
Wine bottle orchid leaves yellow how to do, 5 ways to teach you to easily solve / lack of light

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Wine bottle orchid is a common plant in people's life. Because of its unique appearance, it is obviously different from ordinary plants and gives people a novel feeling, so it is loved by many people. Of course, yellowing in good-looking plants will also affect the overall beauty. What about the yellowing of orchid leaves in wine bottles?

Wine bottle orchid is a common plant in people's life. Because of its unique appearance, it is obviously different from ordinary plants and gives people a novel feeling, so it is loved by many people. Of course, the yellowing of good-looking plants will also affect the overall beauty, about the wine bottle orchid leaves yellowing how to do, stagnant water, lack of sunshine is one of the reasons, then wine bottle orchid leaves yellowing specific how to solve it? this is the key point to be mentioned by the editor. Let's take a look.

First, the wine bottle orchid leaf yellowing how to do / the culture method is very important

About the wine bottle orchid leaves yellowing how to do, this problem has a lot to do with the wine bottle orchid cultivation at ordinary times, in the wine bottle orchid breeding method is also introduced, here the editor is not too much to say, today the editor is going to talk to you about the wine bottle orchid leaves yellowing how to solve, the following five ways to tell you the answer.

Second, wine bottle orchid leaves yellowing / 5 ways to teach you to solve easily

If you want to solve the problem of yellowing of bottle orchid leaves, first of all, you need to know what causes it. Lack of sunshine, too much watering, long-term exposure and so on are all the reasons for the yellowing of bottle orchid leaves. It is OK to solve the problems caused by different situations.

1. Stagnant water

Wine bottle orchid is a kind of drought-tolerant plant, there is not much demand for watering, even in dry summer, it only needs to be watered once every 2-4 days, so when breeding wine bottle orchid, you should remember not to pour too much water. if too much watering causes stagnant water, it will cause the leaves of the bottle orchid to turn yellow.

Solution: if stagnant water is caused by too much watering, watering must be temporarily stopped until the soil is thoroughly dry before watering, so that it can be remedied.

two。 Lack of sunshine

Wine bottle orchid this plant is more like the sun, if you do not get enough light will also make the leaves yellow, to raise this plant, it is best to put it on the windowsill, so that you can get a good moisture of the sun, of course, remember to collect it on rainy days to avoid stagnant water.

Solution: put the wine bottle orchid in a place with good light, not indoors for a long time, even if you want shade, it is best to put it in the semi-shade.

3. Do not change the basin for a long time

Many people may be surprised at this. Wine bottle orchid is a growing plant, and as it grows, the amount of nutrients needed will increase. If you do not change the basin for a long time, it will lead to a shortage of nutrients, thus making the wine bottle orchid leaves yellow.

Solution: in the process of the growth of the bottle orchid, we must remember to change the basin in time, change the soil, and remember to clean up the old and residual roots of the wine bottle orchid, which can ensure the normal growth of the wine bottle orchid.

4. Exposure for a long time

Although the wine bottle orchid likes the sun, it must have a certain degree, such as the dry weather in summer, it is best not to put the wine bottle orchid in direct sunlight for a long time, which is also one of the main reasons for the yellowing of the wine bottle orchid leaves.

Solution: if the summer sun is relatively strong at noon, you can move the wine bottle orchid to the half-shaded out, so as to avoid exposure to the sun and avoid losing sunshine.

5. Be frozen

In winter, the weather is relatively cold, if the bottle orchid is kept outdoors for a long time, it will cause frostbite, which will cause the wine bottle orchid leaves to turn yellow, so it is necessary to take anti-freezing measures for the wine bottle orchid when the weather is colder.

Solution: in winter, it is best to put the tiger skin orchid in a bright and warm place inside the house for breeding. If it is not convenient to put it indoors, wrap it with plastic film and remember to replace it every 2-3 days.

Having said so much, I believe you should know how to deal with this kind of problem when you encounter the yellowing of orchid leaves in wine bottles in the future. In fact, wine bottle orchid leaves yellowing in the breeding process is a relatively common problem, as long as we keep in mind the editor said these points, and then encounter this kind of problem will not be so difficult.

The main causes and remedial methods of yellowing of orchid leaves in wine bottles

The yellowing of leaves often occurs when each kind of flower is cultured, and the reasons are also different according to the different growth habits of flowers. The same is true of wine bottle orchid. The main reasons for the yellowing of wine bottle orchid leaves are as follows: when the leaves turn yellow, first of all, it is necessary to timely judge what caused it, so that we can remedy the wine bottle orchid in time. And can not blindly do some measures. Specific reasons can refer to the following points: 1, due to the wine bottle Lanji stagnant water, so watering too much will cause stagnant water and lead to leaves yellowing, in this case need not watering temporarily, after the appropriate amount of watering, watering to see dry and wet.

2. the leaves are yellowed due to lack of light. Wine bottle orchids are light-loving plants, so they should give enough sunlight and do not prevent indoor shade for a long time. Even if they want shade, they should be placed in a semi-shaded place.

3. With the growth of the wine bottle orchid, if you do not change the pot, it will also cause the leaves to turn yellow, because the nutrients needed for the growth of the wine bottle orchid will also increase, if a small basin is still used at this time, the nutrients of the basin soil will be in short supply; at this time, it is necessary to change the big basin and change the soil in time.

4. Applying thick fertilizer will also cause the leaves to turn yellow, so a principle should be followed when applying fertilizer to wine bottle orchid, that is, thin fertilizer should be applied frequently. Similarly, lack of fertilizer can lead to insufficient fertilizer and yellowing of leaves, in which case soil should be changed and proper fertilization should be applied.

5. Wine bottle orchids can not be exposed to the sun during the seedling period, if exposure will also cause the leaves to turn yellow; therefore, during the seedling period, it should be placed in a semi-shaded place, and special attention should be paid to shade at noon.

6. The temperature in the north is relatively low in winter, and the leaves will turn yellow if frozen, so keep them warm properly in winter and put them in front of the window or at the foot of the wall.

Culture method of wine bottle orchid soil

Wine bottle orchid is more resistant to barren and drought, so potted soil requires good drainage, which is suitable to grow in sandy loam rich in humus. The soil can be mixed with fertile garden soil, rotten leaf soil and river sand.


Wine bottle orchid like temperature, the growth environment is 20-28 degrees Celsius is the most suitable, it can survive in the high temperature environment of 33 ℃, but not hardy, generally 13 ℃ below zero will stop growing, the winter temperature should be kept above 10 ℃, otherwise it will lead to base rot, so that the plant withered.


Wine bottle orchid is suitable for growing in an environment with sufficient light, because of its strong growth power, it is also resistant to a certain degree of shade. Lack of light will lead to weak leaves, which is not conducive to the survival and development of plants.

Except for summer, wine bottle orchid needs to receive enough sunlight to ensure its growth. During the growing summer, it needs to be shaded, the shade area reaches more than half of its own area, and one leaf turns yellow and withered.

When receiving light, it is necessary to shift regularly to facilitate uniform illumination, so that the plant can have a beautiful appearance, preferably turning the flowerpot once a month and a half.

Moisture content

Wine bottle orchid likes to be wet. Therefore, the relative humidity of the air should be kept at 70%, 80%, too low will make the leaves yellow, wither, or fall off, dim, affecting the overall ornamental value.

Bottle orchid has strong roots, so it has good drought resistance, and it can grow and develop without watering for about half a year. As long as the humidity of wine bottle orchid is mastered, the basin soil can be slightly dry, water can be reduced in autumn and winter, and there can be no stagnant water in the basin.

Fertilizer application

Generally speaking, wine bottle orchid mostly applies compound fertilizer or liquid fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and stops fertilizing in winter.

Change the basin

As long as the maintenance method, the wine bottle orchid will grow very fast, when growing to a certain size, it should be considered to change a larger basin, in order to let it continue to grow vigorously. The culture soil and composition ratio for basin change can be selected as follows: vegetable garden soil: slag = 3RU 1; orchard soil: medium coarse river sand: sawdust = 4RU 1RU 2; or one of paddy soil, pond mud, rotten leaf soil.

Take off the basin

Put the flowers that want to change the pot on the ground, first pat the four sides of the basin with a slap, so that the root system is shaken and separated from the basin wall, put the flowerpot upside down on the left hand, gently clamp the plant with the index finger and middle finger of the left hand, hold the edge of the basin with the wrist and fingertip, hit the bottom of the basin with the right hand, and then use the mother finger to top the root soil down from the bottom hole to let the plant come off. After taking it off, gently pat the basin soil with both palms to let the excess soil fall off.