
Don't forget when I bloom, forget-me-not how long the flowering period is / so that the flowering period can be extended

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Forget-me-not is a beautiful flower with high ornamental value, and it is also the highest ornamental moment in its flowering period. So the question is, when will forget-me-not open and how long will it bloom? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Forget-me-not is a beautiful flower with high ornamental value, and it is also the highest ornamental moment in its flowering period. So the question is, when will forget-me-not open and how long will it bloom? Next, the editor will take you to learn about it.

Forget me when to blossom / May flowering

On the question of when forget-me-not blossoms, it is usually around May every year. As for how long the flowering period is, it depends on your maintenance. Its flowering period can be regulated. If the maintenance is good, the flowering period can be extended. About the maintenance method, you can refer to the article on the breeding method of forget-me-not. Here the editor will not introduce too much.

Second, how long is the flowering period of forget-me-not / May-June

Under normal maintenance conditions, the forget-me-not florescence is usually in the two months from May to June. Of course, the editor also mentioned above that if the care is good, the florescence can be prolonged. About how to make the forget-me-not florescence longer, you can move on.

Third, how to make the florescence of forget-me-not longer

1. Environment control

In the cultivation of forget-me-not this plant, it is best to be in a fresh environment, the environment needs to be ventilated, and the temperature is best controlled at 18-25 °C, if in a stuffy environment will affect its flowering.

two。 Appropriate amount of fertilizer

In the process of forget-me-not culture, it is necessary to apply fertilizer, but its requirement for fertilizer is not too high, usually once a quarter, organic fertilizer can be selected when applying fertilizer, and it is best to dilute it first and then apply it. In this way, the flowering period can also be extended to a certain extent.

3. Illumination control

Forget-me-not is a kind of plant that likes light, so keep plenty of sunshine when you breed it. However, when the summer sunshine is too strong, you need to pay attention to shade, which can generally be prevented and treated in indoor semi-shady ventilation.

Want a plant to grow luxuriantly, conservation is not careless, any flower needs long-term care to be able to produce beautiful flowers. This is the end of the editor's introduction to the question of forget-me-not florescence. I hope I can bring you some help after reading this article.

Don't forget my florescence, don't forget when I bloom.

Forget-me-not, also known as star flower, blood-tonifying grass, has purple, lilac, blue, red, rose, yellow, white and other colors. The flowers are very beautiful. Today, I would like to share with you the florescence of forget-me-not and when I will bloom.

Don't forget my florescence, don't forget when I blossom:

Forget-me-not strong adaptability, like cool, dry climate, avoid hot and humid, like light, drought resistance, etc., sprouting to flowering takes about three months.

Forget-me-not blooms every year from spring to early summer, that is, from May to June, and the forget-me-not florescence can be regulated. Forget-me-not seed vernalization treatment temperature 2 ℃. The processing time is 30 to 40 days. The seeds to be treated should be germinated seeds, and the dried seeds should not be effective after cold storage.

Forget-me-not as an annual cultivation, select the seedlings of early-maturing varieties that have been treated with low temperature, plant in April to June every year, blossom in autumn, cut flowers continue the whole winter, to the following spring, mainly for winter flowers. Pay attention to proper shading and cooling in high temperature weather in summer and do a good job of heat preservation in winter. As a biennial cultivation, the seedlings are planted from October to December every year, so that the seedlings can fully accept the natural low temperature in winter, and the flowering in the following spring can last until the winter, and be eradicated after the end of flower production in winter.

At present, forget-me-not in the world through artificial cultivation, temperature control technology, can achieve four seasons flowering, varieties are mainly divided into early maturity, late maturity two. Early-maturing varieties are Zaolan, Jinan, blue pearl and so on. Mid-late maturity varieties include iceberg, night blue, blue velvet and so on.

Do not forget my flowering period, do not forget when I bloom, the editor will introduce you to this. Don't forget that the flowering period can be controlled, and growers should fully understand the characteristics of varieties and market demand in order to select suitable varieties.

Don't forget when I blossom.

Forget-me-not florescence

Forget-me-not florescence is from spring to summer every year, mainly from May to June, and it can be controlled.

Forget-me-not planting

When planting forget-me-not, you need to vernalize it first. If it is an annual flower, forget-me-not can be planted in April-June, and then bloom in autumn, and the cut flowers will last throughout the winter until the spring of the following year. If forget-me-not is a biennial flower, it can be planted every year from October to December. After a natural low temperature in winter, it can blossom in the spring of the following year and last into winter.

In the culture of forget-me-not, after artificial control, it can blossom all the year round.

Don't forget my blossom picture appreciation