
How to maintain cyclamen in spring

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cyclamen flowers blooming in winter and spring, the proper maintenance methods of cyclamen in spring will prolong their flowering period, bright colors and improve their ornamental value. Therefore, in spring, the maintenance of cyclamen is very important. Cyclamen is like light flowers, winter and spring is the blooming period of exuberant flowers, in order to make the buds flourish.

Cyclamen flowers blooming in winter and spring, the proper maintenance methods of cyclamen in spring will prolong their flowering period, bright colors and improve their ornamental value. Therefore, in spring, the maintenance of cyclamen is very important.

Cyclamen is a light-loving flower. In order to make the buds flourish, cyclamen should give sufficient sunshine in the bud stage, place in the sunny place indoors, and apply secondary phosphate fertilizer every week. It is best to apply 0.3% potassium hydrogen phosphate compound fertilizer (containing zinc, boron, molybdenum, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, sulfur and other trace elements) solution, each pot dosage is about 150ml.

Usually every two days watering, so that the basin soil wet, must not pour water, master basin soil see dry watering. However, do not basin soil too dry, too dry will make root hair injury and wilting of the upper part of the plant, pouring water is also difficult to recover. When watering, the water temperature should be close to the room temperature.

Picture; key points of maintenance skills of cyclamen in the four seasons

1. Spring maintenance of cyclamen

In spring, light and temperature are more suitable, more suitable for the growth of cyclamen. Generally in the spring April, flowering entered the final stage, when you can change the basin, you can change the basin soil, the soil can be mixed with rotten leaf soil and garden soil, but the need for disinfection, it is best to add a little base fertilizer.

If you don't need to fertilize too often, you can apply compound fertilizer once in the first ten days of May. When watering, you need to keep the soil moist, and clean water is better.

Second, the summer maintenance of cyclamen

In summer, cyclamen plants may have entered a semi-dormant position because of the high temperature, which needs to be ventilated and sprinkled frequently on the plants and the ground to lower the temperature.

In summer, the light is strong and shade is needed in time. Water can be watered once a week when the temperature is high and evaporation is large. Because the growth becomes slow, it is best not to apply fertilizer.

Photo: cyclamen's four Seasons maintenance skills

III. Autumn maintenance of cyclamen

Autumn and spring are similar, with mild light and suitable temperature, so autumn is also very suitable for the growth of cyclamen. Autumn is also a suitable season for cyclamen to change pots.

In addition, with the deepening of autumn, slowly enter, generally in October, cyclamen needs half a jin of indoor maintenance, keep the indoor temperature at about 15 ℃, watering can be seen dry and wet. It is also necessary to remove the old and yellow leaves of cyclamen in summer.

Fourth, the winter maintenance of cyclamen

In winter, cyclamen begins to blossom. Legend has it that the temperature should be kept between 15 ℃ and 18 ℃, or at least 10 ℃. Be careful not to put the flowerpot near the heating when breeding. Do not water too often, but also need to pay attention to the water temperature, a box close to room temperature is better, be careful not to pour on the bulb.

In addition, because cyclamen consumes nutrients during flowering, it needs to replenish nutrients in time, ensure the balance of elements, and apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in order to blossom well.

The above is about cyclamen four seasons maintenance skills of all the introduction, I hope it can be helpful to everyone!

How to maintain cyclamen culture methods and precautions of cyclamen

Cyclamen is also a very good indoor potted plant, like light but avoid direct light, if the light is not enough, the leaves grow, the flower color is not correct. How to raise cyclamen? Let's learn about the breeding methods and points for attention of cyclamen.

First, the culture method of cyclamen

1. Light: temperature and light have certain effects on the growth and development of cyclamen. In the whole growth process, mainly from the temperature hand, consider prolonging the flowering period. After the flowers are reduced by the end of April, the potted flowers should be removed from the greenhouse and kept in a ventilated and cool place with scattered light.

2, temperature: cyclamen likes a warm environment, can not bear high temperature and cold, the highest temperature can not exceed 30 ℃, otherwise it will enter dormancy, the high temperature of about 35 ℃ is prone to decay and necrosis. It is best to keep it between 10 ℃ and 20 ℃ in winter. When it is less than 5 Mel, cyclamen growth is inhibited, leaves are curled, flowers bloom poorly, and the color is dim. In summer, it should be placed in a moist and ventilated place, and the basin soil should be kept in a certain dry state to make it fully dormant over summer.

3. Environment: cyclamen likes a humid environment and is not resistant to dryness. It needs to be kept between 60% and 70% humidity during the growth period, which can make the leaves dark green and shiny. In winter, it can not be placed in the position where heating and air conditioning can be contacted directly to prevent wilting and withering due to air drying. Avoid flowers when spraying cyclamen to prevent them from withering ahead of time. The water temperature should be close to room temperature.

4. Watering: cyclamen likes to be wet and afraid of waterlogging plants, but should not be watered too much. Too much watering will cause rotten roots and death. Just keep the soil moist every day.

5. Diseases and insect pests: cyclamen has more diseases than insect pests. Botrytis cinerea and soft rot are the main diseases, which are mostly caused by bacterial infection, and the disease parts show softening and rot, which can be prevented by methyl topiramate or chlorothalonil.

6. Fertilization: cyclamen is a fertilizer-loving plant. 2 ‰ potassium dihydrogen phosphate is applied once a year in spring and autumn. Nitrogen fertilizer should not be applied during flowering, otherwise it will cause branches and leaves to grow and shorten the life of flowers.

7. Reproduction: cyclamen bulbs have no meristematic ability, so they use seeds to sow and reproduce. Good varieties were selected as seed mother wipe, and the seeds matured gradually after 3-4 months, and the seeds were picked as they were ripe, and the seeds should be dried and sowed in pots after the Beginning of Autumn. Before sowing, the basin soil had better be exposed and disinfected. The seeds were soaked in water for one day and sowed at a distance of 1.5ml / ml / 2cm. Cover soil about 1 cm, after sowing with a fine hole shower head spray must be watered, after pouring basin cover glass, to maintain the temperature, and open every day to breathe, and often pay attention to replenish water, keep the soil moist. Cyclamen emerges in 50 days after 40 mi mi. When two cotyledons are produced and the diameter of the cotyledon is about 0.5 cm, the cyclamen can be transplanted into a small pot and gradually replaced into a large basin according to the growth situation. The basin soil should use sandy loam with a lot of humus. Don't bury it too deep when transplanting, so that the top of the ball should be level with the top.

2. Matters needing attention in cyclamen culture

As a relatively common plant, it will have some pathological changes during the growing period, and some bacterial infections and insect pests often occur. Daily maintenance needs to pay attention to these and then carry out treatment and defense.

Botrytis cinerea is a common disease, mainly due to high humidity or poor ventilation, resulting in turbid air. The disease is characterized by the gradual appearance of spots on the leaves, then decay, leaves or flowers collapse, the disease will have some mold growth, usually gray, serious when it is khaki. To solve the problem of mixing rice is to clean up the turbid degree of the air, then reduce the humidity and cut off the diseased leaves, because the disease is contagious. Spray some mixed water properly.

Soft rot generally occurs in the high temperature stage, the main lesion site is the bulb, the disease condition is rot, the solution is mainly to cut off the rot site, and then spray appropriate agents to improve ventilation.

The above is the introduction of cyclamen breeding methods and matters needing attention, indoor potted plant conservation process is careful, hoping to help flower friends who like cyclamen.