
What about the arrow in the orchid? tie up the two leaves / pour beer into the flowerpot

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For the gentleman orchid, flower friends are no stranger, it has thick and broad leaves, green and beautiful. However, it is precisely because of the large leaves, the gentleman orchid often appears the phenomenon of arrow entrapment, that is to say, the flower is caught by the leaf can not open, then the gentleman orchid clip arrow how to do? Actually, it's very simple. Tie up the leaves on both sides.

For the gentleman orchid, flower friends are no stranger, it has thick and broad leaves, green and beautiful. However, it is precisely because of the large leaves, the gentleman orchid often appears the phenomenon of arrow entrapment, that is to say, the flower is caught by the leaf can not open, then the gentleman orchid clip arrow how to do? In fact, it is very simple, tie up the leaves on both sides, or pour beer like a pot of soil! Doesn't that sound shocking? let's get to know it.

First, what to do with the arrow in the gentleman's orchid? find the reason.

In life, there are many flower friends who raise orchids, and we will more or less encounter the phenomenon of entrapment of arrows, which means that when the orchids bloom, the stalks of the arrows cannot be pulled out, sandwiched in the middle of the leaves, cannot grow upward, and there is nowhere to go down. The editor looks at it and feels bad. If it is not dealt with in time, the beautiful flowers will die! As for the gentleman orchid clip arrow how to do, there are the following reasons and solutions.

Second, the reason and solution of the arrow entangled by the gentleman's orchid.

1. The temperature is too low

When it comes to the reason why the orchid caught the arrow, we should first think of the temperature, because the best growth temperature of the orchid is 20 ℃, once the temperature is lower than 15 ℃, the arrow is difficult to grow.

Solution: move the orchid to the dark (no shell light), keep the temperature at about 18-22 degrees, and the arrows will be pulled out in 3-5 days. The reason is actually very simple, the gentleman orchid has the characteristic of rising high and growing in the dark, so give it the best temperature, and the flower arrow will be pulled out.

2. Small temperature difference between day and night

In addition to the low temperature, the temperature difference between day and night also has a certain effect on the growth of flowers and arrows. If the day and night are at the same temperature, such as a hot summer, when the gentleman orchid nutrient accumulation is insufficient, flowers and arrows do not have enough strength to grow.

Solution: before the gentleman orchid draws the arrow, put the flowerpot in the air-conditioned room, or put it outside the house at night and move it back inside during the day to help the arrow out by increasing the temperature difference between day and night.

3. Lack of nutrition

Apart from the temperature, there is also malnutrition that causes the orchid to trap arrows. Because when blooming, the magnolia needs certain nutrients-phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and many flower friends ignore this point, which will lead to the emergence of arrows.

Solution: after finding the flower arrow outcrop, appropriate more watering to keep the basin soil moist. Spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaves and roots, or other foliar fertilizers to increase nutrition, and after a few days, the arrow will grow.

Third, the gentleman orchid clip arrow emergency treatment

1. The gentleman orchid poured beer tightly with arrows.

If there is an arrow clip phenomenon, you do not know how to deal with it, you can sprinkle the spleen on the basin soil at this time. Spleen sprinkle can be diluted or not diluted, pour in the flowerpot. The reason for this is that spleen sprinkling not only has nutrition, but also has the effect of promoting flowers and arrows.

2. Heating

After the gentleman orchid clip arrow appears, the flower friend can take the heating method to urge the arrow to draw. Method 1: pick up the orchid in a plastic bag and bask in the sun outside; method 2: put the flowerpot on the fire pit to promote rapid growth, so as to extract the flowers and arrows as soon as possible; method 3: soak the potted orchid in warm water to promote its rapid growth.

3. Cut with a knife

In addition to the above methods, the gentleman orchid can also use a knife for emergency treatment of arrows. At this time, flower friends can gently cut the leaves on both sides of the arrow with a knife to reduce the pressure and be careful not to hurt the arrow.

4. Violence to solve the problem of gentleman orchid with arrows

In addition to the above six methods, there is one of the simplest ways to deal with arrows in Gentleman, which is violent binding. As shown in the picture above, tie up the leaves on both sides of the orchid with a thick rope to give the arrows room to draw out. Of course, in the end, we still use the above method, because violent binding may hurt the gentleman orchid.

What if the gentleman orchid doesn't blossom and snap arrows? Use these three methods to solve all!

[netizens] because I like the flowers of Magnolia, I raised a pot. At the beginning, I was always afraid of not being able to feed, but now I find that it is easy to feed a gentleman's orchid, but difficult to blossom! Either it does not blossom for a long time, or it is not easy to blossom, but is caught by the leaves. What should I do?

[answer] there may be many reasons why the orchid does not blossom or blossom smoothly, but in general, incoming water can be easily solved by the following three methods:

Picture: gentleman's orchid

1. Adjust the temperature of basin soil

If the orchid enters the flowering stage and the temperature is lower than 12 ℃ or higher than 25 ℃, it will affect the drawing length of the flower arrow, resulting in no flowering or arrow entrapment. If it is caused by low temperature, the method of raising the temperature of the basin soil should be adopted to make the flower arrows pop out; if it is caused by high temperature, the flowerpot should be put into cold water or ventilated place to cool down, or spray water and ice on the ground, and so on.

Second, watering beer

If you find that the orchid is difficult to give birth, you can take half a small cup of beer, add water to dilute 15-20 times, pour into the soil, about 3-5 days flower arrow can be extracted.

Third, operate on the gentleman orchid

Some gentleman orchids because the leaf root false bulb is too tight, the pressure is great, make the flower arrow draw long hinder. A sharp knife with thorough disinfection and sterilization can be used to cut the leaf base on both sides of the flower arrow by half an inch. If you can't bear to use the knife, you can also use a rope to bind the side leaves to expose the bud, so as to reduce the pressure of the leaf root on the flower arrow and make the flower arrow pull out smoothly.

Picture: gentleman orchid sandwiched with arrow

The way to prevent the orchid from blooming:

1. Magnolia enters the blooming stage of pregnant buds and neglects fertilization, which also affects arrow drawing. Fertilization should be strengthened from September to June of the following year. Fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium such as cake fertilizer, rotten chicken manure and bone meal can be used, or 1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be directly applied once every 10 to 15 days.

two。 Lack of water will also trap arrows, arrow when the water demand is larger, to give sufficient water, and pay attention to loosen the soil to prevent soil consolidation. The above is the answer to why the orchid does not blossom or does not bloom smoothly. If you encounter this kind of problem next time, you can try these three methods!