
When does Jiuli incense blossom? how long is the florescence of Jiuli incense / July and April

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Jiuli incense, a kind of plant with beautiful plant shape, beautiful flower shape and strong flower fragrance, is often kept indoors and is loved by flower friends. However, Jiuli incense usually takes 3-4 years to blossom from sowing to flowering, so it is a question that everyone wants to know when it will blossom.

Jiuli incense, a kind of plant with beautiful plant shape, beautiful flower shape and strong flower fragrance, is often kept indoors and is loved by flower friends. However, Jiuli incense usually takes 3-4 years to blossom from sowing to flowering, so it is a question that everyone wants to know when it will blossom. The length of flowering time will directly affect the ornamental effect, so how long is the flowering period of Jiuli incense? Next, the editor will answer the questions for you.

When will Jiuli incense bloom, July / June

Jiuli incense, like its name, the aroma emitted when it blossoms can really spread a long distance, so there are many people who admire and breed it every year. As for when the home-raised Jiuli incense will blossom, generally speaking, it will start in July and can bloom until October.

According to the cultivation method of Jiuli incense, we know that Jiuli incense generally grows in southern China, such as Hainan, Yunnan, Guangdong and other provinces, so it likes a warm environment. Therefore, if the environment and climate are suitable, it is common for Jiuli incense to blossom in early June.

How long is the flowering period of Jiuli incense, April

Jiuli incense is very difficult to blossom, if it is planted from the seed, it usually takes 3-4 years to blossom, so friends who want to raise must pay attention. As for how long the flowering period of Jiuli incense is, it blossoms in June at the earliest and October at the latest, so the flowering period is 4 months.

Third, how to raise Jiuli incense to blossom more, temperature / fertilization

Jiuli incense has a long flowering period, and after flowering, it is not only beautiful in shape, but also famous for its rich fragrance, so everyone wants to know a question, that is, how to raise Jiuli incense to bloom more. In this regard, according to the growth habits of Jiuli incense, the editor summarized the following three points:

1. Air temperature

In order to make Jiuli incense blossom more and more, we should first pay attention to the temperature. It is understood that Jiuli incense likes to be warm, so when raising it at home, we should put it in a sunny position.

2. Fertilization

In the Jiuli fragrant flowering period, it needs to consume a lot of nutrients to blossom, so fertilization is very important. We should pay attention to the combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Before flowering and budding, apply more phosphorus and potash fertilizer. As for how to fertilize Jiulixiang, there is a more specific introduction, so I won't say much here.

3. Watering

How to cultivate Jiuli incense in order to blossom more, watering can not be ignored. Before budding, flower friends should reduce watering; after budding and flowering, return to normal watering and keep the basin soil moist.

Fourth, why does Jiuli incense not blossom and maintain improperly

There is no doubt about the beauty of Jiuli incense after flowering, but the plants of some flower friends do not bloom, so why does Jiuli incense not blossom? In this regard, the editor thinks that you have a problem with insect pests and fertilization, or it may be due to insufficient light and insufficient time. Therefore, in the process of maintenance, we must be more careful.

When does Jiuli incense bloom? how can Jiuli incense blossom?

The branches and leaves of Jiuli incense are beautiful, the fragrance of flowers is rich, and the bouquets of white flowers give people a sense of purity and nobility. When will Jiuli incense bloom? How to cultivate Jiuli incense before it blossoms? Let's get to know it with Xiaoqi.

When will the incense blossom

As a solar plant, the flowering period of Jiuli incense is calculated as April according to the normal time, and then lasts until September, but some varieties may also bloom in autumn and bloom later. Today's greenhouse technology is more developed, so there are also examples of Jiuli incense blooming in winter greenhouses. In fact, as long as the deployment of the surrounding environment, or timely out of the desired flowers.

Second, how to raise Jiuli incense to blossom

1. Planting: generally 4-May pot, basin soil requires good air permeability, good drainage, generally prepared with mountain mud Gaza. Turn the basin once every two years in spring and apply sufficient phosphorus and potassium base fertilizer.

2. Fertilization: topdressing once a month during the growing period, with phosphorus and potash as the main fertilizer.

3. Watering: watering once after planting, not too much watering in the future to prevent rotting roots. When the weather is too dry, it is appropriate to spray water to keep it moist.

4. Temperature and light: put it in the shade first after potting, and then gradually increase the light. The winter temperature should not be lower than 5 ℃, and the north should go indoors to survive the winter.

5. Plastic pruning: pruning over dense branches and long branches, such as pruning after flowering, can lead to more flowering.

6. Reproduction: Jiuli incense is mostly propagated by sowing and high pressure.

(1) sowing method: seeds are collected in autumn for sand storage and sown in spring. Keep it moist after sowing, it can sprout and emerge in 30 days after sowing, and can be planted in the courtyard or flowerpot in the spring of the second year.

(2) High pressure method: it should be carried out in May-August. Strong branches are selected, cut in the lower part of the node, covered with moss and other moisturizing materials, and then tied up. About 50 Mel can take root in 60 days, cut off the mother plant in batches according to the rooting condition, and plant it in the courtyard or flowerpot.

The above is the introduction of when Jiuli incense blossoms and how to raise it to blossom. Jiuli incense breeding is relatively simple. The fragrance of fragrant flowers in Jiuli is full of fragrance, which is suitable for decoration in the living room and study.

When does Jiuli incense blossom?

[FAQ] when will Jiuli incense blossom?

Picture: Jiuli incense

[expert answers]

It takes 3-4 years for seed-cultivated Jiuli incense to blossom, and the cuttings may blossom that year (depending on the age of the mother plant). The florescence of Jiuli incense is from July to October, and the regional difference leads to the advance or delay of flowering, which is mainly determined by the temperature and humidity of the environment.

In order to make Jiuli incense blossom and fragrance, we should pay attention to the following points:

1. Jiuli fragrance likes warmth, and the cultivation site should choose sunny areas where there is no stagnant water.

2. Attention should be paid to the combined application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in fertilization. Before flowering and budding, applying more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer is beneficial to more flowering and strong fragrance of flowers. Lack of phosphorus and potash fertilizer, it will only grow branches and leaves without budding.

3. Watering should be reduced before budding. It was watered normally after budding and during flowering.

[editor's summary]

Jiuli incense likes warmth, mainly planted in the south, beautiful branches and leaves, rich fragrance of flowers, is a common potted flower. In addition, Jiuli incense also likes to be moist and needs to be watered in time, but it should not be too much, otherwise it will lead to rotten roots and die. Jiuli incense generally blossoms from July to October, and sunlight, temperature, fat and water will affect the blooming of Jiuli incense, so if you want it to blossom, you should pay more attention to these aspects. The above is the first agricultural economic editor for you to organize "when will Jiuli incense blossom?" "I hope it can be helpful to you.