
The efficacy and effect of camellias, looking at the use of eye-nourishing drugs to treat diseases / dissipate blood stasis, detumescence, moisten the lungs and nourish yin

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Camellia, one of the top ten famous flowers in China, is born with beautiful leaves, elegant and colorful flowers, especially its charming fragrance. In life, friends who raise camellias are all for its beauty, but if that's the case, you underestimate the camellias, because except for watching.

Camellia, one of the top ten famous flowers in China, is born with beautiful leaves, elegant and colorful flowers, especially its charming fragrance. In life, friends who raise camellias are all for its beauty, but if that's the case, you underestimate the camellias, because besides watching, there are many functions of camellias. Follow the editor to have a look.

I. the efficacy and function of camellias

1. Ornamental value

When it comes to the efficacy and function of camellias, viewing must be what everyone thinks the most. Keep the camellias at home, and after it blossoms, its colorful flowers and refreshing scent make people relaxed and happy. It is a great blessing in life to have such beautiful scenery at home.

2. Garden value

Camellia has a long flowering period, rich colors, coupled with its luxuriant leaves and colorful figure, which is very suitable for planting in gardens. If planted with other plants, the ornamental effect is better. Not only that, camellias bloom in the cold winter when the flowers are withering, which adds a touch of amorous feelings to its beauty.

3. Medicinal value

In addition to ornamental, the efficacy and role of camellias are also reflected in the medicinal. It is understood that the leaves, stems and flowers of camellias can be used as medicine, which can restrain and cool the blood, dissipate blood stasis and detumescence, moisturize the lungs and nourish yin, and can also help treat hematemesis, hematemesis, blood avalanche, blood dysentery, bloody gonorrhea, falls, scald and other diseases.

4. Environmental protection value

According to the editor, camellia also has the role of green environmental protection, it has a strong effect of absorbing carbon dioxide, and has a strong resistance to harmful gases in the air, such as hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, hydrogen fluoride and smoke, purifying the air. So protecting the environment is also one of the functions and functions of camellias.

5. Cosmetic effect

When it comes to the efficacy and function of camellias, there is one that is very good for women, and that is the beauty effect. It is understood that camellias can be made into cosmetics after processing, which can not only remove freckles, but also beautify the skin. For women with dry skin, it is undoubtedly a magic medicine. More importantly, camellias are non-toxic but rich in the nutritional value of stamens, so you can rest assured to use them.

6. Natural vegetable oil

In addition to medicinal uses, camellia is also an important oil plant. According to the editor, the seeds of camellias contain unsaturated fatty oil, which can be refined into natural vegetable oil, which is not only healthy and beneficial, but also delicious to eat.

7. Edible value, source of nectar

In addition to looking beautiful, camellia is also an important nectar plant. It is understood that Camellia has a long flowering period, honey is delicious and sweet, so it is often extracted a kind of natural honey for people's daily consumption, which is not only delicious, but also can treat diseases such as dysentery, with deep health care significance.

On the efficacy and role of camellias, the editor introduced here, after reading, we should have a deeper understanding of camellias! Unexpectedly, a small camellia has so many effects! So why hesitate? Hurry up to get a pot to raise it. I don't know how to raise it. You can also take a look at the culture method of camellias, which is helpful to you.

Efficacy and function of Camellia Medicinal value of Camellia

Camellia, also known as Camellia, is one of the plants of Theaceae, is a beautiful ornamental flower, it is beautiful, elegant and generous, is one of the world's famous flowers. The color of camellia is changeable, and the florescence varies with different varieties. Camellias can not only be enjoyed by people, but also have a variety of functions and functions. If you want to understand it, you can go and have a look at it with the editor.

The efficacy and function of Camellia

1. Camellia can be used as medicine

In addition to its beautiful and attractive appearance, camellia can also be used in medicine. Its roots and flowers can be used in medicine. It is a Chinese herbal medicine with excellent efficacy. After being used in medicine, it tastes bitter, its nature is cold and cold, and convergence and hemostasis are its most important medicinal efficacy. It is usually used for the treatment of many bleeding symptoms, such as human hematemesis, blood avalanche and hematochezia, with obvious therapeutic effect.

2. Camellia can treat hematemesis and cough

Camellia has a good therapeutic effect on human hematemesis and coughing. During the treatment, an appropriate amount of camellias can be cultured on tiles, dried, processed into powder and then mixed with brown sugar, and then taken directly. Can also put ten camellias and safflower five coins and Bletilla striata one or two, and then add red jujube one or two, add water fried after taking, can play a good hemostatic effect.

3. Camellia can cure dysentery

Camellia has excellent convergence effect, can be used for the treatment of human dysentery, the therapeutic effect is very excellent, in the treatment, camellias can be dried in the shade, and then processed into powder and mixed with appropriate amount of sugar. When steaming rice, put the camellias on the rice and steam them, eat them three to four times a day, and take the right amount each time.

The efficacy, function and edible method of tea pollen, good weight loss effect / detoxification after eating

Camellia should be no stranger to everyone. It is one of the top ten famous flowers in China, with beautiful flowers and charming fragrance. Do you know tea pollen? It is understood that tea pollen not only tastes good, but also has a good health care effect, and is the beloved of many health care people. Below by the editor to give you a brief introduction to the efficacy and function of tea pollen and eating methods.

What is tea pollen, natural health products

Pollen, seed plant unique structure, it contains the essence of plant life, so it has a high nutritional value and medicinal value, is a very good natural health products. Tea pollen is mainly collected by hard-working bees from camellia flowers. In front of us, we introduced the efficacy and function of camellias, and then we focused on understanding the efficacy and function of tea pollen and edible methods.

Second, the efficacy and function of tea pollen

1. Improve human immunity

Improving human immunity is one of the efficacy and effects of tea pollen. It is understood that tea pollen contains a lot of protein and amino acids, and its content even exceeds that of eggs and milk, so tea pollen is often used to improve human immunity.

2. Can lose weight / gain weight

It is understood that tea pollen contains a lot of vitamins, which can accelerate the metabolic function of fat in the human body, which can be converted into energy and released, so tea pollen has the effect of losing weight. In addition, tea pollen is also known as a balancing agent, after people lose weight, it also has the effect of gaining weight, it mainly plays a balancing role.

3. Detoxification and liver protection

In addition to vitamins, tea pollen also contains nucleic acid, which can produce a large number of nucleic acid in the human body, which can improve the role of detoxification. At the same time, the flavonoids in pollen can prevent the deposition of fat on the liver and protect the liver.

4. Prevent constipation and treat anemia

Tea pollen has many bactericidal ingredients, can kill E. coli and so on, can effectively prevent and cure constipation. In addition, tea pollen has a good effect on anemia, diabetes and improving memory.

5. Improve menopausal symptoms in women.

Unlike men, when women reach a certain age, they enter the ranks of menopause. During this period, women will be easily upset and irritable because of endocrine disorders, and sometimes there will be adverse symptoms of vomiting and sweating. Tea pollen can be taken at this time. If women take it for a long time, it can improve the symptoms of menopause.

6. Anti-aging

In the efficacy and role of tea pollen, anti-aging is a point that many people like. It is understood that tea pollen contains many elements necessary for the human body, which can enhance the SOD activity in the body and play an anti-aging role.

3. Edible method of tea pollen (1) eating time

According to the editor's inquiry, the best time to eat tea pollen is 15-30 minutes before breakfast every day, when the human body is fasting and easy to absorb. If the dose is high, you can eat it in 2-3 doses, the first time before breakfast, the second and third times 15-30 minutes before lunch or dinner, or before going to bed.

Note: when taking it, be sure to keep an eye on the dose. It is generally about 10 grams for adults and 5 to 12 grams for children according to their age. And it is best for children to eat tea pollen for 2 or 3 times.

(2) eating method

Understand the efficacy and function of tea pollen, know the best time to eat it, and then let's see how to eat it. Generally speaking, there are two ways to eat tea pollen: one is direct consumption, the other is mixed consumption. The details are as follows:

1. Direct consumption

Pour the tea pollen directly into the mouth, then serve it with lukewarm water of no more than 40 ℃. This method is very simple, but you may not be used to it at first, but you can get used to it after a few times.

2. Mixed food

Tea pollen is mixed with honey (or white sugar concentrated water), and then served with no more than 40 ℃ of warm water, which can reduce the peculiar smell of pollen and have a good taste. In addition, you can also mix tea pollen in gruel, put in milk and beverages, and drink with wine.

Although tea pollen is a natural health product, the editor believes that it is best not to eat a large amount of tea pollen for a long time, and the immune system has been destroyed, which is not good. In life, we can eat a small amount for a long time, so as to avoid a bad situation. On the efficacy and function of tea pollen and eating methods, the editor introduced here, hoping to bring help to everyone.