
What if the color of the pineapple becomes lighter, pay attention to the glow of the second spring at 4 o'clock / apply fertilizer once a week

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pineapple, a very special and beautiful flower, blossoms only once in its life, which makes flower friends cherish it very much. The beauty of the pineapple flower is reflected in its bright red leaves, but for some reasons, the blood red petals of many flower friends will fade, thus greatly affecting the ornamental value.

Pineapple, a very special and beautiful flower, blossoms only once in its life, which makes flower friends cherish it very much. The beauty of pineapple flowers, 6 points reflected in its bright red leaves, but for some reasons, many flower friends of pineapple blood red petals will fade, thus greatly affecting the ornamental value, then pineapple color fade how to do? The following are several reasons for dilution and treatment methods, let's go and have a look!

First, what if the color of the pineapple becomes lighter? prevention and control is the key.

Pineapple flower, sometimes called good luck, is not only beautiful, but also bright red, which is deeply loved by the majority of flower friends. If the flower color of pineapple becomes lighter, it will greatly affect its ornamental. As for how to fade the color of pineapple, prevention and control is the key. Here are four reasons and solutions. Let's move on.

Second, the causes and solutions of pineapple flower color fading.

1. The soil is not up to standard

What to do when the color of the pineapple becomes lighter, we should first consider the soil problem. In the pineapple culture method, we talked about its soil requirements: pineapple likes loose, well-drained and organic matter-rich soil, do not use clayey soil. Once the soil is not up to standard, the color of pineapple will fade.

Solution: if it is a soil problem, it will be easy to change the basin and replace the pineapple with loose, well-drained and organic soil, and then carefully maintain it for a period of time, the pineapple color will naturally regain its luster.

2. Lack of light

In the process of flower culture, the vast majority of light is required, and pineapple is no exception. It is understood that pineapple likes semi-shade, but it also needs plenty of sunshine. Once it is placed in the shade for a long time, the beautiful color of its leaves will become lighter and lighter. So what to do when the color of the pineapple becomes lighter, to ensure that the pineapple has enough light.

Solution: early spring and late autumn: you can directly bask in the sun, when it is beneficial and harmless in direct light; all summer and early autumn: put the pineapple in a bright scattered light environment for maintenance; spring and winter: pineapple flowers can be placed in a sunlit position for bath maintenance. If you do the above, your pineapple color will recover soon.

3. Lack of potash fertilizer

As the pineapple flower likes fertilizer, in order to make it grow healthily, we need to apply potassium fertilizer every two months. The specific amount is determined according to the instructions on the fertilizer and the growth of the flowers. It is understood that appropriate phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can increase the color of the leaves. Therefore, the reason for the lighter color of pineapple may be due to the lack of potash fertilizer.

Solution: generally, the color becomes lighter caused by lack of fertilizer, and it is generally lack of potassium. At this time, flower friends can try to drop some diluted nutrient solution of 1RU 100. I believe that in a few days, the color of pineapple will glow again.

4. Improper watering

Pineapple has a high demand for water, so watering is crucial. When watering it, flower friends should water it directly from the top of the plant, so that all parts are watered down, and water is stored in the water storage layer, such as the root and leaf tube, which not only ensures the water supply of pineapple flowers, but also keeps its color bright.

Solution: through the above description, how to lighten the color of pineapple, we have to consider whether everyone has been watered in place. In daily maintenance, the watering of pineapple flowers should be maintained: the surface of the basin soil should be watered if it is slightly dry, but not too wet. After doing this for a period of time, the pineapple can basically restore its most beautiful appearance.

5. Emergency treatment of pineapple color fading.

Through the above introduction, we should know the reason why the color of pineapple becomes lighter. However, many flower lovers are not sure what is wrong at all, and there is an urgent solution: apply foliar fertilizer to the pineapple every two weeks, paying attention to the mixture of 0.1% urea and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate. At the same time, water along the leaf tube so that the pineapple flowers can store water.

How to water the pineapple flower, the winter watering method of the pineapple flower / water and fertilizer had better be watered together.

In the cultivation of flowers, watering is a link that can not be ignored. Once something goes wrong, it will cause all kinds of problems, which can be said to be troublesome. Among them, special attention should be paid to watering the pineapple, because its roots cannot absorb water, and all nutrients and water are absorbed by the leaves, so how can the pineapple be watered? The following is the method of watering pineapple in summer and winter. If you love flowers, you must have a look.

First, how to water the pineapple flowers and water the pot soil as soon as it dries.

In the pineapple culture methods and matters needing attention, we have introduced that watering is very important for pineapple. But the pineapple flower absorbs water by the leaves, not the roots, and all watering can be neither more nor less. The best watering method is: the basin soil surface is slightly dry, it is necessary to start watering, but not too wet, too wet is easy to soak the root.

Can the leaves of pineapple be watered?

Other flowers absorb water from the root, from the bottom up, but the pineapple is an exception, because its roots can not absorb water, nutrients and water are absorbed through the leaves. Can all the leaves of pineapple be watered? I'm sure they can. The reason for this is that pineapple is originally grown in hot and humid regions of South America and is a wild plant attached to branches and branches.

Reasons for watering pineapple leaves

Because it is attached to the branches and branches, the pineapple does not touch the soil, and its roots naturally cannot absorb water from the soil. What should I do at this time? In order to survive, pineapple has evolved a function that relies on leaf cups and other mesophyll tissue to absorb water and nutrients.

In modern times, pineapple is gradually planted artificially, but compared with other flowers, its roots are still frighteningly fragile. When we breed pineapple, we can hardly see the roots, only the black soil. In addition, the root of pineapple is also black and very thin, so its nutrients and water are absorbed by leaves, which is the reason why pineapple leaves are watered.

Second, the watering method of pineapple in winter

In the spring and autumn, the temperature is not high or low, just water the pineapple properly, what we should pay attention to is watering in winter. As for how to water the pineapple in winter, the flowers only need to be watered in the leaf tube, usually once every 8-9 days. Note that the water in the blade tube should not exceed a week, otherwise it will not be fresh, and the stale water will carry germs.

Note: when blooming, do not irrigate in the pineapple leaf tube, store in a place away from the sun, it can prolong the flowering period. After entering the dormant period, the pedicel must be cut off to reduce the consumption of nutrients. Don't fill the tube with water in winter.

Third, how to apply fertilizer to pineapple

Water is absorbed by leaves and nutrients are also absorbed by leaves, so if you apply fertilizer to pineapples, you have to dilute the fertilizer and pour it into a leaf cup, so that beautiful flowers can bloom. It should be noted that not too much watering, or it is easy to rot roots.

During the growing period from the end of spring to autumn, the amount of water can be increased appropriately, and some water can also be irrigated in the leaf tube, and the water can be changed once a month. At this time, it can also be watered and fertilized together, so that the pineapple flowers can bloom beautifully. This is the editor's introduction on how to water the pineapple flowers. I hope I can give you some help.

What about the insects growing in the pineapple flower? pest control of the pineapple flower / 3 insect pests and 3 diseases

The beauty of pineapple is reflected in the flower. After all, it only blossoms once a year. But because some flower friends maintain improperly, pineapple flowers will be infested by insects, resulting in a decline in ornamental, then how to grow bugs in pineapple flowers? In fact, there is no need to panic, we just need to find out what kind of pest it is, and then solve the problem. The following are the common pest control of pineapple, let's go and have a look.

What about the worms growing in the pineapple blossom? spray and kill

In the culture method of pineapple, it has been introduced that it needs to pay attention to in the process of growth. if the flower friends do not pay attention, the insects will come to the door. What about the bugs in the pineapple flowers? find out what kind of insects they are, and then solve them. The following are the common pests of three species of pineapple, as follows:

1. Scale insects

The shell insect harms all flowers, so it is also one of the pests of pineapple flowers. It is observed that scale insects mainly harm the leaves of pineapple flowers, and when they are serious, the leaves will yellowing, withering and even falling. The solution to the yellowing of pineapple leaves has been introduced before. let's take a look at the solution to scale insects.

Solution: when it is found that it is harmful to scale insects, it should be solved immediately. A small amount of shell insects can be scraped off directly. When there are a large number of scale insects, 50% of parathion can be used for spray killing.

2. Spodoptera litura

Spodoptera litura, also known as Spodoptera litura, is also one of the pests of pineapple flowers. It usually hides in the dark places such as basin soil and the bottom of the basin during the day, and comes out in the evening to feed on the petals, stamens and pistils of pineapple flowers.

Solution: when the bug is found, it should be sprayed immediately. As for what kind of medicine is used, the insect-resistant pesticides on the market can be used.

3. Red spider

Red spider, one of the common insect pests of pineapple flowers, mainly lives on the back of leaves or the base of leaf axils of pineapple flowers, and will prick and suck leaves, buds and leaf sap, affecting normal growth and development. When attacked by the insect, the light ones will affect the appearance, and in serious cases, it will lead to the death of the whole plant.

Solution: the red spider is small, which is difficult for us to detect with the naked eye, but once found, it should be solved quickly. When there are a small number of bugs, rinse with clean water; for too long, spray 1000 times of dimethoate solution, once every 4 days, 2-3 times in a row.

Diseases of pineapple flowers and their solutions

There are bugs in the pineapple flowers. We should know what to do after reading the above contents. However, in addition to being attacked by insects, the disease also endangers pineapple flowers all the time, and there are three main diseases of pineapple flowers, namely, heart rot, root rot and leaf tip yellowing. The specific symptoms and solutions are as follows:

1. Heart rot

The disease is not common, but it is one of the common diseases of pineapple. When suffering from this disease, the tissue at the base of the pineapple mosaic tube becomes soft and rotten, with a bad smell. If you do not move it for a long time, the leaf tube will fall down by itself.

2. Root rot

After suffering from the disease, the root tip of pineapple will turn black and brown or rot, and do not grow lateral roots, thus affecting the absorption of water and fertilizer by the plant, resulting in slow growth and weakening of pineapple. It is understood that heart rot or root rot may occur in the season of high temperature and humidity.

Solution to heart rot and root rot: after discovering the above symptoms, flower friends can irrigate the leaf tube with 75% oxidize manganese zinc 400 times or 40% ethylphosphine aluminum 400 times, once a month, 3 times in a row.

3. Yellowing and withering of leaf tip

Another disease of pineapple, it is generally related to water, once the improper watering, or low air humidity, it will lead to high salinity in the soil and cause salt damage. At this time, the leaf tip yellowing and withering will come to the door, the light ones will lead to the yellowing of the leaves, and the serious ones will die directly.

Prevention and treatment: when watering, try to choose less salty water, if you choose household water, it should be used after exposure to the sun.