
What if the triangular plum blossom falls? the reason for the triangular plum blossom is analyzed / man-made is the main cause

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As a beautiful ornamental plant, many flower friends will plant triangular plum at home. It is said that when it blossoms, the scenery is very beautiful. However, some flower friends responded that the triangle plum blossom they raised had fallen off! What's going on? In fact, there are many reasons why triangular plum blossoms, among which man-made is a factor that can not be ignored.

As a beautiful ornamental plant, many flower friends will plant triangular plum at home. It is said that when it blossoms, the scenery is very beautiful. However, some flower friends responded that the triangle plum blossom they raised had fallen off! What's going on? In fact, there are many reasons why triangular plum flowers fall, among which man-made is a factor that can not be ignored. Let's go with the editor to have a look.

First, what if the triangular plum blossom is lost? find the reason.

In life, many flower friends raise triangular plums at home, not only because it is beautiful, but more importantly, it is easy to raise. You only need to pay attention to the lighting and watering. However, in the breeding process, if the maintenance is not in place, triangulated plum will appear the phenomenon of falling flowers. At this point, we need to calmly find the cause, and then solve the problem. Generally speaking, there are the following reasons for the triangulated plum blossom. Let's move on.

Second, the reason for the fall of triangular plum, 5: 00.

1. Man / nature

If you find that the triangle plum blossom has fallen, don't think about anything else first, think about yourself and remember whether you often move triangle plum! Because moving the triangular plum back and forth will affect the growth of the plant, resulting in the symptom of falling flowers.

In addition, we also have to consider whether it is caused naturally, because triangular plums will fall when they are blown by strong winds and rain.

Solution: in the triangle plum blossom period, we should fix the basin, preferably in a sunny window or balcony that can avoid rain.

2. Improper watering

Although triangular plum likes the moist environment, it is best not to water it during the flowering period, which can prolong the flowering time. Once watered during the flowering period, it is easy to cause the flowers to fall off quickly. In addition, insufficient water supply in hot season or excessive watering in winter can easily cause defoliation.

Solution: when the triangular plum blossoms, do not water it; in addition to this time, give it the right amount of water: once in the morning and evening every day in summer, reduce the watering frequency in winter, once every 3-5 days.

3. Fertilize too much

In addition to watering, the reason for the falling flowers of triangular plum can not escape fertilization. Once we fertilize too much or choose fertilizer incorrectly, it will cause triangular plum to burn roots, resulting in symptoms such as rotten roots, yellowing leaves, falling flowers and so on.

Solution: choose mature organic fertilizer, adhere to the principle of frequent application of thin fertilizer, and avoid burning roots. As for how to fertilize triangulated plum, there is a special introduction in front, so I won't say much here.

4. Improper temperature

In the culture method of triangular plum, we have mentioned the importance of temperature, we had better keep it in the environment of 20-30 ℃. Once the temperature is too low or changes too much, it will cause the triangular plum to fall.

5. Lack of light

Triangle plum Xiguang, we have to ensure that it has more than 8 hours of light every day, so that it can grow well. If the light does not meet the requirements during flowering, triangulated plum blossoms are very easy to appear.

Solution: replenish the light, move the plant to the sun in time, and the triangular plum will gradually recover after a period of time.

Summary: the beauty of triangular plum is beyond doubt, and the scenery when it blossoms attracts countless people. However, in the process of triangular plum culture, it is easy to lose flowers, affecting the ornamental effect. Therefore, in order to avoid the occurrence of triangular plum blossoms, we must pay attention to the daily maintenance! Finally, may everyone's triangular plum blossom with beautiful flowers.

The influence of plants on fengshui the influence of animals and plants on fengshui: what trees are suitable for planting around the house as long as we think of changing the evil appearance of the house to good luck, we often use trees to improve it. For example, planting trees on triangular soil, planting trees in the missing corner of the building, or even planting trees on the outside of the house can also cover up the malice. This shows how important the aura of trees is to human beings. But then again! Although the aura of trees is very important to us, not all trees can bring good luck. For example, in the case of private houses, there are some trees that cannot be planted because of their ferocious appearance. Ferocious trees include willow, plantain, fig, cherry tree, magnolia, magnolia, Phoenix tail bamboo, beech, poplar and so on. In principle, these trees cannot be planted in the gardens of private houses. Because they are bad trees, it is impossible to bring the good looks that trees have. In particular, willows must not be planted in private houses. Otherwise, the fortune of the family will be reversed; that is to say, women will be dominated by men, while men will not be able to perform the functions that men should have. This is the unique ferocious meaning of willow. In particular, children will become weak. In addition, under certain conditions, some of the following trees become ferocious trees: persimmon, peach, persimmon, barrel, jujube, tomato willow, plum, grapefruit, kumquat, loquat and other trees that will bear fruit. Trees that grow taller than the roof: ginkgo, camphor, Chinese fir. If there are these trees in the garden, they must be transplanted somewhere else. Some people think that it is not enough to cut it. It's easy to cut them off, but the viciousness will be even greater. Especially when the trees are already quite large, they can't be cut down casually. All living things in this world have the aura that connects the universe. Just as human beings have souls, trees have tree spirits. All things are in harmony with each other to maintain the ecological balance. Therefore, we must try our best to keep the tree spirit alive, otherwise, it will be difficult for our families to be happy. In case it has to be cut down, it is necessary to hold a "soul-killing ceremony" to send away the tree spirit. The virtuous monks or monks were invited to hold the same dishes as the foundation-laying ceremony and begged the tree spirits to move away. Even if there is only one tree, there is no exception. This kind of ceremony should also be held when poplars and willows more than three meters are cut down. Once cut down, the trees should be uprooted. Even if you want to transplant to another place, you have to hold a groundbreaking ceremony. Because trees have lived in the same place for decades, even hundreds, thousands of years. Even if the transplant is only a few meters, you must pray that the tree will not wither before starting the transplant. As for the silk orchid, if there are only one or two, then transplant it near the house. It is ideal to transplant willows and other trees to temples, schools and other places. Trees that can be sturdy will not bring ferocity if there is more than a thousand ping of land around the house. For the excessive number of ferocious trees in the construction site, as long as the boundary line of the transplanted house is near, there is no need to care about the location. As for trees that grow taller, heart-picking can be used to prevent them from growing taller. For example, when Cunninghamia lanceolata grows to ten meters, the range covered by branches will reach five meters. A tall tree like this might as well be pruned frequently to limit its growth. Some of them are not ferocious trees, but due to some special circumstances, they have to be transplanted somewhere else. Like cedar trees. Conifers are not ferocious trees, but they are the main cause of hay fever and have to be transplanted. The smell of golden rhinoceros is so strong that once it becomes the cause of family headache, it must be removed. At this time, a similar foundation laying ceremony will still be held. Plant auspiciousness and symbolism in the application of fengshui, plants are often used as auspicious evil spirits, so different plants are given different meanings. Plant oranges are regarded as auspicious: "tangerine" and "auspicious" are homophonic, and potted oranges become family furnishings during the Spring Festival. Auspicious grass: auspicious grass is small and green all the year round, and it is easy to grow in mud and water, symbolizing "auspicious", also known as Ruicao. Chunshu: Chunshu is easy to grow and live long, and the custom of touching Toona sinensis is popular in some places. New Year's Eve, at night, children have to touch the tree, and they have to turn around a few times to pray for quick growth. In some places, on the morning of the first day of the first lunar month, children hold the tree and say, "you are king of the tree, and you grow thick and I grow long." Locust tree: it is considered to represent "Lu". The ancient court planted three locust trees and nine thorns, under which the Gongqing doctor sat, facing the three locust trees, and later it was convenient to plant locust trees in the courtyard. Peach tree: it is said to be the essence of the five elements, which can make a hundred ghosts, so it hangs on the door with Peach Fu during the Spring Festival. Willow: like peach trees, wicker is inserted into the door to ward off evil spirits. Gourd: it turns out that in fengshui, gourd is considered to be a plant that can exorcise evil spirits, and the ancients often planted it in front and behind the house. Modern physical tests have proved that "treasure gourd" shaped utensils can block the interference of various waves and radiation. Eucalyptus, a plant regarded as a bad omen: young and middle-aged people do not dare to plant eucalyptus trees, which can grow to a height of more than 20 storeys. It is said that adults will die. To plant this tree, we have to hire the elderly. Anyway, when the tree is big, the life span of the tree grower is about the same. Fengshui trees in the south, some villages near the preservation of a small piece of green trees, mostly camphor, pine, cypress, nan and other evergreen trees. As a tourist, don't touch them. Because this is the fengshui tree, also known as the Shuikou tree, although it is only a small piece of green trees, it can be related to the lifeblood of fengshui of the whole village, and the local people dare not touch every plant there for fear of destroying the fengshui of the village. The theory of tree environment: 1. Trees bend and enjoy their leisure. 2, peach and apricot in front of the door, greedy flowers and alcoholism, 3, door-to-door weeping poplar, bearded hanging beam. 4. A single tree serves as a door, and a widowed mother and grandson. 5. The peach plant faces the door, shielding Houkun. 6. In the forest facing the door, there are many disasters and diseases. 7. If there are two trees in front of the door, animals will heal. 8. The single tree is bald, and the two surnames are not in harmony. 9. The big tree is strange and frustrated. 10. As tall as a tree, take the ladder early. 11. Swollen roots under the tree, deafness and blindness. 12. Bamboo and wood are recycled, and the family clothes are green. 13. The pillow emperor of the big tree will be dismayed. 14. If there is no tree on the left or right, there will be less good luck and more evil. 15. The red flower of the right tree is charming and charming. 16. The right tree is embraced again, and the wealth is guaranteed for long. 17. The tree bows its back and Ding retreats with wealth. 18. Dead trees serve as doors, and fire kills people. 19. The branches and vines are tangled, and the overhanging beam capsized the boat. Widows will come out of dead trees on the roof. 21. Big trees press the door, and there are no girls and boys. 22. Fruit trees wear to the left, with phlegm-fire caused by miscellaneous diseases. 23. If the head of the tree is outward, it will be punished in vain. 24. If the head of a tree hangs, it will cause people to drown. 25. Two trees and sandwiched houses will surely lead to bereavement. 26. Trees are like oxen, but frost houses are often sick. 27. Before banana trees, widows were pitiful. 28. There is a locust in front of the door, which is rich and rich. 29. There is a dead tree in front of you, but if you lose your fortune, you will lose your fortune. The northwest of the house had better have a big tree, the northwest is dry, and the tree has wood essence, which can protect the owner of the house. There must be no big trees at the front gate of the house. There must be no big trees in the house. There is a bamboo forest around the house, which is a good omen. The influence of animals and plants on feng shui: what kind of plants are suitable for housing there is a story: a man put several pots of azaleas in his home, which added some vitality to the room which was originally full of furniture and electrical appliances, but his family fell ill one after another at this time. His health is very poor. Is this an accidental phenomenon or an inevitable phenomenon? If it is an inevitable phenomenon, then apart from azaleas can not be placed at home and abroad, what other plants can not be placed at home? In terms of fengshui, putting some plants in the home can really add life to the home, and some even play a role in transforming evil spirits. But not all plants are suitable for home, and the rhododendron mentioned in the story is one of them. So what kind of plants are suitable for home and what plants are not? Usually, thorns or needle-shaped ones such as cuckoos, roses and cacti are never suitable for display at home, otherwise it will affect the health of the family, and the family may take turns getting sick in the story. There are many plants suitable for display at home. You can choose some plants with luxuriant branches and leaves at home. The best color is turquoise, or those with flowers. Varieties are violets, evergreen, keels, golden kudzu and so on, these plants can make the family full of vitality and courage to work. However, you should take good care of it. Don't think that you can take advantage of it as long as you put it. If you find a flower branch withering, it should be cut off as soon as possible, otherwise there will be a lot of obstacles at work and bad luck for your family. In addition, common ribbon flowers and plastic flowers can also be put indoors. These furnishings actually have no life at all and have little impact on the feng shui in the house. However, it should be noted that if rockery is used to set off plants, do not buy the shape of rocks, because any rugged shape is a bad kind, and putting it at home will make people easy to get hurt or get sick. The theory of indoor plants and fengshui for greening is: "there are trees in villages and villages, clothes in Jews, and timidity in thinness." If it is too thick, it is bitter and hot. The truth is that yin and yang should be neutralized. What kind of trees should be planted around the house and courtyard? Which are not suitable? Special discussion on fengshui: "East species of peach willow (Yima), western species of elm, southern species of plum jujube (Yinu), north species of Nai apricot". "every tree has good fortune in every house,"bamboo and wood on the four sides of the house", "the main tree planting in the atrium is divided, the jujube planting in the door is happy and auspicious; the wood planted in the center of the courtyard is more idle and sleepy, and the heart of the long planting court is responsible for harming seedlings". "there are locust trees in the middle door, Fugui III; there are elms behind the house, but a hundred ghosts are not near." "there are apricot murderers in the east, Li in the north, and peaches in the west." According to the results of the study, it is proved that: "plants themselves can be divided into yin and yang, and plants also have mutual restriction and mutual restriction: people and plants also have mutual restriction." . For example, sunny plants with 1800 lux illuminations that can blossom normally, such as magnolia, rose, jasmine, plum blossom, peony, peony, rhododendron and chrysanthemum, do not grow well or have no flowers in shady conditions. Or no fruit or death. Wet ring Wensheng, tortoise back bamboo, evergreen, Penglai pine, Brazilian iron, green pineapple and other plants. Under 1800 lux illumination, even under 100 lux illumination, it can grow at low level and is a shade-loving plant. It is quite common for normal plants to interact with each other. If the pine tree carries grapes, it will not bear fruit. When planted at the edge of the elm tree, the fruit will be sour, and the pear will release ethylene. Therefore, it cannot be put together with the banana, otherwise the banana will soon rot its skin. There is also a mutual relationship between people and plants. Such as amaranth kudzu, Camptotheca acuminata, carbon dioxide exhaled at night, will compete with people in the room for oxygen; the smell of nocturnal incense makes people with high blood pressure and heart disease feel uncomfortable. These plants compete with human beings. The hanging orchid has the function of filtering the air, living with people, and has the evil spirit effect of prosperous house. You can put more in the room. In addition, cactus plants, Longqing "," Jade Kylin "and so on also have the role of Wang Zhai. There are also "roses", "thorn cuckoos" and other plants, which can be placed in the indoor "bad position" and "ferocious position". It also has the effect of dispelling evil spirits in feng shui. According to the requirements of fengshui, indoor plant furnishings give full play to the elements of human and plant growth to achieve harmony between human and plant. The varieties of plants placed in various parts of the house are as follows: 1. The bedroom chooses cactus, cactus, orchid, rose, tulip, evening fragrance king, lily and Feng Calli to achieve the effect of serenity, serenity and mildness. Under the fragrant flowers, husband and wife and beauty, children are quiet, easy to fall asleep and have a good rest. 2, the living room should pay attention to some, can choose varieties for rich bamboo, Penglai pine, cactus, Luohan pine, seven-leaf lotus, brown bamboo, rich tree, gentleman orchid, ball orchid, orchid, cyclamen, citrus, nest fern, dragon blood tree, etc., these plants in fengshui auspicious things ", can be lucky and rich. 3. The study should be full of bookish flavor, and the plants should be placed in the master's place of Wenchang. You can choose mangosteen, asparagus, rich bamboo, ivy and so on. These plants can strengthen people's thinking, conducive to learning, can also be put on the desk Gladiolus calamus thin has the effect of tranquilizing the mind to prevent insomnia. 4. in addition to the health of the dining room owner, neatness and unity are required. Plants can first take yellow roses, yellow carnations, yellow Jasminum, etc., mainly orange, to increase appetite and promote health. 5. The balcony should be equipped with 04:00 flowers and plants according to sunshine conditions, such as jasmine, chrysanthemum, Holland and begonia. Passionflower, asparagus, carnation, begonia, sunflower, Milan, sweet-scented osmanthus, crab orchid and so on; when all kinds of flowers are placed, the positive ones should be placed close to the sun and the negative ones should be placed behind. 6. If the gate is facing the staircase, you can use red sword leaf and fish tail sunflower. The brown bamboo turns into evil spirits. Put it in the collision place. Like balcony window to have bad breath again, can use cactus, rose, jade unicorn to change evil spirit, also can potted gourd change evil spirit. In short, the layout of greening in the air is improper, and the selection of plants is not right. Will have adverse consequences for the occupants' careers. Plants can cure diseases, regulate mind and nourish nature, flourish homes and people, and also harm people. Plants determine that there is a "field". It should be further studied.