
How to raise begonia flowers, breeding methods and precautions / sufficient sunshine of begonia flowers

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Begonia flower is a kind of plant unique to our country, and it is also a kind of plant that many plants love to raise. How to raise crabapple flower? In fact, there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to, and it is relatively easy to master the methods. So what are the culture methods and matters needing attention of crabapple flowers?

Begonia flower is a kind of plant unique to our country, and it is also a kind of plant that many plants love to raise. How to raise crabapple flower? In fact, there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to, and it is relatively easy to master the methods. So what are the breeding methods and matters needing attention of crabapple flowers? let's take a look at them.

First, how to grow crabapple flowers / get enough light

Crabapple flower is a kind of plant that likes sunshine very much, so sunshine is a key point about how to raise crabapple flower. Of course, in addition to sunshine, soil, environment, watering and other aspects need to be paid attention to, as for the specific need to pay attention to, let's move on.

II. Culture methods and matters needing attention of crabapple flowers

1. Soil

In the crabapple flower culture methods and matters needing attention, the choice of soil is a more important aspect, it is best to choose a more loose soil, so the drainage will be better. Generally, we can choose 4 parts of rotten leaf soil, 3 parts of peat soil and 3 parts of river sand to mix, so that the drainage of the soil will be very good.

two。 Watering

Crabapple flower is a kind of drought-tolerant plant, the most fear is the emergence of stagnant water, so as long as keep the soil moist, the amount of water should not be too much, it can be watered every 3-5 days in spring, 1-2 days in summer, 4-6 days in autumn, and once every half a month in winter. To maintain this amount of water, I believe that your crabapple flowers will thrive.

3. Sunshine

Most of the crabapple flowers bloom in spring, but if the light and temperature are managed properly, cooling and shading can bloom again in the autumn of the year. The specific method is: in the high temperature and rainy early and mid-July, the flowerpot will be moved to a shady place to take shelter from the rain to cool down. The light intensity is reduced to about 40%, and the amount of water is gradually reduced, and the vegetative growth of the plant is controlled.

Matters needing attention of crabapple flowers

Crabapple flowers in breeding should pay attention to ventilation, so it is best to put potted crabapple flowers on the balcony or outdoor; in early spring, but also pay attention to pruning branches and leaves, to pick more hearts, do not care about the buds, constantly take off the top of each branch, it will continue to branch, become a ball, rather than a long one, not only less ugly but also easy to break, flowers should also be pruned in time.

Potted crabapple flowers should not be watered too much every day, so as to make the potted soil moist, so as not to cause rotten roots. When absorbing sunlight, you should often turn the direction of the flowerpot so as not to let it grow askew to a light direction. Pay attention to fertilization, do not splash fertilizer on the leaves; flowering and winter and summer should not be fertilized. If the plant grows up, it is necessary to change the pot in time so as not to affect the growth of begonia.

The culture method of how to raise begonia flowers

Crabapple flower is a unique plant in China, which has a good reputation of "Guoyan". How to raise it? Next, let's talk about the breeding methods of crabapple flowers.

Temperature and sunshine

Crabapple flowers grow well in plenty of sunlight, but grow very slowly in cold places, so there are even adverse reactions such as falling leaves, withered leaves, diseases and insect pests. Therefore, domestic crabapple flowers must be placed in a place with good light. Begonia flowers are relatively hardy, and a survey shows that begonia flowers are still growing happily in the environment of minus 15 °, so they can be kept outdoors as long as there is enough sunshine in winter in the north, but there should be some protective measures if the weather is unusually cold.

II. Watering and fertilizing

The maintenance, fertilization and watering of begonia flowers should be carried out at the same time. In autumn, especially when the leaves just fall, fertilizer should be replenished, which is due to the lack of nutrition in autumn. The application of big fertilizer can supplement the lost nutrients and make full preparations for the winter. In spring, crabapple flowers should also be fertilized and watered thoroughly when they are just sprouting. Crabapple flowers are more drought-tolerant, so watering should not be too frequent, if too much watering will make crabapple flowers rot roots and leaves.

3. Pruning

The pruning of crabapple flowers should be in early spring, and during the period from defoliation to budding, the task of pruning is to cut off the withered branches and the branches eroded by insect pests, so as to keep a certain distance between the branches and make the light uniform. If you want to make the flowers bloom more luxuriantly, you can cut too long branches short, so that the remaining branches and buds get sufficient nutrition, so that the flowers bloom more. For too high branches and leaves should be truncated as far as possible, to retain the stem 6 cm to 10 cm, is conducive to luxuriant branches and leaves in the coming year.

IV. Binding and turning the basin

Begonia flower plants are relatively large, prone to lodging, so scaffolds should be set up. In addition, soil should be changed and pots should be turned in spring, and branches and leaves should be pruned to get rid of residual and diseased branches.

Fifth, picking fruit

The young fruits should be removed immediately after the begonia flowers are withered, which is beneficial to save nutrients and effectively increase the number of blossoms in the coming year.

VI. Disease and pest control

Begonia flowers are vulnerable to longicorn beetles, red spiders, aphids and other pests, so it is very important to spray corresponding pesticides according to the species of pests.

How to raise crabapple flowers? experience of crabapple flower culture methods

Crabapple flowers like a cool, moist, semi-shady environment. It is very sensitive to environmental changes, especially sharp changes in temperature and light. Flowering plants cannot be placed in a dark room or on a balcony in direct sunlight. The optimum temperature for growth was 15: 25 ℃, which could not bear high temperature, and the stems and leaves withered and buds fell off when the temperature was more than 30 ℃. When the temperature was above 35 ℃, the aboveground and underground parts of tubers rotted and died. This kind of plant belongs to the type of long-day flowering and short-day dormancy.

How about crabapple flowers (basic culture) 1. Crabapple flowers to temperature

Begonia flowers like the sun, suitable for growing in a sunny environment, in a cool place it will grow badly. Family-raised potted plants should be taken care of in a well-lit place when they are in the growing period. Because of the cold resistance, crabapple flowers can grow well even at minus 15 degrees in winter, will not suffer frost damage, and can be put outdoors to survive the winter. However, when the cold is abnormal, protective measures should be taken.

2. Begonia flowers to the sun

The growth of plants needs sunlight, and crabapple flowers especially need the foam bath of sunlight, which is suitable for growing in a sunny environment. So if crabapple flowers grow in a cool place for a long time, there will be a lot of adverse reactions.

4. Begonia flowers fertilize.

Special attention should be paid to the fertilization of crabapple flowers, especially in autumn, begonia flowers will shed leaves, and big fertilizer must be applied to ensure the nutrients lost; while when crabapple flowers sprout in spring, organic fertilizer should also be applied and watered once.

5. Begonia flower pair pruning

Crabapple flowers need to be pruned from deciduous leaves to spring buds to cut off dead branches, weak branches and branches of diseased insects to keep them ventilated and transparent; in order to ensure that crabapple flowers bloom vigorously, long branches should be truncated so that other axillary buds can get more nutrition so as to reduce nutrient consumption. During the growing period of crabapple flowers, heart-picking should be carried out in time to keep its nutrients undispersed.

6. Begonia flower to soil

The growth of crabapple flowers needs relatively loose and alkaline soil, which can be added with river sand from the soil at the bottom of the flower bed or tree roots. The pot depth of potted crabapple flowers should not be too deep, which is beneficial to the better extension of the root system. It can be determined according to the size of the plant, usually 12 centimeters from the basin.

7. The blossom of begonia is sensitive to water.

Crabapple flowers like a humid environment. It is best to keep the basin soil moist when watering. Water more when it is hot in summer and not when it is cold in winter. Avoid getting caught in the rain, lest too much moisture in the basin soil will lead to rotting roots.

How to raise crabapple flowers

1. Crabapple flowers in the West House like the sun, and they have strong cold resistance, but the requirements for air humidity are also very strict. Don't be waterlogged, and the air humidity can't be too high. It is suitable to grow in sandy soil with loose fertility and good drainage.

2. Begonia flowers can be propagated by grafting, plant division, root insertion, striping and so on. The grafting method is divided into branch grafting and bud grafting, the branch grafting is generally carried out from February to March, and the bud grafting is carried out from August to September. The root is inserted from February to March, the root diameter is about 1cm, and the root length between 7-10cm is inserted into the soil. Ramet and striping are suitable for spring, and the survival rate is relatively high.

3. Western begonia likes to be fat and grows fast, so the flowerpot should not be too shallow and too small, otherwise it will have to be replaced soon. In addition, the planting and turning of pots in Xifuhai is best carried out from February to March, and it is also possible in late autumn. The use of loose, fertile garden soil, humus mixed with sand can also use mud. The young trees of begonia grow so fast that they have to turn the basin every 1-2 years, and the roots and branches can be trimmed to ensure a beautiful effect.

4. Western crabapple is suitable to be placed in a sunny, ventilated place, if it is placed in a cool place for a long time, it will lead to poor growth, so there is no need for shade even in hot summer. Crabapple flowers have strong cold tolerance and can be moved directly to the sunny place indoors in winter.

5. Xifu Begonia requires watering as long as the basin soil is moist, but there is no stagnant water, otherwise it will cause leaf yellowing, shedding and other phenomena. In the cold winter, you can stop watering and spray fertilizer and water to the leaves instead, so as to prevent the roots of crabapple flowers from rotting.

Experience of crabapple flower culture

1. Semi-overcast environment, on the inside of the balcony, east or west window

2. the soil should be watered again when the soil is dry, each time until the water flows out.

3, to pick more hearts, do not worry about the buds, constantly take off the top of each branch, it will continue to branch into a ball, rather than a long one, not only less ugly but also easy to break. The flowers that have opened should also be trimmed in time.

4. Always turn the direction of the flowerpot so as not to let it grow askew in a direction of light.

5. The leaves should be removed if the leaves are too dense. It is easy to get mildew due to poor ventilation.