bleeding.

5. People with bad spleen and stomach should not eat lily, and pay attention to the appropriate amount of food, otherwise it will lead to lung and kidney damage.

Do you remember the above introduction to lily taboos?

Lily's efficacy and role and taboos

Lily is a favorite flower of women, it represents purity, elegance, desire and so on. Many people give it away or raise it themselves. Lilies are the most popular flowers on Teacher's Day, Nurse's Day and Mother's Day. Lily besides can give a person to still have ornamental outside, still have what effect? Let's find out about the benefits of Lily!

Lily's efficacy and role and taboos

Lily's efficacy and role

1. Runfei cough

Sweet and cool, clear and moist, mainly into the lung heart, good at clearing lung, moistening dryness and relieving cough, clearing heart and tranquilizing mind, treating febrile cough due to lung yin deficiency, chronic cough due to lung deficiency, sputum with blood, cough due to fatigue and hemoptysis, etc., commonly used for cough due to lung dryness and restlessness due to deficiency.

2. Calming the mind

Lily into the heart meridian, slightly cold nature, can clear the heart in addition to annoyance, calm the mind, used for fever after the heat has not disappeared, trance, insomnia and dreaminess, mood depression, like sad crying and other diseases.

3, beauty and beauty

Lily white delicate, fresh products rich in mucus and vitamins, skin cell metabolism beneficial, often eat lily, there is a certain beauty effect.

4. Prevention and treatment of cancer

Lily contains a variety of alkaloids, leukopenia has a preventive effect, can increase blood cells, chemotherapy and radiation therapy after cell reduction has a therapeutic effect. Lily can also promote and enhance monocyte system and phagocytic function in vivo, improve the body's humoral immunity, so lily has a good preventive effect on a variety of cancers.

Taboo Lily

Lily flowers produce toxic substances when they bloom, so don't put them in your bedroom.

How to pick lilies

After the lilies bloom, they can be picked for flower arrangement. After removal, the lily plant will not bloom again that year. The stems and leaves will gradually wither. At this time, the withered ground part can be removed without taking out the bulbs and storing them in sand. Without watering or fertilizing, the pots and mud will be placed at the corner of the balcony where the rain does not fall and the sun does not shine directly. In the spring of the next year, the bulbs will be taken out and planted in the pots. In case of abnormal climate, lily will germinate in November to December. In this case, it can be planted separately after germination.

Picking method: The first bud on the lily branch can be picked when it is fully expanded and transparent. It is not good to open too early, which affects the color. Too late will cause difficulties in packaging and pollute the petals due to pollen scattering. Cut flowers can be carried out before 10:00 a.m., flowers should leave the greenhouse as soon as possible, timely insertion of water. Plucked lily flowers bloom easily in warm environments.

Fresh-keeping method: change the water every one or two days, cut off 1~2 cm of lily stem every day, trim the end of flower arrangement with scissors, keep the flower branch section fresh, keep the water absorption function of flower branch in good condition, and prolong the life of flower arrangement.

Lily's diet

1, clear fire and calm the nerves, suitable for old and weak, phlegm caused by dizziness: dried lily 15 grams, boiled water brewing, tea drinking.

2, clear fire and calm the mind, suitable for deficiency fire vertigo: fresh lily 3, locust seed 7 (slightly baked), add appropriate amount of water, put a little white granulated sugar, decoction three or five boiling, wait for warm, divided into 2 drinks.

3, lungs cough, suitable for cough, phlegm: fresh lily 30 grams, honey 50 grams. Mix well, stew in water, take twice, one dose a day for 7 days.

4. Runfei cough, suitable for tuberculosis cough: 15 grams of dried lily, 10 grams of dwarf lilyturf, 30 grams of auspicious grass, 30 grams of rock sugar, decocted with water.

The practice of lily

Lily egg custard

Ingredients: fresh lily flower, orchids, white fungus, black fungus, spinach leaves, fresh soup, sesame oil, wet starch, yellow wine, eggs, refined salt, monosodium glutamate, chopped green onion, pepper powder.


1. First pick and wash the fresh lilies and blanch them with boiling water. Will egg white, egg yolk into two bowls, each bowl into a little salt, monosodium glutamate, pepper stir evenly.

2. Pour 1000 grams of water into the pot and boil it. Pour egg white and egg yolk respectively. After cooking, remove and drain.

3. Heat the pan on fire, put in oil and cook until 50% hot, add chopped green onion and saute fragrant, add fresh soup, Olay slices, agaric and lily flowers, add yellow wine, refined salt and monosodium glutamate to boil, add egg white, egg yolk and spinach leaves, thicken with wet starch, sprinkle with a little sesame oil, and serve out of the pan.

Efficacy: clearing away heat and eliminating phlegm, beautifying and losing weight.

Lily has lungs cough, calm the mind, beauty, anti-cancer and other effects. Lily is very beautiful, there is a faint fragrance, but lily is not able to be placed in the bedroom, because it blooms when it will produce toxic substances, have an impact on the body. Lily can be made into soup. The above small editor shares the practice of lily egg soup with you. If you have the opportunity, you can try it.