
The habit and reproduction of Fusang flower

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fusang flower is native to East India and China's Guangdong, Guangxi, Taiwan, Fujian and Yunnan, Sichuan and other provinces. It is used to warm, very cold-resistant, winter requirements in 8 Mel 10 degrees Celsius winter, short-term low temperature is also easy to freeze, not easy to reproduce. Fusang is a strong positive tree species that likes the sun, and there is no need to hide and sprout in summer.

Fusang flower is native to East India and China's Guangdong, Guangxi, Taiwan, Fujian and Yunnan, Sichuan and other provinces. It is used to warm, very cold-resistant, winter requirements in 8 Mel 10 degrees Celsius winter, short-term low temperature is also easy to freeze, not easy to reproduce.

Fusang is a strong positive tree species that likes the sun, and it does not need to cover up in summer, so it is very suitable for courtyard balcony cultivation. It also likes the moist environment with plenty of water, especially the high humidity in the air, the rapid growth and the stretching of the leaves, so we should pay attention to the foliar spray during the growing period. It is not strict with the soil; it grows luxuriantly in fertile and well-drained loam.

In the efficacy and function of Fusang flower, we know that Fusang flower is not only beautiful, but also has high medicinal value, so it is often propagated in large numbers. As for how to reproduce Fusang flowers, cutting is the simplest, most practical and highest survival rate. The following editor will introduce the cutting methods of Fusang flower in detail from time, substrate and cuttings, as follows:

(1) the cutting method of Fusang flower.

① cutting time

Fusang flowers are propagated by cutting, and the survival rate is very high, but if you want to achieve 100% survival, you must choose the right time. In the culture method of Fusang flower, we know that Fusang flower likes warm environment, so it is better to cut in spring and autumn, but from the point of view of survival rate, spring cutting is higher than autumn cutting.

② cutting substrate

Cutting in the home propagation of mulberry flowers, the substrate must be selected, according to its growth habits, we should choose loose and breathable, well-drained sandy loam, vermiculite, river sand and so on. Spread a cutting substrate of about 15 cm in the flowerpot, leaving a considerable depth on the substrate so as not to overwhelm the cuttings when covering the glass.

③ cuttings selection

In the cutting method of Fusang flower, the selection of cuttings is very important. if you choose it well, the whole reproduction will be half successful. You can choose an annual sturdy semi-lignified branch with a length of about 10 cm. After selecting the cuttings, cut off all the leaves in the lower section, leaving 2 leaves in the upper section, preferably with terminal buds.

④ cuttage start

How to reproduce the mulberry flowers? after making the above preparations, we can officially begin. When cutting, first use wooden chopsticks, poke a hole in the sand and then insert the cuttings, as shown above.

The best distance between cuttings is about 4 cm, and the depth of cutting is 2 cm 5 of the cuttings, not deeper than 2 cm or shallower than 3 cm. After insertion, spray through the water with a spray can to make the cuttings knot with sand 3.

In order to keep moisture and heat preservation and improve the survival rate of cuttings, above the basin soil, we should cover the glass, and then put it in the direct sunlight, appropriate shade.

⑤ plug-in management

The cutting method of Fusang flower is basically over here, leaving only the final maintenance and management. In order to accelerate the rooting of cuttings, flowerpots should be placed in an environment of 20-25 ℃. Generally speaking, they can take root in about 20 days.

When the weather is hot, you also need to lift the covering glass and spray water to the leaves twice to ensure that the leaves do not wilt due to lack of water.

Note: if a large number of water droplets are found on the glass, the glass should be staggered slightly to make the air circulate. To meet the above requirements, the cutting propagation of Fusang flower is completed, the survival rate is high, the method is simple, beginners can also try.

(2) grafting propagation of Fusang flower.

Fusang flower how to reproduce, in addition to cutting, but also can be grafted, it is generally carried out in spring and autumn. This method is mainly used for mulberry varieties with difficulties in cutting or slow rooting, especially for double-petal varieties with low survival rate of cutting. Branch grafting or bud grafting can be done, and the rootstock can be supported by a single flower, and the grafted seedlings can branch and blossom in the same year.

Introduction of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Fusang flower H. rosa-sinensis alias hibiscus, big safflower, hibiscus peony, demon flower, etc. It is a large evergreen shrub of Malvaceae. The stem is erect and much branched, and the crown is square, up to 6 meters high. Leaves alternate, broadly ovate to narrowly ovate, 7 × 10 cm long, with 3 main veins, apex protruding or acuminate, leaf margin coarsely serrate or notched, base subentire, bald or dorsal veins with a little sparse hairs, shaped like mulberry leaves. The flower is large, with a drooping or straight stalk, solitary in the axilla of the upper leaf, divided into single and double; single funnel-shaped, usually rose-red, double-petal non-funnel-shaped, red, yellow, pink, white and other colors, florescence throughout the year, the peak in summer and autumn. The morphological feature of Fusang flower is a large evergreen shrub of Malvaceae. The stem is erect and much branched, and the crown is square, up to 6 meters high. Leaves alternate, broadly ovate to narrowly ovate, 7 × 10 cm long, with 3 main veins, apex protruding or acuminate, leaf margin coarsely serrate or notched, base subentire, bald or dorsal veins with a little sparse hairs, shaped like mulberry leaves. The flower is large, with a drooping or straight stalk, solitary in the axilla of the upper leaf, divided into single and double; single funnel-shaped, usually rose-red, double-petal non-funnel-shaped, red, yellow, pink, white and other colors, florescence throughout the year, the peak in summer and autumn. The ecological habits of Fusang flowers are born in sparse forests in mountainous areas, with easy growth, strong resistance, few diseases and insect pests, warm and humid climate, intolerant to cold and sufficient sunshine. It grows well in the area where the average temperature is above 10 ℃. Light-loving and shade-intolerant, it is suitable for growing in slightly acidic soil with rich organic matter and pH 6.5. It is planted as hedgerow in the south and potted in greenhouse in the north of the Yangtze River basin. The cultivation technique of Fusang flower is as good as that of terminal bud, but the terminal bud of 10~12cm is generally used. Sprouting can be directly implanted into the pot to be sold, generally 2 branches per pot will be sold as a sketch pot, then sprout will be inserted into the breeding pot (connecting the end plate). Breed in confined spaces (such as plastic tarpaulins). The cuttings began to take root 35-40 days after cutting, but it depends on the time of the year, and the temperature is 22-23 ℃. The source of pruning can be obtained from the parent plant or plants for sale, and if obtained from these plants, the cultivation time will generally have to be extended by another 2-3 weeks. Pot space: sprouts should be planted in 11cm pots and fertilized with clay and lime. The space is 25030 pots per square meter. Climatic summer temperature: 18 ℃ (sunrise time) winter temperature: 16 ℃ (sunrise time). Outdoor temperature: 26 ℃. The temperature of the heating table can be 2: 3 ℃ higher than the air temperature. The lowest temperature refers to the use of curtains at night, otherwise the temperature should be increased. Humidity: relative humidity should not be too high. Shade: no need. The main insect pests of Fusang are aphids, chaff, cotton blowing and mites (commonly known as red spiders). These pests are all prick-sucking pests. That is, they use their mouthparts to pierce the leaves or epidermis of plants to absorb plant juice. The leaves of the killed plants lost green and grew weakly, which reduced the ornamental value. After the occurrence of aphids and mites, aphids and mites can be diluted by a certain number of drugs, such as aphids and mites, and then foliar spray can be used to kill aphids and mites once a week, usually 2-3 times. Bran medium and cotton blowing medium can harm leaves and epidermis. Generally, imidacloprid drugs or their modifiers can be used to dilute a certain number of times, and then spray to kill the affected parts. The harm is serious, but once every 10 days, 3 times can be basically extinct. Fusang flower dietotherapy or medicinal value of the medical information and health dietotherapy information is only for reference, can not be used as a basis for diagnosis and medical treatment. Any health problems should consult professional health care personnel, the treatment of any disease, please follow the doctor's advice. The ultimate task of protecting flowers: to love yourself, proceed from reality and follow the doctor's advice. For disease, do not be careless, do not postpone, do not give up hope, face it bravely, warm the silent world with love, and protect the inner flower field with your heart. Fusang flowers, leaves, stems, roots can be used in medicine, the main root. Flowers contain cotton anthocyanin, quercetin, cornflower glucoside, kaempferol, vinegar, straw liquid, vitamins. Leaves and stems contain salicylsterols, dandelion sterols, acetate lipids and enzymes. The root contains tannin. Fusang has a sweet and cold taste, which has the effects of clearing lung, resolving phlegm, cooling blood, detoxification, diuresis and detumescence. It is suitable for lung heat, cough, mumps, mastitis, acute conjunctivitis, urinary tract infection, nosebleed, irregular menstruation and other diseases. Fusang leaves are mainly used for skin sores. The effect of mulberry root is the same as that of mulberry flower. Rhizoma hibiscus contains pyrethrin sophorose glucose test, cornflower-diglucoside and glucopyranin, which can reduce blood pressure in anesthetized dogs. The Qing Dynasty "Materia Medica Qiuyuan" said: "there are two kinds of red and white, white people treat white dysentery, white turbid, red dysentery red turbid." "Lingnan Medicine Collection record" contains: "clear lung heat, remove phlegm fire, manage cough." "Lu Chuan Materia Medica", "cooling blood and detoxification." Treat blood fever, wing blood, blood sputum, poison sores. " Nanning Herbal Medicine Chronicles boil pig lungs to treat hemoptysis. " In the Ming Dynasty, the Compendium of Materia Medica contained Zhu hibiscus leaves or flowers, which were applied with white hibiscus leaves, Niufen leaves and white honey to treat carbuncle and parotid swelling. According to the Guangzhou Air Force's Handbook of commonly used Chinese Herbal Medicine, the Annals of Nanning Medicine and the Compendium of Common Leather drugs among the people, Zhu Geun-gen has the effects of treating irregular menstruation, blood avalanche, white turbidity, leucorrhea, cough, anti-inflammation, and bronchitis. Hibiscus leaves and stems contain dandelion acetic acid vinegar and a grain of alcohol. The Compendium of Materia Medica can treat carbuncle and parotid swelling. " Fujian folk herbs contain antipyretic toxin and carbuncle swelling. " "smash and apply abscess" in Nanning Pharmaceutical Chronicles. " The medicinal effect of Lu Chuan Materia Medica is the same as that of Zhu Geun Hua. It can be seen that hibiscus has been used in medicine in China for at least many years. The garden use of Fusang flowers Fusang bright flowers, withered toward the twilight, colorful, scattered in the south in the pool, pavilion, roadside and wall, potted mulberry suitable for living room and entrance decoration. Fusang Flower Culture method Fusang originated in China, distributed in Guangdong, Fujian, Guangxi, Yunnan and other provinces, like a warm, humid, sunny environment, not resistant to drought, not resistant to frost, must be potted to the north of the Yangtze River, and must be moved indoors in winter. The flowering period of Fusang is very long, and it blossoms continuously all the year round under the condition of 15 ℃-20 ℃. Fusang has strong resistance, extensive management, no special management, and can grow healthily as long as the following principles are mastered in maintenance. 1. The loose and fertile sandy loam should be selected for pot change and pruning, and the basin should be changed before moving out in early spring and April every year. Three things should be done when changing the basin: the first is to replace the new culture soil; the second is to cut off some of the overdense curly fibrous roots; the third is to apply sufficient base fertilizer and slightly add phosphate fertilizer to the bottom of the basin. In order to keep the tree shape graceful and with a large amount of flowers, according to the characteristics of strong sprouting ability of mulberry branches, pruning and shaping can be carried out before and after leaving the room in early spring. Each branch is pruned except at the base with 2 cents and 3 buds, and all the upper branches are cut. Pruning can promote the development of new branches, the growth will be more vigorous, and the plant shape will also be beautiful. After pruning, due to the reduction of aboveground consumption, it is necessary to properly control water and fertilizer. two。 After leaving the house, the positive tree species should be moved outside and placed in a sunny place at the beginning of May. It is also the growing season for mulberry. It is necessary to strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, loosening the soil, pulling grass and so on. Apply dilute liquid fertilizer every 10 days, watering should depend on the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, too dry or too wet will affect flowering. Post-autumn management should be cautious, pay attention to less fertilization in the later stage, so as to avoid the emergence of autumn shoots. Autumn shoot tissue is young, cold resistance is weak, cold weather will suffer frost damage. Enter the room in time to help mulberry can not bear frost, after Frosts Descent to the Beginning of Winter, you must move into the room to keep warm. The overwintering temperature should not be less than 5 ℃ to avoid freezing injury, and not higher than 15 ℃ to avoid affecting dormancy. Poor dormancy, poor growth and blossom in the following year. Furniture houses with good thermal insulation conditions facing south can survive the winter and can be covered with paper or plastic film to keep warm when the weather is colder. The first moving room should open windows every day for ventilation, pay attention to the dry and wet changes of the basin soil, and water properly. In the coldest weather, watering can prevent frost injury, but fertilization should be stopped. Fusang flower is native to China and is distributed in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Sichuan provinces. The propagation of Fusang flower is commonly used by cutting and grafting. Cutting can be carried out except in winter, but the survival rate is high in Meiyu season. The best cuttings are one-and-a-half lignified cuttings, which are 10 cm long, leave top leaves, cut flat, insert sand beds, and take root about 3 weeks after insertion. Grafting is mostly used for double flower varieties with difficulties in cutting, branch grafting or bud grafting, and rootstocks are supported by single-petal flowers. The survival rate of spring planting is higher than that of autumn planting, and the survival rate of ground planting is higher than that of pot planting, and the survival rate is faster, so it can blossom in the same year. In general, it is appropriate to choose biennial strong branches, or use current year semi-lignified strong branches, preferably cut into cuttings of about 15 cm in length in the middle of lateral branches, with 5 Mel and 7 nodes. Insert bed soil with good drainage, strong ventilation of coarse sand or silica, after disinfection, and then insert the bed, about 15 Mel 20 cm thick. The lower leaves of cuttings should be flattened with a sharp knife and cut in time, with a depth of 1 to 2. Immediately after insertion, pour water once, cover it with plastic film, maintain proper temperature and humidity, keep it moist but not wet, drain well, and then gradually accept sunlight to maintain an air temperature of 18 ℃ and a relative humidity of 70% to 80%. It can generally take root after 20 days, and it can be put on the basin in about a month. The cultural background of Fusang flower Fusang flower is the state flower of Hawaii. The sight of Fusang flower reminds people of the beach with blue sea and sky and the southern beauty with grass skirt at the waist. It is said that indigenous girls put mulberry flowers above her left ear to say, "I hope to have a lover," and above her right ear, "I already have a lover." but what about both sides? I already have a lover, but I wish I had one more. The appearance of Fusang flower is warm and unrestrained, but it has a unique flower heart, which is connected by most stamens and wrapped outside the stamens. The structure is quite meticulous, just like the delicate heart under the warm appearance. Red Fusang flowers reflect bright eyes, implying enthusiasm like fire, is the best decoration for grand festivals and banquets, and is also the best flower for celebrating the opening of flower baskets and flower plates. Fusang flowers are gorgeous. Malaysia regards Fusang as a symbol of living and working in peace and contentment and prosperity. It is decorated with Fusang in public places, on both sides of the street and in home courtyards. There is a traditional folk festival in Fiji called "Safflower Festival". The safflower here is Fusang. The Safflower Festival, held every August in the capital, lasts for seven days. People decorate goods with mulberry flowers, put on colorful costumes and strange masks, and parade behind the band. The young girls chosen from all over the country to take part in the campaign of "Safflower Queen" showed their elegant demeanour in floats. The best part of the festival is the selection of three "safflower queens". The box office receipts from the selection of the Queen of Safflower were donated to charity. The flower language of Fusang flower: fresh love, subtle beauty. Fusang flower is the state flower of Hawaii. the sight of Fusang flower reminds people of the beach with blue sea and sky and the southern beauty with grass skirt at the waist. It is said that indigenous girls put mulberry flowers above her left ear to say, "I hope to have a lover," and above her right ear, "I already have a lover." but what about both sides? I already have a lover, but I wish I had one more. The appearance of Fusang flower is warm and unrestrained, but it has a unique flower heart, which is connected by most stamens and wrapped outside the stamens. The structure is quite meticulous, just like the delicate heart under the warm appearance. Red Fusang flowers reflect bright eyes, implying enthusiasm like fire, is the best decoration for grand festivals and banquets, and is also the best flower for celebrating the opening of flower baskets and flower plates. Fusang flowers are gorgeous. Malaysia regards Fusang as a symbol of living and working in peace and contentment and prosperity. It is decorated with Fusang in public places, on both sides of the street and in home courtyards. There is a traditional folk festival in Fiji called "Safflower Festival". The safflower here is Fusang. The Safflower Festival, held every August in the capital, lasts for seven days. People decorate goods with mulberry flowers, put on colorful costumes and strange masks, and parade behind the band. The young girls chosen from all over the country to take part in the campaign of "Safflower Queen" showed their elegant demeanour in floats. The best part of the festival is the selection of three "safflower queens". The box office receipts from the selection of the Queen of Safflower were donated to charity. Fusang flower pictures