
How to cultivate potted saffron, culture methods and matters needing attention / temperature control of saffron

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Saffron is one of the earliest plants that originated in Europe, first spread to Xizang, and finally spread to the mainland by Xizang. So far, saffron has become a common plant in people's life. How to cultivate potted saffron has a lot to do with light, soil, watering and so on.

Saffron is one of the earliest plants that originated in Europe, first spread to Xizang, and finally spread to the mainland by Xizang. So far, saffron has become a common plant in people's life. How to cultivate potted saffron has a lot to do with light, soil, watering and so on. What are the specific methods and points for attention about the culture of saffron? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

How to cultivate potted saffron / environment is very important

Saffron is a kind of plant that is easy to raise, as long as you master the breeding method, it is relatively easy to survive. About how to raise saffron, the environment is one of the more important doubts, to be able to grow in a comfortable environment has a lot to do with whether saffron can thrive. As for the specific breeding methods, let's move on.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of saffron

1. Planting

Planting is the first step in the breeding methods and matters needing attention of saffron, and it is also a good foundation, which can be said to be very important. In the middle of the process, we should first choose a good soil, it is best to choose fertile and loose soil, which is conducive to the absorption of nutrients by saffron.

To choose a seed ball, you must choose a strong ball that is full and disease-free. Planting is usually carried out in autumn. The method is to plant the bulbs in the flowerpot first, according to the size of the plant and the flowerpot, 4-6 plants can be planted in a pot, and 5-8 cm of soil can be covered after planting. Within a week after planting, the flowerpot will be placed in a cool and ventilated place, and then it can be moved to a place with better light for breeding.

two。 Fertilizer application

After the saffron leaves show, you should pay attention to fertilizing every 20 days, which can make the flowers more beautiful and the roots stronger, because fertilizer is one of the main nutrients of saffron, which we must pay attention to.

3. Watering

As mentioned above, saffron is usually planted in autumn, and winter and spring belong to its growth period, so it is very important to pay attention to watering. Of course, watering is also appropriate, neither too much nor too little. It is best to water saffron once before emergence, which will be beneficial to saffron emergence. When entering winter, it is necessary to pour antifreeze water to reveal the temperature of the soil. Water once in the spring, which can effectively reduce the harm of hot air.

4. Sunshine

Saffron is a plant that likes warmth, so it is best to put it in a place where there is plenty of sunshine, so that it can get 4-6 hours of sunshine every day, which is of great help to the growth of saffron.

5. Environment

In the saffron culture methods and matters needing attention, the environment is particularly important, only in a comfortable environment to grow saffron can really thrive. The most suitable temperature for saffron growth is between 18 °and 24 °. Of course, a little higher temperature or the first point will not have much effect, as long as the temperature difference is not too large.

How to grow saffron? Culture methods and matters needing attention of potted saffron

Saffron, also known as saffron, saffron, etc., is a perennial herb of the family Iridaceae. Saffron has a variety of colors, elegant and beautiful flowers, with a special fragrance, is a very good ornamental flowers, often potted indoors. So, how to grow saffron? The cultivation methods and matters needing attention of potted saffron are introduced as follows.

Picture: potted saffron

I. Culture methods of potted saffron

1. Planting: prepare the basin soil in advance and choose fertile and loose soil rich in humus. To choose a seed ball, you must choose a strong ball that is large and full and free of mildew spots. In autumn, the bulbs will be planted in flowerpots, one plant per pot in principle, but according to the size of plants and flowerpots, 4-6 plants can be planted in one pot and 5-8 cm of soil can be covered after planting. Within a week after planting, place the flowerpot in a cool and ventilated place and move it to a brightly lit place for maintenance for a week.

two。 Watering: saffron is usually planted in autumn, its growing season is winter and spring, the climate is cold and dry, and it needs proper watering. Seedlings emerge about 20 days after planting, and water is poured once before emergence to facilitate seedling emergence. Pour antifreeze water before winter to increase the temperature of the soil. Water is watered once in mid-April to reduce the harm of dry and hot wind. Pay attention when watering, do not pour ice water when the temperature is low, the temperature of the water is the same as the room temperature, lest the basin soil freezes and affects the plant growth.

Picture: potted saffron

3. Fertilization: before planting, a sufficient amount of base fertilizer should be added to the basin soil, such as cake fertilizer, stable fertilizer, burning soil, plant ash, chicken and duck manure, etc., as well as some superphosphate. After planting and rooting, the thin liquid fertilizer with balanced nitrogen and phosphorus can be applied every 10 days. Fertilizer must not be too thick, so as not to cause excessive growth of leaves and affect the growth of flower buds. After saffron blossoms in October, the balanced available fertilizer of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium should be applied once or twice to facilitate the growth and development of the corm, so that the corm can store enough nutrients for more flowering and good flowering in the coming year.

4. Bulb storage: from late April to early May, the aboveground branches and leaves of saffron gradually turn yellow, and the bulbs can be dug out of the basin for collection. After digging out, the seed bulbs are classified, and the rotten and diseased bulbs are dealt with in time, or removed, or thrown away. Put the saffron bulb in a gauze bag and store it in a light, cool and ventilated place to keep the room dry. It can be replanted in autumn.

Picture: potted saffron

II. Matters needing attention in saffron culture

1. Selection of varieties: saffron in winter and spring, flower friends can choose different varieties according to their needs when planting. It is suggested that the spring flowering varieties should be selected, the spring environment is relatively better, and the bulbs are stored in time after flowering, and the flowering time is longer.

two。 The size of the basin: the planting basin should choose a mud basin with a diameter of 15-20 cm, or a plastic basin with good ventilation. 4-6 big balls were planted in each pot and planted in September-October. When you can also use a small basin, 3-5 cm black plastic basin, a basin a ball.

[editor's conclusion] Saffron is very beautiful and is a good product for indoor viewing and courtyard decoration. The above introduces the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of potted saffron. Let's raise a pot quickly.

How to raise potted buttercups, breeding methods and matters needing attention / temperature control

Buttercup is a kind of flower plant native to the West Indies, which was introduced to China. Now it can be seen in many parts of our country. However, if you want to raise this kind of plant well, there are many places that need to pay attention to. How to raise potted buttercups? What are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of buttercup? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

First, how to raise potted buttercups and understand their habits

If we want to know how to raise potted buttercups, we must first understand its growth habits. This plant likes the environment of high temperature and high humidity, and it is easy to frostbite if the temperature is low, so we should pay attention to temperature control when raising buttercups. In addition, daily water and fertilizer management is also essential.

II. Breeding methods and matters needing attention of Goldilocks

1. Acid soil

When we breed buttercup, we first need to choose soil, this kind of plant likes the soil with acid, so we had better choose loose and fertile humus soil, this kind of soil has good drainage and air permeability. to make it better absorb nutrients.

two。 Temperature, adjusted according to region

In terms of temperature management, we have to adjust it according to the region. If it is in the south of South China, Guangdong Province and its vicinity, buttercups can generally survive the winter safely, and if it is a particularly cold year, there may be frost damage. Then it is necessary to take appropriate measures to prevent the cold. If it is the northern part of South China, including North China, then we need to move it indoors or in the greenhouse in winter.

3. Fertilizing, applying base fertilizer before planting

Fertilizer is one of the main nutrients in the growth process of buttercup, so fertilization is an essential link in the process of cultivating it. First of all, we should apply appropriate amount of base fertilizer in the soil when planting it. Before flowering and after entering the flowering stage, we also need to apply phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, which can make the flowers bloom more brightly.

4. Moisture, avoid stagnant water

Buttercup prefers a warm and humid environment, so we should water it frequently in the process of breeding it, so that the soil can keep a certain amount of moisture, so that it will grow better. However, when watering, we should pay attention to control the amount of water, and remember not to cause stagnant water, otherwise the root system is easy to rot.

5. Light, avoid strong light

Buttercup is a kind of light-loving plant, when the light is more suitable in spring and autumn, we can put it outside to receive light throughout the day, but in summer, because the light is relatively strong, so we still need to pay attention to shade, so as not to burn the plant.

6. Diseases and insect pests should be dealt with in a timely manner

In the process of breeding buttercups, if we are not careful enough, it is easy to let diseases and insect pests and other problems take advantage of the situation. This kind of problems do great harm to plants, and we must deal with them in time when we find them. The specific treatment methods have been introduced in detail in the article on pest control of buttercup, which we can learn about.