
How to raise the fragrant vine in winter? can the vine survive the winter outdoors in winter / stop fertilizing

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, It is well known that the most suitable temperature is 20-31 degrees. However, in most parts of China, the winter temperature is not within this range, so can the vine survive the winter outdoors? The answer is yes. Raising fragrant vines in winter will be slightly different from other seasons.

It is well known that the most suitable temperature for Fragrance vine is 20-31 degrees, but the temperature in winter in most parts of China is not within this range, so can Fragrance vine winter outdoors? The answer is yes, raising Fragrance Vine in winter will be slightly different from other seasons, but in addition to understanding the cultivation methods and precautions of Fragrance Vine, we also need to know how to raise Fragrance Vine in winter.

How do you keep the fragrance vine in winter?

Although we know that the minimum temperature of fragrance vine cultivation should not be lower than 10 degrees, because too low temperature may freeze fragrance vine, but every winter we will find that the temperature is often lower than 10 degrees, so many people want to know fragrance vine winter outdoor can winter? The answer is that if you know how to grow Fragrance Vines in winter, you can put Fragrance Vines outdoors.

I. Temperature control

Because the outdoor temperature in winter we can not control, but the indoor temperature we can adjust, so want to let the fragrance vine safe winter, for the temperature control is necessary, for the northern friends how to raise the fragrance vine winter? Try to keep it indoors and ventilated.

If you are in the south, winter cultivation of fragrant vine will depend on the situation to decide whether fragrant vine is placed indoors or outdoors, because the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor in the south is not obvious, then fragrant vine winter outdoor can winter? The answer is yes, but only if reasonable measures are taken. For example, in Hangzhou, the fragrance vine can be placed outdoors, but several plastic bags should be covered and air holes should be left to avoid freezing.

II. Control of watering

1, due to changes in climatic conditions, so in spring, summer, autumn these seasons of watering methods are not suitable for winter, how to raise fragrant vine winter? Very critical in watering. Need to pay attention to is the winter watering amount should try to ban burning, when found pot soil dry after watering is too late, if pot soil is not dry, do not water.

2, each watering amount should not be too large, do not let the pot appear ponding, if the pot soil is found to be slightly wet, you should stop watering, you can put it in the light for maintenance.

III. Fertilization control

1, we know that in the study of why the fragrance vine leaves yellow, one of the reasons is caused by fertilization, so how to fertilize the fragrance vine in winter to avoid yellow leaves? The answer is that fertilization should stop in winter.

2. Fragrance vine can enter dormancy in winter, and at this time we should stop fertilizing to let fragrance vine enter dormancy state. At this time, if we continue to fertilize, the leaves and roots of the plant will grow, but there will be the possibility of frostbite.

IV. Light Control

Although the fragrance vine enters dormancy and grows slowly in winter, it is also inseparable from light at this time, so how to raise the fragrance vine in winter at this time? You can put it on a balcony or windowsill where there is plenty of light.

How do you keep the fragrance vine in winter?

Temperature Management in Winter

Fragrance vine is a plant that prefers warm and sunny growing environment;

Therefore, if you want to let the fragrance vine survive the winter safely, then the ambient temperature should be at least above 10℃, so as to create a warm growth environment for the fragrance vine, which is conducive to its normal growth in winter.

fertilizer and water management

When watering fragrant vine, water enough, but do not accumulate water, but pay attention to winter, and other seasons watering is not the same, winter maintenance fragrant vine to reduce the amount of watering, see pot soil dry after watering, if the pot soil is not dry at all do not water;

There are watering time, as long as you see the pot soil slightly wet can stop watering, and then put in a place with light conservation;

Fragrance vine does not need to be fertilized in winter, because Fragrance vine needs to dormancy in winter to protect the plant from freezing damage. Once fertilized, the leaves and roots of the plant will grow, which will freeze the newborn parts and cannot be safely overwintered.

So winter to stop fertilization, wait until the temperature rises after the slow fertilization.

light management

Fragrance vine growth is absolutely inseparable from the light, so in winter maintenance, to have sunlight on the balcony or windowsill above can be.

This can ensure sufficient light, but also note that if the plant is found in the process of leaves soft or yellow, it is necessary to immediately appropriate shade, not direct sunlight, but also note

How do you grow a fragrant vine?

Fragrance vine is a vine of oleander family. Its stem is soft and flexible. It spirals up along the support. The pink flowers like trumpets are big and straight. How can the fragrance vine be raised? Let's take a look at the cultivation method of fragrant vine.

1. Cultivation method of fragrant vine

1. Soil: Fragrance vine has strong adaptability to soil, basin soil needs good drainage, and it is better to add improver and humus matrix. Indoor potted north available decaying soil plus a small amount of coarse sand, the south can use pond mud, peat soil, river sand by 5:3:2 mixed preparation.

2. Light: The optimum light intensity of Fragrance vine is 10000-20000Lux.

3. Temperature: Fragrance vine is not cold-resistant, its growth temperature is 20℃~ 30℃, and its growth is inhibited when the outdoor temperature is lower than 7.5℃. Beijing area to winter in the indoor cold, winter when there may be defoliation, until spring flowers.

4, humidity: fragrance vine planting soil is too dry to affect fertilizer absorption, too wet will cause root death or other diseases. Especially in winter, you need to reduce watering and keep the soil dry.

5. Watering: Increase watering in summer to avoid completely drying the soil. Outdoor cultivation should not be planted in too low-lying places, so as not to cause hypoxia and poor growth caused by ponding. Humidity The optimum air relative humidity is 70-80%, which should be lower than 50%.

6. Fertilization: The vigorous growth period of Fragrance vine in spring and summer requires reasonable fertilization. Balanced slow release fertilizer can be applied to the pot soil, and then liquid fertilizer can be applied once every 7 to 10 days. Generally, compound fertilizer with balanced proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is applied in spring, such as 15-15-15, twice a week, about 150ppm each time; in late spring or early summer, in order to promote plant flowering, 150ppm of phosphorus fertilizer can be added, such as 10-20-10.

7, pruning: Fragrance vine can be pruned after transplanting flowering, if it is one or two years old plants, can be lightly sheared, pruning is mainly for shaping. Perennial old plants can be sheared in spring to promote the germination of strong new branches.

8. Pest control: The diseases of Fragrance vine are mainly leaf spot disease and leaf blight caused by Cercospora, root rot and stem rot caused by Fusarium, which can be controlled by carbendazim and mancozeb in the early stage of disease. Red spider and whitefly are the most harmful pests, which can be controlled by imidacloprid.

The above is the introduction of the cultivation method of Fragrance Vine. Fragrance Vine flowers are big and colorful, which is very suitable for indoor potted plants and adds a fresh breath to the home.