
What if the geranium leaves turn yellow? how to trim the geranium / cut off the dead branches and rotten leaves?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Geranium is a very ornamental plant, because the color of flowers is very bright, so it is loved by many people. However, in the delicate and beautiful flowers if yellow will still affect its overall beauty, about the geranium leaves yellowing, the most direct way is to prune. As for how to trim and reshape the geranium

Geranium is a very ornamental plant, because the color of flowers is very bright, so it is loved by many people. However, in the delicate and beautiful flowers if yellow will still affect its overall beauty, about the geranium leaves yellowing, the most direct way is to prune. As for how the geranium is trimmed and reshaped, it is described in detail below.

What to do about the yellowing of geranium leaves / pay attention to maintenance

There are many possibilities to cause yellowing of geranium leaves, which can be caused by improper maintenance and the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. If it is caused by diseases and insect pests, you can refer to the geranium pest control article, which has detailed prevention and control methods, which will not be introduced too much in this editor.

How to trim and reshape the geranium

1. Select trim tool

About how to trim the geranium, the trimming tool is the key, it is recommended to choose a sharp tool, so that it can look neat and natural when trimming. If the choice is too blunt, it is easy to cut the plants to pieces, which should be paid attention to when pruning.

two。 Pruning according to variety

Before pruning geraniums, we should also pay attention to the varieties, because the varieties are different without pruning, just like the natural branches of hybrid geraniums are messy, so the effect is not so obvious compared with other varieties when picking the heart.

3. Pruning method

It is important to master the method of pruning and shaping the geranium. Generally according to its growth to prune, generally can leave 3-5 branches of the main branch, other growth is too dense and too long, and slender branches can be pruned directly from the base.

Then cut short the main branches and side branches of the geranium, and each side branch only needs to retain the strong side branches. In this way, the distribution of the whole branch will appear uniform and compact, and the plant type will appear plump and sturdy.

What's the matter with the yellow and rotten leaves of the magnolia leaves and what to do?

The magnolia has a beautiful appearance, tall and straight, and is easy to cultivate, but sometimes the leaves turn yellow and rotten. There are many reasons for this situation. Today, the editor will briefly introduce these situations.

The reasons for the yellowing and rotten leaves of Cymbidium

1. Temperature reason

Magnolia has its own suitable temperature for growth, about 15 to 25 degrees, and it is best to ensure that the temperature difference between day and night is controlled between 8 and 12 degrees, which is most conducive to the growth of orchids. In summer, if more than 30 degrees, the orchid will enter the semi-dormancy stage, coupled with humidity less than 60%, the leaves will turn yellow and rotten.

two。 Soil cause

Cymbidium is a kind of plant that likes loose and fertile sandy soil. if there is not enough fertilizer in the cultivated soil, the leaves will turn yellow and rotten, thus affecting the flowering period of Cymbidium.

3. The cause of light

The gentleman orchid prefers the weaker scattered light, so the gentleman orchid can not bear the strong light. Under the long-term strong light, the leaves of Cymbidium are easy to turn yellow, and the body may become dehydrated and dry.

What about the yellow leaves and rotten leaves of Cymbidium

For the yellow and rotten situation caused by the above three reasons, what is the solution? here is a brief introduction to the solution.

1. Adopt the method of cooling and ventilation.

We can use ventilation to reduce the temperature around the orchid to a suitable range, but if the indoor temperature is low in winter, we should pay attention to heating up to prevent the orchid from freezing.

two。 Adopt the method of changing soil frequently and applying fertilizer reasonably.

For the requirements of fertilizer, the orchid generally needs to be fertilized in spring and autumn, which can maintain the nutrient demand of the orchid. In addition, the orchid needs to change the soil once a year in order to maintain the freshness of the soil and help the growth of the orchid.

The above is a brief introduction to the reasons why the leaves of Cymbidium turn yellow and rotten, and some solutions, hoping to help some friends who raise orchids at home.

How to prune and fertilize cloves, pay attention to dilution / pay attention to pruning dead branches before fertilization

In the process of lilac culture, there are many aspects that need to be paid attention to, such as pruning and fertilization, which are two of the more important. Lilac is a highly ornamental plant. Proper pruning in the breeding process can make it more ornamental, and maintaining adequate fertilizer will also make it grow stronger. So how to prune and fertilize lilacs? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

How to prune and fertilize lilac flowers

On the issue of how to prune and fertilize lilacs, there are actually a lot of points that need to be paid attention to. These two points are described in detail below, and interested friends can learn about them.

1. How to trim lilacs

A: thinning

The main purpose of thinning lilac flowers is to make lilac flowers grow better. this pruning method is usually carried out after falling leaves, mainly cutting off some withered branches and rotten leaves, as well as some small side branches. timely cutting is not only conducive to the growth of the second year, but also has a certain role in beautifying the appearance.

B: light cut

For the question of how to prune lilac flowers, a very important aspect of light pruning is to prune some overgrown branches, which can not only increase the light transmittance of lilac flowers, but also reduce the nutrients consumed during flowering. If the overgrown branches are not pruned in time, it will easily affect the flowering rate of lilac flowers, so we must keep this in mind.

two。 How to fertilize lilac flowers

A: fertilizer selection

When fertilizing lilac flowers, we can usually choose phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, of course, we can also choose special fertilizer for flowering plants, but we should dilute it before applying fertilizer, otherwise it is easy to burn plants, which we should remember.

B: fertilization method

About how to fertilize lilac flowers, in fact, the method is very simple. First of all, we should dilute the fertilizer with water, and then fertilize it. Fertilizer is generally applied in the soil, and then lilac flowers are gradually absorbed. It must not be applied on the plant. This will cause the plant to turn yellow and die.