
How to raise mimosa, the cultivation methods and precautions / lighting of potted mimosa should be sufficient.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Mimosa must be no stranger to everyone. It is a plant that can move easily when touched. In life, for this magical plant, many people want to raise and see, but they do not know how, then how to raise mimosa? Like other plants, mimosa also has requirements for soil, light, water and fertilizer.

Mimosa must be no stranger to everyone. It is a plant that can move easily when touched. In life, for this magical plant, many people want to raise and see, but they do not know how, then how to raise mimosa? With other plants, mimosa also has requirements for soil, light, water and fertilizer. Here are the cultivation methods and precautions of potted mimosa, which are very detailed. Friends who want to raise them should not miss them.

First, how to raise mimosa, light is the key

With regard to the mimosa plant, I believe everyone has heard of it, not only the flowers and leaves have a better ornamental, especially the characteristics that people will move as soon as they touch it, especially lovely. As for how to raise mimosa, we have to focus on soil, light, water and fertilizer, and how to do it. In the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of mimosa, we go on to look down.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of potted mimosa

1. Soil with good drainage

How to raise the potted mimosa, the first thing is to choose the soil. It is understood that mimosa has a strong adaptability, so the demand for soil is not high, the general garden soil is fine. But if you want mimosa to grow well, you'd better keep it in a sandy loam that is well drained and rich in organic matter.

Soil selection: according to the requirements, flower friends can choose loose and fertile soil, such as the mixture of rotten leaf soil and sandy soil, or only rotten leaf soil, of course, humus soil is also a good choice.

2. Get enough light.

Mimosa likes light, sufficient light can make it grow well, once the light is too little, the plant growth will be affected. So in the cultivation method of potted mimosa, flower friends should give it sufficient light, and it is best to put mimosa on a sunny balcony or by the window.

Note: mimosa likes light, but can withstand semi-shade. Generally speaking, mimosa is also resistant to the sun in summer. However, in some areas, the sun is too poisonous, flowers should still be properly shaded, otherwise the leaves will easily turn yellow and really wither.

3. Temperature, 20-28 ℃

In the culture method of mimosa, temperature is also critical. It is understood that mimosa likes warmth and is not resistant to cold, so it is best to keep it in an environment of 20-28 ℃.

Note: once the temperature is too low, mimosa will stop growing, so when the temperature is low in winter, flower friends should water less to avoid freezing and damaging the roots. The watering temperature should be above 10 ℃, and the watering temperature should be the highest in a day.

4. Water once a day

Mimosa is a tropical plant, like the temperature of the humid environment, so how to raise mimosa, watering is very critical, we should always keep the basin soil moist.

Note: in summer, the temperature rises, water evaporation becomes faster, we should increase the number of watering, preferably once a day, do not let the soil dry.

5. Fertilize once a month

Proper fertilization is indispensable if mimosa is to grow well. Generally speaking, you can fertilize mimosa one at a time. If you are worried about fertilizing too much, leading to rotten roots, you can also not apply fertilizer, mimosa is fine, but relatively slow.

Matters needing attention in the culture of mimosa

In the culture method of mimosa above, the editor has introduced several places that need to be paid attention to, which I believe we have already remembered. However, in addition to the above, there are four points that flower friends need to pay attention to: 1 is pruning, 2 is changing pots, 3 is pest control, 4 is damaging hair. Matters needing attention in the culture of mimosa are as follows:

1. Pruning

If mimosa is to blossom more often, it needs pruning in the process of breeding. As for where to trim, it is very simple to keep the new buds and cut off the rest. If the plant grows well, you can basically do whatever you want to prune it, no matter how you look good.

2. Change the basin soil

In the matters needing attention in the cultivation of mimosa, changing the pot soil is worthy of our attention. Generally speaking, the mimosa does not need to change the soil, but if it wants to grow well, the mimosa that has been raised for more than two years can change the soil in spring. But don't replace all the soil, just change it for general or 1/3!

3. Disease and pest control

Mimosa is highly adaptable, so there are few diseases and insect pests, the most common pest is slug, if found, you can sprinkle some lime powder to control. As for other pests, there is a belief in the introduction of mimosa diseases and insect pests, so I won't say much here.

4. Damaging hair

In the process of cultivating mimosa, there is one thing we must pay attention to, that is mimosa alkaloid, which can damage human hair, so flower friends try not to touch mimosa too much and wash their hands immediately after contact.

Culture methods and points for attention of mimosa how to cultivate mimosa

Mimosa is a kind of green foliage plant that many people like. People usually like to make it into pots and raise it at home, but do you know the cultivation method of mimosa? Do you know how to raise mimosa well? Today, I will make a specific introduction to the culture method of mimosa. Friends who like this plant can understand it carefully.

Culture methods of mimosa

1. Potted soil for culturing mimosa

When making mimosa into pot culture at ordinary times, the preparation of pot soil is particularly important, this kind of plant adaptability is relatively strong, and the requirement for soil is not too high, it is best to choose warm and fertile soil, two portions of rotten leaf soil can be used when preparing pot soil, three portions of garden soil and five points of fine yellow sand, sift them and load them evenly into the flowerpot, and then plant mimosa.

2. Temperature and light of mimosa culture

Culture mimosa temperature and light is particularly important, it likes the sunny environment, semi-negative tolerance is relatively strong, usually mimosa also likes a warm environment, spring and autumn can put it in a sunny environment, summer should let it avoid strong light, winter mimosa can not be placed in the environment below 10 degrees, otherwise it can not be safe through the winter.

3. Fertilizer and moisture for cultivating mimosa.

Mimosa is a kind of plant that likes water. It likes a particularly humid environment. It is usually watered once a day during its peak growing season. In the hot weather in summer, it is also necessary to spray water to the flavor tablets in time. Mimosa does not have a great demand for fertilizer. It is OK to apply fertilizer every 15 days. Fertilizer must choose thin liquid fertilizer, the concentration can not be too high, otherwise it will make its growth too fast, affecting the ornamental value.

How to plant potted mimosa? Seed planting method of potted mimosa

Mimosa, like its name, has delicate and moving leaves, fresh and lovely flowers, and a suitable growth environment, so it is a good choice for potted plants. And potted mimosa generally choose sowing method to plant, so how to plant potted mimosa? Next, I would like to introduce the seed planting methods of potted mimosa:

Picture: potted mimosa

I. pre-seed preparation

Mimosa can be planted in both spring and autumn and should be soaked in warm water of 35-40 ℃ for one day before planting. The pot soil should be mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and fine yellow sand. Add an appropriate amount of culture soil to the basin soil, flatten the surface of the basin soil, then sprinkle the water thoroughly with a spray can, and wait for all the water to seep down.

II. Planting methods

Potted mimosa only need to plant 1-2 seeds, should not be too much, after planting, cover the soil about 4cm deep, to cover the seeds. After planting, use plastic film to wrap the whole basin to moisturize the basin, and put the pot seed to the place where the balcony can scatter light. When the basin soil is dry, it can be irrigated by soaking the basin, and the seed buds will appear in 1-2 weeks.

Third, the method of budding culture.

After budding, the plastic film should be removed to receive light. The seedlings can be transplanted and divided when the height of the seedling is about 3cm. When transplanting, you should transplant with soil, otherwise the seedlings are not easy to feed. When the buds are watered and placed in a semi-shaded place, wait until the end of the slow seedling and then move to a place with plenty of light.

Picture: potted mimosa

IV. matters needing attention

1. Soil

After sowing, the soil should be fertile and deep, and keep the soil moist.

two。 Fertilizer application

Applying topdressing once a month can appropriately reduce the amount of fertilizer application.

3. Temperature

Mimosa seedlings are not hardy, so they cannot be planted in cold winter.

The above is an introduction to the planting methods of potted mimosa seeds, but it should be noted that although planting mimosa can make you have great fun, everything has two sides, and the alkaloids contained in mimosa are quite toxic, so you should pay attention to the position of indoor potted mimosa and not be too close.