
What are the key points of Phalaenopsis winter management

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Because Phalaenopsis is native to the tropics, it is not resistant to severe cold. When the temperature is too low in winter, if it is not cultivated properly, necrotic black spots will appear on the leaves, and then fall off, resulting in the death of the whole plant. The north needs to be cultivated in high temperature greenhouse in winter, so we specially introduce the key points of its winter management.

Because Phalaenopsis is native to the tropics, it is not resistant to severe cold. When the temperature is too low in winter, if it is not cultivated properly, necrotic black spots will appear on the leaves, and then fall off, resulting in the death of the whole plant. Northern winter needs to be cultivated in a high-temperature greenhouse, so we specially introduce its winter management points for reference for friends who like Phalaenopsis. To create suitable environmental conditions for the growth of Phalaenopsis, we should mainly do a good job in the following aspects:

Temperature: the optimum temperature for the growth of Phalaenopsis is 25-30 degrees Celsius during the day, more than 32 degrees Celsius, which is disadvantageous to growth and flower bud differentiation. 18-20 degrees Celsius at night, no less than 15 degrees Celsius, if-keep a high temperature, it is good for its flowering.

Humidity: Phalaenopsis likes higher air humidity and should be kept at 70% MUR 80% during growth. Therefore, water should often be sprayed into the surrounding space to increase humidity, but the moisture content of the matrix should not be too large, otherwise it is easy to rot the root. The dry substrate is conducive to the growth of new roots.

Third, lighting: open the shade net in time according to the weather conditions every day to promote the photosynthesis of Phalaenopsis, and open the skylight to make it ventilated when the temperature or humidity is too high.

Fourth, fertilization: Phalaenopsis fertilization adheres to the principle of "thin fertilizer and frequent application". It can be sprayed with 1500 times compound fertilizer and 5000 times boric acid, and then apply 1500 times compound fertilizer every other week. Phalaenopsis is fleshy root. The application of potash fertilizer is more important.

Fifth, pest control: in order to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests, disinfect the greenhouse before entering the seedling, spray fungicides regularly, once a week, and choose sunny days as far as possible.


1. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of spider orchid is Baiyao 25-30 degrees, more than 32 degrees, which is disadvantageous to growth and flower bud differentiation, 18-20 degrees at night, not less than 15 degrees. If the temperature is kept high all the time, it is beneficial to its flowering.

2. Humidity: Phalaenopsis likes high air humidity and should be kept at 70%-80% during growth. Therefore, water should often be sprayed into the surrounding space to increase humidity, but the moisture content of the matrix should not be too large, otherwise it is easy to rot the root. The dry substrate is conducive to the growth of new roots.

3. Lighting: open the sunshade net in time according to the weather conditions every day to promote the photosynthesis of Phalaenopsis. When the temperature is high or the humidity is too high, open the skylight to make it ventilated.

3. Fertilization: Phalaenopsis fertilization adheres to the principle of "applying thin fertilizer frequently". 1500 times compound fertilizer and 5000 times boric acid can be sprayed, and then 1500 times compound fertilizer can be applied every other week. In addition, Phalaenopsis is a fleshy root, in order to make its root system thick, the application of potash fertilizer is more important.

Key points of cultivation and management of Phalaenopsis

Phalaenopsis, also known as Phalaenopsis, belongs to the genus Phalaenaceae and is a perennial epiphyte. Mainly distributed in the Philippines, Malay Peninsula and Taiwan Province of China. Its flowers are in the shape of colorful butterflies with bright colors, so they are internationally popular precious flowers. Phalaenopsis can be divided into five growth stages from bottle seedling to flowering sale: bottle seedling, small seedling, medium seedling, large seedling and flowering stage. The key points of cultivation management are as follows. First, pre-management. In the growth stage of bottle seedlings, the optimum growth temperature was 25 ℃-28 ℃ in daytime and 18-20 ℃ at night. The optimum temperature for seedling growth was 23 ℃. The growth stopped when it was above 35 ℃ or below 10 ℃. The temperature of the seedlings just out of the bottle should be lower than 20 ℃, the relative humidity of the air should be kept at 70-80%, and the light should be controlled below 1000 lux. After a transition period, the light gradually increased to 10, 000 lux, and finally reached 15000 lux. Fertilizer and water management in the growth stage of seedlings plays an important role. Tissue culture seedlings should not be fertilized or watered within 3-5 days after coming out of the bottle, but should be sterilized immediately. Can use carbendazim 1000 times liquid foliar sterilization, spray root powder every other day, spray 3 times. After the transition period of 3-5 days, the first irrigation was sprayed with Huaduoduo 10 (the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was 30:10:10) with 1800 times liquid, with the whole wet water moss as the standard. Spray foliar fertilizer with 2500 times liquid of Huaduo 10 (30:10:10) every other day. One week later, the seedlings were fertilized for the second time according to the dry and wet condition, and the fertilization principle was high nitrogen, low phosphorus and low potassium. After 4 months of cultivation, the seedlings grow into medium seedlings, and the pot should be changed at this time. The tightness of aquatic plants is based on the standard of the tightness of the muscles under the palm of the hand, which can be big or small, but it must be unified. The management in the middle seedling stage is basically similar to that in the seedling stage, but the light can be increased to 20,000 lux. Fertilization was used alternately with Huaduo No. 8 and No. 1 (the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was 20:10:20 and 20:20:20 respectively). In the middle seedling period, we should pay attention to the trend and growth of the new leaves, generally place them in the east-west direction, and reverse the leaves regularly. At this time, the principles of fertilization are low nitrogen, high phosphorus and high potassium. The medium seedlings entered the big seedling stage after 4-6 months of cultivation. The management method was the same as that of Zhongmiao, but Huaduoduo No. 1 was used for fertilization (the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was 20:20:20). Second, post-management. The flowering stage is the management of the later growth stage. The flowering of Phalaenopsis is caused by low temperature, so the temperature should be controlled in addition to fine management. First, keep the temperature above 20 ℃ for 2 months, then lower the night temperature to below 18 ℃, and then form flower buds after 45 days. After flower bud formation, the temperature was maintained at 18-20 ℃ at night and 25-28 ℃ during the day. It can blossom after 3-4 months, and the flowering temperature is slightly lower, but not less than 15 ℃. After the flower bud is extended, a pillar must be erected, that is, before the flower stem extends without lodging, and the flower stem is tied to the pillar, leaving room for the flower stem to lengthen and thicken. The management of water and fertilizer at flowering stage is particularly important. Watering should be carried out at 10:00 to avoid sprinkling water directly on the flowers. After watering, an exhaust fan is used for ventilation to keep the air in the shed fresh and make the residual moisture dissipate as soon as possible. At this time, the best fertilization solution of Huaduoduo 2 (the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is 10:30:20) is 1000 times, depending on the condition of Phalaenopsis itself. Phalaenopsis is easy to suffer from soft rot and gray spot. Soft rot is very contagious, and the disease strain will be isolated as soon as it is found. The diseased plant can be prevented and treated with manganese zinc or Haoshengling. It is usually sterilized once every 15 days. Conservation of Phalaenopsis in rural areas 1. Cultivation media: the common cultivation media of Phalaenopsis are mainly aquatic plants and moss. 2. Temperature: the temperature of Phalaenopsis should be guaranteed first. Phalaenopsis likes the environment of high temperature and humidity, the lowest temperature during the growth period should be above 15 ℃, and the suitable temperature for Phalaenopsis growth is 16 ℃ to 30 ℃. Attention should be paid to warming at the turn of autumn, winter and spring, as well as when the winter temperature is low. In general, rooms with heating equipment in winter are not difficult to reach, but be careful not to put flowers directly on the radiator or too close to them. When the summer temperature is too high, it is necessary to cool down and pay attention to ventilation. If the temperature is higher than 32 ℃, Phalaenopsis will usually enter a semi-dormant state to avoid continuous high temperature. The flowering period is around the Spring Festival, and proper cooling can prolong the viewing time. The night temperature during flowering should be controlled between 13 ℃ and 16 ℃, but not less than 13 ℃. 3. Watering: Phalaenopsis is native to the primeval forest, with more fog and higher temperature. Phalaenopsis does not have thick pseudobulbs to store nutrients, and if there is not enough temperature in the air, the leaves are wrinkled and weak. Therefore, Phalaenopsis should be cultivated and maintained in an environment with high ventilation and humidity. The suitable air humidity for Phalaenopsis growth is 50% to 80%. The new root of Phalaenopsis should be watered more in the prosperous period and less in the dormant period after anthesis. The plants grow vigorously in spring and autumn around 05:00 in the afternoon, and the plants are watered at 09:00 and 05:00 every day. The light is weak and the temperature is low in winter. Watering every other week is enough and should be carried out before 10:00 in the morning. In the event of a cold wave, it is not suitable to water, keep dry, wait until after the cold wave to resume watering. The principle of watering is to see dry and wet, and when the surface of the cultivation substrate becomes dry, water should be watered again, and the water temperature should be close to room temperature. When the indoor air is dry, sprayers can be used to spray directly to the leaves, and you can see that the leaves are wet, but be careful not to spray water spray on the flowers during flowering. Tap water should be stored for more than 72 hours before watering. 4. lighting: although Phalaenopsis prefers shade, it is still necessary to make the orchid plant accept some light, especially before and after flowering, appropriate light can promote Phalaenopsis to blossom and make the flowers gorgeous and long-lasting, which should be placed indoors where there is scattered light, so as not to let the sun shine directly. 5. Ventilation: the normal growth of Phalaenopsis needs flowing fresh air, so the ventilation of domestic Phalaenopsis must be good, especially in the high humidity period in summer, it must be well ventilated to prevent heat, and at the same time, it can avoid the infection of diseases and insect pests. 6. Nutrition: Phalaenopsis should be fertilized throughout the year and should not be stopped unless the low temperature lasts for a long time. Winter is the flower bud differentiation period of Phalaenopsis, and the cessation of fertilizer can easily lead to no flowers or few flowers. Spring and summer is the growing period, thin liquid fertilizer can be applied every 7 to 10 days, it is appropriate to use organic fertilizer, Phalaenopsis special nutrient solution can also be used, but do not apply when there are buds, otherwise it is easy to drop buds early. Long leaves in summer (that is, after flowering), nitrogen and potash fertilizer can be applied. Phosphate fertilizer can be used in autumn and winter flower stem growth period, but it should be thin, about every 2 to 3 weeks. The time of fertilization is after watering in the afternoon, and after several times of fertilization, orchid pots and orchid plants should be washed with a lot of water to avoid residual inorganic salts harming the roots. 7. Post-anthesis management: the flowering period is generally around the Spring Festival, and the viewing period can be as long as 2 to 3 months. When the flowers wither, the withered flowers should be cut off as soon as possible, which can reduce the consumption of nutrients. If the flower stem is cut from 4 to 5 nodes at the base, it can blossom again after 2 to 3 months. However, the nutrient consumption of the plant is too high, which is not conducive to the growth of the coming year. If you want to blossom again in the coming year, it is best to cut the flower stem from the base, and when the matrix ages, it should be replaced in time, otherwise the air permeability becomes worse, which will cause root rot, weaken plant growth and even die. Generally speaking, it is appropriate to change the basin in May when the new leaves grow. There are four reasons for cultivation failure: 1. Watering too frequently: friends who cultivate Phalaenopsis are always worried about the lack of water, regardless of whether the cultivation medium is dry or not, watering every day, resulting in serious root rot. 2. The temperature is too low: usually the flowering plants of Phalaenopsis are on the market in early spring, and they are generally appreciated in the living room after buying them home. Although the daily temperature in these places is enough, the night temperature is a little too low. On the other hand, most of the professionally cultivated orchids are in well-equipped greenhouses, in contrast, the temperature and humidity at home are not enough, so the growth of the plant tends to weaken day by day. Therefore, sometimes, no matter how well maintained, orchids still do not blossom. 3. Excessive fertilization: apply fertilizer as soon as there is fertilizer, and do not pay attention to the concentration, thinking that if you apply fertilizer, you will grow faster. It should be noted that Phalaenopsis should be fertilized with thin fertilizer, a small amount of fertilizer for many times. Keep in mind that "replenishment" should not be excessive, or it will be counterproductive. 4. Small plants grow large pots: feel that using large pots can give Phalaenopsis a relaxed environment and sufficient materials. In fact, after using a large basin, the water plant is not easy to dry, it is important to know that Phalaenopsis likes ventilation, ventilation is comfortable.