
How to make water tower flowers and leaves beautiful?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Water tower flower leaves green and glossy, clump to form a rosette, the leaf tube can hold water without leakage, hence the name. Bright red columnar inflorescences are extracted from the leaf tube before the National Day. The leaves are green, red and colorful. It is a famous ornamental plant in the pineapple family. Water tower flowers like warm, moist, semi-shady environment. Not resistant to cold

Water tower flower leaves green and glossy, clump to form a rosette, the leaf tube can hold water without leakage, hence the name. Bright red columnar inflorescences are extracted from the leaf tube before the National Day. The leaves are green, red and colorful. It is a famous ornamental plant in the pineapple family.

Water tower flowers like warm, moist, semi-shady environment. I can't bear the cold. Slightly resistant to drought. Like warm, humid and sunny environment, require high air humidity, avoid strong light, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20-28 degrees Celsius.

In winter, it should be cultured in a low-temperature greenhouse. It can survive the winter safely at a temperature of 5 mi 10 degrees Celsius, while it grows well at about 15 degrees Celsius. When cultivating in the family, the pot plant should be placed in the south-facing window □ during the day to fully accept the sunlight. Pay attention to the indoor temperature in the severe winter season. There will be a risk of freezing around 01, and the plant should be moved away from the doors and windows in the evening. Even covering an old newspaper on the plant can also play a role in preventing cold and cold.

If the temperature rises in spring, after turning the basin and changing the soil in April, it can be moved under the outdoor shade shed for the summer. The basin soil should be loose, fertile and slightly acidic, and one part of rotten leaf soil, one part of garden soil, half of rice chaff ash and half of stable fertilizer soil can be mixed. If there is a spray condition, it can often maintain a high air humidity, and it is more appropriate to use peat soil with good drainage and acid as pot soil.

Summer more than 30 degrees Celsius plants in a semi-dormant state, can not have strong sunlight, so it is appropriate to spend the summer under the shade shed, in order to increase air humidity, can often spray water on the ground several times, play the role of heat prevention and cooling.

Fertilizer and water management can not be ignored. The mature cake fertilizer and water should be applied once a week in spring and autumn, and phosphate fertilizer should be applied twice before flowering in autumn to make the flowers bright. Fertilizer should be stopped in summer days and cold winters. The basin soil is often moist, and the high air humidity is often maintained during the growing period, which is a necessary condition for good plant growth. The basin soil should not be too wet. If there is stagnant water in the basin, it will cause rotten roots and cause the death of the whole plant.

There is an interesting phenomenon in the maintenance of water tower flowers, which often keeps water in the leaf tube, and the plant grows well if the basin soil is moist. If there is a lack of water in the leaf tube, the plant is easy to wilt.

The regeneration of the old plant is a measure to maintain the luxuriant growth of the plant. after 3 years of plant growth, the old plant gradually shrinks or dries up after flowering. When it is found that the old plant can be removed when the pot is changed in spring, the tiller branches at the base of the rhizome can grow and rejuvenate. As long as careful maintenance, the plant will be chlorophyll red.

How to make the water tower flowers and leaves colorful?

China Garden Network, May 8, news: water tower flower is a famous indoor potted flower with leaves. Its leaves are green and glossy, and the columnar bright red inflorescences are drawn from the central tube of the leaves when flowering. Potted water tower flowers can choose rotten leaf soil, water moss and garden soil (or coarse sand) mixed with sifted culture soil, plus a small amount of bone powder as base fertilizer. In the growing season, dilute liquid fertilizer is applied every half a month or so, and 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate is applied 1-2 times before flowering, the flower color is more beautiful. Fertilization should be stopped during flowering, post-anthesis and dormant periods.

Water tower flowers often use the scaly hairs at the base of the cylindrical water tower to absorb water, so the leaf tube needs to be filled with water during the growth period, and the leaf color is lack of luster and gradually turn yellow. However, we should pay attention to prevent the water quality in the tube from becoming smelly. Generally, we should dump the flowerpot every half a month or so to make the old water flow out and then add new water. At ordinary times, the amount of irrigation should be based on the dry surface of the basin soil, and it should be watered when it is dry.

Spray water frequently in summer and dry seasons to maintain high air humidity. Avoid stagnant water in the basin, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten roots and cause plant death.

In winter, the plant enters the dormant period, and the life activity is slow. At this time, it should be watered by monarchy to keep the bottom of the vane slightly moist. Water tower flowers like a semi-overcast environment, and family cultivation can grow well in a place with bright scattered light indoors. If you encounter a strong light, it is easy to turn the leaf color yellow and affect the ornamental value. The suitable temperature for growth is 20 ℃-28 ℃. When the temperature exceeds 30 ℃ in midsummer, ventilation and cooling should be done well. The suitable temperature in winter should be kept between 10 ℃-15 ℃, and the flowerpot should be placed near the south window for maintenance. The water tower flower grew better when it was cultivated in soilless culture. For specific methods of soilless cultivation, see question 25 of this book.

How to maintain the flowers and leaves of the water tower and the beauty of the water tower

Flower bonsai network guide: today's flower bonsai network editor is to share with you about the water tower flowers and leaves and beauty how to maintain, how to raise water tower flowers, let's take a look.

Water tower flower is a good indoor culture plant, you can watch the flowers and leaves. So, how to maintain the water tower flowers in order to be beautiful and lovable?

The water tower flower should choose the suitable pot soil.

When cultivating water tower flowers, in order to make them beautiful in flowers and leaves and good plant type, it is necessary to choose a suitable pot soil.

The root system of water tower flower itself is not very developed, in breeding, there is no need to choose large flowerpots, it is better to plant plants in pots. The soil is generally mixed with rotten leaf soil, garden soil and sand.

The water tower flower can change the pot in the spring, at this time can prune the old plant, can promote new bud, in this way, the whole plant type will be better.

The water tower flower needs suitable light temperature.

Water tower flowers like appropriate light, generally semi-overcast environment, but to maintain sufficient light, do not lack of light. Note that it is necessary to prevent direct glare in summer, otherwise the leaves will easily turn yellow.

Secondly, in winter, the water tower flower also needs to pay attention to dormancy, because only when there is enough dormancy time, the water tower flower can blossom better in the second year.

Water tower flowers need reasonable watering and fertilization.

Reasonable fertilization can meet the growth of water tower flowers. During the growth period, fertilizer is usually applied every 2 weeks, which can promote its better growth. Before blooming in autumn, properly apply phosphate fertilizer once or twice to make the blossom more beautiful.

When watering, it is generally necessary to keep the soil moist, because lack of water will cause the leaves of the water tower flowers to turn yellow and lack luster. However, it should be noted that it should not be too wet, otherwise it will lead to rotten roots and even plant death.

Basically, as long as reasonable maintenance, water tower flowers can grow very well, beautiful flowers, very stylish.

How to grow water tower flowers

The water tower flower is a perennial evergreen herbal succulent plant of the pineapple family, also known as flame pineapple, red algae pineapple, trough pineapple, red pen pineapple and so on. It is a good indoor foliage plant, native to tropical America and epiphytic on trees or humus in tropical forests. It is often cultivated in greenhouses in China, especially in the south. Let's take a look at the cultivation methods of water tower flowers.

The growth habit of water tower flower

Water tower flowers like warm, moist, semi-shady environment, not cold-resistant, slightly drought-tolerant, require high air humidity, avoid strong light, and the suitable temperature for growth is 20-28 ℃. The requirement of soil quality is not high, so it is suitable to grow in acid sandy soil with good drainage. It is better to use slightly acidic sandy loam with rich humus and good drainage and ventilation, and avoid calcareous soil. The optimum growth temperature is 25 ℃, and the overwintering temperature should not be lower than 10 ℃.

The Propagation method of Water Tower Flower

1. Sowing: most of the pineapples used for ornamental in the market are hybrids, and it is difficult to obtain seeds in the natural state, that is, if the seeds are obtained by artificial pollination, the characters of the offspring will also be separated and the good characters of the mother plant can not be maintained. therefore, sowing and propagation is only used in the preservation of primary quality and the cultivation of new varieties.

2. Ramet: ramet propagation is often carried out in spring. The mother plant can produce tiller buds at the base or between the leaves before and after flowering, but the mother plant can not continue to grow and die. Tiller buds can be used for ramet propagation and cutting propagation, and the tiller buds with roots can be put on the pot directly.

3. Cuttage: the cuttage propagation of water tower flower is usually carried out in spring, and the survival rate of ramet is low during high temperature. When cutting, the tiller buds were cut off when the tiller buds were 8 cm and 10 cm, and inserted into the substrate of rotten leaf soil and coarse sand, kept at room temperature for 25 ~ 28 ℃, rooting in about 30 ~ 40 days, and pot cultivation in 50 ~ 60 days. The mother plant that broke off the tiller buds could grow another 2 ~ 3 batches of tiller buds after cultivation.

4. Tissue culture: the growth rate of ramet and cuttage propagation was slow, and the number of seedlings obtained was small and irregular. Tissue culture was often used in the large-scale propagation of commercial varieties, and the stem tip tissue of tillering buds was often used as materials. After regular disinfection, adventitious buds could be formed on MS medium supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine 4mg / L and indole acetic acid 0.1mg / L.

The culture method of water tower flower

1. Soil: the growth of water tower flower does not require high soil quality, and it is better to use slightly acidic sandy loam with rich humus and good drainage and ventilation, but avoid calcareous soil.

2. Sunshine: the water tower flower lives mainly in the shade of the bushes or in the northwest of the hillside, and can accept part of the intermittent direct sunlight every day. So if it is maintained in direct sunlight in summer, it will grow very slowly or enter a semi-dormant state, and the leaves will slowly turn yellow and fall off due to burns, so pay attention to cover 50% of the sun. In other seasons, because the temperature is not very high, the water tower flower can be given direct sunlight to facilitate its photosynthesis and the formation of flower buds and flowering.

3, temperature: water tower flower originated in tropical or subtropical regions, like high temperature and high humidity environment, so the most suitable growth temperature is 18: 30 ℃, when the summer temperature is above 35 ℃, but the growth will be temporarily hindered, but the winter temperature below 3: 6 ℃ can not safely survive the winter.

4. Moisture: the water tower flower environment needs more water during the peak growth period, but the basin soil should not be too wet. In addition to watering to keep the soil moist, the central tube of the water tower flower plant can also be filled with water. Watering less in winter, do not add a lot of water to the central tube, just keep it moist, usually spray water around the plant, maintain high environmental humidity, and often scrub the leaf surface with a soft cloth to keep the leaf surface bright and clean.

5. Fertilization: the water tower flower requires more fertilizer and water, but it is most afraid of random fertilization, concentrated fertilizer and partial application of nitrogen, phosphorus and potash fertilizer. It is required to follow the principle of "frequent application of light fertilizer, less amount and more times, and complete nutrition".

Prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in water tower flowers

1. Heart rot and root rot: in addition to paying attention to the problems of substrate, watering and water quality, in addition to paying attention to the problems of substrate, watering and water quality, 75% evil frost manganese and zinc 400 times solution or 40% ethyl phosphine aluminum 400 times solution can be used to irrigate the blade tube once a month for 3 times. The seedlings can be soaked in the 800-fold solution of 40% ethyl phosphine and aluminum for 10 minutes, and then dried in the shade and then put on the basin.

2. Leaf tip yellowing and withering: pineapple leaf tip yellowing and withering may be caused by too strong alkalinity of irrigation water or high calcium and sodium content, too low air humidity, excessive fertilization or high concentration of liquid fertilizer, poor substrate drainage and so on. It is better to maintain more than 5 ℃ in winter, otherwise cold injury may occur. After drying, the disease becomes scorched and scorched, and severe cold damage causes the plant to die.

3. Scale insects: the shell has not yet thickened when the eggs are just hatched, and the effect of spraying is the best, which can be controlled by common organophosphorus pesticides such as old dichlorvos, malathion, fenitrothion and so on. When the scale insect is fixed, it can only be controlled by internal absorption pesticides, such as dimethoate, omethoate, acephate and so on. A small amount of shell insects can also be scraped off manually with their fingernails.

4. Red spiders: red spiders make a living by piercing the epidermis of ground leaves and sucking juice, causing damage to the growth of plants. In addition to common organophosphorus pesticides such as imidophos, dimethoate, omethoate, dichlorvos and so on, there are acaricides specially used to kill red spiders, such as triclofenac, propargite, acarate, bromoacarate and so on.

5. Pocket moth: when the bag moth damages the pineapple leaves, it usually eats the mesophyll, leaving only a transparent lower epidermis, which dries up and becomes out-of-date into holes or gaps or broken. There are many pesticides to control pocket moth, such as trichlorfon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, omethoate, malathion, fenitrothion and so on.

6. Caterpillars: the larvae of poisonous moths are often called caterpillars, which can damage leaves and flowers and eat them short or cut off. Common organophosphorus or pyrethroid insecticides can be used to kill caterpillars.

7. Snails: snails can be used to control snails by spreading raw lime powder on the ground, or by catching them manually, or by using leaves, weeds and vegetable leaves as trapping heaps, and snails are ambushed under the trapping heaps before dawn, and then caught centrally.

8. Spodoptera litura: the larvae mainly damage the flowers of pineapple and feed on petals, stamens and pistils. Usually hide in the basin soil, the bottom of the basin and other dark places during the day, come out at dusk to feed, but when it is cloudy and rainy, you can also eat outside during the day. Pesticides against caterpillars can be used to control Spodoptera litura larvae.