
Is sunflower suitable for growing indoors? it can be planted indoors / varieties need to be selected.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Sunflower has sunny characteristics, so some people think that it needs a special environment, and some people even think that sunflowers cannot be placed indoors. Is that really the case? Are sunflowers suitable for growing indoors? The answer is that sunflowers can be raised indoors.

Sunflowers have sunny characteristics, so some people think that it needs a special environment, and even some people think that indoor sunflowers can not be placed, in fact, is this really the case? Is sunflower suitable to be raised indoors? The answer is that sunflowers can be grown indoors, because there are now sunflower varieties that are specially grown indoors.

Is Sunflower Suitable for Indoor Cultivation?

We know that sunflower edible type and oil type, their plants generally grow to more than 1.5 meters, so these types are obviously not suitable for indoor, then sunflower suitable for indoor cultivation? Obviously, it is possible, because there are many ornamental sunflowers on the market, their plants are 30-80 cm, and they can be raised indoors or on balconies.

In addition, because sunflower likes sunshine, and indoor sunshine is not as abundant as outdoor, so some netizens worry that sunflower can not bloom indoors, in fact this worry is superfluous. Although sunflower has positive, but it is a short-day plant, the response to sunlight is not sensitive, even indoors can also flower normally, of course, the premise is sufficient water, light.

Sunflower likes the living environment

Its favorite living environment is that the temperature is between 15-25 degrees, moisture and light are sufficient; the soil requirements are low, and ordinary soil can ensure its normal growth. Sunflower drought resistance is strong, in spring and autumn when the need for water is not much, summer needs appropriate increase in water. When the temperature drops below 10 degrees, the plant stops growing.

If planted indoors, as long as timely watering is ensured, so that it has enough light, it can grow smoothly and bloom. Of course, you can also understand the cultivation methods and precautions of sunflower, and take a more scientific method to make sunflower grow better.

Sunflower's four growth cycles

Sunflower from sowing to final harvest, will go through 4 different growth cycles, respectively: seedling stage, bud stage, flowering stage, mature stage, each cycle will have corresponding characteristics.

1, seedling stage

This cycle takes 35-50 days, or a shorter 28-35 days if it is summer planting. This stage is the leaf, flower primordium formation and floret differentiation stage, its plant growth will be relatively slow, but underground roots will grow faster, at this time sunflower drought tolerance is the strongest.

2. Bud stage

The duration of this stage is generally about 20 days, and a star body with a diameter of 1 cm will appear at the top of it, which is what we often call bud, which is the most vigorous stage of sunflower growth, so the water and fertilizer needed are also the most, accounting for 40-50% of the total.

3, flowering period

The flower disk will open from the ligulate flower to the tubular flower. The whole process usually lasts 6-9 days. The whole stage is also the most pleasing stage. The plump and colorful flowers appear at the top, which will leave a good memory for many people.

4. Maturity

After flowering, it will enter the mature period, generally from flowering to final maturity is 25-40 days, different varieties will appear a little difference, sunflower from flowering to fruiting, in fact, is also very ornamental, although not as beautiful as flowering, but has a strong symbolic significance, it represents harvest.

Summary: Sunflower adaptability is very strong, so it can grow in many places, can be planted outdoors, can also be raised in indoor plants, but the premise is to understand some of its characteristics, and select the appropriate varieties, do not eat or oil sunflower can be raised indoors.

How to grow sunflowers? How do you plant sunflowers? Raising sunflowers is actually very simple, not too big pots, not too much soil, not even too much care. Try it yourself! Step 1: Seed selection is important. Sunflower has different varieties, there are edible, is the kind of melon seeds, said to be able to grow to 3 meters, of course, that kind of pot is also very large, flowers are also huge. Home is generally planted on the balcony, or better with small pots, so choose dwarfed ornamental sunflower seeds. Step 2: Sowing

(1) Time-It is recommended that after the beginning of April, the temperature can be stabilized at 20 degrees before sowing. At this time, sowing does not need to be soaked in advance, thrown into the soil, germinated in 3 days, transplanted in 5 days, and grew very fast.

(2) Seedling soil-When the temperature is low, the seeds cannot germinate for a long time. At this time, if the soil used for seedling is the old soil planted with other plants last year, it is likely that there are small insect eggs in the soil layer, and then the seeds have not germinated, and the eggs hatch first. At this time, the sunflower seeds become the best food for insect larvae!

(3) Nursery pot-you can buy a special nursery pot, that is, the kind with a transparent cover above, so as to prevent water evaporation, and secondly, you can see the germination of seeds. Of course, you can also plant it directly in a large pot, but remember to put a layer of plastic wrap on the surface after pouring water, so as to keep warm and prevent water from evaporating too fast, so that you don't need to replenish water during the emergence period.

To sum up: if you use ordinary soil, then sow it hot in the sky, so as not to be eaten by insects; if you use high-grade nursery soil, it doesn't matter if you sow it early, but you still have to wait a long time to sprout. So, don't be impatient, or later sowing it!

Step 3: transplant the sprouted seedlings out of the ground, open two lovely cotyledons (do not know is called cotyledons? Anyway, the first two pieces can be transplanted into the big basin! Pots do not need to be too big, a pot of a seedling, do not be greedy for too much Oh, this nutrition is not enough, the place is too small, and finally the leaves do not open. After transplanting, pour enough root fixing water, and be sure to irrigate thoroughly. Then just leave it there. It is recommended to put it indoors in a sunny place. If there is a sun room, put it in the sun room. Don't put it in the open air immediately, because the temperature in early spring is not stable enough, and the temperature difference between morning and evening is still relatively large. Put it in the sun room and bask in the sun more. Even if the temperature suddenly rises to 30 degrees in those days, don't worry that the seedlings will die from heat. Sunflowers are born not afraid of heat. Because it is a seedling, the water required is actually not much, so you will find that after transplantation, as long as you do not put it in the open air, the pot soil is wet for a long time, do not water it, at least one week without watering, let it quietly slowly start to grow true leaves, two true leaves, the speed will be very fast. The fourth step: daily maintenance until the growth of 3, 4 pairs of true leaves, looks stronger, you can put it in the open air! If it's hot, water it every night after sunset. If there are conditions, you can spray potassium dihydrogen phosphate once every 3 or 4 days to promote the growth of branches and buds. Then you wait for it, waiting for your own little surprise to come quietly on a sunny morning.

Sunflower planting methods and precautions

Speaking of sunflowers, I believe everyone is no stranger to sunflowers, which are too common in life. Sunflower is still relatively common in our lives, its seeds are the sunflower seeds we often eat, with extremely high nutritional value. So how do sunflowers grow? I believe that friends who have not planted are very confused. Here is a small editor to teach you the skills of planting sunflower!

How to grow sunflowers

1. Seed selection. Prepare sunflower seeds, sunflower has different varieties, if you want to plant in pots, you can use ornamental sunflower seeds, planted in large flower beds or yards, it is recommended to use edible types.

2. Sowing. Sowing time is recommended in April, when the temperature is about 20 degrees Celsius, remember to ensure the freshness of the seeds, do not appear moldy situation, bury the seeds in the soil, about 3 days can germinate, about 5 days can be transplanted.

3. Transplantation. When sunflower seeds germinate and emerge from the soil, they can be transplanted into large pots when they open their cotyledons. After transplanting, we should irrigate enough root fixing water, and we must irrigate it thoroughly. It is recommended to put it indoors where there is sunshine. If it is to be placed under the sun, it is necessary to water it frequently.

4. Maintenance. When about three or four pairs of true leaves have grown, spray some potassium dihydrogen phosphate on the leaves every few days to promote plant growth. Sunflower in the growth of its fertilizer, attention must be decomposed organic fertilizer at this time.

Sunflower planting methods and precautions

Seedlings can be raised by using plug and nutrient bowl, seedling substrate can be peat, vermiculite and sand according to the proportion of 2:1:1, and a little organic fertilizer can be mixed at the same time. Potted sunflower seeds are smaller, the top soil ability is relatively weak, and it is not easy to sow too deep, generally about 1 cm. Cover soil after sowing, light suppression, such as seedling in winter and spring, can be covered with film insulation, shorten emergence time. After sowing, keep the soil moist. It usually takes 3 to 5 days to emerge in summer and 5 to 10 days in winter and spring.

Transplanting early can shorten the time of slow seedling and prevent the appearance of "tall seedling". The plants can be transplanted when they grow one pair of true leaves. Two weeks after sowing, sunflower seedlings develop strong roots. Sunflower seedling root system is very strong, which is the basis to ensure a high survival rate of transplanting.

Water and fertilizer management After planting, water should be properly controlled to prevent excessive growth. After budding, water properly according to the growth of plants to meet their growth needs. It is not recommended to apply base fertilizer to avoid excessive fertility and thick stems. Topdressing or foliar spraying can be carried out according to plant growth conditions.

Disease and pest control Sunflower disease and pest incidence is relatively low, the main diseases are bacterial leaf spot, rust, stem rot, powdery mildew and black spot; pests are mainly aphids, bugs, red spiders and beetles, such as occurrence can be symptomatic control.

Sunflower florescence management method

1. Ensure adequate water and fertilizer supply

Sunflower from budding to flowering, this period is an important period of sunflower life. At this stage, the water requirement of the plant accounts for 60% of the whole growth period. If the water supply is insufficient, it will cause poor seed development. Therefore, during this period, ensure adequate water supply, appropriate fertilization combined with watering, urea and diammonium once a week.

2. Artificial pollination

This step can be omitted if the family grows ornamental sunflowers. Under natural conditions, sunflowers are pollinated by insects such as bees. Sunflowers planted in families can be artificially pollinated to improve pollination rate. Cotton, cardboard boxes, cotton wool made of a puff (makeup puff shape can be used directly with puff, but smaller pollination is more troublesome). Prepare pollen in advance, sprinkle it on pollinators, and gently press it on the flower disk. Pollinating time was selected from 9 to 12 o'clock, when dew had just subsided and pollen was abundant. Pollinations usually take place 2 - 3 times.

3. Carry out sunflower borer control

Sunflower flowering attracts many insects, mainly sunflower moths. Sunflower moths feed on sunflower seeds and form criss-crossing tracks in the disk. On rainy days, the flower plate will gradually rot. Sunflower flowering period is exactly the sunflower moth activity period, latent during the day, night activities. Talc powder can be diluted into dust for spraying, 2~3 days a time.

Through the above content, I believe everyone knows how to plant sunflower! Although we see a lot of sunflower, but rarely planted, there is a chance to bring home a child planting oh! Sunflowers slowly germinate, grow and blossom, bear fruit, and feel the miracle of life!