
What if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow? pay attention to the change of luster / too much light and too much water at 7: 00.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, As a kind of foliage plant, the tree is loved by the majority of flower friends because of its beautiful leaves and beautiful meaning. However, indoor farming is no better than outdoors, because of improper maintenance and other problems, there are often symptoms such as yellowing of leaves, what about the yellowing of leaves?

As a kind of foliage plant, the tree is loved by the majority of flower friends because of its beautiful leaves and beautiful meaning. However, indoor farming can not compare with outdoor, because of improper maintenance and other problems, there are often symptoms such as yellowing leaves, then how to do the leaves yellowing? Here are the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of 7 kinds of money trees summarized by the editor. Go in and have a look!

First, how do the leaves of the money tree turn yellow? find the cause.

Raising money trees is very simple for ordinary people, but some people do not follow the method of raising money trees, resulting in symptoms of yellowing leaves, thus seriously affecting the ornamental nature of the plant. So what if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow? In this regard, the editor summed up the following points, and attached solutions, let's move on.

Second, the causes of the yellowing of the leaves of the tree and its solutions.

1. Environmental mutation

In fact, there are many reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of the money tree, and we have to consider environmental factors first. Many flower friends' money trees are bought online, may be far apart, after the money tree is bought, because the growth environment has changed greatly, the leaves that keep it turn yellow.

Solution: at this time, we should communicate with the store to understand the growth environment before the money tree, but we adjust accordingly at home and strive to keep the environment unchanged. Then slowly change, until the plant is fully adapted to the present, after a period of time, the money tree will return to health.

2. Too strong or insufficient light

The money tree is not resistant to the sun, and once it is exposed to the sun for too long, it is easy to get sunburn, causing the leaves to scorch. But if there is a lack of light, it will also cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Solution: what if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow? At this time, it depends on the situation. If the light is too strong, move the money tree to a ventilated semi-shade and water it properly. The yellowing leaves will slowly fall off and new buds will grow. If the light is insufficient, supplement the light.

3. Too much or too little watering

Improper watering is also one of the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves, too much watering will lead to rotten roots, resulting in yellow leaves; while too little watering, the leaves can not absorb water, but also easy to yellow leaves.

Solution: when ① is watered too much, stop watering and take off the pot in time to check whether there are rotten roots. If there are rotten roots, cut off the rotten roots, replant them with soil, and then maintain them in a cool place; if there are no rotten roots, put them in a ventilated place and let the water evaporate. When ② is watered too little, replenish water in time, and spray to the leaf surface to improve humidity.

4. Excessive fertilization or lack of fertilizer

When it comes to watering and fertilizing, it is also one of the reasons why the leaves of the tree turn yellow. Fertilization is too much or too thick, it is easy to burn roots to form yellow leaves, and even plant death. Its performance is as follows: the new leaves are brown and the old leaves are scorched yellow; when there is a lack of fertilizer, the nutrients in the soil can not keep up, and the leaves will lack chlorophyll, which will also lead to signs of yellow leaves.

Solution: excessive fertilization, timely irrigation of roots, washing off excess fertility, serious cases to change soil to wash roots, re-planting; insufficient fertilization, appropriate fertilization to ensure adequate nutrition in the soil.

5. Wendu is too low

The money tree is not resistant to cold. Once the temperature is too low, it is easy to be frostbitten, causing the leaves to turn yellow.

Solution: what if the leaves of the money tree turn yellow? At this time, we should first cut off the frostbite branches and leaves, and then move the money tree indoors, and increase the temperature, it is best to keep within 20-32 ℃, a period of time can be restored.

6. Diseases and insect pests

In addition to the above, diseases and insect pests are also one of the reasons for the yellowing of the leaves of the tree. When the tree is attacked by aphids and shell insects, or when it suffers from sharp scorch, the leaves will also turn yellow.

Solution: determine which kind of diseases and insect pests, and then for the solution, as for what medicine should be sprayed, there is a detailed introduction in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in the money tree, so I won't say much here.

Generally speaking, the money tree is not difficult to raise, as long as we raise it in accordance with the requirements, it will not have a problem. Of course, don't panic even if there are yellow leaves, just follow the above method. With regard to the yellowing of the leaves of the money tree, the editor has introduced it here, hoping to give you some help.

How to raise the money tree to flourish? Culture methods and maintenance skills of Chimonanthus

Money tree, just to hear the name has the meaning of a wide range of wealth, money tree ornamental value is high, the leaves are as green and luxuriant as if strung together, very chic. It is the most popular plant in the field of farmed flowers at present. So how to make the money tree green and glossy? The following is to learn the guidelines for the maintenance of the money tree with the editor.

Growth characteristics of money tree:

Money tree is a relatively drought-resistant plant, its roots and leaves are very fragile, and the most fear is the phenomenon of stagnant water, so we should often observe its growth. If there is a long-term slow growth, and it is found that the leaf withered, we must quickly check its roots to see if there is any rot.

Main points of culture:

1. Watering

The money tree is relatively drought-resistant, so we should not be too diligent in watering. After each watering, we must check whether its drainage hole is working properly, and loosen the soil in time to prevent the soil from hardening.

two。 Fertilizer application

In the pot soil where the tree is raised, we must add some organic fertilizer, and the tree prefers fertilizer. As long as we add more sufficient base fertilizer, the soil will become more fertile, and the stronger the root of the tree, the higher the chance of disease resistance.

3. Light

It does not like strong light very much, if it is exposed to the sun for a long time, it will cause its leaves to turn yellow, and the leaves will be dark and without luster, and if it is in such a state for a long time, its growth will become slow.

Culture skills:

When we raise the money tree, its basin soil must be very fastidious. We must add some rotten leaf soil and bone powder when we just plant it, so that your money tree can become big and beautiful, and the leaves are also very brilliant.

The money tree is very prone to stagnant water, the root is prone to rot, serious and even death. Therefore, when raising money trees, flower friends must pay attention to the above key points of conservation. I believe that the money trees cultivated in this way will certainly grow stronger and stronger.

How to arrange the common flowers correctly? Taboos on the display of common flowers

Rich trees, rich bamboos, money trees and other plants that attract money and gather money are widely welcomed by the public, and many of them like to put these plants at home to increase their vitality and wealth. However, the placement of this kind of plants is particularly fastidious, the right arrangement can attract money, the wrong arrangement may affect the luck. Today, let's talk about the taboos of six common family potted plants.

The rich tree is laid out.


1. Shady place

Rich trees can not be placed in particularly dark places at home, it is easy to cause yellow leaves, withered, fallen leaves and other phenomena, which is not conducive to the fengshui at home.

2. Opposite the bathroom or toilet or bevel

The wealth tree should not be placed on the opposite or inclined side of the bathroom or toilet, especially in the mirror of the bathroom. Because bathrooms and toilets are dirty and damp places, the display of wealth trees not only can not attract wealth, but will lead to the loss of wealth.

3. The position under the beam or too high

The wealth tree should not be placed under the beam, nor in front of the idol, nor should it be placed too high, which will hinder the fortune.


1. Diagonal position of entrance door

Put the wealth tree in the 45 °diagonal position of the front door of the living room. Everyone should know that this is the wealth position of the family, and it is very appropriate for the wealth tree to be placed in this position.

2. To attract wealth and treasure in the southeast.

Make a fortune tree in the southeast of your home, which will help to attract wealth and treasure. Don't pile up too many sundries or metal objects in the southeast. The fortune tree is the best choice.

The money tree is placed


A place that is too hidden.

If you put the money tree in a dark place with little light for a long time, it will make its leaves yellow and lose its luster, thus destroying the wealth.


1. Put it in the office

The money tree gives people a feeling of being vigorous and lush. It is most suitable for putting on the desk, suitable for opening and promotion, and indicates that it will bring you a lot of money.

2. Put it in the financial position

The living room is a place to entertain guests and friends to get together. The position of 45 °opposite the door of the living room, placing the money tree, which contains good luck and the meaning of getting rich, can enhance the wealth of the family and attract wealth.

3. The money tree is on the balcony

Money tree leaves round and plump, easy to grow vitality, put it on the balcony, not only the beautiful house, but also can absorb the outside world, prosperous house wealth.

The happiness tree is placed


The gate is opposite the door.

The happiness tree cannot be placed directly opposite the gate, which will affect the acceptance of the house and damage the wealth, but it is OK if it is placed at the 45-degree angle of the gate.


1. Put it in the study

The study is a gentle, quiet and orderly place, which requires plants to have the function of calming nerves and calming qi. And the happiness tree leaves green thick, can Wang Wenchang, reading examination better effect, so the happiness tree is very suitable to be placed in the study.

2. Put it on the balcony

The balcony can absorb the sunshine, air and wind and rain outside, which is the place to absorb the air of the house. Put the happiness tree with dense green leaves, so that the balcony is full of vitality, fengshui has a thriving effect, more conducive to our home.

Copper grass is placed


1. Bedroom

The bedroom cannot put copper grass, especially the windowsill and window head of the husband and wife's bedroom, which can easily lead to peach blossom luck or peach blossom robbery.

2. Concealed place

Copper grass likes light, once it is placed in desks, bathrooms, dining tables, coffee tables and other places with poor light, it will soon turn yellow and eventually wither and die, which is not conducive to feng shui.


1. Southeast Chaoyang

The leaves of copper grass are round, like ancient copper coins, implying rolling wealth and good luck, which is very suitable for placing in the southeast of the home.

2. Balcony

Copper money grass likes light, placed in the balcony gas place as a thriving plant, is a good choice, as long as to ensure light and water, copper money grass will grow very well.

Good luck is on display.



Hongyun likes the wet environment and can't be exposed to the sun for a long time, and the balcony is the place with the most light at home, so you can't put it on the balcony, otherwise it's easy to yellowing and wilting, affecting viewing and destroying wealth.


1. Living room

The most prominent feature of good luck is the red flower core in the middle, which makes people feel festive and warm. Therefore, during the holidays, put a pot of good luck in the living room, the meaning of fengshui is very good, a year of good luck.

2. Bathroom

Hongyun likes to be wet at the moment, so you can put it next to the washbasin in the bathroom, which can not only absorb the dirt, but also decorate the bathroom and make people feel at ease.

3. Dining table or bar

When we eat in a restaurant, we often see a pot of good luck on the table or corner, which is very festive and has the effect of invigorating evil spirits.

Rich bamboo is laid out


1. Water-rich bamboo is placed in the financial position.

In the financial position, it is important to remember that you can not put water to raise rich bamboo, because water can turn money into money, leading to the economic decline of the family. Therefore, we can choose soil cultivation pot.

2. Air conditioning port, fan tuyere or next to TV set

Rich bamboo should be as far as possible away from the air conditioning port and fan tuyere, often blowing, will reduce the environmental humidity around the rich bamboo, TV work heat, will make the rich bamboo leaf tip withered and yellow. The growth of the rich bamboo is not good, and the luck of the family will also be affected, so once the yellow leaves of the rich bamboo are yellow, cut them off as soon as possible.


1. Desk or upper-left corner of the desk

Rich bamboo section by section, meaning to rise step by step, placed on the desk or the upper left corner of the desk, conducive to career promotion, learning progress.

2. The entrance to the hall or both sides of the door

Rich bamboo is placed at the entrance of the hall or on both sides of the door, and you can see it when you open the door. every day, you can go out and enter the door safely and richly, which brings a good sign to people, greatly helps the prosperous family to prosper, and is conducive to the safety and health of family members.

3. Kitchen, refrigerator, bathroom, etc.

Rich bamboo can get rid of bad breath, the kitchen bathroom is very angry, put a pot of rich bamboo, can resolve bad bad spirits, can bring very good luck for everyone.