
What if the azaleas lose their leaves? too little fertilization and too much watering / soil alkali is the key.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There is no need to describe the beauty of azaleas too much. Everyone who has seen them knows that they are really lovely flowers like flames. However, in the process of breeding, due to various reasons, rhododendrons will have all kinds of problems, such as rhododendron leaves yellowing, azaleas losing leaves and so on. What about rhododendrons losing leaves?

There is no need to describe the beauty of azaleas too much. Everyone who has seen them knows that they are really lovely flowers like flames. However, in the process of breeding, due to various reasons, azaleas will have all kinds of problems, such as azaleas yellowing leaves, azaleas losing leaves, and so on, what about rhododendrons losing leaves? Here are the reasons and solutions for the loss of leaves in five kinds of rhododendron flowers. If you love flowers, you must see them.

First, what if the azaleas lose their leaves? find the cause.

In the cultivation method of rhododendron, we introduce its requirements for soil, light, watering, fertilization and so on. Once we can't meet it, there will be all kinds of problems, such as leaf loss. As for the cuckoo flower leaves how to do, first of all to find the cause, and then to solve the problem.

Second, the reason why the azaleas have lost their leaves

Although azaleas are beautiful, improper maintenance can easily lead to the phenomenon of flowers in one year, yellow in two years and bare leaves in three years. According to the editor, there are five reasons for rhododendron losing leaves, namely, too little fertilization, too much watering, soil alkali, diseases and insect pests and environmental changes. The specific reasons and solutions are as follows:

1. Fertilization is too little.

In the process of cultivating rhododendron, fertilization is a very important link, it can promote plant growth. Therefore, once the fertilization is too little, the leaves can not absorb nutrients, it will fall over a long time; in addition, too much fertilization will lead to root burning, which will also cause cuckoo flowers to lose their leaves.

Solution: fertilize too little: flower friends should adopt the method of applying thin fertilizer frequently, fertilizing once every 7-10 days, preferably not when the sun is poisonous at noon; fertilizing too much: flower friends are advised to solve the problem by watering or changing pot soil.

2. Too much watering

No matter what kind of flowers you raise, watering is crucial, and the same is true for azaleas. However, the rhododendron root system is very thin and fragile, so it is neither drought-resistant nor waterlogged. Once it is watered too much or too little, it will cause the rhododendron to lose its leaves.

Solution: water the azaleas neither more nor less. The veteran naturally knows what to do, but the novice needs to master the method: you can use the small wood root and insert it into the basin soil. if the wood root is stained with a lot of fine soil, it means that the soil is moist and can be watered less; if the wood root is basically not clay, it needs more watering.

3. Soil becomes alkaline.

As we introduced earlier, azaleas like loose, fertile and acidic soil. However, in the process of watering, if flower friends use tap water for a long time, the soil will slowly become alkaline. In this growing environment, it is very common for rhododendron to lose its leaves, which can even lead to plant death.

Solution: according to the preference of azaleas, usually pour alum fertilizer water, or add a little ferrous sulfate to the water, so as to keep the soil somewhat acidic. If the soil causes the azaleas to lose their leaves, flower friends can choose to change the pot soil and change a pot of clean and breathable acid soil, and your azaleas will soon return to health.

4. Diseases and insect pests

When it comes to the reasons for the loss of rhododendron leaves, in addition to considering water, fertilizer and soil, diseases and insect pests can not be ignored. Because once the azaleas get sick or grow worms, it is very common for their leaves to detach.

Solution: if diseased leaves are found, they should be removed in time and burned centrally. 0.5% Bordeaux solution can be sprayed at the initial stage of the disease. Of course, different pest control methods are different, the specific are in the rhododendron pest control, the previous introduction, here will not say much.

5. Environmental change

With regard to the loss of leaves of rhododendron flowers, if the above points are excluded, then there is only one reason, that is, environmental changes. In life, people will not be satisfied with the change of environment, not to mention plants, so a sudden change in the environment will also lead to the loss of rhododendron leaves. If the azaleas cannot adapt to the environment in time, the azaleas are likely to die.

Solution: if the azaleas bought online, flower friends should communicate with the shop, and strive to keep the azaleas growing environment unchanged. Don't rush to change soil and fertilize in a new environment. Most of them will get better if you put them in the shade for 1-2 weeks.

What if the azaleas lose their leaves? what if the azaleas turn yellow and black?

What if the carefully maintained azaleas lose their leaves, the azaleas turn yellow and black, and the azaleas dry up? Let's ask the editor to tell you about the causes of these situations and the solutions.

What if the azaleas lose their leaves?

Rhododendron leaves are often caused by improper care, usually due to improper temperature and humidity, light, water and fertilizer.

1. Temperature and humidity are not suitable. Rhododendron is suitable for growing at a temperature of 15-30 ℃, with a humidity requirement of more than 60%. In addition, the environment is not suitable for azaleas to grow, and it is normal to lose leaves.

Solution: adjust the temperature and humidity of the environment by adjusting light, watering and other means to keep it in an environment suitable for the growth of azaleas.

2. Lack of light for a long time. If the azaleas are placed in dark corners for a long time, the leaves will easily wither and then fall. Although cuckoos like shade, they also need normal photosynthesis to grow, so they need enough light.

Solution: move the azaleas to a place with plenty of light until the weather gets warmer in spring and summer and then move to a semi-overcast place.

3. Improper water and fertilizer. Excessive drought, stagnant water in the basin and too much fertilization will cause the rhododendron to lose its leaves.

Solution: Azalea must have poor drought tolerance of its root system, so it must be watered in time in the process of planting, but it should be careful not to call too much, just the right amount, and if there is stagnant water, pour out or change the basin soil in time.

What if the rhododendron leaves turn yellow?

1. Improper water and fertilizer. The root system of rhododendron is delicate, afraid of waterlogging and fat. Such as under-watering or excessive watering, excessive fertilization or application of unmature raw fertilizer will cause leaves to yellowing and serious death of the whole plant. Water and fertilizer should be appropriate. When there is too much water and fertilizer, you can turn the basin and change the soil.

2. Soil and water is alkaline. Rhododendron likes to deceive acid loose soil, if the basin soil is alkaline or irrigates alkaline water for a long time, it will affect the absorption of iron by plants, resulting in iron deficiency and yellowing of leaves. You can buy some ferrous sulfate and water the cuckoo with 0.2% solution every day, or you can add a few drops of edible vinegar to the water to increase the acidity of the soil.

3. Poor root absorption. When the summer temperature is high, the yellowing is particularly obvious, and it will improve or return to green after the autumn is cool. Although the symptoms are similar to those of iron deficiency, iron supplementation has no effect on it. Root protection and root protection measures should be taken to deal with this kind of yellowing phenomenon. It is necessary to maintain a high temperature when overwintering, shade when it is hot in summer, spray water to cool the surrounding environment, maintain good ventilation, and promote the healthy growth and development of plant roots.

What if the leaves of azaleas turn black?

The blackening of rhododendron leaves may be caused by brown spot or black spot, which is often caused by overcast and wet growing environment or poor ventilation.

Brown spot is a major disease of rhododendron. It will make the damaged leaves yellow and fall off, affecting the flowering of the current year and the development of flower buds in the coming year. It is easy to occur in the Meiyu season when the air humidity is high.

The treatment method is to pay attention to make the plant ventilated and transparent, not to make the humidity too high, and to increase the application of organic fertilizer and nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium mixed fertilizer to enhance the plant resistance to infection and growth. If diseased leaves are found, they should be removed in time and burned centrally. At the initial stage of the disease, 0.5% Bordeaux solution or 0.4 Baume stone sulfur agent was sprayed, and 4% flour was added to increase the adhesion. Leaf spot and black spot can also be treated with the same method.

What if the azaleas are withered and wilted?

The most likely reason for the drying and wilting of rhododendron leaves is improper watering. Cuckoos like water but avoid long-term waterlogging, if long-term stagnant water in the basin, the plant is difficult to bear, the root system will first rot, and then the plant will wilt, or even die. It is recommended that the stagnant water in the tray should be poured clean, placed in a cool and ventilated place, and maintained in a semi-overcast environment. Do not water and spray water until the soil in the basin is dry. If too little watering, there will also be leaf wilting phenomenon, timely watering can make the azaleas coruscate again.

[rhododendron loses leaves] causes and solutions of rhododendron losing leaves

Potted flowers or plants are easy to lose leaves, do not blossom, leaves yellowing and so on, which makes many flower friends more upset. Flowers such as azaleas that are picky about their growing environment are easy to lose their leaves, and then Qixiao will share what to do if they lose their leaves.

What if the azaleas lose their leaves?

The reason for the loss of leaves of rhododendron

1. Improper water and fertilizer: during the growth of rhododendron flowers, excessive water and fertilizer leads to non-flowering or few flowering, even if they can blossom, they are easy to drop flowers and buds. In the period of flower bud differentiation, it should be noted that the application of more phosphate fertilizer is beneficial to flower bud formation and bud formation. Excessive fertilization in the bud period, watering suddenly more and less, easy to cause falling flowers and buds, flower growth period, lack of fertilizer and water, poor plant growth, thin and short, but also easy to cause few flowers or small flowers and poor flower quality. Cuckoos do not like big fertilizer, once the use of raw fertilizer, thick fertilizer will appear scorched leaves will lead to fallen leaves, that is, the so-called fertilizer damage. Cuckoo roots are slender, such as poor permeability of potted soil or over-watering for a long time, coupled with poor ventilation, damage and decay of the system, resulting in fallen leaves. If you are not careful, forget to water, or do not water thoroughly for a long time, there will also be fallen leaves. Be sure to pay attention to "watering thoroughly", usually to spray water to the leaf surface and its surroundings to improve the humidity of the environment.

2. the light temperature is not suitable: rhododendron flowers have their own suitable growth environment, if their light temperature and other problems are not up to standard, it is also easy to have fallen flowers, fallen leaves and other problems.

3. The soil is alkaline: the rhododendron culture soil must use acid soil with good ventilation and rich humus, and the pH value is 5. 5 to 6. (5) it is the most suitable, if alkaline soil is used, it will cause leaf yellowing and shedding.

4. Pruning: if the azaleas are not pruned for a long time, the branches are messy, which not only affects the appearance, but also because many unnecessary branches consume a lot of nutrients and affect the formation of flower buds, which is also one of the reasons for not blooming or less flowering.

5. The wind is strong and the sun is fierce: azaleas like light but fear the scorching sun, like ventilation but fear strong winds. Placing it in the hot sun in summer and in the tuyere in spring and autumn will lead to a large number of fallen leaves.

6. The room temperature in winter is too high: most flowers are dormant or semi-dormant in winter. if the room temperature is too high, it will affect the flowers and trees to fully dormancy or sprout leaves prematurely, consume a lot of nutrients, grow weak in the next year, do not bloom or flowers are thin, and are easy to wither. So it is better to keep the room temperature at about 5 degrees in winter.

7. Disease and insect attack: Azalea is often vulnerable to diseases and insect pests during its growth and development, which destroys its growth and affects the accumulation of nutrients, which is also one of the reasons for falling flowers and buds.

The solution to the loss of leaves of rhododendron

1. Watering the right amount: Azalea must be watered in time in the planting process because its roots are not resistant to drought, but we should also be careful not to call too much, just the right amount.

2. Proper amount of fertilization: add an appropriate amount of slow-release fertilizer to the rhododendron flowerpot soil, which is safe, clean, long-lasting, colorful and Yemao. This fertilizer is often used in horticultural production, which is both convenient and clean, and the planted rhododendron leaves are luxuriant.

3. Reasonable sunshine: rhododendrons need reasonable light to azaleas. Flowers can be placed in places with plenty of light. After the weather gets warmer in spring, cuckoos are moved to semi-shady places, and cuckoos are cultivated in sunny and sheltered places sooner or later.

4. Keep the soil acidic: azaleas should be properly applied with alum fertilizer water, or a little ferrous sulfate should be added to the water to maintain the soil acidity value of planting azaleas.

Pictures of fallen leaves of azaleas

The above is the introduction of how to lose the leaves of rhododendron flowers. Azaleas are relatively delicate, so when breeding, special attention should be paid to the acidity and basicity of the soil.