
Sunflower leaves yellowing how to do, pay attention to light / fertilization / watering (including solutions)

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Sunflower is famous for its large and beautiful flowers, and it is also famous for its tolerance to drought and cold. Although it may be the best to raise among many plants, if you do not know the breeding methods and precautions of sunflowers, there will be a dilemma of yellowing leaves.

Sunflower is famous for its large and beautiful flowers, and it is also famous for its tolerance to drought and cold. Although it may be the best to raise among many plants, if you do not know the breeding methods and precautions of sunflowers, there will be the dilemma of yellowing leaves. What if the leaves of sunflowers turn yellow? The editor sorted out several reasons for you, and presented solutions.

What if the sunflower leaves turn yellow?

It is well known that the growth of sunflower is related to temperature, moisture, light and so on. The most suitable temperature is 18-30 degrees. When it is lower than 10 degrees, it will stop growing, so there are many reasons that may cause the leaves to turn yellow. But what about sunflower leaves that turn yellow? The following is a detailed analysis of the causes of yellowing and the solutions.

I. watering

1. Overwatering (water yellow)

Symptoms: the new leaves are dark yellow without luster; the branches are small and yellow and green; the growth is also very slow; there is no obvious change in the old leaves.

Reason: the phenomenon of water yellow caused by too much watering.

Solution: what if the sunflower leaves turn yellow caused by water yellowing? The answer is to control the amount of watering, first remove the plant from the pot, then leave it in a cool place to dry, and then replant the seeds. In this process, do not destroy the roots of sunflowers.

2. Too little watering (dry yellow)

Symptoms: dry skates at the tip and bottom of the leaves dry, the plant turns yellow from the bottom up, but the new leaves grow normally.

Cause: drought and yellow caused by too little watering.

Solution: water the sunflowers, but be careful not to water too much at a time, just make sure the soil is moist.

Second, lighting

Symptom: regular script of leaf turns yellow and falls off

Reason: caused by lack of light.

Solution: what if the sunflower leaves are yellowing caused by light? In fact, it is very simple, move it to a place where there is plenty of light, and if you can't move it, you need to replenish it, such as using fluorescent lamps, and so on.

III. Fertilization

1. Excessive fertilization (fat yellow)

Symptoms: the thick leaves were dull and uneven, and his Lordship began to fall off.

Reason: too much fertilizer.

Solution: stop fertilizing and water properly to reduce soil fertility. the most common way is to sprinkle some cabbage seeds around sunflower plants to absorb nutrients from the soil.

2. Fertilization is too little (lack of fat yellow)

Symptoms: dense fibrous roots, large potted seedlings, dark yellow flowers and leaves.

Reason: too little fertilization, lack of fertilizer and nutrition.

Solution: lack of fat yellow leads to sunflower leaves yellowing how to do? First cut off the old leaves on the plant, if the soil has become dry, you need to change the soil, and then you need to apply fertilizer, of course, you need to control the amount.

Conclusion: sunflowers do not have high requirements for the environment, but the phenomenon of yellowing also occurs from time to time. If there is a yellowing of leaves, timely measures should be taken, otherwise it may lead to more serious consequences. the right thing to do is to give sunflowers a new life.

What if the sunflower leaves turn yellow?

Home potted sunflowers, leaves yellowing performance symptoms are different, the reasons are also different, according to the situation to prescribe the right medicine, can "cure the disease."

Water yellow

The new leaves of sunflower plants are dark yellow and dull, the branches are small and yellow-green, and the growth is slow, but the old leaves have no obvious change, indicating that they are overwatered. At this time, watering should be controlled, the plant should be removed from the pot, put in a cool place to dry and then replanted. Be careful not to destroy the soil of the root system when taking off the basin.

Dry yellow

If the plant yellowed due to lack of water, the leaf tip and the bottom of the leaf first dried up, the plant turned yellow from bottom to top, but the new leaves grew normally. It's easy to solve, just water it! However, do not pour too much water at one time, make sure it is thoroughly watered and the soil is moist.

Lack of light and yellow

Many plants burn their leaves because of too much light. But the sunflower is different, it needs plenty of sunshine during its growth. If it is placed in a shady environment for a long time, the leaves will not see light, and the leaves of the whole plant will turn yellow and fall off. Put the plant in the sun, the lack of light can be properly filled with fluorescent lamps.

Fat yellow

Sunflower has a well-developed root system, can go deep into the soil to absorb nutrients, and does not need thick fertilizer. Too much fertilizer or too much concentration will cause the leaves to turn yellow. Usually the thick leaves are dull and uneven, accompanied by the shedding of the old leaves. At this time, it is necessary to stop fertilization immediately and irrigate the soil fertility with appropriate amount of water. The most effective way is to sprinkle some radish and cabbage seeds around the plant to absorb nutrients from the soil.

Lack of fat yellow

The lack of fertilizer means that the plant is hungry, which is characterized by large seedlings, dense fibrous roots and dark yellow flowers and leaves. At this time, you need to change a large basin, cut off the old leaves of the plant, and change the soil in time if the soil is dry. Usually pay attention to the frequent application of thin fertilizer, you can pour some alum water in the right amount.

How to do sunflower leaf wilt, pay attention to leaf blight / insufficient nutrients / planting methods

If you want to comment on the best plants, many people will think of sunflowers, but some people find that their sunflower leaves have withered, so some people don't know what to do. In fact, it can be saved if reasonable measures are taken. So what about sunflower leaves withering? Below, we will describe the respective reasons and treatment methods in detail.

What if the sunflower leaves wither?

The leaf wilting of sunflower is divided into two situations: the first is cotyledon wilting, which does not need to be worried, because cotyledon wilting is normal and detailed, and it will eventually be absorbed and withered. The leaves growing between the two leaves do not need to be dealt with if they grow normally. The second situation is the growing leaf withering, at this time we need to know how to do sunflower leaf withering, need to analyze the reasons and then targeted to solve.

First, the planting method is normal

If we are sure that there is nothing wrong with our planting methods, then there are three main possibilities for leaf blight: leaf blight, overplanting, and insufficient nutrients. It is necessary to take corresponding measures to deal with these three situations.

1. Leaf blight

Symptoms: round-shaped spots appear on the leaves, initially 2-4 mm in diameter, grayish white in the middle, brown edges, and then gradually expanded to 5-20 mm, with brown spots on petioles and stems.

Cause: caused by bacteria, the bacteria will spread when the temperature is high.

Solution: what if the sunflower leaves wither as a result of this situation? In the initial stage, carbendazim was used to spray, usually pay attention to environmental hygiene, clean up the withered plants, and loosen the soil for other sunflowers.

2. Planting is too dense

Symptoms: short sunflowers have withered leaves, while other plants with plenty of light are normal.

Reason: planting is too dense.

The solution: what if the sunflower leaves withered after planting Miyamoto? To transplant withered sunflowers to other places, a more scientific way is to plant a sunflower in a flowerpot to avoid multiple sunflowers squeezed into one flowerpot.

3. Lack of nutrients

Symptoms: the edges of the leaves wither, the old leaves begin to fall off, and the new leaves can grow normally.

Reason: lack of nutrients.

Solution: insufficient nutrients may be caused by a variety of factors, such as too little watering, insufficient fertilization, insufficient light, etc., sunflowers should be placed in a place with plenty of light and water, and properly watered and fertilized. Usually once every five days.

Second, improper planting methods lead to leaf withering

If the way we plant sunflowers is incorrect, it will also cause its leaves to wither, what should we do about this situation? First of all, we need to understand the breeding methods and matters needing attention of sunflowers, only reasonable maintenance skills can avoid leaf withering.

Secondly, change our previous planting method, sunflowers will "turn the corner" after a period of time, but in this process, we should pay attention to: leaf yellowing and wilting are two different concepts, so we must distinguish them. What if the sunflower leaves turn yellow? The reasons should be found from the aspects of watering, fertilization and light.

Conclusion: the withering of the leaves of sunflowers is a headache, but no matter which situation there is a solution, what we need to do is to find out the cause and then solve the problem, for example, if there is not enough nutrients, we need to increase nutrients, and so on. Don't give up every sunflower easily.