
How to fertilize tiger skin orchid, how to water it for a few days / depending on the weather

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tiger Pilan can be said to be a kind of lazy plant, which is more like cactus at this point, and their vitality is very tenacious. Of course, tenacious vitality does not mean that you will not die. In the breeding method of Tiger Pilan, there are strict requirements on fertilization and watering. How do Tiger Pilan fertilize?

Tiger Pilan can be said to be a kind of lazy plant, which is more like cactus at this point, and their vitality is very tenacious. Of course, tenacious vitality does not mean that you will not die. In the breeding method of Tiger Pilan, there are strict requirements for fertilization and watering. How to fertilize Tiger Pilan? How often is Hu Pilan watered? If you want to know, you can look down.

one。 How to fertilize Hu Pilan / fertilize in growing period

About how to fertilize Tiger Pilan, many people may not know much about it, and there are a lot of things to pay attention to. Mastering the correct fertilization method has a lot to do with whether your Tiger Pilan can thrive.

1. Fertilization time / 1-2 times a month

In fact, this kind of plant does not have much demand for fertilization. even in its growing season, it is generally possible to apply fertilizer once or twice a month, which can also ensure the glossiness of plant leaves, and does not need any fertilizer after the growing period, because Tiger Pilan is born with a strong ability to resist drought.

two。 Matters needing attention

When fertilizing Tiger Pilan, it is best to use the best liquid fertilizer, of course, do not overuse, if applied in the soil, do not touch the roots of Tiger Pilan, so as to play a better supply role.

two。 Tiger Pilan watered for a few days / decided according to the climate

After introducing how Tiger Pilan is fertilized, let's take you to understand how Tiger Pilan is watered. It is best for Tiger Pilan to be watered once in a few days, and what should be paid attention to?

1. Watering time / twice a week

The question about Tiger Pilan watering every few days is very difficult to answer, because the watering frequency of this plant varies with different weather conditions. if it is summer or windy days, it is recommended to water the soil after it dries, usually twice a week. If the temperature is low in autumn and winter, or the flowers in cloudy and rainy weather should be watered as little as possible to avoid rotting roots.

two。 Watering method / soil

Tiger skin orchid watering is generally watered on the soil, which can well absorb the water contained in the soil. Watering can not only moisten the soil, but also wash away the carbon dioxide around the tiger Pilan rhizome and the waste in the soil, thus making the soil air full of fresh flavor.

3. Matters needing attention

Here, we should remember that watering Tiger Pilan can only water the soil, not on the plant itself. Tiger Pilan's leaves cannot have stagnant water, because once there is stagnant water, it is very easy to rot, which we should pay attention to.

I believe that after reading the above, we all have an understanding of how Tiger Pilan is fertilized and watered every few days. I hope this article can help you and make you better breed Tiger Pilan. Finally, to give you popular science, Tiger Pilan had better not be exposed to the sun, the sun should be appropriate.

How often is Tiger Pilan watered? how can Tiger Pilan be watered?

Tiger skin orchid should be watered thoroughly, not stagnant water. Tiger Pilan winter dormancy should pay special attention to control watering, to keep the soil dry, watering can not be poured into the leaf clusters, at the same time avoid stagnant water, so as not to cause decay.

How often is Tiger Pilan watered?

It is difficult to answer correctly how long Hu Pilan is watered for a few days and how long. The main reason is that the watering problem is determined by many factors, such as the looseness of the basin soil, the location of the basin, climatic conditions, different seasons, the size of the basin, the strength of the plant and the growing season will affect the watering time. Let's see how to judge the watering method.

Judge whether Tiger Pilan needs watering.

Tiger Pilan is not casually watered regularly, but also according to the weather and its own growth.

1. According to the sound of flowerpots

Flick the basin wall with your fingers, the sound is clear and dry, and the dull sound is wet.

2. According to the weight of the flowerpot

The basin has no sense of weight, it is dry; the sense of weight is wet.

3. Look at the shape of tiger skin orchid

The leaves become lighter in color, softer to touch, and even separate to the surrounding, which makes the soil dry; on the contrary, the leaves are fresh, firm and shiny, and are wet.

4. Watering according to the weather

Due to large evaporation in high or windy days, dry watering should be seen, usually twice a week; low temperature or cloudy days can be watered less; rainy days are no longer watered, and sometimes Rain Water has to move the flowerpot to cover the rain to avoid excessive waterlogging.

5. Watering according to the habit and growth of tiger skin orchid

Because the origin and variety of tiger skin orchid are different, some like to be wet, some are resistant to drought. According to the appearance of tiger orchid, the leaves with large and rapid growth are more watered during the growing period, while the smaller leaves with slow growth can reduce watering.

More watering during flowering, less watering during dormancy, usually in spring, summer and autumn, topsoil can be watered after drying, potted soil can be watered thoroughly after all drying in winter.

6. Watering according to the health condition of the root

The root system of Hu Pilan supports the aboveground part of the plant and absorbs water and nutrients from the soil. The roots themselves also breathe, inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. Each watering not only moistens the soil, but also flushes away the carbon dioxide around the roots and the waste in the basin soil. Fill the soil air with fresh air.

If the root is blackened and rotten if it is not watered properly, check the growth status of the root and adjust the watering method when changing the basin every year.

The watering method of Hu Pilan under special conditions 1. Transplanting

It is usually necessary to water the pot soil before transplanting and plant it after a little dry. After planting, pour water thoroughly, let the soil closely combine with the root, and then keep the soil moist for the next 2 to 3 weeks.

2. Excessive fertilization

Fertilization and watering are inseparable in flower culture, and one of the remedies for excessive fertilization is watering. When fertilizing too much, pour through the water, let the water ooze from the spray, dilute the fertility, and then need to be placed in a sunny ventilation place, let the basin soil dry as soon as possible, be careful not to accumulate water.

3. Ramets and cuttings

When ramet seedlings, the root system of the plant is relatively thin, watering can not be directly irrigated, it is recommended to use the soaking basin method to let the water soak the soil from bottom to top. If the watering is not enough, sprinkle water around the plant to increase humidity.

What if the tiger skin orchid leaves turn yellow, please pay attention to these points / too much watering under the strong light

Tiger Pilan is a more common plant in people's life, and it is also a famous plant with tenacious vitality. of course, if you do not pay attention to conservation, there will still be all kinds of problems. What to do if the leaves of Tiger Pilan turn yellow? this is a problem that people often see. We can start with sunshine, watering and other aspects about this problem. Please follow the editor for details.

What to do about the yellowing of tiger Pilan leaves / find out the reason

1. Strong light irradiation

The yellowing of tiger skin orchid leaves usually occurs in summer, because the summer sun is too strong, which will make tiger skin orchid water evaporate too fast, long-term irradiation will make the top of tiger skin orchid leaves dry and gradually yellowing.

Solution: although Tiger Pilan naturally likes a warm environment, because the summer weather is too dry, it is recommended that we should pay attention to the summer shade to avoid too strong sunlight.

two。 Too much watering

In addition to strong light, too much watering is also one of the reasons for the yellowing of tiger Pilan leaves. Too much watering will gradually dim the color of tiger Pilan leaves.

Solution: Tiger Pilan is dormant in winter and generally stops growing, so it does not need water. It is recommended that you do not water Tiger Pilan in winter. Too much watering will only burden it at home.

3. The watering method is wrong

If the tiger skin orchid watering method is wrong, it will cause rotten spots on its leaves, so the tiger skin orchid watering must pay attention to the way and watering time.

Solution: Tiger Pilan had better not be watered at noon, and not under the leaves, preferably in the soil, so as to prevent the root of Tiger Pilan from rotting. If this has already happened, it is best to stop watering and slow it down for a few days. As long as the root of Tiger Pilan is still alive, it won't die.

4. Virus intrusion

Tiger skin orchid leaves yellowing, bacterial soft rot is also one of the reasons, this is a more common tiger skin orchid virus, the tiger skin orchid leaves will show a light yellowish green or grayish yellow, the stem will appear soft rot spots, very easy to break.

Solution: plants and people, sick on the treatment, tiger skin orchid in this case can choose drug treatment, you can choose soil germicidal fungicide to spray soil for sterilization.

After talking so much, we should know how to solve similar problems. Generally speaking, the yellowing of tiger Pilan leaves is a relatively common problem in people's life, and we should deal with it accordingly according to different situations. On the question of what to do with the yellowing of tiger Pilan leaves, the editor will introduce you here today. I hope I can bring you some help.