
What to do if the leaves of dragon boat flowers turn yellow and dry? control watering and adjust temperature / fertilizer

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, For the dragon boat flower, friends who have seen it should have an impression, its green leaves, beautiful flowers, are very popular. However, in order to meet this requirement, the maintenance of flower friends must be in place, because once the operation is improper, or a little negligence, it will cause the symptoms of leaf yellow.

For dragon boat flower, friends who have seen it should have an impression, its green leaves, beautiful flowers, are very popular. However, in order to achieve this requirement, flower friends must maintain in place, because once improper operation, or a little negligence, will cause yellow symptoms appear, that dragon boat flower leaves yellow dry how to do? Here are a few reasons and solutions for yellow leaves of dragon boat flower, go and see together.

How do I find the yellow and dry leaves of the dragon boat?

In the cultivation method of dragon boat flower, we introduced the requirements of dragon boat flower for light, water and fertilizer, and once we can not meet these requirements, its leaves will turn yellow. As for what to do with the yellow and dried leaves of Dragon Boat Flower, we must first find out what caused it, and then solve it. The following is a summary of the five causes of yellowing of dragon boat leaves, and attached solutions, we then look down.

Second, the dragon boat flower leaves yellow reasons and solutions

1. Environmental mutation

No matter what plant it is, even an extremely adaptable one like agave, its leaves will turn yellow if its growing environment changes too much. Therefore, if you buy dragon boat flower from the Internet, it may not adapt to the big change of growth environment, after a period of time, the leaves will appear yellow and dry symptoms.

Solution: Dragon boat flower leaves yellow dry how to do, at this time we should communicate with the store, understand the dragon boat flower before the growth environment, we strive to remain unchanged at home, and then gradually change until it adapts. After a while, the flower friends 'dragon boat flowers will return to health.

2, the temperature is too low

Dragon boat flower likes warm environment, not low temperature, its best growth temperature is 20-30℃. After entering the room in winter, the indoor temperature should be kept between 12-18℃. Once it is lower than 0℃, it is easy to suffer from freezing damage, which causes the phenomenon of yellowing and drying of dragon boat leaves.

Solution: After entering the room in winter, be sure to control the temperature and turn on the air conditioner if necessary; if it is yellow caused by freezing, it should be immediately moved to a warm environment, properly illuminated, watered, and carefully maintained for a period of time.

3, the light is too strong

There are many reasons for the yellowing and drying of dragon boat leaves. If it is summer, we should first consider the lighting problem. Dragon boat flower likes light, but avoid direct light, so if you put dragon boat flower in a place where the light is too strong, it will produce burns, and its performance is that the tip of the leaf is dry and yellow.

Solution: In the summer strong light, we should give it appropriate shade; if the light is too strong to cause the leaves yellow, we should move it to the ventilated sunny indoor, and pour the right amount of water, after a period of time will recover.

Too much or too little watering

Although Dragon Boat Flower likes moisture, it is also afraid of water accumulation. Once too much watering, it is easy to cause water in the basin, leading to root rot, thus affecting plant growth, which is manifested as yellow leaves; but too little watering is not good, because such leaves can not absorb water, but also dry yellow.

Solution: When watering too much, immediately stop watering, loosen more soil to allow water to evaporate; when watering too little, in order to prevent water loss, immediately put the dragon boat flower in the semi-shade, and pour some water, do not pour more at once. At the same time, the basin wall strong gap loose, to drain water from the gap.

5, too much or too little fertilizer

Proper fertilization is important during the growth process of Ipomoea odorata. Once we do not fertilize for a long time, or do not fertilize at all, the leaves of Dragon Boat Flower will turn yellow because of lack of necessary nutrients; but too much fertilization will not work, which will cause fertilizer damage, resulting in root rot, resulting in yellow leaves.

Solution: Dragon boat flower leaves yellow dry how to do, if it is lack of fertilizer, we should give dragon boat flower appropriate amount of fertilizer: fertilizer too much, finally change the pot soil inside, let dragon boat flower dry again.

In general, dragon boat flower is very good to raise, and raised well, viewing effect is very good oh ~ can be in the breeding process, a little do not stay, its leaves will yellow, thus seriously affecting the viewing, so we can not be careless for a moment. As for the yellowing and drying of dragon boat leaves, Xiaobian introduced this, hoping to bring help to everyone.

What about the dried leaves of the dragon boat flower?

What is the reason for this phenomenon

We should first understand what causes the blight, so that we can deal with it better.

Too much light.

The first reason may be that the plant is placed directly in the sun, and the light received by the plant is too strong, so it burns the leaves of the plant. Note that the phenomenon corresponding to this cause should be the drying of the tip of the leaf.

too much water

The second possible cause is too much moisture, which can be caused by heavy rain or too much artificial watering during the rainy season. However, the symptom of this cause is different from the first one. It is the drying of young leaves of plants.


A third reason may be the presence of plant pathogens, which cause the plants to dry out due to certain leaf-related diseases.

Corresponding treatment measures

For the first reason, make appropriate adjustments to lighting. There is no doubt that there is no light is not good, dragon boat flower growth and flowering also need sufficient sunlight environment. However, it must be noted that in the summer when the light is particularly strong, appropriate measures must be taken to shield the plant, otherwise it will cause the leaves to dry up and even affect the flowers.

If it's the second reason-too much watering, water it properly. This kind of plant still likes wet on the whole, indispensable moisture, want to maintain the moisture of basin soil. However, long-term exposure to excessive humidity will not work, and may cause both leaf blight and root rot. Therefore, the basin soil is slightly wet enough, and when it is observed that it is too wet, it should be drained in time.

The third reason was easier to deal with. He could just spray some disinfectant on it.

How to raise dragon boat flowers in winter, watering, lighting matters

How do you keep a boat in winter? 1.

Winter sunlight is not particularly strong, so even if it is noon light, do not need special shade measures, as much as possible to let the plant receive light.

General flower friends can put the plants on balconies, windowsills and other places where sunlight can shine.

2. Winter watering requirements

It is not advisable to irrigate the dragon boat flower too much in winter, unless it is found that the soil is already very dry when you can add a little. In addition, Dragon Boat Flower blooms in winter, so after Dragon Boat Flower blooms, it is still necessary to irrigate water to supplement moisture.

3, winter temperature control

Although the dragon boat flower can withstand the low temperature of 0℃ in winter, but in winter, it is recommended that flower friends move the dragon boat flower indoors for maintenance. Generally, the dragon boat flower will grow slowly when the ambient temperature is lower than 10℃. It is suggested that the temperature of conservation environment should be controlled from 13℃ to 18℃ in winter.

4, winter fertilization requirements

Dragon boat flower is a fertile flower plant, but avoid thick fertilizer and raw fertilizer, in the growth period can be applied once every half month decomposed organic fertilizer, so in winter also in time to supplement nutrition.