
How to raise the orchid, the cultivation methods and precautions of potted orchid

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, The orchid, also known as the bird of paradise, has beautiful leaves and strange flowers, just like the head of a crane. In life, many people choose crane orchid when growing flowers, but many of them do not know how to raise it. In this regard, the editor carefully sorted out the culture methods and matters needing attention of potted orchids.

The orchid, also known as the bird of paradise, has beautiful leaves and strange flowers, just like the head of a crane. In life, many people choose crane orchid when growing flowers, but many of them do not know how to raise it. In this regard, the editor carefully sorted out the cultivation methods and matters needing attention of potted orchids, which are very comprehensive. Friends who want to raise them must take a look at them.

First, how to raise the orchid and understand the habits

Because of the flower shape and color of the orchid, many flower friends will raise it, but after buying the potted plants from the florist, they are faced with a problem, that is, how to raise the orchid? In this regard, we should first understand the growth habits of Magnolia, and then prepare for light, water, fertilizer and temperature. Specifically, they are all in the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the orchid, and we go on to look down.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of potted orchids

1. What kind of soil does the orchid like, loose and fertile

How to raise the orchid, the soil is the foundation. Although the orchid bought in the florist has soil, it is not good enough. We should choose the soil again, using loose and fertile rotten leaf soil, or peat soil, garden soil, rotten stable manure soil, and coarse sand with a ratio of 5 to 3 to 1 to 1.

Flowerpot selection: potted orchid, it is best to use a high tube pot cultivation, the bottom of the pot to pad some more tiles, and then spread a layer of ceramsite or broken rubble and culture soil mixed matrix, in order to facilitate drainage.

Note: if the soil needs to be nourished, if the permeability of the cultivated soil is poor, once it is watered too much, it is very easy to cause rotten roots, resulting in symptoms such as yellowing and curling of the leaves of the orchid.

2. Light, not less than 12 hours

In the culture method of Magnolia paniculata, light is very important. It is understood that the orchid likes the light, and the light time should not be less than 12 hours a day, otherwise it will lead to poor plant growth and affect flowering.

Attention: in the spring and autumn season, we should put the orchid in the place where the sun is sufficient; in winter, we must ensure the lighting time, and we can make up the light with fluorescent lamps appropriately; we should pay attention to summer, because the light is too strong, we should give the orchid proper shading to prevent the leaves from being burned by the scorching sun, affecting its ornamental value.

3. Watering once a day in summer

In the process of growth, the orchid needs a lot of water, make up the light, it is afraid of waterlogging, so we must pay attention to watering. In summer growth and autumn and winter flowering period should be sufficient water, generally watering once a day; after flowering in early spring, watering should be reduced appropriately.

Note: reduce watering in winter, keep the soil slightly dry, not too much watering, otherwise it will cause rotten roots, thus affecting plant growth. In addition, in summer, in addition to watering, we should also use a spray can to spray water on the leaf surface and the surrounding ground sooner or later to increase air humidity.

4. Fertilization, once every two weeks

No matter how to raise the orchid, fertilization is also indispensable. It is understood that Hewang orchid likes fertilizer, in addition to adding appropriate amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to the soil, during the growing period, every 2 weeks or so, it should be given an active humic acid liquid fertilizer, which will make the flowers bloom more brightly.

Note: after the orchid fades, those who are not ready to leave seeds should cut off the residual pedicels in time to reduce nutrient consumption. Fertilizer will be stopped after the middle of October.

5. Temperature, not lower than 5 ℃

The growth of the orchid is also closely related to the temperature. If you want the orchid to grow well, the best time to adjust it is 18: 24 ℃ from March to October and 13: 18 ℃ from October to March of the following year. 20: 22 ℃ in the daytime and 10: 13 ℃ at night are more beneficial to the growth.

Note: Magnolia is not cold-resistant, the winter temperature can not be lower than 5 ℃, once too low, the plant is easy to freeze.

III. Matters needing attention in the culture of Cymbidium

In the breeding method of the orchid above, several points that need to be paid attention to have been mentioned, which I believe we should remember. However, in addition to what has been mentioned above, there are two other points that flower lovers need to pay attention to, that is, pruning and changing pots. The matters needing attention in the culture of Cymbidium are as follows:

1. Pruning

As a highly ornamental plant, if you want to make the orchid look good, proper pruning is very important. We should remove old leaves, diseased leaves and useless flower and fruit branches in time to improve the quality of flower buds.

2. Change the basin

In addition to pruning, changing pots is also something that we should pay attention to. It is understood that Cymbidium is a large number of potted ornamental flowers with fast growth and well-developed roots, so according to its growth rate, we should always be ready to change pots. In general, in the seedling stage, the pot soil is changed once a year. After the plant is formed, the pot and soil are changed every 2-3 years, and the plants are divided in spring.

How to raise the orchid, the breeding method and matters needing attention of the orchid

The orchid is suitable for the environmental layout of conference rooms and halls, with a sense of freshness and elegance. Planting courtyards in the south increases the natural scenery. How to raise the orchid? today, the editor will introduce to you the breeding method of the orchid.

The culture method of Magnolia:

1. Seed pretreatment: remove the colored villi on the seeds (it is easy to remove them with thumb nails), soak the seeds in warm water for 1-2 days, change water twice a day to facilitate germination.

2. Sowing: spread the wet medium in the container. Press the seeds into a container about 0.7cm deep, moderately covered, and place in a warm place of 24 to 30 ℃. Keep it moist and avoid getting dry. Containers must be covered with plastic sheeting to help maintain humidity.

3. Nursing after seed emergence: keep enough light to avoid excessive watering and strong light. Strengthen ventilation and try to water it in the morning and dry in the evening. In the two-leaf stage, the seedlings were transplanted into the 5cm peat hole plate, and moved to the 10cm plate when the root grew out of the hole. The seeds can also be sown directly to the hole plate, and when the root system of the plant is filled with the hole plate, it can be transplanted into a larger container.

4. Transplant / upper pot: it can be planted when the seedling height is 30~40cm and there are about 8 leaves. The damage of fleshy root must be prevented during transplantation. The planting depth is that the rhizome is buried 2 ~ 3 cm below the soil surface. Shallow planting is easy to hurt new buds, and too deep planting affects bud germination and flower bud differentiation. Sprinkle enough water after planting, and then spray water on the leaves every day for about two weeks in order to restore the growth of the plant. Potted garden soil, peat and sand mixed soil, to have a good drainage effect, it is best to use sterilized mixed soil. Soilless media can also be used.

5. Light adjustment: crane orchid should have not less than 4 hours of direct light every day, preferably bright light all day. Take some protective measures when the sun is strong. In the main flowering period in winter, sufficient sunshine is beneficial to increase flower yield. Light regulation emphasizes the management principle of "no overcast in winter, no sun in summer". The leaves of the plant will look more beautiful in the shade, but the number of flowers will be less.

6. temperature control: the temperature management of Clematis paniculata is of great significance to flower production. Usually, the growth of Magnolia paniculata is blocked above 40 ℃, frozen below 0 ℃, and grows well in the range of 18-30 ℃. It is best to keep the temperature at night (13-18 ℃) and during the day (31-35 ℃). In the range of suitable temperature, flower buds can be formed in the axils of each leaf. Therefore, controlling the cultivation temperature is the key to improve the yield of Clematis paniculata.

7. Fertilizer and water management: ensure adequate and regular water supply. Except when the plant needs to be kept dry from September to February, the soil should be kept moist at other times. The use of media with good drainage is the key to cultivation and management. Magnolia paniculata is afraid of waterlogging because its fleshy roots can withstand drought, but are afraid of flooding.

The growth of Magnolia needs fertile slightly acidic soil and heavy fertilizer. It can be planted in sandy soil rich in humus, or it can be mixed with coarse sand, rotten leaves, peat and garden soil. If the soil is poor, put rotten fertilizer or slow-release fertilizer in the pit when planting. Topdressing once 7-10 days after planting, using compound fertilizer 0.05kg per square meter, after entering the flowering age, 0.02% potassium dihydrogen phosphate soil should be added once a month in the first 2 months of the flowering season, or half of the external topdressing should be reduced.

How to raise the orchid? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Magnolia paniculata

[FAQ] how to raise the orchid? Culture methods and matters needing attention of Magnolia paniculata

[expert answers]

The culture method of Magnolia:

Watering: the amount of watering depends on the seasonal change, plant growth and the actual degree of dryness and humidity of the soil. Generally speaking, watering should be dry and wet, and summer watering should be adequate. In spring and summer, we should often spray water on the leaves and sprinkle water on the ground around flowerpots, so as to improve air humidity and create a cool environment, which is conducive to the growth and development of Magnolia. Watering should be reduced after late autumn, and watering should be controlled in winter to keep the basin soil dry.

Sunshine: Magnolia should be given sufficient light in winter, spring and autumn, and shade should be paid attention to in summer. It is best to put it in a shade shed or tree shade. It can also be maintained in a well-ventilated and bright scattered light place.

The suitable temperature for growth is 18-24 ℃ from March to October and 13-18 ℃ from October to March of the following year. It should not be lower than 8 ℃ in winter. It can be cultivated in open field in the south of China and in greenhouse in the north of the Yangtze River basin. The optimum temperature of flower bud is 23-25 ℃. During the period of flower bud differentiation, the temperature should be stable and rise slowly.

Soil and basin change: the orchid has thick fleshy roots. when preparing the culture soil, the fertile and breathable soil should be selected, which can be mixed with 5 parts of rotten leaf soil or peat soil, 3 parts of garden soil, 1 part of rotten stable fertilizer soil and 1 part of coarse sand. The root system of Clematis paniculata is developed and grows fast, so it is necessary to change the basin in time. In general, the seedling stage should be changed once a year. After flowering, the adult plant can be changed every other year. When changing pots for adult plants of Cymbidium, it is appropriate to choose a tube basin with large space, which is beneficial to the development of the root system around.

Fertilizer: Magnolia prefers fertilizer and needs an adequate supply of fertilizer. During the growth and development of the orchid, it is appropriate to apply thin cake fertilizer and water every two weeks, and 0.5% calcium superphosphate can be added to the fertilizer solution from the formation of the flower stem to the full flowering stage, which will make the flower color more beautiful. The residual pedicels of orchids should be cut off in time to reduce nutrient consumption. Fertilizer will be stopped after the middle of October.

Pruning: in order to improve the quality of flower buds, remove old leaves, diseased leaves and useless flower and fruit branches in time.

Matters needing attention in culture:

1. Water: raising crane orchid requires moist air and good soil drainage.

2. Fertilizer: Hewang orchid likes fertilizer, and liquid fertilizer needs to be applied once every 15 days during the growing period.

3. Soil: crane orchid requires loose and fertile loam.

4. Temperature: the orchid is warm and not hardy, and should not be less than 5 ℃ in winter.

5. Light: fear of strong light exposure in summer, sufficient sunshine and smooth air in winter.

[editor's comments] the orchid is also called the bird of paradise. The flowers are like cranes, very peculiar and of high appreciation value. Its potted plants are widely used in conference rooms, halls, offices and other environmental arrangements. It gives people a sense of freshness and elegance. Many flower friends are asking how to raise the orchid? The first agricultural economic editor above shared with you the breeding methods and matters needing attention of the orchid. I hope it will be helpful to you.