
What should we pay attention to when cultivating cyclamen?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Cyclamen culture methods should be able to prolong the florescence, colorful flowers, in breeding, we should pay special attention to fertilizer and water management, ventilation and shading and changing pots. 1. Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water. Cyclamen is fertilized once every ten days during the growth and development period, and there is more sunlight gradually, which does not make the petiole grow too long and affect the beauty.

Cyclamen culture methods should be able to prolong the florescence, colorful flowers, in breeding, we should pay special attention to fertilizer and water management, ventilation and shading and changing pots.

1. Strengthen the management of fertilizer and water. Cyclamen is fertilized once every ten days during the growth and development period, and there is more sunlight gradually, which does not make the petiole grow too long and affect the beauty. When the pedicel is pulled out to budding, apply bone powder or superphosphate once more. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, New Year's Day can blossom around. Stop applying nitrogen fertilizer during flowering, and control watering, especially in rainy and snowy days, water can not be poured on flower buds and tender leaves, otherwise it is easy to rot and affect normal flowering. After flowering, bone powder was applied again to facilitate fruit development and seed ripening. The fruit began to mature before and after May. After harvest, the seeds were peeled off and stored in a ventilated place to dry. In the early stage of cyclamen growth, 20 Mel 20 universal fertilizer can be used, that is, nitrogen content (n) 20%, phosphorus content (p2o5) 20%, potassium content (K2O) 20%. The special fertilizer for potted flowers can be used at flowering stage, 15mur15Mel 20 water-soluble and efficient nutrient solution.

2. Pay attention to ventilation and shading. Cyclamen growth period should always pay attention to indoor ventilation and shade, when the leaves are luxuriant, open the basin distance, so as not to cause the leaves to turn yellow and rot. Cyclamen is in full bloom around the Spring Festival, and ventilation should be adjusted in sunny days to avoid excessive indoor humidity, causing flowers to wither and pedicels to rot. The filling period is when the temperature rises, the amount of water increases, strictly prevent indoor temperature and humidity is too high, pay attention to ventilation regulation, so as not to cause flower stem rot and fruit mildew. In the middle of June, the leaves began to turn yellow and fall off, and the corms entered the dormant period. Put dormant bulbs in a well-ventilated, cool place and maintain a constant humidity. Too wet bulbs are easy to rot and too late to sprout and blossom.

3. Change the basin at the right time. Dormant bulbs begin to sprout in mid-September, change the basin immediately, do not cover the soil without bulbs. When the cyclamen bulb which has just changed the basin sends new roots, it should not be watered too much to prevent rotten balls, and the basin soil should be slightly dry.

Cultivation methods of cyclamen:

Cyclamen can be cultured by sowing, dividing tubers and tissue culture, and seed culture is the main production. Sowing usually takes place from September to November. The substrates used for sowing can be perlite, vermiculite cinder, sawdust and other soilless culture substrates. The seeds and substrates need to be disinfected before sowing, and the substrates can be detoxified by high temperature or medicine. Seeds need to be soaked in 30-4013 warm water for 1 day and night, and virus-carrying seeds need to be detoxified. Scrub the seed coat when sowing, sow it in a shallow basin or sowing bed according to the spacing of 1.5-2cm, cover the substrate with a thickness of about 0.5-0.7cm, water thoroughly and keep the substrate moist.

Under the temperature of 20-25C, it can take root in about 20 days, sprout in about 1 month and grow cotyledons. At this time, the young and seedlings can see the light, which is beneficial to the photosynthesis of the seedlings. When the seedling emergence reached more than 75%, the nutrient solution was applied every 10 days, and the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium was 1:1:10. When the seedlings grew 2-4 true leaves, the seedlings were divided for the first time (usually in March-April), and the seedlings were moved to a flowerpot with a diameter of 10cm. After slowing down the seedlings, they entered the normal maintenance and management. When the dormant bulbs germinate new buds (about September-October), the tubers are cut into several pieces according to the number of bud clusters, each with buds, smeared with plant ash or sulfur powder, put in a cool place to dry the incision, and then cultivated as a new plant.

Soilless cultivation techniques of cyclamen:

Cyclamen soilless cultivation is mainly based on substrate pot culture. The cultivation substrate can be mixed with vermiculite, peat, slag, sawdust, sand and carbonized rice husk according to different proportions. For example, vermiculite: sawdust: sand is 4:4:2 or Shanghai slag: peat: carbonized rice husk is 3:4:3. The mud basin should be used in the seedling stage, the bottom of the basin should be padded with 3-4cm thick coarse cinder, and the upper part should be mixed with matrix. When planting seedlings, you should be careful not to hurt the root system, so that the fibrous root is stretched and filled with substrate, gently compacted, so that the corm is exposed and the nutrient solution is watered through (diluted 3-5 times).

Cyclamen likes fertilizer, but it needs to be fertilized evenly. On weekdays, it is poured with nutrient solution once a week, and clear water is sprayed once every 2 murals every 3 days according to weather conditions. Due to the loose and permeable matrix, water and fertilizer conservation, it can meet the various needs of seedling growth. 10 leaves of cyclamen is an important period, which generally appears in May-June, when it enters the stage of vegetative growth and reproductive growth. A second transplanting can be carried out in cool areas at this time, and planted in plastic, ceramic or ceramic pots with a diameter of 15cm, using the same method as before. In summer, we should pay attention to cooling, ventilation, preserve the existing leaves, control fertilizer and water, in order to prevent the overgrowth of plants. In addition, pay attention to disease prevention, insect control, can be sprayed with carbendazim, thiophanate, dimethoate, dichlorvos and other germicidal insecticides.

At the end of August, with the cool weather, cyclamen gradually resumed growth and grew many new leaves. At this time, attention should be paid to strengthening light and fertilization, watering the nutrient solution once a week according to the normal concentration, and spraying 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution on the leaves every 10 days or so. From October to November, the growth of leaves is slow, the development of flower buds is obviously accelerated, and the flowering stage is entering the flowering period. at this time, the suitable conditions are light 24-40 000 1x, temperature 12 ℃ 20 C, humidity 60%. Temperature is the main means to control the flowering period. Under the condition of 10 min, the flowering period of general varieties can be delayed by 20-40 days. Botrytis cinerea is easy to occur at flowering stage, so ventilation and drug control should be strengthened.

The above is the introduction of cyclamen cultivation techniques, friends who like to plant cyclamen can refer to these technologies, combined with the actual situation, scientific cultivation.