
How to water potted clivia, clivia watering the correct method/a watering on the watering

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, In the breeding methods and precautions of Clivia, we have already introduced that watering is very critical. Once too much watering is given to Clivia, water will be accumulated in the basin, which will lead to rotten roots and yellow leaves. So we need to master the principle: do not dry thoroughly, do not pour, pour thoroughly, but in the end how to do it

In the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium, we have introduced that watering is very critical. Once you water too much to Cymbidium, causing stagnant water in the basin, it will lead to rotten roots and yellow leaves. So we need to grasp the principle: do not dry thoroughly do not water, water thoroughly, but in the end how to do? The following is the correct way to water the orchid. Follow the editor to have a look.

First, how to water the magnolia, no more, no less

Watering is a discipline, especially watering magnolia, it is even more careless. In life, not watering can be said to be one of the important reasons why many orchids can not raise gentleman orchids well, such as excessive watering will rot roots and yellow leaves, too little gentleman orchids will be yellow tip and malaise, and so on. Therefore, it is very important to master the correct method of watering magnolia.

Second, how to judge whether the magnolia should be watered or not, 3 tricks

In understanding the correct method of watering the orchid, the editor first introduces how to judge whether the orchid should be watered. Different environments, watering times, dosage are different. This needs to be judged by ourselves. Here are three ways to judge whether or not to water the magnolia. The specific operations are as follows:

1. Knock on the basin

Whether the gentleman orchid should be watered, the easiest way is to knock on the basin. Specific method: tap the flowerpot with your fingers in 3 places, the sound is clear that there is enough water in the flower soil, and the sound is dull, which means that the basin is dry and needs watering at this time.

2. Weighing

If you are sensitive to weight, you can pick up the flowerpot and feel important before watering the orchid. If it feels light, it should be watered at this time. Of course, this weighing also needs a process, otherwise it is easy to make mistakes.

3. Explore the soil

How to judge whether the orchid should be watered, in addition to the above two methods, the simplest and most direct is to explore the soil. Specific method: flower friends can insert their fingers into the pot soil in 3 places to feel it. If it's wet, don't water it. If it's dry, you can't even put your fingers into it. It's time to water it.

Third, the correct method of watering magnolia, watering in the four seasons

Knowing how to judge whether the orchid should be watered, let's take a look at the correct method of watering the orchid. To put it simply, watering magnolia should be "thorough" but not "leaking" to prevent nutrient loss. The following is the four seasons watering method of gentleman orchid, and then read on.

(1) Cymbidium is watered in spring, 2-3 days per time.

In spring, the earth warms up and the temperature rises gradually, so we should water the magnolia more at this time. Generally speaking, spring every 2-3 days to water the orchid, watering time at 9: 10 am, dry weather can also be foliar spray.

(2) Cymbidium is watered in summer, 1 day / time.

Summer temperature continues to rise, when the amount of water evaporation is large, the number of times to water the orchid should be increased, it is best to water once every morning, of course, this also depends on the weather and the dry and wet basin soil.

Gentleman orchid summer watering principle: do not dry thoroughly do not water, watering is thoroughly. Don't make the pot soil wet or dry, or the leaves will grow weak.

Note: water for magnolia, preferably stored Rain Water, tap water can only be used after 24 hours of precipitation to prevent soil deterioration. In case of continuous showers, it is necessary to pour water into the side basin or move it indoors in time. If the drainage of the basin soil is not smooth, the water accumulation time is long, and its fleshy roots are easy to rot.

(3) Cymbidium was watered in autumn, 2-3 days per time.

The weather is getting cooler in autumn, watering the orchid is basically the same as in spring, watering every 2 to 3 days, watering should be carried out at 9: 10 in the morning, and the basin soil should still be kept a little dry. Watering: Rain Water is better, followed by river water and tap water, and well water is best not used.

(4) how to water the orchid in winter, 7 days / time

In the correct method of watering magnolia, winter watering is the most important thing for flower friends to pay attention to. If the temperature drops in winter, if the room temperature is below 10 degrees, the orchid will be dormant. At this time, there is not much water, watering the orchid can be extended to about 7 days to water once, waiting for good weather watering.

Note: cold water is not suitable for watering magnolia in winter. The water temperature should be close to the room temperature. No need to heat up, just leave the water indoors for a while. If the gentleman orchid is already in the drawing period in winter, do not spray water with a spray can, the water droplets sprayed out are difficult to control, in case the stamens are moist and rotten for a long time.

How to raise potted Cymbidium, the breeding methods and matters needing attention / water should not be too much.

For Gentleman, I believe you are no stranger to flowers. Although it does not have the beauty of peonies or the emerald green of dripping Guanyin, its broad green leaves, fiery red flowers, red and green reflect each other, and it is an ideal potted flower to beautify the environment. In life, many people will choose to raise magnolia, then how to raise potted magnolia? The following are the breeding methods and precautions of the orchid carefully arranged by the editor, and you can't miss what you want to raise.

First, how to raise potted magnolia, watering is the key

Raising magnolia at home is the first choice for many flower friends, but some people react that the monarch orchid in his family died after raising it. How is this going on? In fact, this may be too much water, because in the gentleman orchid breeding methods and matters needing attention, watering is very critical. Potted gentleman orchid how to raise, specific methods and points for attention we continue to look at.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium

1. Basin soil

How to raise a gentleman's orchid, potted soil is the first consideration. Although many friends buy directly from the florist, they always have to change pots and soil, so we also need to understand the potted soil requirements of gentleman orchids.

In the flowerpot: the gentleman orchid is a famous flower, but the flowerpot is not the more exquisite the better, ventilation is the most important.

In the soil: it is best to use tiles at the bottom of the selected flowerpot, which is conducive to the removal of stagnant water. The soil can be mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and a small amount of river sand. Reference soil: rotten leaf soil accounts for 50%, coarse sand accounts for 15%, charcoal gravel accounts for 20%, and mature fertilizer accounts for 15%.

Note: flowerpot: the air permeability of the old flowerpot for many years is poor, it should be soaked and cleaned, and then exposed to the sun before use; soil: do not use clay and alkaline soil, otherwise it will lead to poor growth and yellowing of leaves.

2. watering, there can be no more water.

No matter what kind of flowers are raised, watering is essential, and this is the most important thing we need to pay attention to in the breeding methods and matters needing attention of gentleman orchids. The root of the gentleman orchid is fleshy, and the stagnant water in the flowerpot is easy to cause rotten roots, so you must not water too much. Grasp the principle: do not dry thoroughly, water thoroughly.

Note: when watering the magnolia, do not pour water on the leaves to prevent the leaves from rotting. When it is found that there is dust on the leaves, gently wipe the leaves with a soft cloth, not with a large amount of water; the flowering period should take the method of watering roots, but the flowerpot must not store water.

3. Fertilizing, applying thin fertilizer and applying more

In the cultivation method of Magnolia, fertilization is also very important. Gentleman orchid likes fertilizer, but if there is too much fertilizer, it will also cause trouble to gentleman orchid, so watering and fertilization are best carried out at the same time, and the peak growth period can be every 15-20 days. There are three main types of fertilizer, dry fertilizer, water fertilizer and solid fertilizer.

Note: the fertilization of Magnolia should be fermented solid fertilizer every other month in spring and autumn, and liquid fertilizer once a week, mainly nitrogen fertilizer; it is best not to top fertilizer in winter and summer, or apply solid fertilizer to Cymbidium once in winter, apply less nitrogen fertilizer, and apply more phosphate fertilizer and potash fertilizer. Just remember one principle, that is, apply thin fertilizer and apply more fertilizer.

4. the light should not be too strong.

In the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of Cymbidium, although the light is indispensable, the requirements are not strict. It is understood that gentleman orchids like semi-yin and are afraid of direct light. If you receive strong light, it will greatly increase transpiration, at this time, if not properly watered, the leaf color will appear old scorched yellow, or even wilting.

Note: due to the high air temperature and soil temperature in dry summer, it is easy to cause root system disorder, resulting in the imbalance of nutrition absorption and the occurrence of neck pulling, leaf channeling and other phenomena. Therefore, when the light is strong, the magnolia should be moved to the shade and poured more water.

5. The temperature should not be too high

How to raise potted magnolia, the suitable temperature is very important. Orchids avoid high temperatures in summer. if the temperature exceeds 30 ℃, or the sun is exposed, cooling measures should be taken to place orchids in a cool, low-temperature and ventilated semi-shade.

Note: although the gentleman orchid avoids high temperature, it is not hardy either. If the temperature is too low, it will stop growing or even die. Therefore, the sun is soft in winter, so it should be placed in a place with plenty of indoor light. If the room temperature is above 10 ℃, you can survive the winter safely.

III. Matters needing attention in the cultivation of Cymbidium

Although there are many points for attention in the above breeding methods of orchids, there are still a few points that we need to pay attention to if we want to raise them well, such as changing pots and pruning. The points for attention in the cultivation of Cymbidium are as follows:

1. Pruning

In summer, we must pay attention to cutting off the superfluous flowers and arrows of the magnolia. The normal flowering period of gentleman orchid is from New Year's Day to Spring Festival. if it is not cut off, it will consume nutrition and affect the normal growth and flowering in winter and spring.

2. Change the basin

In the matters needing attention in the breeding of Cymbidium, changing the basin is also very critical. In the second year, florists should change the 15cm mud basin, and then change the larger mud basin every two years. The basin change should be carried out in spring and autumn, and the most suitable temperature is about 20 ℃ 1.

How to raise potted Magnolia? the method of potted Cymbidium

Gentleman orchid, also known as Lycoris radiata, Lycoris radiata, Amaryllidaceae, perennial herbs, sexual preference for warm, humid semi-shady environment, afraid of heat, not resistant to cold, avoid direct sunlight in summer. The suitable temperature for growth was 16-25 degrees, stopped growing below 5 degrees, entered the dormancy period, and the plants above 30 degrees were also in a semi-dormant state. Family potted plant is a good way to cultivate magnolia, so do you know how to raise potted magnolia and what are the methods of potted orchid?

How to raise potted Magnolia

1. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of Cymbidium is 1525 ℃. When the summer temperature exceeds 30 ℃ for a long time, the growth is inhibited. At this time, if the air humidity is less than 60%, the leaves of Cymbidium will become shallow, yellowing and even wilting; if the humidity is higher than 90%, the stems and leaves will grow too much. In order to prevent the occurrence of these bad phenomena, we should reduce the temperature properly, pay attention to ventilation and light transmission, and control humidity. When the temperature dropped below SC, the growth of Cymbidium basically stopped. If the temperature drops to about OC, freezing injury may occur, which will make the leaf tip and leaf edge turn green and yellow, and even appear yellow-white necrotic spots, so we should do a good job of keeping warm in winter to prevent frost injury.

2. Illumination: Cymbidium is a semi-positive flower, which is sexually fond of scattered light, and too strong light is disadvantageous to its growth and is easy to cause sunburn disease. However, if the light is too dark and lack of light for a long time, the leaves will lose their luster, the old leaves will be dark green, and the new leaves will become thinner, yellow or yellowish green. Some people call this phenomenon of yellow leaves Yin yellow. At this time, the gentleman orchid should be moved to a place with slightly stronger light, and when it is not suitable to move, the light can be used to supplement the illumination.

3, soil fertilizer: gentleman orchid likes loose and fertile sandy loam, soil consolidation and insufficient supply of fertilizer will make the leaves yellow and affect flowering. At this time, we should increase the application of dilute liquid fertilizer and pay attention to loosening the soil.

4, moisture: the gentleman orchid likes to be wet, the basin soil is too dry for a long time, and the temperature is high, it is easy to make the leaves yellow. However, too much watering for a long time can easily lead to diseases. Therefore, in the cultivation of Cymbidium, the soil should be kept moist in spring and autumn, slightly dry in dormancy in winter, and the basin soil should not be overheated in summer. the foliage and surrounding ground can be sprayed with fresh water every morning or evening to keep the cool environment.

5. Ventilation: Cymbidium is placed too densely and the surrounding environment is closed, which hinders air circulation and makes the plant thin and yellow. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen indoor ventilation to avoid crowding.

The above is how to raise potted magnolia, the method of potted orchid, magnolia should be loose, fertile, rich in humus and slightly acidic soil to grow, avoid stagnant water. Put indoors in winter, the room temperature above 5 degrees can safely survive the winter. The common varieties of Cymbidium are Cymbidium grandiflorum and Cymbidium. During the flowering period from April to June, the main propagation methods are plant release and sowing.