
How to trim the orchid? can the orchid trim the leaves? / Don't prune the leaves without yellowing.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In life, many maintenance friends like to prepare a pair of small scissors, not for anything else, but to cut leaves and cultivate their sentiment when they are free. However, the leaves of the orchid are very large. Can the leaves be trimmed during the breeding process? If so, how can the orchid be trimmed? To this

In life, many maintenance friends like to prepare a pair of small scissors, not for anything else, but to cut leaves and cultivate their sentiment when they are free. However, the leaves of the orchid are very large. Can the leaves be trimmed during the breeding process? If so, how can the orchid be trimmed? In this regard, the editor will introduce it to you in detail.

Can the gentleman orchid trim the leaves? yes

Pruning flowers and leaves is a matter of self-cultivation, but we must pay attention to it when pruning gentleman orchids. Because the beauty of the gentleman orchid, 6 points are on the leaves, and its leaves grow very slowly, only 5 leaves a year, if cut, it is a pity. So can orchids trim their leaves? I'm sure they can, but it's best not to try.

Leaf pruning of Cymbidium

Although the gentleman orchid had better not be pruned, but like the one above, the leaves are much longer and have no shape, so they can also be trimmed. Method: it is best to cut from the bottom, because the leaves will still have a good-looking shape. However, some people tried too hard and cut off all the leaves, and then they began to worry. If the leaves were cut off, would the gentleman orchid die?

Will the gentleman orchid die if all the leaves are cut? no.

In fact, the magnolia will not die so easily, even if the leaves are all cut off, but as long as the root system is still good, then it can grow new leaves again. However, the whole duration may be a little longer, and it will take about six months for the leaves to grow.

The leaves of Cymbidium are yellowed and pruned

In the process of breeding magnolia, the yellowing of leaves is something that many flower friends will encounter, and many people feel anxious and want to cut it off. Is that all right? In fact, the yellow leaves of the orchid can be cut off, and the flower friends can gently break off the leaves directly from the base. it is generally better to prune the leaves after they are completely yellowed.

2. Pruning the root of Cymbidium

In the process of breeding, the phenomenon of rotten roots of Cymbidium is encountered by many flower friends, and the root pruning needs to be carried out at this time. When changing the basin, remove the rotten root, cut the too long and the old root from the root, let the wound air dry naturally, do not bask in the sun, usually take half a day, or use cigarette butts to burn the fracture dry. Then plant it back to the soil and pour enough water to fix the roots.

Generally speaking, unflowered magnolia does not need root cutting. The root is an important organ for the orchid to absorb nutrition, and cutting will affect the nutrition absorption, but for the older orchid, because the age is too long, the flower and the pot are out of proportion, too many roots occupy the space in the basin and affect the nutrition absorption of the orchid. This requires cutting off some roots.

Third, proper pruning to make the orchid blossom quickly.

Although most of the beauty of the orchid is reflected in its green and fat leaves, the flowering of the orchid is also very beautiful, so what if the orchid blossoms quickly? This requires us to prepare in advance. If you want it to blossom during the Spring Festival, you should prepare the flowers one month in advance, such as fertilizing, watering, and pruning.

Pruning branches and leaves of Cymbidium can be essential. We can prune the leaves at the bottom of the flower root, for example, the old leaves of a year ago, which is helpful to the growth of flowers. The above mentioned generally does not prune, referring to the gentleman orchid that has just been cultivated for a short time, so do not cut it, but the breeding time is long, and the old leaves need to be trimmed.

What if the leaves of Cymbidium turn yellow? how do they turn yellow?

The yellowing of the leaves of Cymbidium is an abnormal phenomenon that flower friends often appear in raising orchids. This problem is mainly due to a physiological disease caused by improper management, and in serious cases, it will lead to the death of the whole plant. Pay attention to these points, so you don't have to worry about the yellow leaves of the orchid.

How to deal with the reason for the yellowing of the leaves of Cymbidium 1. Avoid using raw fertilizer or thick fertilizer

The reason for the yellowing of the leaves of Cymbidium 1: the fleshy root system, stout, fat and tender, it is most avoided to apply too much thick fertilizer or unripe organic fertilizer; otherwise, it is easy to burn roots, light ones cause the leaves of Cymbidium to turn yellow, leaf edges scorch, and the heavy ones lead to the death of the whole plant.

Treatment method:

① immediately increased the amount of water and times of watering to dilute the rich fertilizer. Prevent stagnant water.

If ② is the harm caused by raw fertilizer, it is necessary to immediately pour the pot to change the soil, pour out the plant, first rinse the root system, and cut off the injured root, then smear the wound with charcoal powder, and then replant.

2. Avoid poor drainage

The reason for the yellowing of the leaves of Cymbidium 2: watering too frequently or continuous rain for a long time, the basin soil was in a stagnant state for a long time, resulting in a decrease of oxygen in the soil, which could not meet the needs, resulting in abnormal life activities and rotting roots, resulting in the tip of tender leaves turning yellow. and then the old leaves turn yellow.

Treatment method:

① immediately controls watering.

② avoids the rain.

③ stopped fertilizing.

④ often loosens the soil, which increases the oxygen content of the soil, improves the absorption capacity of roots, and promotes plant growth.

3. Reasonable arrangement

The reason for the yellowing of Cymbidium leaves 3: like a cool and humid environment. If the orchid is placed in a hot and unventilated place, or in a high-temperature and dry environment plus hot sun exposure, which inhibits the normal activity of enzymes in the plant and destroys the chlorophyll in the leaves, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow. especially the leaves of young leaves are yellowing or the edges of leaves are scorched.

Treatment method:

① will place the potted flowers in a cool and ventilated place in time.

② shade to prevent direct sunlight.

③ sprayed water around the orchid plant and on the ground to increase humidity and lower temperature.

4. Soil drought

The reason for the yellowing of the leaves of Cymbidium 4: the basin soil is too dry and the soil is lack of moisture. When the magnolia is serious, the old leaves will die and the new leaves will be dry.

Treatment method:

① should be watered properly.

② should pay more attention to balanced watering when the temperature is high and dry.

③ can be transferred to normal water and fertilizer management after the orchid gradually recovers its vitality.

④ usually keeps the basin soil moist and loose.

5. Hot sun exposure

The reason for the yellowing of Cymbidium leaves 5: like a cool and humid environment. If the orchid is placed in a hot and unventilated place, or in a high-temperature and dry environment plus hot sun exposure, which inhibits the normal activity of enzymes in the plant and destroys the chlorophyll in the leaves, it will cause the leaves to turn yellow. especially the leaves of young leaves are yellowing or the edges of leaves are scorched.

Treatment method:

① will place the potted flowers in a cool and ventilated place in time.

② shade to prevent direct sunlight.

③ sprayed water around the orchid plant and on the ground to increase humidity and lower temperature.

How to deal with the yellowing of the leaves of Cymbidium 1. The leaves of Cymbidium are yellowing and the leaves in the middle are black and rotten.

Treatment: there are two reasons for this: one is that too much water is sprayed when spent in the hands of the flower owner, causing sewage to flow into the crevice and lead to bacterial infection and rot. Or it is due to careless watering that causes sewage to splash into the crevice and cause decay. Can use toilet paper or face Jack paper to absorb rotten juice, use appropriate methods to remove dirt that can be cleaned, usually keep the environment relatively dry, it is recommended to use basin watering method.

2. All the leaves of Cymbidium turn yellow.

Treatment: all turn yellow, which is often a symptom of sun fever, shade immediately and cut off the yellow leaves.

3. The leaves of Cymbidium are withered and sagging.

Treatment: withered or sagging leaves are symptoms of lack of water. Watering should grasp the principle of no dry, no watering, no stagnant water in the basin.

4. The leaves of Cymbidium are partially yellowed.

Treatment: local yellowing, it is likely to be fire, cold wind, hot water, acid and alkali erosion. You can rule out external causes in time. Sometimes, the lack of nitrogen fertilizer may cause plants to suffer from chlorosis. The decrease of chlorophyll causes the leaves to turn yellow. In this case, fermented cake fertilizer and water can be added. (the methods of breeding vary with different seasons)

5. The leaves of Cymbidium are wrinkled and yellow spots.

Treatment: root burning caused by excessive fertilization. The soil should be changed immediately, and the roots should be soaked in 0.1% potassium permanganate aqueous solution for 20-30 minutes, then rinsed with clean water, dried, cut off the rotten roots, and replanted with plant ash on the wound.

6. Two outer leaves of Cymbidium turn yellow (planted for 4 years)

Treatment: this is a normal new layer of metabolism, only need to prune the outer 2 leaves.

7. The leaves of Magnolia appear grayish yellow

Treatment: the reason for the grayish yellow leaves of Cymbidium is mainly due to the strong direct sunlight and the need to shade the orchid.

8. The leaves of Cymbidium appear yellowing symptoms.

Treatment: due to lack of light, if the room is very dark, gentleman orchid will be yellowed. Solution: replenish the light with fluorescent lamps.

9. The leaves of Magnolia are yellow and weak

Treatment: yellow and weak leaves are lack of fertilizer. Thin fertilizer should be applied frequently; the yellowing of leaves is native and impermeable. Rotten leaf soil or pine needle soil should be replaced.

10. Rotting roots caused by yellowing of low leaves

Treatment method:

Materials: scissors, art knife, chlorothalonil, rooting water, nutritious water, spray bottle.

The cause of yellowing of Cymbidium leaves how to improve the yellowing of Cymbidium leaves

Magnolia is a semi-negative plant, afraid of high temperature, but the temperature is too low will stop growing, in addition, there are many factors will affect its growth, but the most damage to its ornamental is the inexplicable yellowing of the leaves, so what is the reason for the yellowing of the leaves? How to improve the yellowing of magnolia leaves? Let's learn more about it.

1. Improper temperature and humidity lead to leaf yellow.

The best growth temperature of Cymbidium is 15-25 ℃. If the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, it will enter semi-dormancy. At this time, if the air humidity is less than 60%, the leaves of Cymbidium will become shallow, yellow and even wilt; less than 6 ℃ will cause freezing injury, leaf tip and leaf edge will fade to yellow, and even yellow-white necrotic spots will appear. In order to prevent these bad phenomena, special attention should be paid to temperature control and moisturizing.

2. the pot soil is too dry or too much watering the rotten roots lead to yellow leaves.

Cymbidium is a wet plant, and the most suitable relative humidity range is 70%-80%. If the basin soil is too dry for a long time and the temperature is high, it is easy to make the leaves yellow. However, too much watering for a long time can easily lead to hypoxia, hinder the normal respiration of plants, and lead to root rot and even death.

3. Yellow leaves are caused by soil consolidation or root burning with fertilizer.

Gentleman orchid likes loose and fertile sandy soil, soil consolidation and insufficient supply of fertilizer will make the leaves yellow and affect flowering. Generally, fertilizers can be applied in spring and autumn in one year. The rotten-resistant leaves must be fermented before they can be used. Without fermentation, the roots are easily burned. The magnolia must change the soil once a year. When the temperature of the maintenance site is above 25 ℃, it is necessary to lose weight or stop fertilizing properly, so as not to burn the fleshy roots with too much fertilization. if the temperature can be reduced to below 20 ℃, you can still apply fertilizer.

4. Improper illumination causes the leaves of Cymbidium to turn yellow.

Gentleman orchid is a semi-positive flower, like relatively weak scattered light, not resistant to strong light, too strong light is easy to cause sunburn, light leaves from green to yellow, heavy leaves dehydrate and dry death. But if the place light is too dark, long-term lack of light, will also make the leaves lose luster, the old leaves are dark green, the new leaves become thin, yellow or yellowish green (yellowish yellow). At this time, you should move the magnolia to a place with slightly stronger light or supplement the light. The leaves of Cymbidium have phototaxis, and should be released to the light in order to keep the side looking into a line and looking at the shape of a fan.

5. Poor ventilation leads to yellowing of the leaves of Cymbidium.

Cymbidium is placed too densely and the surrounding environment is closed, which hinders air circulation and makes the plant thin and yellow. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen indoor ventilation to avoid excessive density.

Cymbidium is a kind of plant that yellowes easily. Here is my detailed explanation on how to improve the yellowing of Cymbidium:

1. Normal yellow leaves

Usually just planted or environmental changes will cause the leaves to turn yellow, but it will be better after a period of time, so don't worry too much.

2. Water yellow

Check whether the leakage hole at the bottom of the basin is blocked, loosen the soil, ventilate and change the soil. The foliar surface was sprayed with Zhongshengmycin or Chunramycin once every 7-10 days. Use 2-3 times to prevent and treat root bacterial infection. Anti-bacterial drugs such as agricultural oxytetracycline can also be used.

3. Dry yellow

Appropriately increase the amount of water and times of watering.

4. Tanning

Move the orchid to the shade or shade and trim the burnt yellow leaves.

The above is the reason why the leaves of Cymbidium are yellowed and the solution to the yellowing of Cymbidium. Welcome to read.

Several diseases with holes in evergreen leaves. How to do evergreen leaves with holes?

The evergreen leaves are bright and green, and they are really good-looking, but once there are holes in the evergreen leaves, they will lose their attractive characteristics. How many common symptoms are there in evergreen leaves with holes? According to the specific analysis of the disease, what should I do if there are holes in the evergreen leaves?

The hole in the evergreen leaf really worries the owner. The following editor will talk about several symptoms of the hole in the evergreen leaf.

(1) Leaf spot. The disease occurs on the leaves of evergreen, and it is easy to occur in high humidity weather. The disease spot is straight brown spot at first, the periphery is water-immersed fade green, and shows wheel-like expansion, round to oval, the edge of brown inside gray-white. In the later stage, black-brown mildew spots appeared in the center of the lesion, and became dark-brown mildew layer under wet conditions. no, no, no.

(2) anthrax. The disease also occurs on the leaves of evergreen and can spread to the petiole in severe cases. In the initial stage, the plaque showed a flooded small macula, and after expansion, it was oval to irregular brown or yellowish brown, slightly rimmed, and in the later stage, the plaque became dry and produced small black spots arranged in wheel patterns. The main reason for this disease is poor ventilation, and it is beneficial to the occurrence of the disease when it is harmed by shell insects.

3) Brown soft scale. This insect has complex feeding habits and can harm many plants, among which evergreen is one of the injured flowers. When brown soft scale harms plants, it is generally clustered on the leaves or tender leaves, sucking plant sap and excreting mucus at the same time. Its excretion can easily cause a large number of coal fouling bacteria to multiply, blacken stems and leaves, affect plant photosynthesis, and cause weak growth potential. Leaves withered and yellow, hindering viewing. When the occurrence is serious, the branches and stems are covered with insect bodies, resulting in the withering and yellowing of the plant and affecting the growth.

The above are several diseases with holes in the evergreen leaves mentioned by the editor. the following editor aims at several reasons for making the evergreen leaves have holes, to specifically talk about what to do if the evergreen leaves have holes.

(1) Leaf spot disease: the treatment of leaf spot disease is to remove the diseased leaves in time; 0.5% Bordeaux solution (or 50% carbendazim 1000 times) can be sprayed in the early or later stages of the disease.

(2) anthrax: the initial stage of the disease can be sprayed with 0.3% Mel 0.5% equal Bordeaux solution (or 60% Dysen zinc 800,900 times, or 70% topiramate 1500 times). The way to prevent and cure the disease is to strengthen maintenance and increase the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer.

(3) Brown soft scale: control method: if there are few killed plants or a small number of insects in ①, bamboo slices and other things can be used to scrape off the insect body; ② can be sprayed with 1000 times of 40% dimethoate EC (or 1000 times of 40% omethoate EC) during the nymph incubation period, and can also be sprayed with 1000 times of imidophos EC.

The above is the Xiaobian analysis of evergreen leaves with holes in a symptom and what to do with holes in evergreen leaves, evergreen is also like people, it will also get sick, we should treat it well.