
Does the fragrant vine need to hit the top and pick the heart? Why does the fragrant vine only climb the vine but not blossom and grow brown spots? why are the leaves yellowing?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, It is well known that the flowering period of fragrant vines is relatively long among plants, but some people find that they do not see fragrant vines blossom even in summer, but climbing vines has no effect, so why do they only climb vines without blooming? What is the reason why the fragrant vine does not blossom? The editor is here to answer one by one.

It is well known that the flowering period of Fragrance vine is relatively long among plants, but some people find that even in summer, Fragrance vine flowers are not seen, but climbing vine has no effect, so why does Fragrance vine only climb vine without flowering? What is the reason why the flowers do not bloom? Small series here one everyone answers.

Why does the fragrance vine only climb the vine and not bloom, and how does the fragrance vine grow brown spots and yellow leaves on its neck?

Under normal circumstances, the fragrance vine will bloom between April and October of each year, but if the maintenance is not proper, there may be a situation, that is, the light climbing vine does not bloom, why does the fragrance vine only climb vine and not bloom? It is mainly related to temperature, watering, insufficient soil fertilizer efficiency and insufficient light, which are also the reasons why Fragrance vine does not bloom.

1, soil fertilizer is not enough

Fragrance Vines preferred warm and humid environments. If the soil was not fertile enough, it might cause Fragrance Vines to lack nutrients. If nitrogen fertilizer was always applied, it could promote the growth of its vines, but it would not bloom. Therefore, only climbing vines would not bloom.

Treatment measures: After determining the reason why Fragrance vine does not bloom, it is necessary to apply fertilizer to Fragrance vine, especially before flowering, try to apply some phosphorus fertilizer, and pay attention to the pest control of Fragrance vine. You can spray some potassium dihydrogen phosphate on its leaves, which can promote Fragrance vine flowering.

2, caused by watering

Many people think that after entering the flowering period, it should be watered more, but it turns out that the more watering, the slower the plant grows, and even the yellowing of the leaves may occur, which makes it difficult for it to bloom. In fact, it is caused by too much watering, which we have mentioned in the cultivation method and precautions of Fragrance Vine.

Treatment measures: Whether it is growing period or flowering period, it is necessary to pay attention to the control of watering, because too much watering is also one of the reasons why the fragrant vine does not bloom, so that the pot soil is relatively dry, see dry and then water, and each watering should be watered thoroughly.

3, the temperature is not suitable

In summer, the temperature is generally high, and the outdoor temperature can sometimes even exceed 38 degrees Celsius. However, this time is the flowering period of Fragrance Vine. At this time, Fragrance Vine may grow very vigorously, but it will not bloom. It is likely that the temperature is too high.

Treatment measures: If the plant is outdoors, it should be properly shaded to avoid exposure to the sun, and pay attention to good ventilation, so that the temperature can be appropriately reduced. Once the temperature is well controlled, it can let the fragrant vine bloom normally like other plants.

4. Not enough light

Fragrance vine flowers need more abundant sunshine, but some people like to put it in a cool place for maintenance, think as long as ventilation to maintain temperature can, but the actual light is also one of the reasons why Fragrance vine does not bloom, the more flowering the more need for adequate light.

Treatment measures: increase the light on the fragrance vine, the main method is to move it to the balcony, outdoor or window, you can also use the method of supplementary light, when the plant has sufficient light, it can bloom smoothly.

How does the vine rose pull the vine, two aspects bring you depth analysis

Vine rose is a kind of ornamental flower plant, there are many people who cultivate it in various regions of our country, but with the increase of people who cultivate vine rose, people are more concerned about its traction climbing vine. So how does vine rose pull vine? The following small series takes everyone to understand.

1. How does the vine pull the vine

About vine rose how to pull climbing vine, in fact, mainly divided into pruning and pulling climbing vine two aspects, as long as the correct method is mastered, it is still very easy to operate. The specific operation method is described in detail below. Let's take a look below.

2. How to prune vine roses

1. flowering branch pruning

When we prune the vine rose branches, if we find that it has blossomed, we need to pay attention when pruning, we have to prune the more robust flowering branches, leaving 2-3 bud points on it, so that we can prepare for it to bloom again.

2. pruning of unflowering branches

When we prune the branches of vine roses that do not bloom, it is generally best to prune the top section of its branches. If we see a lot of flowering branches on the top, we have to prune it on the trunk, and we have to prune all its branches.

3. pruning of old branches

For those vines that have grown for more than 2 years, there will be new branches on them, so that when we prune, except for the growth point of the new branches, we need to cut off those old branches, so that after pruning, the new branches will replace the old branches and become new trunks to continue to grow.

3. How does the vine pull the vine

1. support selection

If we want to climb the vine rose, then we must traction, before traction, first we have to choose the support, that is, the production of modeling support. Of course, if you want traction on a fence or rack, you don't need a support, and other places are generally needed, generally choose some simple supports.

2. traction direction planning

When we plan the direction of climbing vines, it is generally best to choose some longer branches at the top, and short branches at the bottom, and then let the branches balance left and right. When we are pulling, we should try to follow its growth direction, so that the effect will be better.

3. Overall layout adjustment

After the traction direction is selected and fixed, we have to observe its overall layout and the position of the branches. We have to see if the distance between them is appropriate. If it is not appropriate, we need to loosen it and readjust it. Don't be afraid of trouble in this process. We must adjust it to satisfaction so that climbing vines can be smoother.

How to climb the vine, topping the seedlings/setting up the support/evenly bundling/strengthening the maintenance

As we all know, nasturtium has semi-vine characteristics, so if properly maintained, it can climb on the support, walls, of course, the premise is that some skills are needed, and nasturtium how to climb vines? From when do we need to trim? and when to set up the stent? Small face editor will come to answer your questions.

How to climb the vine

1. Topping at seedling stage

When the nasturtium is propagated, it will take root after 2-3 weeks, and when it grows 7-8 leaves, it can be removed. The purpose of this is to let it germinate lateral branches and facilitate its climbing vines. Otherwise, the main vine is too long and the lateral branches are too few, so climbing vines is difficult to achieve.

2. Set up support

After picking the heart, timely supplement fertilizer and water, and then about 10 days its new branches will grow out, and when the height of the plant reaches 15-20 cm, confirm the critical period of climbing vines, at this time, how does Nasturtium climb vines? It is necessary to set up the support in time, and then bind the vines of nasturtium evenly on the support, so that the leaves face in one direction.

3. Daily maintenance

With the growth of nasturtium, its branches and leaves will become longer and longer, so it needs to be tied up in time according to the growth of the stem, so that it can be evenly distributed on the support, and at the same time, it is necessary to pinch the tip. The method can be described in detail in How to Trim Nasturtium.

Planting Management of Nasturtium

1, climbing vine growth of nasturtium is very beautiful, and the reason why it should face the leaves in one direction, because its flowers, leaves have phototaxis, it prefers the environment with light, so it needs to change the position according to the light in time, in order to let its leaves, flowers grow in one direction, otherwise it is easy to appear messy.

2, in the growth period, it takes 3-4 weeks to fertilize once, and each time after fertilization to timely watering, but also pay attention to often loose soil, so that the soil to maintain sufficient permeability, fertilizer absorption, root development are beneficial, if the soil is too hardened, will cause root growth blocked.

3, winter temperature can not be lower than 8 degrees, usually to keep the temperature between 15-25 degrees, too much temperature difference will cause yellow leaves, and in autumn after the temperature drops, you need to put it indoors sunny place, can keep the leaves of nasturtium in winter is still green.

4. The probability of nasturtium infection with diseases and insect pests is relatively small, but we cannot ignore the harm of diseases and insect pests. It will mainly be damaged by leaf miner moth, mosaic disease, etc. Prevention is to strengthen daily maintenance management, treatment is to spray dimethoate emulsifiable concentrate, etc., and when diseased plants are found, they should be removed in time.