
What about the yellowing of Michelia mollissima leaves? controlling watering, reasonable fertilization / killing pests is the key.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Michelia, a well-known flower, is not only beautiful in shape, but also rich in color. It is deeply loved by flower friends and is often kept at home. However, in the process of breeding, due to improper maintenance and other reasons, Michelia will appear symptoms of yellowing leaves, then what about the yellowing leaves of Michelia?

Michelia, a well-known flower, is not only beautiful in shape, but also rich in color. It is deeply loved by flower friends and is often kept at home. However, in the process of breeding, due to improper maintenance and other reasons, Michelia will appear symptoms of yellowing leaves, then Michelia leaves yellowing how to do? Here are 7 reasons and solutions for the yellowing of Michelia leaves. If you love flowers, you must take a look at them.

First, what if the leaves of Michelia mollissima turn yellow? find the reason.

In the cultivation method of Michelia mollissima, we know that peony has requirements on soil, water, fertilization and so on, and once we can not meet it, the leaves of peony will turn yellow. At this time, flower friends can not be in a hurry, to calm down to find the reason. Here are 7 reasons and solutions for the yellowing of Michelia leaves. Let's move on.

Second, the causes and solutions of the yellowing of Michelia mollissima leaves.

1. Normal aging

When seeing the leaves of Michelia mollissima yellowing, flower friends will think of a variety of reasons, but this may also be a normal aging phenomenon, just like people will get old, Michelia flowers will yellowed and die when they get old.

Solution: because it is aging, this kind of leaves turn yellow, so you don't have to pay any attention to it. You just need to cultivate and take care of it.

2. The basin soil is impervious.

When it comes to the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of Michelia mollissima, potted soil should be considered first. In the main species of Michelia cultivation, we have mentioned that Michelia flowers change the pot soil once a year, if the soil is not changed regularly, Michelia flowers will turn yellow, thus affecting the ornamental.

Solution: change the basin regularly, and the editor suggests that you change the old soil of Michelia in early spring or autumn every year and fill it with loose, fertile and breathable new soil.

3. Too much or too little watering

In the process of breeding Michelia flowers, watering is extremely critical, once too much or too little watering will lead to the yellowing of Michelia leaves. Too much watering: the new leaves of Michelia flowers will turn yellow; too little watering: the old leaves of Michelia flowers begin to turn yellow.

Solution: when watering too much, immediately stop watering, and put the flowerpot in the ventilated place, or directly change the fresh pot soil to make the Michelia flowers refreshing; when watering too little, it is recommended that in addition to watering once a day, also use a spray can to moisten the air around the Michelia flowers.

4. Too much or too little fertilization

In the growing season of Michelia mollissima, if there is too little fertilization, resulting in no absorption of nutrients, the leaves will turn yellow from the stem; although Michelia likes fertilizer, but once the fertilizer is too much, the phenomenon of yellowing of Michelia leaves will occur.

Solution: when fertilizing too much, properly watering and diluting, or directly changing the pot soil to make the Michelia flowers refreshing; when the fertilization is too little, apply fertilizer properly, apply fertilizer once in about half a month in summer, and stop fertilizing when it comes to autumn in October. Flower friends must control the amount of fertilizer in order to avoid the continuous yellowing of Michelia leaves.

5. The light is too strong

In addition to the above points, the yellowing of Michelia leaves should also consider the problem of lighting. Because in summer, the outdoor temperature gradually rises, Michelia itself will be affected, and then put it to outdoor exposure, its leaves will naturally turn yellow.

Solution: immediately transfer the Michelia flower to a ventilated place where there is no direct sunlight, the surrounding air is moist and half-shaded, and water it properly.

6. The temperature is too low

Among the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of Michelia mollissima, there is one easy to be ignored, that is temperature. If the temperature is too low in winter, Michelia will freeze and cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Solution: it is best to move the flowerpot with Michelia flower into the indoor ventilated place in winter. If the temperature is too low, it should be heated up and can be used with air conditioning.

7. Diseases and insect pests

In addition to the above, diseases and insect pests are also one of the reasons for the yellowing of Michelia mollissima leaves. Once it is found that the leaves of Michelia are yellow, accompanied by black spots and wormholes, it can be confirmed that the insects are infringing on them.

Solution: find out what kind of insect pest it is, and then solve it for spraying. As for what kind of medicine to spray, there is a detailed introduction in the prevention and control of Michelia pest, so I won't say much here.

What if the leaves of the mulberry flowers turn yellow? pay attention to the yellowing at 5 o'clock. / lack of light and fertilization is too little.

As a good product of indoor culture, Fusang flower is favored by many flower friends because of its beautiful shape and bright red color, and keeps it at home. However, in the process of breeding, due to improper maintenance and other problems, the plant will appear symptoms of yellow leaves, then how to do the leaves of mulberry flowers yellowing? The following are the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of five kinds of mulberry flowers sorted out by the editor. Let's go and have a look.

First, how should the leaves of Fusang flowers turn yellow? find the cause.

In the culture method of Fusang flower, we introduced the requirements of light, water, fertilizer and fertilization of Fusang flower, and once we can not meet it, its leaves will turn yellow. As for the yellowing of Fusang flower leaves, we should first find the cause, and then solve the problem. The following are the five reasons for the yellowing of mulberry leaves summarized by the editor, and the solutions are attached. Let's move on.

II. Causes of yellowing of Fusang flower leaves and its solutions

1. Environmental mutation

Any plant, no matter how adaptable it is, its leaves will turn yellow once its growth environment changes too much. So if you buy the mulberry flowers from the Internet, it may not adapt to the great changes in the growth environment, and there will be symptoms of yellowing leaves after a period of time.

Solution: communicate with the shop owner to understand the growth environment before Fusang flower, we strive to keep the same at home, and then gradually change until it becomes the current environment. After a period of time, the Fusang flowers of the detailed flower friends will return to health.

2. Lack of light

In the breeding process of Fusang flower, light is extremely important, we need to give it enough light. Once the light of the mulberry flower is insufficient, or if we put it in a dark place for a long time, the symptoms of yellowing leaves will appear.

Solution: give Fusang enough light time, if placed indoors, it is best to choose sunny places, such as balconies, windowsills, courtyards and so on.

3. Overwatering or lack of water

There are many reasons for the yellowing of Fusang flower leaves, but the most likely one is improper watering. It is understood that Fusang likes water but is not resistant to waterlogging and is afraid of drought, so it is no good to water too much or too little, which will cause leaves to turn yellow and fall leaves.

Solution: water too much, immediately stop watering, it is best to loosen the soil, let the water evaporate; watering too little, in order to prevent water loss, immediately put the mulberry flowers in the semi-shade, and slightly water, not more than one time. At the same time, the strong gap in the basin wall is loosened to drain water from the gap.

4. Lack of fertilizer

In the growth process of Fusang flower, proper fertilization is very important. Once we do not apply fertilizer for a long time, or do not apply fertilizer at all, the leaves of Fusang flowers will turn yellow because of the lack of necessary nutrients.

Solution: fertilize the mulberry flowers at the right time: only when the weather is less than 30 degrees can we fertilize. It is best to apply fertilizer once a week to ensure blooming.

5. Pest attack

In the breeding process of Fusang flower, diseases and insect pests are easy to appear, and once there are white whitefly, shell insects and other pests, the Fusang flower will appear the phenomenon of leaf yellowing and even shedding.

Solution: what kind of pest it is, and then spray it with medicine. As for what kind of medicine to use, there is a detailed introduction to the pest control species of Fusang flower, so I won't say much here.

Generally speaking, Fusang flowers are relatively easy to raise, but in the process of breeding, if they are not left, their leaves will turn yellow, thus seriously affecting the ornamental. Therefore, now that we have raised it, we should be careful and keep it well. This is the best way. With regard to the yellowing of the leaves of Fusang flowers, the editor has introduced this, hoping to give you some help.

What if the leaves of the iron tree turn yellow, replenish the light / reasonable water and fertilizer / change the pot soil to kill pests

The word iron tree blossoms is no stranger to everyone, which also makes people realize that iron tree is a plant with beautiful shape and emerald green leaves, which is deeply loved by flower friends. In life, there are many people who raise iron trees, but in the process of maintenance, once there is negligence, it is easy to cause the emergence of yellow leaves. So, what if the leaves of the iron tree turn yellow? In this regard, the editor summed up 6 reasons, let's go and have a look!

First, the leaves of the iron tree turn yellow, look for the cause

As a common potted plant, the breeding method of iron tree is not difficult, but there are many beginners, and they are often improperly maintained, which can easily lead to the emergence of leaf yellow. As for the iron tree leaves yellowing how to do, the editor sorted out six causes of iron tree leaves yellow, and attached solutions, we continue to look.

Second, the causes and solutions of yellowing of iron tree leaves.

1. Environmental mutation

There are many reasons for the yellowing of iron tree leaves, but the first thing we should consider is the environment. Because nowadays, most of the iron trees of flower friends are purchased online, which can easily lead to large geographical span, iron trees can not adapt for a while, and the symptoms of leaf yellow appear.

The solution: it is very simple to ask the seller about the growth environment before the iron tree, and then we change the environment at home until the iron tree is fully adapted. After normal maintenance for a period of time, the leaves of the iron tree will be restored.

2. Lack of light

Iron trees like light and need plenty of light in the process of growth, especially when new leaves grow in spring and autumn. Once it is not given enough light, its leaves will turn yellow.

Solution: in spring and autumn, put the iron tree potted plant on the balcony, or move it outside, let it receive full-day maintenance, until the leaves hardened and then moved to the semi-shade. In this process, the leaves of the iron tree will slowly recover.

3. Improper watering

① underwatering: iron tree likes a humid environment, the growth process needs a lot of water, once underwatered, the leaves of the plant will turn yellow from bottom to top, and the old leaves will turn yellow first. Solution: timely watering, keep the basin soil moist, but not too much watering.

② watering too much: although iron tree needs a lot of water, but do not let the basin soil wet for a long time, otherwise the root system is easy to lack oxygen, resulting in poor plant growth, and then the leaves are yellowed. Solution: move the iron tree to the sun, let the water evaporate quickly, or directly change the basin soil to make the plant refreshing again.

4. Improper fertilization

Insufficient fertilization in ①: iron trees like fertilizer, especially when they grow new leaves in spring and autumn, they need sufficient nutrients. At this time, if there is not enough fertilizer, the young leaves and tender stems of the iron tree will slowly turn yellow. Solution: apply fertilizer in time, but do not apply a large amount of heavy fertilizer at one time, otherwise it will cause root burning.

② excessive fertilization: iron tree needs a lot of nutrients, but there is also a degree, if the fertilizer is too much or too thick, it will also cause the leaves of iron tree to turn yellow. Solution: control the use of fertilizer, and then appropriate amount of water to dilute the fertilizer, after a period of time, the plant will return to health.

5. Soil alkalinity.

Tieshu likes slightly acidic sandy soil, if the soil is alkaline, or if the soil is alkaline caused by watering mineral water for a long time, it will cause the leaves of Tieshu to turn yellow.

Solution: the simple way is to irrigate the basin soil with 500 times of ferrous sulfate solution, once a week, several times continuously, which can alleviate the yellowing degree of the leaves; if you are in trouble, change the basin soil directly and replace it with loose, fertile and slightly acidic soil that Tieshu likes.

6. Diseases and insect pests

In addition to the above points, there is another reason why the iron tree turns yellow, that is, it has been attacked by diseases and insects. When the environment is not ventilated and the temperature is too high, the iron tree will give birth to pests such as red spiders and shell insects, which will cause the leaves of the plants to turn yellow.

Solution: carefully observe the leaves, do specific insect pests, and then control against spraying. What kind of medicine should be sprayed? there is a detailed introduction in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in Tieshu, so I won't say much here.

Generally speaking, the iron tree is very easy to raise, but if you do not pay attention to it, it will also have problems. However, after reading the full text, I believe you have a clear mind, the leaf yellow problem can be solved in accordance with the above method. With regard to the yellowing of iron tree leaves, this is the end of the editor's introduction, hoping to give you some help.