
How to raise dahlias, cultivation methods and precautions of potted dahlias / avoid bright light

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Dahlia is a common plant in the world, and it has a very high ornamental value, so many people want to raise this plant at home, so today the editor will take you to know how to grow dahlias, as well as the cultivation methods and points for attention of potted dahlias.

Dahlia is a common plant all over the world, and it has a very high ornamental value, so many people want to raise this plant at home, so today the editor will take you to know how to grow dahlias, as well as the cultivation methods and precautions of potted dahlias.

First, how to raise dahlias / avoid bright light

About how to raise dahlias, there are a lot of places need to pay attention, such as soil, watering and other aspects, and this plant is more like the semi-shade environment, it is best not to put it in strong light breeding. In the following about the cultivation methods and points for attention of potted dahlias, interested friends can learn about it.

2. Culture methods and matters needing attention of potted dahlias

1. Soil requirement

In the cultivation of dahlia, the first problem we have to face is the choice of soil, we had better choose sandy soil with good looseness, this kind of soil has good drainage and is more suitable for the growth of dahlia.

two。 Environmental requirements

Dahlia this plant prefer a cool environment, the most suitable environmental temperature between 15-25 °C, so spring and autumn is the most suitable season for Dahlia growth. There is another point that we should pay attention to, when raising it, we must keep the environment ventilated, so that it can grow more healthily.

3. Watering requirement

Water is an indispensable nutrient in the process of plant growth, and dahlias are no exception. This kind of plant is not resistant to waterlogging, so we should maintain the principle of dry watering, watering thoroughly at a time, and do not cause stagnant water. otherwise, it is easy to cause rotten roots.

4. Lighting requirement

Dahlias most like to grow in the semi-shade, there is a great taboo for strong light, especially in the seedling stage can not accept strong light, otherwise it is easy to die, which we should pay attention to.

5. Control of diseases and insect pests

In the process of plant breeding, diseases and insect pests are easy to occur if they are not properly maintained, so we must keep the above four points in mind. If there are diseases and insect pests caused by negligent maintenance, we must prevent and control them in time. Specific methods you can take a look at the Dahlia pest control article, here the editor will not introduce too much.

Key points of potted plant conservation of Dahlia

Dahlia has luxuriant branches and leaves, large flowers, various shapes, beautiful colors and long flowering period, which has a high ornamental value. More than 30,000 varieties have been cultivated in the world.

Dahlia is native to the Mexican plateau and likes warm, cool and sunny environment. It is not resistant to cold and extreme heat. The optimum temperature for growth and development is 15 ℃-25 ℃. It is disadvantageous to the growth of seedlings below 10 ℃, and the stems and leaves are frozen in case of frost. The growth and flowering is poor in high temperature and rainy areas in summer in China.

When potting, you should master the following points:

① has enough light. Dahlias should maintain 6-10 hours of light every day. If they are shaded for a long time and lack of light, they will suffer from poor growth, weak roots, thin leaves and thin stems, small leaves and light color, less branches and flowers, and easy to get sick.

The environment of ② is cool. Dahlias like cool and afraid of heat, the temperature in northern China is more suitable, from the Summer Solstice autumn will blossom. In the period of high temperature in summer in the Yangtze River basin, Dahlia is in a semi-dormant state with slow growth and poor flowering, so measures should be taken to cool down, such as shading, foliar watering and so on.

3. Dry and wet evenly. Dahlias have luxuriant branches and leaves and consume a lot of water. If the wilting caused by lack of water can not be replenished in time, coupled with strong light, the edge of the light leaf will be scorched, and the basal leaf of the heavy plant will fall off. Watering should be determined according to the size of the seedlings and the weather conditions, the flowering period needs to be correspondingly more, the flowerpot should be cushioned high on continuous rainy days, and pay attention to dumping the stagnant water in the flowerpot. Before entering the autumn harvest ball, it is necessary to reduce watering, Pili root development and collection.

4. Apply fertilizer frequently. Dahlia likes fertilizer, in addition to applying sufficient base fertilizer, during the growing period, 10% 20% human manure should be applied every 10-15 days except in midsummer, and once a week after budding, in order to promote exuberant growth and colorful flowers. If the leaves are thin and light, indicating lack of fertilizer, it should be replenished in time.

5. Pruning. When cultivating a single dahlia, the lateral buds should be removed and the main branches should be left behind; in general, pruning should be used to control the height, promote branching and make the potted flowers full and symmetrical.

Potted dahlia technology, potted dahlia pictures

The long flowering period and beautiful flowers of dahlia can add a lot of spring and vitality to family life. Many families choose potted dahlias, but the potted techniques of dahlias are more complex than other flowers. Learn to cultivate dahlias scientifically in order to make them bloom and flourish. The following editor will take you to learn the potted techniques of Dahlia.

Ecological habits of Dahlia

Dahlia is native to the Mexican plateau and likes a warm and humid environment. The suitable temperature for growth is from 10 ℃ to 25 ℃. If the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, the growth is abnormal and the flowering is less. Freezing injury is easy to occur when the temperature is lower than 0 ℃. The suitable storage time of root tuber is 3 ℃ to 5 ℃. Dahlias are sensitive to water, intolerant of drought and afraid of stagnant water. Like plenty of sunshine, but avoid strong light, need proper shade. It is better to use loose and fertile mixed matrix for soil.

Propagation method of Dahlia

First, divide the stored root before propagation and germination, and pay attention to the germination point at the neck of the root. The one without the germination point can not form a new plant. When ramet, each root tuber should take 1 to 2 bud points, do not hurt the buds during operation.

Second, cuttage propagation open-air spring and autumn cuttings can be used in the greenhouse for four seasons. Cut the twigs from the robust mother plant and retain 2 nodes, each about 7 cm, with at least one strong axillary bud or terminal bud. Take vermiculite or coarse sand as the bed substrate, often spray water after insertion, shade 60%, take root in about 30 days, pot in 40 days, and blossom in 90 to 110 days.

Potted techniques of Dahlia

I. Seedling management

Pot: cuttings rooting Dahlia seedlings, grow to 8 to 10 cm high can be pots. The substrate was prepared with rotten leaf soil, river sand and organic fertilizer according to 3 ∶ 1 ∶ 1.

Watering: watering at the seedling stage should be appropriate and should not be too much to prevent overgrowth. Less evaporation in cloudy and rainy days, should be less irrigated; in sunny or dry and hot summer, evaporation is large, in addition to watering, foliar water spraying is needed once or twice a day, and ground water is sprayed to increase air humidity.

Temperature and ventilation: the optimum growth temperature at seedling stage is 22 ℃ to 28 ℃ daily temperature and 12 ℃ to 16 ℃ at night. Warm day and cool night are beneficial to the growth and development of Dahlia. In order to ensure the robust growth of seedlings, the excessive growth of seedlings must be prevented and ventilation should be strengthened during the day.

2. Pot management

Temperature: Dahlia likes cool environment, and the suitable temperature for growth is 10 ℃ to 25 ℃. If the temperature is higher than 30 ℃, the growth is abnormal and the flowers are few and small. When the temperature difference between day and night is about 10 ℃, the plant can be short and strong, and the growth and flowering is more ideal. Therefore, in greenhouse production, in addition to maintaining the appropriate temperature for growth, there should be a certain temperature difference between day and night.

Lighting: dahlias like light, sufficient sunlight can make its stems and leaves grow strong, blossom many and colorful. However, the direct light in summer will make the leaves rough and dull, even yellow leaves and dry edges, so they should be fully exposed in the morning and shaded by about 50% at noon and afternoon.

Watering: dahlias are sensitive to water, are not resistant to drought, are afraid of stagnant water, and have a lot of precipitation in the rainy season, which is extremely disadvantageous to the growth of outdoor potted dahlias and often suffers from waterlogging. The amount of watering water can affect the height of the plant, which should be properly controlled in the early stage of growth. Spray water on the leaves once or twice a day in summer, while spraying water on the ground to maintain 60% air humidity.

The pot technology of dahlias is introduced here. Placing a pot of dahlias at home can not only please the mood, but also be used as medicinal materials. Get to know the habits of dahlias, cultivate them carefully at home in your spare time, and when they compete with each other, a small sense of achievement will also pour into your mind.